Thoughts about repairing the FBI

Stop trying to mimic another poster who cuts and pastes prolifically. You don't have the street cred.
Jack, if you want street crud, I suggest we look under your garage.

Stop dealing reverses. It's really old. Be concise in your responses. Respond with a paragraph and stop thinking you're all that.
Got any other instructions for me Jack?

Trump is a criminal.
Love to see your proof. Is that kinda like Biddum won 2020 fair and square? :laughing0301:

He did this to himself.
Trump impeached himself twice then raided his own home while accusing himself of insurrection for trying to protest a stolen election? :cuckoo: 🪛

I like that you have no defense for your savior.
Not half as much as I like how you keep changing the subject from the FBI we were talking about and your partisan support of them to Trump again and your hangup with him because he is richer, better looking, more intelligent, more successful, and has a hotter wife than you EVER will.
Repeated Terminal Stupidity.
What planet of yours is stupidity a crime? Because that would make you a felon!

Maybe you should look into arresting Hillary then, remember, she's the Sec. of State who thought wiping a hard drive was with a cloth, and was deemed by James Comey as being too dimwitted to realize she was unintentionally violating multiple federal codes committing felonies! :laughing0301:
Jack, if you want street crud, I suggest we look under your garage.

Got any other instructions for me Jack?

Love to see your proof. Is that kinda like Biddum won 2020 fair and square? :laughing0301:

Trump impeached himself twice then raided his own home while accusing himself of insurrection for trying to protest a stolen election? :cuckoo: 🪛

Not half as much as I like how you keep changing the subject from the FBI we were talking about and your partisan support of them to Trump again and your hangup with him because he is richer, better looking, more intelligent, more successful, and has a hotter wife than you EVER will.
The FBI is not corrupt. Trump is.
So far, you suck as far as making an argument goes. Probably why no one engages you.

If you have evidence the FBI is corrupt, post that link, and we'll discuss.

Otherwise, stop responding to my posts.
In another thread, a discussion has been continued about the concept of breaking down the present FBI in order rebuild it, in order to resolve a problem inherent in it which we are now seeing. (More accurately, some of us are seeing it. Some are not). It was suggested by Zincwarrior , therefore, that maybe we could generate a thread on the topic.

Here is the relevant portion of how it began:

So. Thread topicS ARE: whether we should revamp our FBI? whether there is some other/better method to avoid this odious politicization of the bureau? If we do revamp the FBI, how should it be done?
How do you "fix" a malignant tumor?

You can't fix it, so fuck it.
The FBI is not corrupt.
Sorry Jack but lots of FBI agents disagree with you.

Trump is.
So what? Are you seriously going to tell me he's more corrupt than Nancy, Joe or any number of others in Washington who got 50 million rich in just a few years making only 200,000?

So far, you suck as far as making an argument goes. Probably why no one engages you.
Funny Jack as I'm one of the most engaged people here. Got any other BS for us, Chief?

Otherwise, stop responding to my posts.
Someone has to Jack, your posts are always so full of bullshit.

Try posting some facts, sticking to threads and responding to questions asked and maybe you might have a case.
In another thread, a discussion has been continued about the concept of breaking down the present FBI in order rebuild it, in order to resolve a problem inherent in it which we are now seeing. (More accurately, some of us are seeing it. Some are not). It was suggested by Zincwarrior , therefore, that maybe we could generate a thread on the topic.

Here is the relevant portion of how it began:

So. Thread topicS ARE: whether we should revamp our FBI? whether there is some other/better method to avoid this odious politicization of the bureau? If we do revamp the FBI, how should it be done?
retard., start with firing that Trump appointed Free that is the current top dog then start ridding the government of all the retarded beach ball conman appointments in every division of government.
Sorry Jack but lots of FBI agents disagree with you.

So what? Are you seriously going to tell me he's more corrupt than Nancy, Joe or any number of others in Washington who got 50 million rich in just a few years making only 200,000?

Funny Jack as I'm one of the most engaged people here. Got any other BS for us, Chief?

Someone has to Jack, your posts are always so full of bullshit.

Try posting some facts, sticking to threads and responding to questions asked and maybe you might have a case.
Please post some links to articles quoting FBI agents who disagree with me and we'll have something to talk about.
As far as I can see from your posts, only the homers give you the attaboy every once in a while.
No one else engages you. Why? Cause your posts are just insults and BS.

So, man up, post some links and you can crow all you'd like.

But we both know you won't do that. :)
I just do not understand these lefties who do not see the downside of fascism.
Dumbass, that's why we oppose you. It's not like you're subtle about your open lust for a fascist state where you get to send every liberal who humiliated you and beat you up on the playground and took your lunch money and stole your girl to TheGulag.

That's what this thread is about, after all, Republicans demanding a PartyPoliceForce that can instantly jail anyone TheParty desires, or just kill them. Actual fascists are kind of jealous of how uberfascist the GOP is in comparison to them.

Sadly for you, your white-supremacist christofascist utopia isn't going to happen. We squashed you fascists in WWII, and we're squashing you again now.
It will have to be either breaking them up into regions and decapitating the top leadership, or breaking them up into units for dealing with specific crimes, like cyber crimes, money laundering, etc., and also decapitating the top leadership.

They should never again have anything to do with foreign intelligence again, especially FISA courts, since they have shown such eagerness to turn those powers against perceived American political enemies. Let the CIA deal with spies, they are more useful when turned than when prosecuted.

When the FBI turns to spying on political campaigns, it has once again jumped shark, and we're refusing to admit it.

It should have been disbanded when it gunned down the mom of a gang of robbers and instead of calling it an unfortunate accident that her sons brought on her, they invented the legend of "Ma" Barker. It should have JtS when they summarily executed John Dillinger on a public sidewalk, when it tried to blackmail Martin Luther King Jr. into committing suicide, and when they much more recently ran an entrapment scheme against some half-wits they tried to get to kidnap a govenor.
The FBI is not corrupt. Trump is.
So far, you suck as far as making an argument goes. Probably why no one engages you.

If you have evidence the FBI is corrupt, post that link, and we'll discuss.

Otherwise, stop responding to my posts.
I have. Several as a matter of fact.

You ignored them. Surprise.
Lol, what ever retard. Hilarious. Oh ya hurt my feelings so bad. Try again retard.
Try composing a coherent sentence. Get help. You need it.

Bye the way: I don’t care that you’re retarded. But your handicap interferes with communication.

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