Thousands of Low Temperature records about to be broken across US.

I believe it's going to get down to +15 one night....I'll survive....I have four cords of wood laid in. ;)

I have three.

If we have a power outage, the towns folk will see which chimneys have smoke coming out of them and flock to those homes. When I answer the door, should I ask the person how they feel about this climate change bullshit before I let them in?

What year were the initial records set???

Just asking cause I remember the news several years ago (25-30years maybe?) when cow herds were freezing to death in North/South Dakota and/or Montana and the news reporter threw a cup of hot coffee in the air that it froze as it left the cup.......but that may not have been on those dates

We're supposed to get some cold with possible 2-7 inches of snow in the next few days, but I don't think any records set or broken,

We're set for a few inches of snow tomorrow, -40° wind chill overnight Thursday and some fierce winds on Friday.

I think I'll hope that my dog will finally learn to pee on the pad because I'm not likely to want to let her out until about next Wednesday when we're forecast to hit a balmy 32° for the first time in several weeks.

It was freaking cold in my neck of the woods over the weekend. My car temp readout was -22ºF Saturday morning. It warmed up Sunday, and was -14ºF, so we went for a swim at the outdoor hot springs nearby.

Maybe the stupidist thing I've ever done.

OMG! One of the best experiences of my life was living through a Western Montana winter by spending as much time as possible in 104° outdoor mineral hot springs! After about a half hour in 104° water, it feels blissful to roll out of the pool and lie on freezing concrete, then pop back into the hot water. Nothing as refreshing and invigorating as 11° air on 104° skin. Strangely, the change of jumping from 104° water into the 55° cold pool is excruciating!

I was just browsing the DAILY all-time low temperature records and it looks like we are very likely to break thousands of Low temp records over the next week or two.

Looking at major cities like Salt Lake City UT, Denver CO, Casper WY, Detroit MI, Billings MT, Rapid City SD, among many others will all break records, if their forecasted temperatures are reached. As this storm system moves eastward it is likely to continue to break records across the US. And it won't even be close to the old records. Most will see the records broken by 5 - 8 deg F.

For the 23 of Dec:
Casper, Wy record -27. Forecast is -33
Billings, MT record -20. Forecast -36
Salt Lake City, Ut record -11. Forecast -22
Rapid City, SD record -28, Forecast -36

I could go on, but you get the point. This is going to be a very cold and brutal winter.

The source was Historical records and the NWS forecasting office. I had to compile the data into a list.


The cold don't bother me all that much

A couple Christmas ago we had a white Christmas in Tennessee...6 inches is like a blizzard here'd be surprised how many cars got stuck or slid off the road .....the damn Yankee in me found it entertaining

We're looking at minus 0 this week ...they're not used to that kind of cold ... regularly in winter it does get cold like 30 degrees so many have fire places an what not
I was just browsing the DAILY all-time low temperature records and it looks like we are very likely to break thousands of Low temp records over the next week or two.

Looking at major cities like Salt Lake City UT, Denver CO, Casper WY, Detroit MI, Billings MT, Rapid City SD, among many others will all break records, if their forecasted temperatures are reached. As this storm system moves eastward it is likely to continue to break records across the US. And it won't even be close to the old records. Most will see the records broken by 5 - 8 deg F.

For the 23 of Dec:
Casper, Wy record -27. Forecast is -33
Billings, MT record -20. Forecast -36
Salt Lake City, Ut record -11. Forecast -22
Rapid City, SD record -28, Forecast -36

I could go on, but you get the point. This is going to be a very cold and brutal winter.

The source was Historical records and the NWS forecasting office. I had to compile the data into a list.

Wut??? It gets cold in the winter?
I'm no scientist.................well, seeing the fuktards that are out there today claiming to be scientists, maybe I am a REAL scientist..........


The earth shifted its axis back around the 80's half a degree. And from what I was taught in REAL science class in school before they all went woke (luckily AFTER I graduated), I knew this would take a couple of decades at least to start seeing effects of this.

During the past 10 - 20 years now, we've been seeing the results of what happens when a planet shifts its axis. But the fuktarded fuktards, that are the fucktardiest fukkers claiming to be "scientists" refuse to believe REAL science, much less admit to their own science when it was actually REAL science.

The earth shifted. These are the results. And it will take 40 - 100 years for the earth to steady out and have normal weather patterns again. Of course, they will be new weather patterns, but they will become stable at one point. Unless the earth decides to shift again.

WHY is it that NOBODY can fucking remember shit that happened in recent history?
I'm no scientist.................well, seeing the fuktards that are out there today claiming to be scientists, maybe I am a REAL scientist..........


The earth shifted its axis back around the 80's half a degree. And from what I was taught in REAL science class in school before they all went woke (luckily AFTER I graduated), I knew this would take a couple of decades at least to start seeing effects of this.

During the past 10 - 20 years now, we've been seeing the results of what happens when a planet shifts its axis. But the fuktarded fuktards, that are the fucktardiest fukkers claiming to be "scientists" refuse to believe REAL science, much less admit to their own science when it was actually REAL science.

The earth shifted. These are the results. And it will take 40 - 100 years for the earth to steady out and have normal weather patterns again. Of course, they will be new weather patterns, but they will become stable at one point. Unless the earth decides to shift again.

WHY is it that NOBODY can fucking remember shit that happened in recent history?
I always judge winters by past hunting seasons because I was out in the middle of it a lot, at least to the end of February when all hunting/trapping seasons went out.

IMHO we still have a long way to go to get to the harsher winters we had in the late 60s, 70s, and into the early 80s.

It was not unusual at all to have snow on the ground at Thanksgiving....Now you are lucky if the leaves are gone by then.....I figure we are "behind" by about two to three weeks.

My town has a Fall festival to coincide with the peak period of leaves turning to get the leaf-looking tourist dollars. It used to be pretty close but the last couple decades it's been at least two/three-weeks behind peak leaf-lookin' time.
.OMG! One of the best experiences of my life was living through a Western Montana winter by spending as much time as possible in 104° outdoor mineral hot springs! After about a half hour in 104° water, it feels blissful to roll out of the pool and lie on freezing concrete, then pop back into the hot water. Nothing as refreshing and invigorating as 11° air on 104° skin. Strangely, the change of jumping from 104° water into the 55° cold pool is excruciating!
I agree. But negative double digits start to stretch the definition of "invigorating".
So, it won't even be just a hairline, technical record, but fairly record-SHATTERING. The polar mass is already here, in the upper NW quadrant coming down out of Alberta and Saskatchewan, it'll overshoot the far west but come down through the upper Rockies and northern plains straight for Texas, even part of Mexico seeing freezing. Then on Friday, it'll wrap from the Midwest through Kentucky east as it wraps up with a low center pulled in from the Atlantic with a lot of moisture which will dissipate it starting Sunday and head it back up into Newfoundland and the north Atlantic.
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IF this storm follows the cyclical pattern, it will settle in above the great lakes for about two to three weeks. This thing is one massive polar low and if there is any blocking of movement eastward, all time low temp records will be shattered.
Wut??? It gets cold in the winter?
Wow... This isn't going to be some mealy mouth statistical tie in records, this is an ass whopping. Something which, if CAGW WERE REAL, would not be possible, but leave it to you to complain about not being able to see the forest, because of the trees in your way...
Windchill supposed to get to -20 here Friday.
I can only remember this happening 2 maybe 3 times in my 57 years.
Probably never happened in December.
December here is usually 30s/40s night - 40s/50s day. With a few colder than that, and a few even in the 60s.

We're set for a few inches of snow tomorrow, -40° wind chill overnight Thursday and some fierce winds on Friday.

I think I'll hope that my dog will finally learn to pee on the pad because I'm not likely to want to let her out until about next Wednesday when we're forecast to hit a balmy 32° for the first time in several weeks.


Why did you move there again????

That kind of weather would keep me outta thanks
I always judge winters by past hunting seasons because I was out in the middle of it a lot, at least to the end of February when all hunting/trapping seasons went out.

IMHO we still have a long way to go to get to the harsher winters we had in the late 60s, 70s, and into the early 80s.

It was not unusual at all to have snow on the ground at Thanksgiving....Now you are lucky if the leaves are gone by then.....I figure we are "behind" by about two to three weeks.

My town has a Fall festival to coincide with the peak period of leaves turning to get the leaf-looking tourist dollars. It used to be pretty close but the last couple decades it's been at least two/three-weeks behind peak leaf-lookin' time.

Yes, I remember the winter of 70-71. Waiting for my bus to work in -26° wind chill. That was my last Midwest winter before moving to the Left Coast, and this is my second winter back in the Midwest. Last winter was a walk in the park. THIS is what I remember winter was in my childhood.

Wow... This isn't going to be some mealy mouth statistical tie in records, this is an ass whopping. Something which, if CAGW WERE REAL, would not be possible, but leave it to you to complain about not being able to see the forest, because of the trees in your way...

Idiot, climate change is about average annual temperatures, not a winter blast lasting a week or two. Morons truly b'lieve claims of climate change means there's no more winters. :cuckoo:

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