Time to be Rude?

Here's the thing dumbass.
I go through my days dealing with white people and black people,yet I never have a problem with either of them and they dont have a problem with me.
You manufacture racism where none exists.
You and types like you are the sole reason racism continues to be a problem.
Cool the rhetoric and the problem goes away.

What people call you in your daily life has nothing to do with me. Sorry, but you seem to just want to be a victim.

Who said anything about what people call me,and when have I claimed to be a victim?
Ya some kind of tard?

Your previous post. Sorry, but it was kind of whiney.

How so?

You're blathering on about talking about racism is somehow hurtful or something. Get a life dude. If you're not concerned about the topic then walk away and live your life.
you totally ignored his whole post....you are a douche
Much of the Left's power comes from taking advantage of the Right's tolerance.

What's the weather like in Moscow this time of year?

If you aren't a sock puppet...that was a really idiotic claim.

The right...is tolerant of NOTHING

what is the left tolerant of?
they preach hate and offer no forgiveness
unless you believe everything they do....that's not tolerant at all

What did you think of:

John McCain,
Jeff Flake
Susan Collins
How much property damage did they do vs. The Ferguson riots, hmm??

Retarded deluded soy white boys carrying Tiki torches, does not excuse blacks sucker-punching old men that fought for their freedom and them rioting and looting businesses, sorry. Next!

Bitch! Back in my day, they caught .223 headshots by black National Guard for that bullshit, motherfucker!

I saw a guy..trying to throw a cocktail get head shot. Right in the middle of Earl's block. How stupid do you gotta be to try and firebomb militia in America that's sent out to stop rioting, wtf? He went down, The End.

He was done. He kinda slid on his face.

This is the end you tards want, really?

Whatever happened to "CoExist"?

Ahh pining for murder in the streets. You want to bring back the attack dogs there too? Burning crosses in people’s yards?

The good old days…right?

Meanwhile, the thread is about the right wing “getting rude”. You’re there; you’ve been there for about a decade or two now.

Republicans didnt do that shit, Democrats did

The Democrats used to be conservatives (they were called Dixiecrats; Grandpa was one of them).
Now, Conservatives are the party of the Klan, white nationalism, and general ass-hattery.

how many times do i have to make you guys look like fools on this topic?

that narrative is even more bullshit than Russian collusion

name me the last time the Democrat was more conservative than the Republican in a presidential election

Wow; that's the barometer...presidential nominees?

oh I have tons more...you narrative is a lie. the Republican party gas been the conservative party since atleast the 1890s if not sooner
Much of the Left's power comes from taking advantage of the Right's tolerance.

What's the weather like in Moscow this time of year?

If you aren't a sock puppet...that was a really idiotic claim.

The right...is tolerant of NOTHING

what is the left tolerant of?
they preach hate and offer no forgiveness
unless you believe everything they do....that's not tolerant at all

What did you think of:

John McCain,
Jeff Flake
Susan Collins

what the hell does that have to do with the post
Much of the Left's power comes from taking advantage of the Right's tolerance. Where a Conservative will mind their own business and avoid a confrontation out of good manners, progressive politics demands that their adherents scream in people's faces.

I'm not saying it's time to scream back, but I am saying that perhaps we need to re-evaluate our principles, and take steps to avoid being walked over - or literally assaulted. I see in Nick Sandmann an excellent example. This young man simply stood his ground, and when the time was right he told his story - and had a powerful positive impact. I think it's time we did the same.

I'm old enough to remember the "Silent Majority", and I'm experiencing the same phenomenon today. I live in a red midwestern state, but I still don't see much overt support for the conservatism I know is present. We "deplorables" tend to keep to ourselves, and are honestly surprised when we find a like mind. We shouldn't be, but that's the nature of true tolerance - don't ask.

So no - I don't think it's time to be rude. But I do think it's time to stop being silent, and to tell our story when the occasion demands. Don't be bullied - fly your Flag, wear your hat, and when the opportunity arises speak your piece, peacefully. When the opposition screams, just let them scream. They'll eventually be shown for the fools they are, and we'll be putting one more nail in the coffin of Communism.

So you are saying, you know for a fact, that screaming in someone's face, is indicative of all liberals? What brought you to that conclusion? Sounds like conservatives are humble???? I didn't know they could be humble.
Much of the Left's power comes from taking advantage of the Right's tolerance.

Actually, that's true of the Constituents and voters. When it comes to Repub leadership tho -- what the left takes advantage of is their wimpiness and spinelessness.. They are scared little chickenshits mostly, who don't want to get roasted in the media and have to DEFEND their principles and actions...
Ahh pining for murder in the streets. You want to bring back the attack dogs there too? Burning crosses in people’s yards?

The good old days…right?

Meanwhile, the thread is about the right wing “getting rude”. You’re there; you’ve been there for about a decade or two now.

Republicans didnt do that shit, Democrats did

The Democrats used to be conservatives (they were called Dixiecrats; Grandpa was one of them).
Now, Conservatives are the party of the Klan, white nationalism, and general ass-hattery.

how many times do i have to make you guys look like fools on this topic?

that narrative is even more bullshit than Russian collusion

name me the last time the Democrat was more conservative than the Republican in a presidential election

Wow; that's the barometer...presidential nominees?

oh I have tons more...you narrative is a lie. the Republican party gas been the conservative party since atleast the 1890s if not sooner

Hmmm...that would mean that the Klan were liberals (since they were democrats) right--in your either/or view of the world.

Or maybe try to wrap your head around the concept of two parties that were primarily conservative.
Much of the Left's power comes from taking advantage of the Right's tolerance.

What's the weather like in Moscow this time of year?

If you aren't a sock puppet...that was a really idiotic claim.

The right...is tolerant of NOTHING

what is the left tolerant of?
they preach hate and offer no forgiveness
unless you believe everything they do....that's not tolerant at all

What did you think of:

John McCain,
Jeff Flake
Susan Collins

what the hell does that have to do with the post

Just hoping you'll give us a lesson in how well you tolerate people whom don't believe everything you believe.
Or will you tuck your tail between your legs and sulk off?
You’re either immature or a foreigner

Real Americans know there’s no room for thuggery in American politics

You are a thug and part of a thug party.

It's 1928 Germany, democrats are the Nazis, with their ANTIFA brown shirts, and white men are the new Jews.

Never again. Oh and as for your desire to end the Constitution, NO!
Doesn’t ANTIFA mean ‘anti-Fascist?

You should sue your scoop for failure to educate

Yeah and the Nazis called themselves socialists, so what's your point?
What violence did the deluded white boys perpetuate? Did they riot and burn down the down? 1 innocent black home? What?

1 innocent black's home would be ample enough to piss me off, but that didn't happen, Marxist faggot.

Marching at night with lit torches chanting Nazi slogans….
How is that Making America Great Again?

How much property damage did they do vs. The Ferguson riots, hmm??

Retarded deluded soy white boys carrying Tiki torches, does not excuse blacks sucker-punching old men that fought for their freedom and them rioting and looting businesses, sorry. Next!

Bitch! Back in my day, they caught .223 headshots by black National Guard for that bullshit, motherfucker!

I saw a guy..trying to throw a cocktail get head shot. Right in the middle of Earl's block. How stupid do you gotta be to try and firebomb militia in America that's sent out to stop rioting, wtf? He went down, The End.

He was done. He kinda slid on his face.

This is the end you tards want, really?

Whatever happened to "CoExist"?

Ahh pining for murder in the streets. You want to bring back the attack dogs there too? Burning crosses in people’s yards?

The good old days…right?

Meanwhile, the thread is about the right wing “getting rude”. You’re there; you’ve been there for about a decade or two now.

Republicans didnt do that shit, Democrats did

The Democrats used to be conservatives (they were called Dixiecrats; Grandpa was one of them).
Now, Conservatives are the party of the Klan, white nationalism, and general ass-hattery.
And it’s in the GOP that racists, bigots, white supremacists, and other hateful rightists find refuge; it’s become the party of hate and intolerance.
Republicans didnt do that shit, Democrats did

The Democrats used to be conservatives (they were called Dixiecrats; Grandpa was one of them).
Now, Conservatives are the party of the Klan, white nationalism, and general ass-hattery.

how many times do i have to make you guys look like fools on this topic?

that narrative is even more bullshit than Russian collusion

name me the last time the Democrat was more conservative than the Republican in a presidential election

Wow; that's the barometer...presidential nominees?

oh I have tons more...you narrative is a lie. the Republican party gas been the conservative party since atleast the 1890s if not sooner

Hmmm...that would mean that the Klan were liberals (since they were democrats) right--in your either/or view of the world.

Or maybe try to wrap your head around the concept of two parties that were primarily conservative.

The Klan no more supported the principles of the Constitution than the regressive dems do today.

Marching at night with lit torches chanting Nazi slogans….
How is that Making America Great Again?

How much property damage did they do vs. The Ferguson riots, hmm??

Retarded deluded soy white boys carrying Tiki torches, does not excuse blacks sucker-punching old men that fought for their freedom and them rioting and looting businesses, sorry. Next!

Bitch! Back in my day, they caught .223 headshots by black National Guard for that bullshit, motherfucker!

I saw a guy..trying to throw a cocktail get head shot. Right in the middle of Earl's block. How stupid do you gotta be to try and firebomb militia in America that's sent out to stop rioting, wtf? He went down, The End.

He was done. He kinda slid on his face.

This is the end you tards want, really?

Whatever happened to "CoExist"?

Ahh pining for murder in the streets. You want to bring back the attack dogs there too? Burning crosses in people’s yards?

The good old days…right?

Meanwhile, the thread is about the right wing “getting rude”. You’re there; you’ve been there for about a decade or two now.

Republicans didnt do that shit, Democrats did

The Democrats used to be conservatives (they were called Dixiecrats; Grandpa was one of them).
Now, Conservatives are the party of the Klan, white nationalism, and general ass-hattery.
And it’s in the GOP that racists, bigots, white supremacists, and other hateful rightists find refuge; it’s become the party of hate and intolerance.

Great commie talking points, telling the same lie over and over doesn't really make it true. The party of identity politics are the biggest racist on earth. You commies have no interest in raising people up, you need your victims to maintain your base.

Marching at night with lit torches chanting Nazi slogans….
How is that Making America Great Again?

How much property damage did they do vs. The Ferguson riots, hmm??

Retarded deluded soy white boys carrying Tiki torches, does not excuse blacks sucker-punching old men that fought for their freedom and them rioting and looting businesses, sorry. Next!

Bitch! Back in my day, they caught .223 headshots by black National Guard for that bullshit, motherfucker!

I saw a guy..trying to throw a cocktail get head shot. Right in the middle of Earl's block. How stupid do you gotta be to try and firebomb militia in America that's sent out to stop rioting, wtf? He went down, The End.

He was done. He kinda slid on his face.

This is the end you tards want, really?

Whatever happened to "CoExist"?

Ahh pining for murder in the streets. You want to bring back the attack dogs there too? Burning crosses in people’s yards?

The good old days…right?

Meanwhile, the thread is about the right wing “getting rude”. You’re there; you’ve been there for about a decade or two now.

Republicans didnt do that shit, Democrats did

The Democrats used to be conservatives (they were called Dixiecrats; Grandpa was one of them).
Now, Conservatives are the party of the Klan, white nationalism, and general ass-hattery.
And it’s in the GOP that racists, bigots, white supremacists, and other hateful rightists find refuge; it’s become the party of hate and intolerance.

Remind me which side declared that my very masculinity is "toxic"? Which side blames me every time a black guy gets killed by cops? Which side says I live a life of privilege and need to be taken down? Which side wants to erase my history and condemn my culture as a culture of rape and undermines my moral values? Which side says people with my skin tone and gender are to blame for all the suffering in the world? Which side says the world would be better off if people like me just died off?

The left just keeps escalating and escalating this anti-white male agenda of theirs and no matter the fact that I never lynched a black or bashed a gay or raped a woman. Your innocence is just a technicality they say. It's what goes on inside your head that is an atrocity. You're guilty and we won't let up until you atone.
Much of the Left's power comes from taking advantage of the Right's tolerance. Where a Conservative will mind their own business and avoid a confrontation out of good manners, progressive politics demands that their adherents scream in people's faces.

I'm not saying it's time to scream back, but I am saying that perhaps we need to re-evaluate our principles, and take steps to avoid being walked over - or literally assaulted. I see in Nick Sandmann an excellent example. This young man simply stood his ground, and when the time was right he told his story - and had a powerful positive impact. I think it's time we did the same.

I'm old enough to remember the "Silent Majority", and I'm experiencing the same phenomenon today. I live in a red midwestern state, but I still don't see much overt support for the conservatism I know is present. We "deplorables" tend to keep to ourselves, and are honestly surprised when we find a like mind. We shouldn't be, but that's the nature of true tolerance - don't ask.

So no - I don't think it's time to be rude. But I do think it's time to stop being silent, and to tell our story when the occasion demands. Don't be bullied - fly your Flag, wear your hat, and when the opportunity arises speak your piece, peacefully. When the opposition screams, just let them scream. They'll eventually be shown for the fools they are, and we'll be putting one more nail in the coffin of Communism.
“Much of the Left's power comes from taking advantage of the Right's tolerance.”

This is a lie.

We know it’s a lie because there’s no evidence of rightwing ‘tolerance’ – indeed, quite the opposite.

In fact, there is ample proof of the right’s intolerance:

Laws and measures supported by rightists intended to discriminate against gay and transgender Americans, laws and measures that seek to compel women to give birth against their will, laws and measures that place an undue burden on the right of minorities to vote, laws and measures hostile to Muslims and immigrants, being some of the more reprehensible examples.

And when liberals appropriately denounce the authoritarian right’s bigotry, racism, and hate, that’s not ‘intolerance’ of conservatives, that’s warranted, justified opposition to the bigotry, racism, and hate far too many on the right seek to promote.
Much of the Left's power comes from taking advantage of the Right's tolerance.

What's the weather like in Moscow this time of year?

If you aren't a sock puppet...that was a really idiotic claim.

The right...is tolerant of NOTHING

what is the left tolerant of?
they preach hate and offer no forgiveness
unless you believe everything they do....that's not tolerant at all

What did you think of:

John McCain,
Jeff Flake
Susan Collins

what the hell does that have to do with the post

Just hoping you'll give us a lesson in how well you tolerate people whom don't believe everything you believe.
Or will you tuck your tail between your legs and sulk off?

I guess he couldn't hang.
Marching at night with lit torches chanting Nazi slogans….
How is that Making America Great Again?

How much property damage did they do vs. The Ferguson riots, hmm??

Retarded deluded soy white boys carrying Tiki torches, does not excuse blacks sucker-punching old men that fought for their freedom and them rioting and looting businesses, sorry. Next!

Bitch! Back in my day, they caught .223 headshots by black National Guard for that bullshit, motherfucker!

I saw a guy..trying to throw a cocktail get head shot. Right in the middle of Earl's block. How stupid do you gotta be to try and firebomb militia in America that's sent out to stop rioting, wtf? He went down, The End.

He was done. He kinda slid on his face.

This is the end you tards want, really?

Whatever happened to "CoExist"?

Ahh pining for murder in the streets. You want to bring back the attack dogs there too? Burning crosses in people’s yards?

The good old days…right?

Meanwhile, the thread is about the right wing “getting rude”. You’re there; you’ve been there for about a decade or two now.

Republicans didnt do that shit, Democrats did

The Democrats used to be conservatives (they were called Dixiecrats; Grandpa was one of them).
Now, Conservatives are the party of the Klan, white nationalism, and general ass-hattery.
And it’s in the GOP that racists, bigots, white supremacists, and other hateful rightists find refuge; it’s become the party of hate and intolerance.
No they do not, that's a lie. but they do find a home in the democrat party. they have a massive anti semite elected to congress

I just like to point it out. Racism is a sickness that needs to be eradicated.

Than tell the race pimps to STFU!!
To be honest the only time I think of race is when the I am 2 type dickheads spout off.

When what? Never mind, I don't want to know.

Bringing up issues of racism is what we should be doing. Guess what? You don't have to participate.

Here's the thing dumbass.
I go through my days dealing with white people and black people,yet I never have a problem with either of them and they dont have a problem with me.
You manufacture racism where none exists.
You and types like you are the sole reason racism continues to be a problem.
Cool the rhetoric and the problem goes away.

You mean rhetoric like this?

"They're sending people that have a lot of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

No,thats the truth.
What's the weather like in Moscow this time of year?

If you aren't a sock puppet...that was a really idiotic claim.

The right...is tolerant of NOTHING

what is the left tolerant of?
they preach hate and offer no forgiveness
unless you believe everything they do....that's not tolerant at all

What did you think of:

John McCain,
Jeff Flake
Susan Collins

what the hell does that have to do with the post

Just hoping you'll give us a lesson in how well you tolerate people whom don't believe everything you believe.
Or will you tuck your tail between your legs and sulk off?

I guess he couldn't hang.
LOL, you're a moron, people need sleep asshat, I have a job.
I tolerate lots of people who don't believe what I do.....I'm not consumed with politics every second of the day......you should try it sometimes.....maybe you'll actually know a conservative and find out all the crap you spew about them are lies.

I just like to point it out. Racism is a sickness that needs to be eradicated.

Than tell the race pimps to STFU!!
To be honest the only time I think of race is when the I am 2 type dickheads spout off.

When what? Never mind, I don't want to know.

Bringing up issues of racism is what we should be doing. Guess what? You don't have to participate.

Here's the thing dumbass.
I go through my days dealing with white people and black people,yet I never have a problem with either of them and they dont have a problem with me.
You manufacture racism where none exists.
You and types like you are the sole reason racism continues to be a problem.
Cool the rhetoric and the problem goes away.

You mean rhetoric like this?

"They're sending people that have a lot of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."
What's wrong with the truth....sorry you have truth, but it is what it is....
I just like to point it out. Racism is a sickness that needs to be eradicated.

Than tell the race pimps to STFU!!
To be honest the only time I think of race is when the I am 2 type dickheads spout off.

When what? Never mind, I don't want to know.

Bringing up issues of racism is what we should be doing. Guess what? You don't have to participate.

Here's the thing dumbass.
I go through my days dealing with white people and black people,yet I never have a problem with either of them and they dont have a problem with me.
You manufacture racism where none exists.
You and types like you are the sole reason racism continues to be a problem.
Cool the rhetoric and the problem goes away.

You mean rhetoric like this?

"They're sending people that have a lot of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

No,thats the truth.

NO! Illegal aliens never smuggle drugs or commit crime or are good people!
ear plug.gif

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