Tic Tok Anti Vaxers Stay Home and Die

This man is right. While he uses very vulgar language, I agree with him but not the vulgar language. I understand his anger.

If you don't trust the medical profession to develop a life saving vaccine against the virus then why do you trust doctors to cure you once you have it?

The anti vaccine people are taking beds in hospitals that are needed for people who are sick and need help who didn't distrust the doctors.

Well, as long as we're going to deny people treatment because "they brought it on themselves", let's do it for real to the following people:

1. Children who play in swimming pools.
2. Skydivers.
3. Athletes.
4. Campers in undeveloped places.
5. Bikers without helmets.
6. Anyone who doesn't wear a seatbelt.

And anyone else who chooses to do anything that carries any kind of risk.
Well, as long as we're going to deny people treatment because "they brought it on themselves", let's do it for real to the following people:

1. Children who play in swimming pools.
2. Skydivers.
3. Athletes.
4. Campers in undeveloped places.
5. Bikers without helmets.
6. Anyone who doesn't wear a seatbelt.

And anyone else who chooses to do anything that carries any kind of risk.
Drunk drivers who crash should be left for dead on the side of the road.

Anyone who is overweight should NEVER get my spot in a hospital, PERIOD!!!
Yep. Pretty selfish of them to clog hospitals when all they have is a minor flu.

As observed in prior weeks, Black and Hispanic people have received smaller shares of vaccinations compared to their shares of cases and compared to their shares of the total population in most states.

Now that you know it isnt just trump voters I guess you will have to moderate your position
This man is right. While he uses very vulgar language, I agree with him but not the vulgar language. I understand his anger.

If you don't trust the medical profession to develop a life saving vaccine against the virus then why do you trust doctors to cure you once you have it?

The anti vaccine people are taking beds in hospitals that are needed for people who are sick and need help who didn't distrust the doctors.

Glad you could buy into the US vs Them philosophy Dana. How very tribal of you, but of course this thinking has been pushed for a purpose. First of all, to you and to people like the guy in the video, it's not necessarily about not trusting doctors or their concerns but its about trusting particular medications and the fact that politics has now permeated the medical profession.
The vaccines effect your messenger RNA which has never before been done on humanity in a large scale like this, all the while dissenting voices have been silenced, so you need to excuse people for not trusting the big gubbamint.
There are medical treatments for the respiratory virus available that really work well, that do not require tampering with your RNA, so I would say these are definately two separate things.

Even "non vaxers" as you call them HAVE contributed to society and have helped to pay for things like hospitals and medical schools etc.. even they have helped to carry the burden on society caused by people who smoke, over eat, eat horrendous diets and get cancer, diabetes etc... and we do not judge those peoples' lifestyle choices that BURDEN THE REST OF US.
"non vaxers" have also payed into the system which helps support you, so don't be ignorant and broad brush everyone. The virus is real but the government reaction and attempts of control are what is suspect.

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