Thoughts about repairing the FBI

Ok imbecile. I’m not triggered. I enjoy mocking you libtards. 😎 Don’t get mad, bitch. Just learn basic English.

You’re welcome. 😂
Lol, sure ya are triggered retard. Hey remind me retard who is the Director of the FBI? Also remind me who appointed him? Retard.
They should pass some new laws that make using the DOJ and the FBI as political tools a crime with high prison times.

They fall under the Executive Branch and Impeachment or Resignation should ensue, with prison time for those who violate the law.
Point in Case ... President Nixon and Special Agent G Gordon Liddy.

In another thread, a discussion has been continued about the concept of breaking down the present FBI in order rebuild it, in order to resolve a problem inherent in it which we are now seeing. (More accurately, some of us are seeing it. Some are not). It was suggested by Zincwarrior , therefore, that maybe we could generate a thread on the topic.

Here is the relevant portion of how it began:

So. Thread topicS ARE: whether we should revamp our FBI? whether there is some other/better method to avoid this odious politicization of the bureau? If we do revamp the FBI, how should it be done?
The lies and distortions are from the hate party, not the FBI . They just don't like the idea of the FBI investigating them, even if they are total, complete criminals. Their God and leader is getting investigated because he did something totally illegal, my contention since we are just throwing out opinions here, is that Trump was going to sell the Information to foreign powers or buy back his piss tape that the Russians have of this mentally ill piece of shit. Trump and his followers are this countries the biggest threat and enemy. And that's not a opinion, that's a fact. There is a large part of the hate party that are criminally involved in Trumps attempted destruction of our constitution and country , Many will be reading this forum from jail by the time this is all over with.
No. I see a problem that exists. You don’t wish to see it because you happen to approve of the lawlessness as long as it’s directed against one of your political opponents.

That’s the problem with your type. You ONLY would consider it an issue or a problem if it were happening to Brandon or Shrillary. In actuality, however, the FBI was never supposed to be used as a tool of any political party.
What does Hillary and Hunter and Biden have to do with your bullshit. What is it if they do something wrong then it becomes OK for scumbag to do anything he wants criminally or not. You people are a joke, a pitiful waste of bandwidth joke. You're this countries biggest threat and enemy, and we will never forget that. Anyone who supports Trump or Jan 6th is scum, the lowest form of humanity , we will be spitting on you when we pass you on the sidewalks or businesses in this country. You're as low as a human can get , you sold out your country.
In another thread, a discussion has been continued about the concept of breaking down the present FBI in order rebuild it, in order to resolve a problem inherent in it which we are now seeing. (More accurately, some of us are seeing it. Some are not). It was suggested by Zincwarrior , therefore, that maybe we could generate a thread on the topic.

Here is the relevant portion of how it began:

So. Thread topicS ARE: whether we should revamp our FBI? whether there is some other/better method to avoid this odious politicization of the bureau? If we do revamp the FBI, how should it be done?
Love it when the turds come up with this q anon Nonsense and think it is worth posting.
What planet of yours is stupidity a crime? Because that would make you a felon!

Maybe you should look into arresting Hillary then, remember, she's the Sec. of State who thought wiping a hard drive was with a cloth, and was deemed by James Comey as being too dimwitted to realize she was unintentionally violating multiple federal codes committing felonies! :laughing0301:

What he said was that Hillary Clinton had a right to have the classified information in her possession. Also that no reasonable prosecutor would bring criminal charges. He is right on that.
Yes. But it was legal because they got a FISA warrant. Of course, they lied to get the FISA warrant ….

The FBI did not spy on Trump's campaign. The FISA warrant they got on Carter Page came after he left the Trump campaign.
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After Barack Ovomit infected the can not repair it anymore.

You must fumigate it from top to bottom.

You have have to clean it up completely!

The FBI did not spy on Trump's campaign. The FISA warrant they got on Carter Page came after he left the Trump campaign.
The right offers one endless lie about every aspect of what and who they are. They are the party of lies , they have decided that is their best route. Example, a large part of the right wing politicians were in on the overthrow of our government and county . So many that they would either have to lie or go down with the truth. They are unpatriotic pigs and decided to lie as a philosophy for the future, this is who they will be from now on.
Nazi filth like you are the enemies of this country.
Buddy, Americans have killed Nazis before. My loved ones and most of friend's dads and uncles did that.
Have you ever seen 3 dried Nazi officer ears on a dogtag chain? I have, and they were all from Dachau.

Yours could be added to it, you piece of shit. You don't scare me or any other real Americans, we'll fuck you up.
Buddy, Americans have killed Nazis before. My loved ones and most of friend's dads and uncles did that.
Have you ever seen 3 dried Nazi officer ears on a dogtag chain? I have, and they were all from Dachau.

Yours could be added to it, you piece of shit. You don't scare me or any other real Americans, we'll fuck you up.
Time to dump a pig , you are gone pig, red neck Gun Bubba make me sick.
retard., start with firing that Trump appointed Free that is the current top dog then start ridding the government of all the retarded beach ball conman appointments in every division of government.
Wtf is that?!

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