Tim Scott Does Not Speak For Black People

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This is not a sports thread, however, I don't think his point is to advocate for redistribution of teams.

Professional sports is one of the few occupations where you typically will not get in the door if you don't have the physical ability to effectively compete against your peers.

The team owners, team presidents, head coaches and front office personnel are the ones who make the final decisions as far as who is selected to become a player in a professional sports franchise.

The players don't draft themselves into the NFL or the NBA.
Professional sports is based on Merit and Performance. Period. Which currently is one of the few "job markets" where race and equity discussions are glossed over.

However, apply merit and performance to other job markets and apply pay on merit and performance, it suddenly turns into a race debate.
Professional sports is based on Merit and Performance. Period. Which currently is one of the few "job markets" where race and equity discussions are glossed over.

However, apply merit and performance to other job markets and apply pay on merit and performance, it suddenly turns into a race debate.

Yes, it is pure hypocrisy.

Tim Scott Does Not Speak For Black People​

Tim Scott is a sellout. Not because he's a conservative, but because his ideas are antithetical to black interests.

Why are blacks accused of not being diverse because we don't agree with blacs promoting a hite nationalist agenda?

You referred to Tim Scott as a "sellout". Your initial post was absolutely clear that you believed he was not toeing the line on what you believe as the "black interest".

To answer your question specifically, the way I see it, you are the one unaccepting of diverse opinion within the black community with that "sellout" statement. It is certainly intolerant of Tim Scott's personal views. It reminds me of hearing blacks referring to as Uncle Toms or as an Oreo cookie (black on the outside, white inside).

And to be clear, I am not defending Tim Scott's political views, only his right to hold and express them without prejudice.
Tim Scott is a Trump slurping puppet who really wants to be a Vice President, it was embarassing to hear him not commit to respecting the results of this upcoming election.

Of course, Trumpers likely will riot if they lose again, and Scott will be the token black guy in a red hat.
Racist post noted.
This thread starts with a faulty premise. Is Tim Scott supposed to be speaking for black people? Is there any one person that is supposedly speaking for black people as if they are a monolithic group? Is there not diversity of thought within the group of people that are black, or all black people supposed to think the same way in order to keep their "I'm Black" card.

Tim Scott is black. He thinks and speaks for himself and his constituents. I'm sure that thousands of black people voted for him and thousands voted against him when he was reelected as a senator from SC. Tim Scott wasn't elected to just represent black people, He was elected to represent the people of SC regardless of race. That said, no race/color of people are a monolith, so there is no one person that speaks for all people of any particular race.

There's the problem. RD2 believes blacks can't think or speak for themselves, and they need someone to do it for them. Unfortunately, as an old white guy he has appointed himself their spokesman.:cuckoo:
Tim Scott is a sellout. Not because he's a conservative, but because his ideas are antithetical to black interests. Scott is an idiot. You will not see anyone black here supporting Tim Scott. The ONLY people who will defend him will be the right wing whites in this forum.

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Let em talk and these libs will always reveal their racism. The dems are the ones who think the entire black population in the US should think what they are told to think. Here's Biden's version, ‘If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black’. It's like, how dare you have an opinion we didn't give you! Now go get your food stamps and be grateful.
There's the problem. RD2 believes blacks can't think or speak for themselves, and they need someone to do it for them. Unfortunately, as an old white guy he has appointed himself their spokesman.:cuckoo:
Lol.....it's pretty funny to watch it.
Calling someone a sellout and an idiot isn't a political argument and a funny cartoon is something a four year old would resort to. The post is an example of ignorance and hate speech (and possibly racism) rather than a political argument and sadly typical of the left wing agenda these days.
Don't bother with this pretender.
He's not black himself....biggest fraud on the boards.
I've said before that I wouldn't be surprised if IM2 is just a troll, who likes getting a rise out of people for some undiagnosed mental, personality disorder. Add to that, not being black, wouldn't surprise me either. His ability to ignore statistical facts and data and to continually espouse illogical arguments and tactics, points to mental issues IMO.

IM2 - "Blacks don't commit the most crime, whites do"
Responder - "Well, the data says this, and based on the statistical......"
IM2 - "You're a racist"

Rinse and repeat every, IM2, thread.
I've said before that I wouldn't be surprised if IM2 is just a troll, who likes getting a rise out of people for some undiagnosed mental, personality disorder. Add to that, not being black, wouldn't surprise me either. His ability to ignore statistical facts and data and to continually espouse illogical arguments and tactics, points to mental issues IMO.

IM2 - "Blacks don't commit the most crime, whites do"
Responder - "Well, the data says this, and based on the statistical......"
IM2 - "You're a racist"

Rinse and repeat every, IM2, thread.
The thing is that more and more people are tired of this act. Many supported improving the system to be inclusive to those who were not invited in the past. And of course, it was politicized, and an excuse was needed for those who could not make it with a legitimate shot.
It's easy for whites to dismiss racIsm. Whites have used the strong arm of governmemt to get everything they have and are using the strong arm of government to erase policies that provided equal opportunity.
Fuck you....you are just plain old dismissed period.
Good bye.
I've said before that I wouldn't be surprised if IM2 is just a troll, who likes getting a rise out of people for some undiagnosed mental, personality disorder. Add to that, not being black, wouldn't surprise me either. His ability to ignore statistical facts and data and to continually espouse illogical arguments and tactics, points to mental issues IMO.

IM2 - "Blacks don't commit the most crime, whites do"
Responder - "Well, the data says this, and based on the statistical......"
IM2 - "You're a racist"

Rinse and repeat every, IM2, thread.
This is how you know for sure that he is an imposter. The level of attack is psychologically disconnected from the false reality that he has proffered here as a sock.
Whether it is a case of severe self doubt or an aspiring actor who uses this place to practice race chameleonizing....I can't say for sure.....maybe just a board person who sees
playing the game as a way to consume otherwise meaningless time.
Professional sports is based on Merit and Performance. Period. Which currently is one of the few "job markets" where race and equity discussions are glossed over.

However, apply merit and performance to other job markets and apply pay on merit and performance, it suddenly turns into a race debate.
I stated the same sentiment regarding professional sports.
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