Three More Days! (Inauguration Poll Inside)

I would describe Trump's inaugeration as:

  • Full armageddon; the end of the world as we know it.

  • The ushering in of diet-Hitler

  • Ambivalent

  • Somewhat happy but with reserves about Trump's Twitter issues & other political immaturities.

  • Giddy with delight! Trump is the best president the universe will ever know!!!!!!

Results are only viewable after voting.
The inauguration will be fascination to watch.

I also wonder if the protestors will get filmed at all by the coverage.

Or voices in the background shouting "Trump must go!"

There will be lots of ballroom dances around Wash DC on Friday night.

I wonder if ISIS or Al Qaeda has anything planned? The Capitol Police and FBI must be in stitches worrying about this.

Like I said earlier.

They should go, and at 12:00, just as Trump is starting the Oath, stand up and walk out.

Announcing they aren't going is little more than a publicity stunt, IMO
In comparison with his predecessor, Trump has already established himself as superior in every objective category.

As much as I'm enjoying the LULZ associated with the massive meltdown of the moonbat left -who are apoplectic that the government that they want to have unlimited power is controlled by someone that they hate- I also understand that Herr Trumpenfurher is a statist at heart, with delusions of grandeur.

If the little special snowflakes don't STFU with their cries of "WOLF!" soon, nobody will want to hear it when he does fuck up big.
I pick none of the above..
I find it funny that so many posters spammed the "giddy with delight" option. It's known Trump has paid bloggers that do nothing but promote him as the 2nd coming of Christ. I mean really, with his idiocy & Twitter-diarrhea "the best president the universe has ever known!!!"? At this point only someone paid to say that about Trump would say it. Normal people at least have reservations about his political immaturity.
✓ anything better then corrupt and criminal sickly hillary clinton
Right, as I said, the GOP could've run a stale cheese sandwich and beaten...not really Hillary...because she didn't lose per se. It was the party she was affiliated with that voters wanted nowhere near the seats of power.

Obergefell and boys in girls' showers were too potent and too recent of memories for voters...And those two things alone bit dems in the ass, hard. Everyone knows it. I'm just the only one apparently willing to step right up and call it out on the table. Even commentators on Fox News dance around it saying "far left social agendas lost the dems power". "Far left social issues" = gay marriage mandate on the 50 states unwilling & Obama's "boys in girls' showers" school mandate under threat of financial punishment. Remember those two slaps in the face to working class values? Yeah, you know you remember them. Voters did...
How long will it take for libs to start in with the OMG there's homeless people everywhere and trump did it......I give it 6 monthes
How long will it take for libs to start in with the OMG there's homeless people everywhere and trump did it......I give it 6 monthes
Actually since Bush/Cheney sucked the Treasury dry to promote their blood for oil presidency which caused the stock market crash of 2008, I've seen many homeless on the increase, sadly. Yet I have a long enough memory to remember who was responsible for them. And, it wasn't Obama. And, Obama didn't start the policy of shipping jobs overseas. That started even before NAFTA, back in the 1970s over severe protest locally. Everybody knew where the trend would lead: exactly where we are today. NAFTA was like pouring gasoline on that fire.

And Trump ran on fixing those blunders. Mr. Narcissism/bankruptcy thinks he can be the super for this apartment complex on fire. Hilarious.
How long will it take for libs to start in with the OMG there's homeless people everywhere and trump did it......I give it 6 monthes
Actually since Bush/Cheney sucked the Treasury dry to promote their blood for oil presidency which caused the stock market crash of 2008, I've seen many homeless on the increase, sadly. Yet I have a long enough memory to remember who was responsible for them. And, it wasn't Obama. And, Obama didn't start the policy of shipping jobs overseas. That started even before NAFTA, back in the 1970s over severe protest locally. Everybody knew where the trend would lead: exactly where we are today. NAFTA was like pouring gasoline on that fire.

And Trump ran on fixing those blunders. Mr. Narcissism/bankruptcy thinks he can be the super for this apartment complex on fire. Hilarious.
market crash had nothing to do with Iraq war

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