Tim Scott Does Not Speak For Black People

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Tim Scott is a sellout. Not because he's a conservative, but because his ideas are antithetical to black interests. Scott is an idiot. You will not see anyone black here supporting Tim Scott. The ONLY people who will defend him will be the right wing whites in this forum.

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There you go with your racism again. What do you have against blacks expressing their views?
I don't have any problem. Trump is boldy speaking for whites and whites say so.
Once again I'll post this slowly for you.

Whites like you just don't understand that white is a race and race is why whites have what they do.
So, in your biased viewpoint, this has nothing to do with whites, in general, being more successful than other races?


This is how you know for sure that he is an imposter. The level of attack is psychologically disconnected from the false reality that he has proffered here as a sock.
Whether it is a case of severe self doubt or an aspiring actor who uses this place to practice race chameleonizing....I can't say for sure.....maybe just a board person who sees
playing the game as a way to consume otherwise meaningless time.
Another idiot.
Tim Scott is a sellout. Not because he's a conservative, but because his ideas are antithetical to black interests. Scott is an idiot. You will not see anyone black here supporting Tim Scott. The ONLY people who will defend him will be the right wing whites in this forum.
My god, dumped his racist crap all over this forum. Many blacks like Tim Scott a hell of a lot.
There you go with your racism again. What do you have against blacks expressing their views?
You don't like blacks expressing our views. Did you support Kaepernick? BLM? Sharpton? Jamal Bowman? Ilhan Omar? Rep Pressley? Kamala Harris? Barack or Mchelle Obama? Maxine Watters? Michael Steele? Joy Reid? Don Lemmon? Jesse Jackson?


You defend Scott because he helps do things to erase policies that have created equal opportunity for blacks.
Fuck you....you are just plain old dismissed period.
Good bye.
Like I GAF what you think. Right wing whites try minimizing racism because they don't face it and many of you practice it. And that means race plays a role in your every day life. White is a race and when whites deny the racism others face, that is one of the white race cards.
Then maybe “black people” need to drag their heads out of their asses and start using some common sense. Unfortunately we very rarely see “black people” who are willing or capable of doing that.
I've said before that I wouldn't be surprised if IM2 is just a troll, who likes getting a rise out of people for some undiagnosed mental, personality disorder. Add to that, not being black, wouldn't surprise me either. His ability to ignore statistical facts and data and to continually espouse illogical arguments and tactics, points to mental issues IMO.

IM2 - "Blacks don't commit the most crime, whites do"
Responder - "Well, the data says this, and based on the statistical......"
IM2 - "You're a racist"

Rinse and repeat every, IM2, thread.
The problem is that I have posted things like this:

In 2020, there were 7,173,072, crime offenders in the United States. That 7.1 million is 100 percent of the offenders in America. In 2020 according to the census, the U.S. population was 331,449,281. That number is 100 percent of the U.S. population. Out of 331,449,281 citizens, 7,173,072 people or 2.16 percent of the American population were criminal offenders. The 3,642,932 white offenders were 1.09 percent of the American population. The 2,122,038 black offenders were 0.6 percent of the American population. This is where your claim about data fails. The numbers show the population in America that are black criminal offenders is 0.6 percent and the population in America that are white criminal offenders is 1.09 percent. Your analysis of the data is in error because criminal offenders are a subset of the popuation. Not evetybody is a criminal offender so not everybody should be considerd in the discussion about crime and race. The numbers based on the UCR Criminal offenders data, and the US population in the United States Census show that 1 percent of the population is 51 percent of the criminal offenders and they are not black.

But you continue barking about stats based on your bias, therefore you get called what you are, a racist. The most frequent comment coming from those who think like you is blacks are 13 percent of the population and commit 50 percent of the crimes. That statement in and of itself is inaccurate.
Then maybe “black people” need to drag their heads out of their asses and start using some common sense. Unfortunately we very rarely see “black people” who are willing or capable of doing that.
Whites are the ones who need to do that. This forum is one example of how whites, specificaly Trump supporting right wing whites, have refused to do so.
There's the problem. RD2 believes blacks can't think or speak for themselves, and they need someone to do it for them. Unfortunately, as an old white guy he has appointed himself their spokesman.:cuckoo:
Thats the fiction you white racists have made up. Keep on telling yoursef I'm white.

Riiiiight that's your picture...on the internet... :auiqs.jpg:
Keep on believing I'm white.


And no doubt you believe a man with a big blue ox carved out the Rocky Mountains.
You don't like blacks expressing our views. Did you support Kaepernick? BLM? Sharpton? Jamal Bowman? Ilhan Omar? Rep Pressley? Kamala Harris? Barack or Mchelle Obama? Maxine Watters? Michael Steele? Joy Reid? Don Lemmon? Jesse Jackson?


You defend Scott because he helps do things to erase policies that have created equal opportunity for blacks.
BS. I support Scott because he is a conservative. But, it is democrats who made the policies that have created unequal opportunities for blacks. I don't look at things from a racial standpoint, as you do. Under Biden blacks have fared worse than they were before and the reason why he is losing some black support. You choose to deny Trump is gaining support from blacks and even go so far as to criticize any black who supports Trump.
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