Three Questions

1) Do you believe that the average global temperature over the last 150 years has risen (more up than down): YES or NO?

2) Do you believe that the average global sea level over the last 150 years has risen (more up than down): YES or NO?

3) If you answered YES to both 1 & 2, do you believe that human activities such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation are the major cause (>50%): YES or NO?

I guess we no longer have a poll mechanism, so we will have to keep count ourselves

1) Yes, but I'd like to see how many data points you used. And where they're located. And how you averaged them. And how many were "adjusted" 50 or more years after they were taken.

2) Yes.

3) Maybe. Maybe a minor cause.
Ah the wizardry that is AGW. Amazing indeed. Don't pay attention to the creatures behind the curtain.
We lack accurate information from 150 years ago. I’m suspect because in the 2010 East Angelia determined there was no warming for the past 15 years. Immediately thereafter the IPCC added in an imaginary dataset of “heat trapped in the ocean” to make their numbers work

Not sure what East Anglia data you're referring to, but climate change impacts aren't going to be linear. So the fact that temperatures are closer to the 1950-2016 mean in some places isn't evidence against AGW.

Sea levels are unchanged

Not true. They've risen by only a few inches but the amount of heat required to create the meltwater is rapidly increasing. The concern isn't so much now as what happens when the polar ice sheets begin to melt in large chunks. It wouldn't not take but a few feet to put many coastal cities in danger of being wiped off the map.

OCO2 satellite proves mankind has no measurable impact on CO2

This is just bullshit.
1) Yes, but I'd like to see how many data points you used. And where they're located. And how you averaged them. And how many were "adjusted" 50 or more years after they were taken.

2) Yes.

3) Maybe. Maybe a minor cause.

If the oceans are "warming" .... WHY is there NO BREAKOUT in CANE ACTIVITY???
You mean increasing CO2 from 280 to 400PPM increases temperature?

Show us

Just one time

Show us this imaginary temperature increase

And they show URBAN HEAT SINK and FUDGE and that's always what they had...
we're about to have heat at levels that are going to kill massive numbers of people.


So that explains

all the RECORD COLD in China yesterday
Lake Tahoe freezing for the first time in 30 years
Snow in Saudi for the first time in 100 years
Snow on the Hollywood sign

Your FUDGE FRAUD side has told us for THREE DECADES that we are ABOUT TO get all this heat and rising oceans and more canes


So that explains

all the RECORD COLD in China yesterday
Lake Tahoe freezing for the first time in 30 years
Snow in Saudi for the first time in 100 years
Snow on the Hollywood sign

Your FUDGE FRAUD side has told us for THREE DECADES that we are ABOUT TO get all this heat and rising oceans and more canes


If you knew anything about climate science, you would understand that how specific weather events are experienced during climate change is not linear. Even during "snowball earth", some portions of the planet weren't frozen over.

South Asia just had record heat. Half the global population has seen record heat in the last 10 years.

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