Thoughts about repairing the FBI

I've got it - CONTROL! :thup: :thup: :thup: :thup:
What about UNCLE?

The the United Network Command for Law Enforcement?

It's called disbanding it.

Don't see how the federal government can run it without it becoming a partisan hell hole, much like how the GOP controlled it with Hoover along with their myriad of abuses

This is nothing new

Wakey, wakey.
We could contemplate checks and balances.
Fire Wray and purge the FBI leadership abd agency of corrupt, partisan, criminal members.
I’m not opposed to that. But those are short term bandaids.
- Purge DOJ of ex-FBI Hillary/Obama failed Russian Coup participants who moved from FBI to DOJ
Again. A good start. But not an institutional overhaul.
Appoint a new Director of FBI from outside the agency
A good idea. Scrutinize the nominee for political bias evidenced by any behaviors (not by Party affiliation).
AND appoint someone from to monitor all FBI actions, like FISA Court Applications.
I like that. Institute the some oversight and proceed with checks and balances.
Hold agency / Directors/ agents accountable for their actions.
In theory, they already are. But maybe make it a more reliable method. It won’t be easy because that too could become politicized.
- If Durham finds agents now under investigation guilty of crimes hold public indictments / trials
Agreed, of course. Just like the leftists claim now (as though they are bing original or insightful) that the President isn’t above the law (which is true), so too law enforcement needs to know that criminality behind the badge won’t be tolerated.
To the extent law enforcement can properly and safely be made “transparent,” let’s do that. But everything should be documented. Even retroactive transparency can help.
They don't care because the FBI is doing the dirty work for the Democratic Party. Lemmings are short-sighted like that.

That shit can boomerang quickly.

I have no sympathy for the left when it happens.
Did you notice that the right loved the FBI until trump started pulling his bullshit causing all those investigations?
Nothing to revamp. So, no. You see a problem and have a problem because the man you supported, loved, and held up as the savior of your race, turned out to be a corrupt, incompetent grifter...which isn't news to those of us who have been watching him for four decades. He made all his own issues and now you want to blame the FBI for doing the job they are asked to do? These are civil servants DOING THEIR JOB!! And here you are, politicizing it. It begs the question, what is your endgame?
So this never happened: Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
They did not lie on a FISA warrant: FBI Attorney Admits Altering Email Used for FISA Application During "Crossfire Hurricane" Investigation
They do not mislead congress: Newly Declassified Document Indicates FBI Misled Congress on Reliability of Steele Dossier | United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary

Trump's illegal activities are irrelevant. The FBI has always had corruption problems because they have a LOT of power and operate with a massive amount of secrecy. Just because the FBI is aimed at the right the left is all on board with how wonderful and trustworthy the FBI is. When Hillary was under fire the democrats were singing the EXACT opposite tune as was the right.

Consistency in political narratives would be nice once in a while but I would have better luck hoping for world peace and unity.
I’m not opposed to that. But those are short term bandaids.

Again. A good start. But not an institutional overhaul.

A good idea. Scrutinize the nominee for political bias evidenced by any behaviors (not by Party affiliation).

I like that. Institute the some oversight and proceed with checks and balances.

In theory, they already are. But maybe make it a more reliable method. It won’t be easy because that too could become politicized.

Agreed, of course. Just like the leftists claim now (as though they are bing original or insightful) that the President isn’t above the law (which is true), so too law enforcement needs to know that criminality behind the badge won’t be tolerated.

To the extent law enforcement can properly and safely be made “transparent,” let’s do that. But everything should be documented. Even retroactive transparency can help.
Fucksake idiot...

Russia got help from the Trump Campaign and helped the Trump Campaign...

How are you are too fucking stupid to read basic?

Please explain that report? It was put together by a GOP led committee...

Is this another they are all out to get Trump thing... Ever think the guy who befriended mobsters and has paid out fines left right and centre before office might be lying to you... He is a New York Real Estate Developer, Are they known for their honesty?

Wake up... You are drinking the Kool-aid? You are accusing a GOP organisation (FBI) to be some how Democrat controlled...
In another thread, a discussion has been continued about the concept of breaking down the present FBI in order rebuild it, in order to resolve a problem inherent in it which we are now seeing. (More accurately, some of us are seeing it. Some are not). It was suggested by Zincwarrior , therefore, that maybe we could generate a thread on the topic.

Here is the relevant portion of how it began:

So. Thread topicS ARE: whether we should revamp our FBI? whether there is some other/better method to avoid this odious politicization of the bureau? If we do revamp the FBI, how should it be done?

Not just the FBI, ALL of the Intel Agencies need to be disbanded along with 95% of current federal Departments

Once Progressive Fascists have tasted blood, you have to destroy them, you cannot make nice with them

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Fucksake idiot...

Russia got help from the Trump Campaign and helped the Trump Campaign...

How are you are too fucking stupid to read basic?

Please explain that report? It was put together by a GOP led committee...

Is this another they are all out to get Trump thing... Ever think the guy who befriended mobsters and has paid out fines left right and centre before office might be lying to you... He is a New York Real Estate Developer, Are they known for their honesty?

Wake up... You are drinking the Kool-aid? You are accusing a GOP organisation (FBI) to be some how Democrat controlled...
Well, you are certainly ignorant. Your citation to the senate bullshit is ridiculous on its face. There is ZERO credible evidence that Russia aided the Trump campaign. And even if they chose to try to assist a candidate, they’d probably have gone for Shrillary in thanks for her aid on their behalf. (Uranium one). You’re very slow on the uptake, all hat and no cattle.

If they ever get you out of your coma, send up a flare.
Before you know what's happening, you'll have a whole new government agency dedicated to overseeing the FBI, CIA and other law enforcement.
Personally I don't like more government, but I see it coming.

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