Thoughts about repairing the FBI

That is the GOP led Senate intelligence report...

It led to Manafort going to Jail...

Read the report first...

We know you will believe Trump over our Senate, Intelligence agencies, Russians.... Evidence is the report...
It was bullshit then even if Manafort was deserving of attention. It remains bullshit to this day.
When the libs here rush to the defense of the FBI (Lord knows they have no particular history of trusting our institutions or law enforcement in general; but this is politics, so they’re perfectly willing to vacillate), you know something is amiss.

A very good read. And reason enough to start looking into the overhaul of the FBI. It still isn’t the line agents. It’s the management.
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Well, you are certainly ignorant. Your citation to the senate bullshit is ridiculous on its face. There is ZERO credible evidence that Russia aided the Trump campaign. And even if they chose to try to assist a candidate, they’d probably have gone for Shrillary in thanks for her aid on their behalf. (Uranium one). You’re very slow on the uptake, all hat and no cattle.

If they ever get you out of your coma, send up a flare.

There is very credible evidence that Russia assisted Trump. The Russians hacked the DNC servers and Podesta's e-mails. Roger Stone knew that Podesta's e-mails would turn up on WikiLeaks BEFORTE they did. He even bragged about his connections to WikiLeaks. Mueller detailed a meeting with a Russian with ties to Russian Intelligence in which internal polling data and other sensitive campaign information was turned over. In addition, Russians bought pro-Trump social media ads.
There is very credible evidence that Russia assisted Trump. The Russians hacked the DNC servers and Podesta's e-mails. Roger Stone knew that Podesta's e-mails would turn up on WikiLeaks BEFORTE they did. He even bragged about his connections to WikiLeaks. Mueller detailed a meeting with a Russian with ties to Russian Intelligence in which internal polling data and other sensitive campaign information was turned over. In addition, Russians bought pro-Trump social media ads.
Like this?




All straight from the Senate investigation. Yes, there were some pro-Trump-ish ones and some pro-Hillary-ish ones. It was all designed to sow division. What people really should be asking is why did Zuckerberg allow it on his platform.
Like this?




All straight from the Senate investigation. Yes, there were some pro-Trump-ish ones and some pro-Hillary-ish ones. It was all designed to sow division. What people really should be asking is why did Zuckerberg allow it on his platform.

Why are you bringing up irrelevancies? Apparently you are displaying your stupidity.
Must be why FBI agents are coming out of the woodwork in droves now coming to senators and others telling them how shocked and appalled they are over recent actions taken by upper echelons! But as usual Jack, everyone here agreeing with you is a kook and a flake.

Bet when they start using the military to break down doors on people speaking out against the government wanting others in office instead, you'll commend the army on another job well done.

Who is coming out of the woodwork? Why don't be a good little alt-right minion and do what you fail to do in your jerkoff voter fraud threads.
Provide some actual evidence from a legitimate source that will back up your bullshit. I won't hold my breath though.

You're all talk and no walk.
Something I'm sure you've heard a lot of people say to you. :)
Why are you bringing up irrelevancies? Apparently you are displaying your stupidity.
That's from the Senate investigation archive, faggot.

You're trying to paint this picture that the Russian trolls on FB were all pro-Trump ads and that IS NOT THE CASE, boy. There were those ads and many others like them, too.
Who is coming out of the woodwork?
Your relations?

Why don't be a

good little alt-right minion
So, what, Jack, no minions on the Left? :auiqs.jpg:

and do what you fail to do in your jerkoff voter fraud threads.
Get a grip Jack, I've made no jerkoff voter fraud threads. Just stated known proven facts.

Provide some actual evidence
Already done that like 200 times. You? 0.

from a legitimate source
Keyword for no source on this planet unless it 100% agrees with YOU.

that will back up your bullshit.
Don't have to, there are dozens.

I won't hold my breath though.
Kinda wish you would.

You're all talk and no walk.
Got that way from reading you.

Something I'm sure you've heard a lot of people say to you.
Actually no. Only you Jack, but nice for you to deflect AGAIN from, the actual topic of why you LOVE the FBI now because they raided Trump but would consider them thugs if they began raiding Biden, Hillary, Pelosi, Clapper, Brennan, Lerner, Schiff and Obumma!
Your relations?


So, what, Jack, no minions on the Left? :auiqs.jpg:

Get a grip Jack, I've made no jerkoff voter fraud threads. Just stated known proven facts.

Already done that like 200 times. You? 0.

Keyword for no source on this planet unless it 100% agrees with YOU.

Don't have to, there are dozens.

Kinda wish you would.

Got that way from reading you.

Actually no. Only you Jack, but nice for you to deflect AGAIN from, the actual topic of why you LOVE the FBI now because they raided Trump but would consider them thugs if they began raiding Biden, Hillary, Pelosi, Clapper, Brennan, Lerner, Schiff and Obumma!
Stop trying to mimic another poster who cuts and pastes prolifically. You don't have the street cred.
Stop dealing reverses. It's really old. Be concise in your responses. Respond with a paragraph and stop thinking you're all that.

Trump is a criminal. He did this to himself. Just like all the other self-inflicted wounds he's given himself over the years. :)
I like that you have no defense for your savior.
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I'll take that. On my end an entity focused on interstate crime, more efficient, better at catching spies, and less subject to going after political opponents of the day. The right argues they have been used against them recently. The left remembers when they were used against civil rights groups and political parties the government didn't like.
Oh, so it's just payback? is that right?
Stop trying to mimic another poster who cuts and pastes prolifically. You don't have the street cred.
Stop dealing reverses. It's really old. Be concise in your responses. Respond with a paragraph and stop thinking you're all that.

Trump is a criminal. He did this to himself. Just like all the other self-jnflicted wounds he's given himself over the years. :)
I like that you have no defense for your savior.
He is? What's he been convicted of?
They were created because the FBI and CIA failed to do the jobs they were tasked with and 9/11/2001 happened. Instead of cleaning house at the FBI and CIA, Bush increased agencies like them by 200%. It was a band-aid fix and extra drain on the taxpayers. Also extra hassles to use air travel.
I guess 9/11 can be used as a valid reason to clean house at the FBI.

Not enough..."clean" all the Democrats out.

Recognize the name 'Biden'?
This Joe Biden:

"[C]hairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Joseph Biden,…[t]he Delaware Democrat was one of seventeen Senators who voted in 1974 to ban all covert operations, and proudly noted during his 1988 campaign for president that he had threatened to “go public” with covert action plans by the Reagan administration, causing them to cancel the operations.

The sad reality is that a CIA operative with any hope of infiltrating a terrorist cellwould need to demonstrate his bona fides in any number of reprehensible ways. These are unpleasant thoughts to contemplate, and they certainly do not fit our conception of the way the world ought to work. But America cannot have it both ways -- it cannot expect to deter an Osama bin Laden and keep its hands clean at the same time. Presidents need options short of war to handle this type of threat.

[Liberal Democrat] Congressional meddling is primarily responsible for this new CIA ethos,
transforming it from an agency willing to take risks, and act at times in a Machiavellian manner, into just another sclerotic Washington bureaucracy. This cautious, legalistic attitude has crippled the agency’s effectiveness and will not change unless the oversight committees of Congress acknowledge the uniquely executive character of intelligence and covert operations, and start to dismantle the cumbersome oversight apparatus erected during the last twenty five years."
History News Network Congressional Oversight and the Crippling of the CIA

A major reason why we were unable to detect the 9/11 attack!

a. "Here at home, the [Democrat] Obama administration has gravely impaired our capability to gather human intelligence by declassifying hundreds of pages of documents that explain our interrogation techniques—information that is now probably in al-Qaeda training manuals."

The anti-American axis: Feinstein-Biden-Obama

Just one small part of the Liberal/Progressive Democrat anti-America cabal.
I literally have no clue what the fuck you are trying to say.
No, it's more like what the fuck are YOU trying to say:

"The left remembers when they were used against civil rights groups and political parties the government didn't like."

That seems to imply that it is perfectly fine what the FBI is doing now because of what the perception was in the 60s

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