Tim Scott Does Not Speak For Black People

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AA hurts Asians. My young cousin just graduated from high school. He is a very good student and is 1/2 Asian. He debated on whether he should list Asian or white on his scholarship applications because he knew he would be put into a different pool. He chose white or mixed race for that very reason.
That's a lie. Stop telling it. I posted words from Asians and Asians were a protected class relative to AA. So stop repeating some bs made up by somebody white.
This is not a sports thread, however, I don't think his point is to advocate for redistribution of teams.

Professional sports is one of the few occupations where you typically will not get in the door if you don't have the physical ability to effectively compete against your peers.

The team owners, team presidents, head coaches and front office personnel are the ones who make the final decisions as far as who is selected to become a player in a professional sports franchise.

The players don't draft themselves into the NFL or the NBA.
Define "Redistribution of teams". So Jerry Jones should be forced to sell his Cowboys to _________ ?

The only thing sports owners care about is winning games and making money. There's no racism with regards to selecting the players, they will pick a black player, white, orange, green, red, whatever - if they think that player will help their team win.
This is a simple truth. You are wrong.
No its not a simple truth. Asians were able to attend college when they would not because of AA. Asians were not hurt by the policy.





No its not a simple truth. Asians were able to attend college when they would not because of AA. Asians were not hurt by the policy.

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I'll take the Supreme Court's opinion over yours. Race based AA is illegal in college admissions as it should be everywhere.
You asked the idiotic question. Learn about the make up of sports business. Then recognize that there are more than 2 sports.

Are you saying that tennis, golf and hockey are racist because there aren't more black players?
Define "Redistribution of teams". So Jerry Jones should be forced to sell his Cowboys to _________ ?

The only thing sports owners care about is winning games and making money. There's no racism with regards to selecting the players, they will pick a black player, white, orange, green, red, whatever - if they think that player will help their team win.
"Redistribution of teams" as in your own question asking the poster if he felt current owners teams should be taken away and "given" to a non white owner in the name of diversity" or something to that effect.
I didn't see where he was in favor of that.

As far as the rest of your statement here, I'm saying the same thing.

Black players don't dominate the NFL or NBA simply because of their race.

They are chosen by a predominantly "non black" group of decision makers, who care about one thing only.......WINNING.
They are chosen by a predominantly "non black" group of decision makers, who care about one thing only.......WINNING.

Exactly, and the idea that this desire to win stops at the player ranks is absurd. If they feel that the best person to help them just happens to be black, they will hire him/her, regardless of the position in the organization.(player, coach, etc.) According to Democrats, it is all about the Benjamins, until that no longer suits their narrative.
Tim Scott is a sellout. Not because he's a conservative, but because his ideas are antithetical to black interests. Scott is an idiot. You will not see anyone black here supporting Tim Scott. The ONLY people who will defend him will be the right wing whites in this forum.

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Tim Scott Does Not Speak For Black People​

This is true…he doesn’t speak for hood-minded filth…HOWEVER, like Ben Carson, he does speak for legit black people.
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This thread starts with a faulty premise. Is Tim Scott supposed to be speaking for black people? Is there any one person that is supposedly speaking for black people as if they are a monolithic group? Is there not diversity of thought within the group of people that are black, or all black people supposed to think the same way in order to keep their "I'm Black" card.

Tim Scott is black. He thinks and speaks for himself and his constituents. I'm sure that thousands of black people voted for him and thousands voted against him when he was reelected as a senator from SC. Tim Scott wasn't elected to just represent black people, He was elected to represent the people of SC regardless of race. That said, no race/color of people are a monolith, so there is no one person that speaks for all people of any particular race.

It's easy for whites to dismiss racIsm. Whites have used the strong arm of governmemt to get everything they have and are using the strong arm of government to erase policies that provided equal opportunity.
/——/ I’m White and never had the opportunity to steal millions.
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