Three Questions

I would ask you how it manages that given its absorption spectrum, but I'm fairly certain you would just say its "fudge", which apparently means "lies" or "bullshit" but that you're unwilling to set to paper, in fear of your mother's reaction, we are forced to assume.
I would ask you how it manages that given its absorption spectrum, but I'm fairly certain you would just say its "fudge", which apparently means "lies" or "bullshit" but that you're unwilling to set to paper, in fear of your mother's reaction, we are forced to assume.

We have something called DATA, and the DATA showed NO WARMING in the atmosphere despite rising Co2.

That proves Co2 does NOTHING...
How many new fossil fuel plants should we NOT build?

I know one thing: Germany will probably regret shuttering its last remaining nuke plants. They did this with the assumption that renewables would make up the slack but they're already fossil fuel heavy and now this would make them easily the biggest polluter in Europe.
I know one thing: Germany will probably regret shuttering its last remaining nuke plants. They did this with the assumption that renewables would make up the slack but they're already fossil fuel heavy and now this would make them easily the biggest polluter in Europe.
It is possible that they shut them down in a recoverable manner and when the panic concerning Fukushima has cooled, might bring them back online, perhaps with added safeguards.
From concept to legislation to finishing construction, we're talking at least 7-10 years,

It's an emergency, we can decide on a standard design and fast track them.

Understood, but you have to have people who vote and people in government who agree that it's an emergency. We're not there yet. We won't be until we start having massive numbers killed in heat wave events and major agriculture failures. We could be close to witnessing this in India and SE Asia, though I suspect that since we're not officially in the El Nino cycle yet, they have been spared. They probably won't be so lucky next year.

Ditto agriculture in Northern Africa and Southern Europe, which could be devastated by heat-related failures. It's not just that heat kills the plant. The heating of the soil prevents the uptake of water and nutrients.

We don't have that long before we start experiencing major pressure on the food supply and probably the freshwater supply as well.

Solar panels and windmills aren't going to save us?

No, they're not. It's a nice thought, but dealing with the impacts of ecological destruction are going to require a major rethink of global economics, or we will likely end up destroying civilization and many other forms of life in the next 10-20 years.
It is possible that they shut them down in a recoverable manner and when the panic concerning Fukushima has cooled, might bring them back online, perhaps with added safeguards.

In Germany's case, I wonder if political corruption isn't involved. Some of Germany's elite invested heavily in Russian fossil fuel energy and the NS2 pipeline. It can't be ruled out that those same interests weren't in some way responsible for making this frankly disastrous move.
We won't be until we start having massive numbers killed in heat wave events and major agriculture failures.



and we've been waiting now for THREE DECADES and STILL NOTHING
You can believe what you want, but we're about to have heat at levels that are going to kill massive numbers of people.
we are? how do you know? that's rather a wild statement to make as a human with absolutely no information to say such a thing. Do you hate humanity? just curious. Sounds like quite the threat.

Also, do you think people die from cold? just curious again.
Not sure what East Anglia data you're referring to, but climate change impacts aren't going to be linear. So the fact that temperatures are closer to the 1950-2016 mean in some places isn't evidence against AGW.
Now you got my interest, what is it you got, or think you got?
1) Do you believe that the average global temperature over the last 150 years has risen (more up than down): YES or NO?

2) Do you believe that the average global sea level over the last 150 years has risen (more up than down): YES or NO?

3) If you answered YES to both 1 & 2, do you believe that human activities such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation are the major cause (>50%): YES or NO?

I guess we no longer have a poll mechanism, so we will have to keep count ourselves

Don't care enough to turn to socialism as the "solution"

Don't care enough to turn to socialism as the "solution"

Don't care enough to turn to socialism as the "solution"

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