Time to be Rude?

When what? Never mind, I don't want to know.

Bringing up issues of racism is what we should be doing. Guess what? You don't have to participate.

Here's the thing dumbass.
I go through my days dealing with white people and black people,yet I never have a problem with either of them and they dont have a problem with me.
You manufacture racism where none exists.
You and types like you are the sole reason racism continues to be a problem.
Cool the rhetoric and the problem goes away.

What people call you in your daily life has nothing to do with me. Sorry, but you seem to just want to be a victim.

Who said anything about what people call me,and when have I claimed to be a victim?
Ya some kind of tard?

Your previous post. Sorry, but it was kind of whiney.

How so?

You're blathering on about talking about racism is somehow hurtful or something. Get a life dude. If you're not concerned about the topic then walk away and live your life.
Here's the thing dumbass.
I go through my days dealing with white people and black people,yet I never have a problem with either of them and they dont have a problem with me.
You manufacture racism where none exists.
You and types like you are the sole reason racism continues to be a problem.
Cool the rhetoric and the problem goes away.

What people call you in your daily life has nothing to do with me. Sorry, but you seem to just want to be a victim.

Who said anything about what people call me,and when have I claimed to be a victim?
Ya some kind of tard?

Your previous post. Sorry, but it was kind of whiney.

How so?

You're blathering on about talking about racism is somehow hurtful or something. Get a life dude. If you're not concerned about the topic then walk away and live your life.

Constantly making everything under the sun a racist issue makes race relations worse.
What people call you in your daily life has nothing to do with me. Sorry, but you seem to just want to be a victim.

Who said anything about what people call me,and when have I claimed to be a victim?
Ya some kind of tard?

Your previous post. Sorry, but it was kind of whiney.

How so?

You're blathering on about talking about racism is somehow hurtful or something. Get a life dude. If you're not concerned about the topic then walk away and live your life.

Constantly making everything under the sun a racist issue makes race relations worse.

LIke what specifically?
Or, how about Dylann Roof?

What about him?

He's a piece of shit. Like all other racist assholes.

Dylan Roof should already have hanged, why has he not? He took what, 8-9 innocent lives? Hang him in the public square yesterday.

I believe he was homophobic as well.

You also are a cocksucking faggot turd, so IDGAF what you believe, k?

That doesn't apply to all homosexuals, just ones as retarded and asinine as you.

You wanted my attention, you get it for 1-2 more posts, rotten cum breath.

Rotten cum? What does that smell like?
I agree, it takes liberal schooling to point out that the OP has been hilariously debunked by conservatives on this thread that have either fantasized about killing other posters or just plain ignored those posts.
That's the thing about the internet - you often can't tell if it's conservatives being jerks, Leftist trolls pretending to be conservative, or any combination thereof.

One thing is certain, though: You can separate those serious about open-minded conversation from those whose only goal is to "debunk" and claim victory. It's a hollow victory, they know they've incited division and contributed nothing. But it's good enough for them. Right, HappyJoy?

STFU sock shill newb. You got an intro thread? Da fuq are you?

You come off like Kash n Karry House Brand American Pasteurized Cheese Food Product, bro. 'Sup?

That crap..it doesn't melt like normal cheese.

I see, you're just drunk. Well, enjoy it.
He's a piece of shit. Like all other racist assholes.

Dylan Roof should already have hanged, why has he not? He took what, 8-9 innocent lives? Hang him in the public square yesterday.

I believe he was homophobic as well.

You also are a cocksucking faggot turd, so IDGAF what you believe, k?

That doesn't apply to all homosexuals, just ones as retarded and asinine as you.

You wanted my attention, you get it for 1-2 more posts, rotten cum breath.

Rotten cum? What does that smell like?

Your upper lip, next!

Damn dude, you're gross and thirsty.
Dylan Roof should already have hanged, why has he not? He took what, 8-9 innocent lives? Hang him in the public square yesterday.

I believe he was homophobic as well.

You also are a cocksucking faggot turd, so IDGAF what you believe, k?

That doesn't apply to all homosexuals, just ones as retarded and asinine as you.

You wanted my attention, you get it for 1-2 more posts, rotten cum breath.

Rotten cum? What does that smell like?

Your upper lip, next!

Damn dude, you're gross and thirsty.

You get 1, not 2 :funnyface:

Worthless turd, just like that "Caddo Kid" douche.

Total bad faith poster.

That's ok though, this is USMB and you have freedom of speech until you color outside of the lines. 90% other sites on the web, you'd already be done.

Or a mod. :abgg2q.jpg: Depends on where. Where did that "bad faith" come from?

Oh yeah..Lee S.. where is he from? He's a faggot. I'm not holding you to that standard, HappyJoy

Put on your happy helmet, k?

Why the fuck is Happy Helmet not on the internet? :eek:

Ohh Renn! I have a little surprise for you! It's a Happy helmet!

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"Much of the Left's power comes from taking advantage of the Right's tolerance."

Has everyone stopped laughing yet?

When they do, (and they haven't yet), be prepared to catch high-velocity copper-jacketed lead for being the traitor you are.

Are you really willing to stand up for your convictions? Because Americans are boy, and then some! I will warn you now: Keep poking the bear and you're gonna have a bad time.

Lefties in this country are just like the screaming Mobs that greeted Adolf in 1933 Brainwashed. He promised them the World and the World Bombed them back to the Stone Age/ Because as with most Socialists enough just was never enough and someone had to be the cause, We tried and hung his closest supporters and henchmen too. Time to end the March of Socialism in America.:fu:
I believe he was homophobic as well.

You also are a cocksucking faggot turd, so IDGAF what you believe, k?

That doesn't apply to all homosexuals, just ones as retarded and asinine as you.

You wanted my attention, you get it for 1-2 more posts, rotten cum breath.

Rotten cum? What does that smell like?

Your upper lip, next!

Damn dude, you're gross and thirsty.

You get 1, not 2 :funnyface:

Worthless turd, just like that "Caddo Kid" douche.

Total bad faith poster.

That's ok though, this is USMB and you have freedom of speech until you color outside of the lines. 90% other sites on the web, you'd already be done.

Or a mod. :abgg2q.jpg:

Try coffee.
Rotten cum? What does that smell like?

Your upper lip, next!

Damn dude, you're gross and thirsty.

You get 1, not 2 :funnyface:

Worthless turd, just like that "Caddo Kid" douche.

Total bad faith poster.

That's ok though, this is USMB and you have freedom of speech until you color outside of the lines. 90% other sites on the web, you'd already be done.

Or a mod. :abgg2q.jpg:

Try coffee.

Try extracting cock from your mouth. Oh yeah, and brushing your teeth with toothpaste.

Thanks for the advice. How did it get in your mouth to begin with?
Damn dude, you're gross and thirsty.

You get 1, not 2 :funnyface:

Worthless turd, just like that "Caddo Kid" douche.

Total bad faith poster.

That's ok though, this is USMB and you have freedom of speech until you color outside of the lines. 90% other sites on the web, you'd already be done.

Or a mod. :abgg2q.jpg:

Try coffee.

Try extracting cock from your mouth. Oh yeah, and brushing your teeth with toothpaste.

Thanks for the advice. How did it get in your mouth to begin with?

You're quite welcome, DoucheLord McCumBreath.

Well, at least we got to the truth.
You get 1, not 2 :funnyface:

Worthless turd, just like that "Caddo Kid" douche.

Total bad faith poster.

That's ok though, this is USMB and you have freedom of speech until you color outside of the lines. 90% other sites on the web, you'd already be done.

Or a mod. :abgg2q.jpg:

Try coffee.

Try extracting cock from your mouth. Oh yeah, and brushing your teeth with toothpaste.

Thanks for the advice. How did it get in your mouth to begin with?

You're quite welcome, DoucheLord McCumBreath.

Well, at least we got to the truth.

Here's the truth:

Skip to 5:18

Also an accurate representation of your TDS.

The Ren & Stimpy Show - Season 1 Episode 12 Online for Free - #1 Movies Website
Last edited:
^Identity issues.

It's OK, nobody here really gives a shit about your problems.
Who said anything about what people call me,and when have I claimed to be a victim?
Ya some kind of tard?

Your previous post. Sorry, but it was kind of whiney.

How so?

You're blathering on about talking about racism is somehow hurtful or something. Get a life dude. If you're not concerned about the topic then walk away and live your life.

Constantly making everything under the sun a racist issue makes race relations worse.

LIke what specifically?

If ya have to ask...
Much of the Left's power comes from taking advantage of the Right's tolerance.

What's the weather like in Moscow this time of year?

If you aren't a sock puppet...that was a really idiotic claim.

The right...is tolerant of NOTHING

The right...is tolerant of NOTHING

you'd be wrong.

after all, you're still allowed here.

and several of the mods are definitely Right.
We don't live in a third World Country where Anarchy is the Rule of Law. As sensible Americans we need to re educate ourselves and our Children grand children nieces nephews and everyone we meet about the failures and dangers, of Socialism , Democratic Socialism , Communism in whatever form it comes, and then vote the way our values point us and not sit at home on Election day because the weather was bad, or It was just a local election. Get out and encourage like minded people to vote every time in every election. And run the Scumbags who want to control our lives out of office. And then be rude.

It’s not Anarchy; it’s Pest Control.

These people cannot be saved. There is no means to correct their beliefs and ideas. Progressives, Liberals, Moderates and Centrists have no Mind to be changed or Soul to be saved. They’re beyond Redemption. They only thing you can do is put them out of our misery.
Trimp supporters are a frustrated bunch. Most cults of personality are.

They will be even more volatile when the huckster buffoon is frog marched into Allenwood Fedetal prison
Much of the Left's power comes from taking advantage of the Right's tolerance.

What's the weather like in Moscow this time of year?

If you aren't a sock puppet...that was a really idiotic claim.

The right...is tolerant of NOTHING

The right...is tolerant of NOTHING

you'd be wrong.

after all, you're still allowed here.

and several of the mods are definitely Right.
We've noticed...but when you start chucking out anyone left of you...you become GAB or 4chan or Stormfront.

Bad for business

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