Time to be Rude?

Much of the Left's power comes from taking advantage of the Right's tolerance. Where a Conservative will mind their own business and avoid a confrontation out of good manners, progressive politics demands that their adherents scream in people's faces.

I'm not saying it's time to scream back, but I am saying that perhaps we need to re-evaluate our principles, and take steps to avoid being walked over - or literally assaulted. I see in Nick Sandmann an excellent example. This young man simply stood his ground, and when the time was right he told his story - and had a powerful positive impact. I think it's time we did the same.

I'm old enough to remember the "Silent Majority", and I'm experiencing the same phenomenon today. I live in a red midwestern state, but I still don't see much overt support for the conservatism I know is present. We "deplorables" tend to keep to ourselves, and are honestly surprised when we find a like mind. We shouldn't be, but that's the nature of true tolerance - don't ask.

So no - I don't think it's time to be rude. But I do think it's time to stop being silent, and to tell our story when the occasion demands. Don't be bullied - fly your Flag, wear your hat, and when the opportunity arises speak your piece, peacefully. When the opposition screams, just let them scream. They'll eventually be shown for the fools they are, and we'll be putting one more nail in the coffin of Communism.
It’s not only time to be rude it’s time to be militant. We’re up against socialist idiots wanting to force us into accepting their bullshit and they are willing to attack us to get it. Fuck ‘em. Start beating some ass.
Much of the Left's power comes from taking advantage of the Right's tolerance.

What's the weather like in Moscow this time of year?

If you aren't a sock puppet...that was a really idiotic claim.

The right...is tolerant of NOTHING

The right...is tolerant of NOTHING

you'd be wrong.

after all, you're still allowed here.

and several of the mods are definitely Right.
We've noticed...but when you start chucking out anyone left of you...you become GAB or 4chan or Stormfront.

Bad for business

you become GAB or 4chan or Stormfront.

We do our best to keep them out
So your idea of tolerance...is NOT chucking those that disagree with you off the site.

I agree, it takes liberal schooling to point out that the OP has been hilariously debunked by conservatives on this thread that have either fantasized about killing other posters or just plain ignored those posts.
That's the thing about the internet - you often can't tell if it's conservatives being jerks, Leftist trolls pretending to be conservative, or any combination thereof.

One thing is certain, though: You can separate those serious about open-minded conversation from those whose only goal is to "debunk" and claim victory. It's a hollow victory, they know they've incited division and contributed nothing. But it's good enough for them. Right, HappyJoy?

STFU sock shill newb. You got an intro thread? Da fuq are you?

You come off like Kash n Karry House Brand American Pasteurized Cheese Food Product, bro. 'Sup?

That crap..it doesn't melt like normal cheese.

I see, you're just drunk. Well, enjoy it.
He must be or on something because he's usually not this bad and insulting and downright disgusting.
We don't live in a third World Country where Anarchy is the Rule of Law. As sensible Americans we need to re educate ourselves and our Children grand children nieces nephews and everyone we meet about the failures and dangers, of Socialism , Democratic Socialism , Communism in whatever form it comes, and then vote the way our values point us and not sit at home on Election day because the weather was bad, or It was just a local election. Get out and encourage like minded people to vote every time in every election. And run the Scumbags who want to control our lives out of office. And then be rude.

It’s not Anarchy; it’s Pest Control.

These people cannot be saved. There is no means to correct their beliefs and ideas. Progressives, Liberals, Moderates and Centrists have no Mind to be changed or Soul to be saved. They’re beyond Redemption. They only thing you can do is put them out of our misery.
Maybe people probably feel the same way about you. You have no m45ind to change. You'd rather be so full of hate than ever be a reasonable person. You revel in your hatred, so maybe you should be the one who is put out of your misery.
Maybe people probably feel the same way about you. You have no mind to change. You'd rather be so full of hate than ever be a reasonable person. You revel in your hatred, so maybe you should be the one who is put out of your misery.

I have a mind, it just doesn’t ever change. It was programmed in my youth and does not accept updates. It hasn’t in generations.

I find hatred to be one of the most useful forms of energy in the Universe.

Bring it on. I’m prepared to meet anyone who wants to challenge me at any time. One of us walks away the other gets carried out in a plastic bag.
As with their hero, comportment can be abandoned, ethics can be ignored, social maturity can be forgotten, and morality can be compromised

The only pleasantries to be granted your enemy should be the sharpness of your blade and the quality of your blow.

And here I thought they are your fellow American citizens.

Grow up some more
Much of the Left's power comes from taking advantage of the Right's tolerance. Where a Conservative will mind their own business and avoid a confrontation out of good manners, progressive politics demands that their adherents scream in people's faces.

I'm not saying it's time to scream back, but I am saying that perhaps we need to re-evaluate our principles, and take steps to avoid being walked over - or literally assaulted. I see in Nick Sandmann an excellent example. This young man simply stood his ground, and when the time was right he told his story - and had a powerful positive impact. I think it's time we did the same.

I'm old enough to remember the "Silent Majority", and I'm experiencing the same phenomenon today. I live in a red midwestern state, but I still don't see much overt support for the conservatism I know is present. We "deplorables" tend to keep to ourselves, and are honestly surprised when we find a like mind. We shouldn't be, but that's the nature of true tolerance - don't ask.

So no - I don't think it's time to be rude. But I do think it's time to stop being silent, and to tell our story when the occasion demands. Don't be bullied - fly your Flag, wear your hat, and when the opportunity arises speak your piece, peacefully. When the opposition screams, just let them scream. They'll eventually be shown for the fools they are, and we'll be putting one more nail in the coffin of Communism.

Absolutely time to be rude.
As with their hero, comportment can be abandoned, ethics can be ignored, social maturity can be forgotten, and morality can be compromised

The only pleasantries to be granted your enemy should be the sharpness of your blade and the quality of your blow.

And here I thought they are your fellow American citizens.

Grow up some more

Fuck all democrats, they are the enemy of this nation and of all decent people.

"Never Again" means shutting you and your flat our evil party down.
What violence did the deluded white boys perpetuate? Did they riot and burn down the town? 1 innocent black home? What?

1 innocent black's home would be ample enough to piss me off, but that didn't happen, Marxist faggot.

You ain't nothin' but full of shit. Fuck you and the faggot you rode in on


And oh...those "deluded white boys" KILLED a woman in Charlottesville
So we have a brand new poster...saying that Trumpers now have the right to do anything they want.

It's a license to act out...and possibly be violent.

Look at the response!

If this Russian sock puppet wanted to rile up the rubes..he certainly succeeded
What violence did the deluded white boys perpetuate? Did they riot and burn down the town? 1 innocent black home? What?

1 innocent black's home would be ample enough to piss me off, but that didn't happen, Marxist faggot.

You ain't nothin' but full of shit. Fuck you and the faggot you rode in on


And oh...those "deluded white boys" KILLED a woman in Charlottesville

Yeah, you of the Khmer Rouge are really "tolerant."

Civil War dude?

You seem to think this idiotic thread gives you permission to go full on crazy
What violence did the deluded white boys perpetuate? Did they riot and burn down the town? 1 innocent black home? What?

1 innocent black's home would be ample enough to piss me off, but that didn't happen, Marxist faggot.

You ain't nothin' but full of shit. Fuck you and the faggot you rode in on


And oh...those "deluded white boys" KILLED a woman in Charlottesville

Yeah, you of the Khmer Rouge are really "tolerant."

Of course the racist Proud Boys have sucker punching a liberal as part of their initiation

SO...there's that

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