Time to be Rude?

Rude? No, it's time to wake up.

Terrorism researchers say right-wing violence sprouted alongside white anxiety about Obama’s presidency and has accelerated in the Trump era. Trump and his aides have continuously denied that he has contributed to the rise in violence. But experts say right-wing extremists perceive the president as offering them tacit support for their cause.

After the violence in Charlottesville, for example, Trump asserted that “both sides” were equally to blame and that there were “some very fine people” among the far-right demonstrators, many of whom wore “Make America Great Again” caps while chanting racist and anti-Semitic slogans.

More recently, Trump rallied crowds in the run-up to the Nov. 6 midterm elections with incendiary rhetoric about Muslims and immigrants, terming a caravan of Central American refugees an “invasion” and ordering active-duty troops to the U.S.-Mexico border.

It's funny, the violence always occurs with the left. Take Charlotesville, most of those people were left including the leader, he voted FOR Obama, but they wanted to stand up for statues and the far far left come over and shit starts.
At Republican rallies....the left shows up and spits on people and attacks them physically sometimes
At Democrat rallies, the left gets on stage and steals microphones......but notice, no right winger are in attendance, because we simply don't care about lefties...
At restaurants, the left shows up and tries to chase the right out....do you ever see the reverse? I think once in Miami and the left was pissed (one time versus many, fuck the left)

Did the left make the torch boys shout Nazi slogans too?
Sure, it was most likely a hoax. The dude was a reported obammy voter. Right?
What violence did the deluded white boys perpetuate? Did they riot and burn down the town? 1 innocent black home? What?

1 innocent black's home would be ample enough to piss me off, but that didn't happen, Marxist faggot.

You ain't nothin' but full of shit. Fuck you and the faggot you rode in on


And oh...those "deluded white boys" KILLED a woman in Charlottesville

Yeah, you of the Khmer Rouge are really "tolerant."

Of course the racist Proud Boys have sucker punching a liberal as part of their initiation

SO...there's that

Fucking liar.

Seriously bitch, navigate away from KOS for 10 minutes each day.

The Proud Boys kicked the shit out of some ANTIFA brown shirts who were out on Kristalnacht ATTACKING PEOPLE.

He's a piece of shit. Like all other racist assholes.


I just like to point it out. Racism is a sickness that needs to be eradicated.

Than tell the race pimps to STFU!!
To be honest the only time I think of race is when the I am 2 type dickheads spout off.

When what? Never mind, I don't want to know.

Bringing up issues of racism is what we should be doing. Guess what? You don't have to participate.

Here's the thing dumbass.
I go through my days dealing with white people and black people,yet I never have a problem with either of them and they dont have a problem with me.
You manufacture racism where none exists.
You and types like you are the sole reason racism continues to be a problem.
Cool the rhetoric and the problem goes away.

You mean rhetoric like this?

"They're sending people that have a lot of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."
As with their hero, comportment can be abandoned, ethics can be ignored, social maturity can be forgotten, and morality can be compromised

The only pleasantries to be granted your enemy should be the sharpness of your blade and the quality of your blow.

And here I thought they are your fellow American citizens.

Grow up some more

Fuck all democrats, they are the enemy of this nation and of all decent people.

"Never Again" means shutting you and your flat our evil party down.
You’re either immature or a foreigner

Real Americans know there’s no room for thuggery in American politics
You’re either immature or a foreigner

Real Americans know there’s no room for thuggery in American politics

You are a thug and part of a thug party.

It's 1928 Germany, democrats are the Nazis, with their ANTIFA brown shirts, and white men are the new Jews.

Never again. Oh and as for your desire to end the Constitution, NO!
As with their hero, comportment can be abandoned, ethics can be ignored, social maturity can be forgotten, and morality can be compromised

The only pleasantries to be granted your enemy should be the sharpness of your blade and the quality of your blow.
So you wouldn't mind going to prison for killing someone who just disagrees with you?

The left is violent and seeks to crush basic liberty.

Any violence from Americans will be in RESPONSE to actions of the democrats.

Let's say Gavin Newsome sends SS Troops to kick down the door of some American because he found out the American had guns. The American shoots back at the SS thugs. The American didn't INITIATE the violence, the thug scum under Newsome did.

“The notion that certain Americans are pre-emptively guilty of wrongdoing, whether there’s any corroborating evidence to back up an accusation or not, isn’t reserved for conservatives who happen to be in contention for a Supreme Court seat. In the hierarchy of progressive values, due process is a bottom dweller.”

“Federal law already prohibits the sale of a gun to anyone who “has been adjudicated as a mental defective.” Until now, a person had an option to appeal the ban and show “a preponderance of evidence” that he would use firearms in “a safe and lawful manner.” Now California bans onetime patients from owning firearms for the rest of their lives. This is an excellent way to stigmatize people who suffer from maladies that often have nothing to do with violence or criminality.

“Another California law allows police to verbally ask to confiscate a gun rather than make their case in a written request. Under “red flag laws,” guns can be confiscated from citizens who’ve never been charged with, much less convicted of, breaking any law. And it’s getting easier and easier to do it.” – David Harsanyi in Democrats’ New Anti-Gun Laws are Also an Attack On Due Process}

Harsanyi: California Can Now Grab Your Guns Without Due Process - The Truth About Guns

America has to accept the fact that you Stalinist democrats are waging war on the Constitution and on us. You seek to end civil rights and enslave the population at large.
As with their hero, comportment can be abandoned, ethics can be ignored, social maturity can be forgotten, and morality can be compromised

The only pleasantries to be granted your enemy should be the sharpness of your blade and the quality of your blow.
So you wouldn't mind going to prison for killing someone who just disagrees with you?

The left is violent and seeks to crush basic liberty.

Any violence from Americans will be in RESPONSE to actions of the democrats.

Let's say Gavin Newsome sends SS Troops to kick down the door of some American because he found out the American had guns. The American shoots back at the SS thugs. The American didn't INITIATE the violence, the thug scum under Newsome did.

“The notion that certain Americans are pre-emptively guilty of wrongdoing, whether there’s any corroborating evidence to back up an accusation or not, isn’t reserved for conservatives who happen to be in contention for a Supreme Court seat. In the hierarchy of progressive values, due process is a bottom dweller.”

“Federal law already prohibits the sale of a gun to anyone who “has been adjudicated as a mental defective.” Until now, a person had an option to appeal the ban and show “a preponderance of evidence” that he would use firearms in “a safe and lawful manner.” Now California bans onetime patients from owning firearms for the rest of their lives. This is an excellent way to stigmatize people who suffer from maladies that often have nothing to do with violence or criminality.

“Another California law allows police to verbally ask to confiscate a gun rather than make their case in a written request. Under “red flag laws,” guns can be confiscated from citizens who’ve never been charged with, much less convicted of, breaking any law. And it’s getting easier and easier to do it.” – David Harsanyi in Democrats’ New Anti-Gun Laws are Also an Attack On Due Process}

Harsanyi: California Can Now Grab Your Guns Without Due Process - The Truth About Guns

America has to accept the fact that you Stalinist democrats are waging war on the Constitution and on us. You seek to end civil rights and enslave the population at large.
We're not the ones who are trying to end the woman's right to choose. We're not the ones who are against LGBTQ rights. We're not the ones who have gerrymandered districts so as to limit or completely inhibit minorities from voting. We're not the ones who have ripped children from their parents and put them in what is basically concentration camps. We're not the ones who want to deny hard working Americans a decent living wage. And that is only the tip of the iceberg.
You’re either immature or a foreigner

Real Americans know there’s no room for thuggery in American politics

You are a thug and part of a thug party.

It's 1928 Germany, democrats are the Nazis, with their ANTIFA brown shirts, and white men are the new Jews.

Never again. Oh and as for your desire to end the Constitution, NO!
Doesn’t ANTIFA mean ‘anti-Fascist?

You should sue your scoop for failure to educate
You’re either immature or a foreigner

Real Americans know there’s no room for thuggery in American politics

You are a thug and part of a thug party.

It's 1928 Germany, democrats are the Nazis, with their ANTIFA brown shirts, and white men are the new Jews.

Never again. Oh and as for your desire to end the Constitution, NO!

Funny how Trump supporters are the ones carrying the Nazi flags at rallies.

As with their hero, comportment can be abandoned, ethics can be ignored, social maturity can be forgotten, and morality can be compromised

The only pleasantries to be granted your enemy should be the sharpness of your blade and the quality of your blow.
So you wouldn't mind going to prison for killing someone who just disagrees with you?

The left is violent and seeks to crush basic liberty.

Any violence from Americans will be in RESPONSE to actions of the democrats.

Let's say Gavin Newsome sends SS Troops to kick down the door of some American because he found out the American had guns. The American shoots back at the SS thugs. The American didn't INITIATE the violence, the thug scum under Newsome did.

“The notion that certain Americans are pre-emptively guilty of wrongdoing, whether there’s any corroborating evidence to back up an accusation or not, isn’t reserved for conservatives who happen to be in contention for a Supreme Court seat. In the hierarchy of progressive values, due process is a bottom dweller.”

“Federal law already prohibits the sale of a gun to anyone who “has been adjudicated as a mental defective.” Until now, a person had an option to appeal the ban and show “a preponderance of evidence” that he would use firearms in “a safe and lawful manner.” Now California bans onetime patients from owning firearms for the rest of their lives. This is an excellent way to stigmatize people who suffer from maladies that often have nothing to do with violence or criminality.

“Another California law allows police to verbally ask to confiscate a gun rather than make their case in a written request. Under “red flag laws,” guns can be confiscated from citizens who’ve never been charged with, much less convicted of, breaking any law. And it’s getting easier and easier to do it.” – David Harsanyi in Democrats’ New Anti-Gun Laws are Also an Attack On Due Process}

Harsanyi: California Can Now Grab Your Guns Without Due Process - The Truth About Guns

America has to accept the fact that you Stalinist democrats are waging war on the Constitution and on us. You seek to end civil rights and enslave the population at large.
We're not the ones who are trying to end the woman's right to choose. We're not the ones who are against LGBTQ rights. We're not the ones who have gerrymandered districts so as to limit or completely inhibit minorities from voting. We're not the ones who have ripped children from their parents and put them in what is basically concentration camps. We're not the ones who want to deny hard working Americans a decent living wage. And that is only the tip of the iceberg.

The right to kill a child up until the moment of birth? That's a choice? Who gives a shit what fags want to do in the privacy of their own abode but they do NOT have the right to go into grade schools preaching the virtues of the perversity of their lifestyle with parents having no say in it. Illegals that attempt to come over here using children (many of which are not even their own and to be used in child trafficking) shouldn't expect to be given a free pass. Deny someone of a decent living wage? Illegals bring down wages for Americans at the bottom of the economic ladder...leftards see them as future leftard voters.

Stupid fucks like you have no clue about the fiat currency/debt slavery system and believe that "money" can be printed into infinity. I KNOW how all this works and dumb,ignorant asses like yourself are tools of the robber barons. The leftists have exposed themselves for what I have always known them to be....indoctrinated commie idiots that suffer from arrested development.
You’re either immature or a foreigner

Real Americans know there’s no room for thuggery in American politics

You are a thug and part of a thug party.

It's 1928 Germany, democrats are the Nazis, with their ANTIFA brown shirts, and white men are the new Jews.

Never again. Oh and as for your desire to end the Constitution, NO!

Funny how Trump supporters are the ones carrying the Nazi flags at rallies.

Funny how SJWs and Nazis all arrived riding the same buses in Charlottesville paid for by one of Soros's NGOs......
We're not the ones who are trying to end the woman's right to choose. We're not the ones who are against LGBTQ rights. We're not the ones who have gerrymandered districts so as to limit or completely inhibit minorities from voting. We're not the ones who have ripped children from their parents and put them in what is basically concentration camps. We're not the ones who want to deny hard working Americans a decent living wage. And that is only the tip of the iceberg.

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

Now show me in the CONSTITUTION, not a dictatorial law crafted by unelected judges, but the CONSTITUTION where it declares and unalienable right to kill a baby, including after birth?

Oh, and FUCKING LYING about border separations hardly does you Khmer Rouge scum any good.

Separating Kids at Border: The Truth | National Review


Remember how you lying scum printed this picture from 2014 and claimed it was Trump?

You are the enemy of the American people. Violent and evil to your rotten core.
You’re either immature or a foreigner

Real Americans know there’s no room for thuggery in American politics

You are a thug and part of a thug party.

It's 1928 Germany, democrats are the Nazis, with their ANTIFA brown shirts, and white men are the new Jews.

Never again. Oh and as for your desire to end the Constitution, NO!

Funny how Trump supporters are the ones carrying the Nazi flags at rallies.

Funny how SJWs and Nazis all arrived riding the same buses in Charlottesville paid for by one of Soros's NGOs......

That is possibly the dumbest thing you've said since you posited that there were 7 assassins in Dealey Plaza when JFK was killed.
You’re either immature or a foreigner

Real Americans know there’s no room for thuggery in American politics

You are a thug and part of a thug party.

It's 1928 Germany, democrats are the Nazis, with their ANTIFA brown shirts, and white men are the new Jews.

Never again. Oh and as for your desire to end the Constitution, NO!
Doesn’t ANTIFA mean ‘anti-Fascist?

You should sue your scoop for failure to educate

ANTIFA is to "anti fascist" as "Democratic Republic of North Korea" is to democracy.

Grow up.
You’re either immature or a foreigner

Real Americans know there’s no room for thuggery in American politics

You are a thug and part of a thug party.

It's 1928 Germany, democrats are the Nazis, with their ANTIFA brown shirts, and white men are the new Jews.

Never again. Oh and as for your desire to end the Constitution, NO!
Doesn’t ANTIFA mean ‘anti-Fascist?

You should sue your scoop for failure to educate


Politics is, largely persuasion.

If Right Wing assholes decide that being intolerant thugs without morals and ethics, who are they trying to persuade?

‘Hey! Those guys are kicking people in the teeth for what they think! They’re rude, boorish, violent and generally bullies!’

Should I join up with them??
You’re either immature or a foreigner

Real Americans know there’s no room for thuggery in American politics

You are a thug and part of a thug party.

It's 1928 Germany, democrats are the Nazis, with their ANTIFA brown shirts, and white men are the new Jews.

Never again. Oh and as for your desire to end the Constitution, NO!

Funny how Trump supporters are the ones carrying the Nazi flags at rallies.


Say Hamas Gurl, didn't it turn out that the worthless fuck with the Nazi flag was an OWS scumbag, one of yours?

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) reports that Jason Kessler, the organizer of last Saturday’s white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, is rumored to be a former Occupy Wall Street activist and supporter of Barack Obama.
The left-wing SPLC is often partisan and overzealous in targeting hate groups, lumping legitimate conservative organizations together with actual extremists. Therefore its identification of Kessler’s left-wing roots is significant.

The SPLC notes:

Rumors abound on white nationalist forums that Kessler’s ideological pedigree before 2016 was less than pure and seem to point to involvement in the Occupy movement and past support for President Obama.

At one recent speech in favor of Charlottesville’s status as a sanctuary city, Kessler live-streamed himself as an attendee questioned him and apologized for an undisclosed spat during Kessler’s apparent involvement with Occupy. Kessler appeared visibly perturbed by the woman’s presence and reminders of their past association.

Report: Charlottesville Racist Leader Was Former Occupy Activist, Obama Supporter | Breitbart

Wow, that really puts a point on the "false flag" routine you Stalinists like to pull...
The perp here is a self-proclaimed neo-Nazi and white supremacist.

If you reflexively conflate "conservatives" as described in my Post #1 with neo-Nazis and white supremacists, guess what - you're a bigot.
I didn't conflate anything. I directly answered the stupid question posed by Morrison. I suggest you reread the exchange. I'm usually pretty precise about what I answer.
You’re either immature or a foreigner

Real Americans know there’s no room for thuggery in American politics

You are a thug and part of a thug party.

It's 1928 Germany, democrats are the Nazis, with their ANTIFA brown shirts, and white men are the new Jews.

Never again. Oh and as for your desire to end the Constitution, NO!
Doesn’t ANTIFA mean ‘anti-Fascist?

You should sue your scoop for failure to educate

ANTIFA is to "anti fascist" as "Democratic Republic of North Korea" is to democracy.

Grow up.
You poor, poor man.

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