This women should have been punished by doing community service instead

Kinda hard to defend her...

... when there are so many...

... legal age males available.
Agreed. As strollingbones alluded, this is more about power and control rather than a mate. This woman groomed and used the boy.

That said, I do see a reason to have a double standard on sentencing of male vs female pedophiles, but if we do that, then we must admit there are reasons to have double standards for other things regarding male/female relations too.

Of course there are big differences between men and women. Actually try to prostitute yourself to women and see how far you go. Male movie artists would pay normal women to have sex with. The other way around doesn't work. It's basic economy. Men wants sex. Women wants relationship.
Former middle-school teacher, caught having daily sex with 13 year old student, gets sentenced to 10 years in prison.

I mean, where the fuck all these goddesses are when I were 13.

If I were a judge, I would just tell her to do community service as bdsm stripper for ugh, oh well, legal age males.

For those who think that women should be treated the same way with men. Hello.... Have you checked market price? How much would fucking a girl this hot worth if prostitution were legal?

And that's the problem with counting on the law, rather than market mechanism, to guide morality. With market, we know the value of a good, namely the price people are willing to pay for it.

With the law, government has to put a blindfold on many big pink elephants.

What about the poor boy?

I bet his hand is broken for having too many high five. I felt sorry for him. He should have written a book. How did you do it?

But market does govern the law. The more women you turn ugly, the higher price the last remaining pretty ones can command.
In this case I don't even understand why the kid made sex with his teacher. When I was 13 I played with dolls and meo duoi chuot ( the game of cat and mouse in English) :)
You're not a young male. ;)

OTOH, just because a young boy wants to bang his teacher doesn't mean it's in his best interests to do so.
Of course there are big differences between men and women. Actually try to prostitute yourself to women and see how far you go. Male movie artists would pay normal women to have sex with. The other way around doesn't work. It's basic economy. Men wants sex. Women wants relationship.
The difference you are missing is that of consent. There is a difference between sex and rape. Do you want to market rape and put the virginity of 10 year old girls up for sale? Maybe I'm missing what you are trying to say here.
I hope she likes prison food.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I wouldn't be surprised though if she ended up being prison food for the lifers.
Chicky-poo should'a moved to Asia if she likes young meat. America isn't so friendly to the pedo's and 13 is way to young to be dicking around with over here. No sympathy.
This is all a cultural construct, of course. Designed to protect young girls from the very real dangers of childbirth, and the predations of dirty old men.
Some cultures put the rights of the old men above those of the young girls.
The Old Testament promotes the concept that sex is evil, and children who experiment are chastised, so we all grow up totally screwed where attitudes to sex are concerned.
Little wonder pedophilia is rampant, and female pedophilia almost unknown.
This thread is only here because of the titillating effect of a young woman getting it on with a child.
defending a pedifile really....she groomed him and his family......i love when conservative show their real colors....
You're ignoring the extremely relevant difference between boys and girls.

An examination of this issue should begin with the fact that Nature has no interest in calendars and birthdates. According to Nature, when an organism reaches sexual maturity it is time to start fucking. That's why we have the compulsive urge.

It may be assumed that at some point in human history the average cave-daddy knew what caused babies and that a pregnant cave-daughter was a burden who could not be very helpful with the cave-work, and he didn't want some lecherous old cave-man knocking his baby up. Because there were no courts or cops to intervene way back then, it is reasonable to guess that when cave-dads caught some horny old wretch sniffing around his formerly little angel's bloody crotch he felt justified in hitting him in the head with a rock -- the equivalent of which by today's civilized standard is five years in the nearest penitentiary.

So it goes and so it went -- until the feminists got their noses through a crack in the wall. Now the human species is encumbered with the entirely false notion that older women introducing sexually mature adolescent boys to their pussies was just as potentially ruinous as is older men corrupting vulnerable, virtuous young pussies. But in that regard I wish to inform the women of our legalistic species, along with those relatively few so-called men, who believe that permitting a post-pubescent boy to experience the joys of sexual intercourse, fellatio, etcetera, will be harmful to his delicate libido -- that is bullshit.

While I'm not promoting the notion that it's okay for a smelly old crone with pendulous breasts and whose crotch smells like the intestines of a corpse to seduce some tender young fellow, because it's not. And I'm not ignoring the risk of venereal disease or accidental pregnancy. I am suggesting that parents of boys whose bedsprings have begun squeaking at night give them a package of starter condoms and instruct them on their importance and how to use them.

Then, don't worry. Boys don't get knocked up. And any boy who is lucky enough to be seduced by a lovely young teacher should also buy lottery tickets.
This is more common than you think. Remember these are the only ones that get caught.

I posted early last year......... I was a victim when I was 16 by 35yo married curvy beautiful teacher. She teaches me everything I know about sex ........... I was so angry when my older sister caught us................. then my parents sent me to Miami to finished my high school. I tried to lure a teacher in Miami but no luck so I settled with same age.

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