Time to be Rude?

I dont see much leftist bullshit here in Texas unless I go to the local Sprouts.
It's like walking into a liberal microcosm in a sea of red.
I've never seen so many body piercings and colored hair in one place in my life.

And is it just me, or are the people who shop in Sprouts the rudest, most self-absorbed people you've ever seen, or did I blink? Don't even get me started on the employees. Not that THEY aren't nice, but anyone that slow and inefficient in a "lowbrow" regular supermarket would be canned.

Sprouts has some good stuff! I get the feeling the management does not appreciate my prescence and that some shoppers are totally self-absorbed.

Aged Prime Rib $13.99/lb.

It's very good, I bought for the whole fam 1 time and we had a wonderful evening.
Good Times! :113:
$40-$50 for 9 people's meat? Tender steak dinner? Can't beat it.

Well, I shop there quite a bit, because it's the only market close to my work and also because their deli stuff is delicious. They have this Sweet Prairie bread they make their deli sammiches with that's amazing.

That being said, one never goes to Sprouts when one is in a hurry, because it's bound to be packed with rich, granola-crunching trophy wives in their yoga pants who can't seem to remember that SOME of us have to actually get to work on time. I actually got hit by a Mercedes SUV that was making a right turn out of that Sprouts parking lot. Not my car; my actual body, which was standing on the sidewalk at the time. Ms. Gotrocks couldn't be bothered to check to her right for pedestrians. (In fairness to her, that probably had more to do with her being old than her being selfish.)
I dont see much leftist bullshit here in Texas unless I go to the local Sprouts.
It's like walking into a liberal microcosm in a sea of red.
I've never seen so many body piercings and colored hair in one place in my life.

And is it just me, or are the people who shop in Sprouts the rudest, most self-absorbed people you've ever seen, or did I blink? Don't even get me started on the employees. Not that THEY aren't nice, but anyone that slow and inefficient in a "lowbrow" regular supermarket would be canned.

No, that would be the person you see in the mirror.

Coming from you, that means less than nothing.
I dont see much leftist bullshit here in Texas unless I go to the local Sprouts.
It's like walking into a liberal microcosm in a sea of red.
I've never seen so many body piercings and colored hair in one place in my life.

And is it just me, or are the people who shop in Sprouts the rudest, most self-absorbed people you've ever seen, or did I blink? Don't even get me started on the employees. Not that THEY aren't nice, but anyone that slow and inefficient in a "lowbrow" regular supermarket would be canned.

Nailed It!!!
I know Right!!! I live in a pretty affluent neighborhood yet half the customers look like they came from a homeless camp in L.A.!!
I have no idea where they come from but if I had to guess I'd say from a local underpass but we dont have enough of those to support the numbers.
To tell the truth I get the creeps everytime I go in there.
I dont see much leftist bullshit here in Texas unless I go to the local Sprouts.
It's like walking into a liberal microcosm in a sea of red.
I've never seen so many body piercings and colored hair in one place in my life.

And is it just me, or are the people who shop in Sprouts the rudest, most self-absorbed people you've ever seen, or did I blink? Don't even get me started on the employees. Not that THEY aren't nice, but anyone that slow and inefficient in a "lowbrow" regular supermarket would be canned.

Sprouts has some good stuff! I get the feeling the management does not appreciate my prescence and that some shoppers are totally self-absorbed.

Aged Prime Rib $13.99/lb.

It's very good, I bought for the whole fam 1 time and we had a wonderful evening.
Good Times! :113:
$40-$50 for 9 people's meat? Tender steak dinner? Can't beat it.

Oh yeah! There was one of them "Skinny Jean Guys" there last time.

I ain't got nothin' to say, except that looks weird to me. :dunno:

I'm more into Costco,HEB and my local butcher for my meats.
Sprouts has nice veggies and fruits......and yes there's a joke in there.
Rude? No, it's time to wake up.

Terrorism researchers say right-wing violence sprouted alongside white anxiety about Obama’s presidency and has accelerated in the Trump era. Trump and his aides have continuously denied that he has contributed to the rise in violence. But experts say right-wing extremists perceive the president as offering them tacit support for their cause.

After the violence in Charlottesville, for example, Trump asserted that “both sides” were equally to blame and that there were “some very fine people” among the far-right demonstrators, many of whom wore “Make America Great Again” caps while chanting racist and anti-Semitic slogans.

More recently, Trump rallied crowds in the run-up to the Nov. 6 midterm elections with incendiary rhetoric about Muslims and immigrants, terming a caravan of Central American refugees an “invasion” and ordering active-duty troops to the U.S.-Mexico border.

Charlottesville was peaceful until LEFTIST TERRORISTS ANTIFA decided to riot and attack a rally that HAD A PERMIT.

There was no "Anti-fa" in Charlottesville. There were people who opposed Neo-Nazis and racism - the protester who was murdered was an white middle class legal assistant who passionately believed in victims rights. There were "professional right wingers" marching with torches, chanting "The Jews will not replace us", as they marched past the synagogue on Friday night while worshippers attended Shabbat Services.

The right wing terrorists in Charlottesville put 37 people in the hospital and murdered a woman. There are no reports of neo-Nazis or right wingers being injured.

Rude? No, it's time to wake up.

Terrorism researchers say right-wing violence sprouted alongside white anxiety about Obama’s presidency and has accelerated in the Trump era. Trump and his aides have continuously denied that he has contributed to the rise in violence. But experts say right-wing extremists perceive the president as offering them tacit support for their cause.

After the violence in Charlottesville, for example, Trump asserted that “both sides” were equally to blame and that there were “some very fine people” among the far-right demonstrators, many of whom wore “Make America Great Again” caps while chanting racist and anti-Semitic slogans.

More recently, Trump rallied crowds in the run-up to the Nov. 6 midterm elections with incendiary rhetoric about Muslims and immigrants, terming a caravan of Central American refugees an “invasion” and ordering active-duty troops to the U.S.-Mexico border.

Charlottesville was peaceful until LEFTIST TERRORISTS ANTIFA decided to riot and attack a rally that HAD A PERMIT.

There was no "Anti-fa" in Charlottesville. There were people who opposed Neo-Nazis and racism - the protester who was murdered was an white middle class legal assistant who passionately believed in victims rights. There were "professional right wingers" marching with torches, chanting "The Jews will not replace us", as they marched past the synagogue on Friday night while worshippers attended Shabbat Services.

The right wing terrorists in Charlottesville put 37 people in the hospital and murdered a woman. There are no reports of neo-Nazis or right wingers being injured.

Too bad more weren't run over. Communists aren't people they are just scum. :) Guess ANTIFA terrorists should have stayed peaceful and not attacked a PERMITTED rally.
The perp here is a self-proclaimed neo-Nazi and white supremacist.

If you reflexively conflate "conservatives" as described in my Post #1 with neo-Nazis and white supremacists, guess what - you're a bigot.

The torch boys chanted their Nazi slogans. They were attending a “Unite the Right Rally” As was the waffen who attacked the guy in the parking lot as well as the guy who mowed people down in his car.

All Trump supporters.
Rude? No, it's time to wake up.

Terrorism researchers say right-wing violence sprouted alongside white anxiety about Obama’s presidency and has accelerated in the Trump era. Trump and his aides have continuously denied that he has contributed to the rise in violence. But experts say right-wing extremists perceive the president as offering them tacit support for their cause.

After the violence in Charlottesville, for example, Trump asserted that “both sides” were equally to blame and that there were “some very fine people” among the far-right demonstrators, many of whom wore “Make America Great Again” caps while chanting racist and anti-Semitic slogans.

More recently, Trump rallied crowds in the run-up to the Nov. 6 midterm elections with incendiary rhetoric about Muslims and immigrants, terming a caravan of Central American refugees an “invasion” and ordering active-duty troops to the U.S.-Mexico border.

Charlottesville was peaceful until LEFTIST TERRORISTS ANTIFA decided to riot and attack a rally that HAD A PERMIT.

There was no "Anti-fa" in Charlottesville. There were people who opposed Neo-Nazis and racism - the protester who was murdered was an white middle class legal assistant who passionately believed in victims rights. There were "professional right wingers" marching with torches, chanting "The Jews will not replace us", as they marched past the synagogue on Friday night while worshippers attended Shabbat Services.

The right wing terrorists in Charlottesville put 37 people in the hospital and murdered a woman. There are no reports of neo-Nazis or right wingers being injured.



A group of counterprotesters who identified themselves as antifa, or anti-fascists, rested during a rally of white nationalists in Charlottesville, Va., on Saturday."

Who Were the Counterprotesters in Charlottesville?

Next lie to debunk,pls.

You wanna keep lying?

I'll keep exposing them to the best of my ability, I swear!

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And what might that be?

Or, how about Dylann Roof?

What about him?

He's a piece of shit. Like all other racist assholes.


I just like to point it out. Racism is a sickness that needs to be eradicated.

Than tell the race pimps to STFU!!
To be honest the only time I think of race is when the I am 2 type dickheads spout off.
Or, how about Dylann Roof?

What about him?

He's a piece of shit. Like all other racist assholes.


I just like to point it out. Racism is a sickness that needs to be eradicated.

Racism is an opinion and thoughtcrime is Orwellian.

Neat. I see racism as more of a mental health issue at this point.
Or, how about Dylann Roof?

What about him?

He's a piece of shit. Like all other racist assholes.


I just like to point it out. Racism is a sickness that needs to be eradicated.

Than tell the race pimps to STFU!!
To be honest the only time I think of race is when the I am 2 type dickheads spout off.

When what? Never mind, I don't want to know.

Bringing up issues of racism is what we should be doing. Guess what? You don't have to participate.
Much of the Left's power comes from taking advantage of the Right's tolerance. Where a Conservative will mind their own business and avoid a confrontation out of good manners, progressive politics demands that their adherents scream in people's faces.

I'm not saying it's time to scream back, but I am saying that perhaps we need to re-evaluate our principles, and take steps to avoid being walked over - or literally assaulted. I see in Nick Sandmann an excellent example. This young man simply stood his ground, and when the time was right he told his story - and had a powerful positive impact. I think it's time we did the same.

I'm old enough to remember the "Silent Majority", and I'm experiencing the same phenomenon today. I live in a red midwestern state, but I still don't see much overt support for the conservatism I know is present. We "deplorables" tend to keep to ourselves, and are honestly surprised when we find a like mind. We shouldn't be, but that's the nature of true tolerance - don't ask.

So no - I don't think it's time to be rude. But I do think it's time to stop being silent, and to tell our story when the occasion demands. Don't be bullied - fly your Flag, wear your hat, and when the opportunity arises speak your piece, peacefully. When the opposition screams, just let them scream. They'll eventually be shown for the fools they are, and we'll be putting one more nail in the coffin of Communism.

I’ve been saying it for years...GOP’ers / Conservatives are proud, nutless pussies for the most part. Their passive, kill em with kindness bullshit has gotten them their asses handed to them. It’s time to get in the trenches and play smash-mouth hardball or shut the fuck up, roll over and play dead. It’s just that simple.

Sad to say, you're absolutely right. Mainstream conservatism has gotten us what, exactly? The radical left runs roughshod over their Mister Rogers act and they're all so fucking terrified that someone might call them a racist that they just bend over and take it up the ass, capitulate on everything that they supposedly believe in.

And it's us young white males that have to bear the brunt of their failures. The corporate media and radical left has placed a big fucking target on our heads and it doesn't even matter if you're a sissy soyboy bernie voter. If you're white and male, you're the enemy. And you wonder why we're starting to turn a bit radical ourselves. It's become a matter of survival. All we really wanted to do is play our videogames but noooo...
What about him?

He's a piece of shit. Like all other racist assholes.


I just like to point it out. Racism is a sickness that needs to be eradicated.

Racism is an opinion and thoughtcrime is Orwellian.

Neat. I see racism as more of a mental health issue at this point.

Well you're a fucking faggot so of course you're wrong.
-First, this OP is trying to assert the right does not troll, but rather implies they are victim of the left doing this. I took umbrage to this. From personal experience I do not find a lot of conservatives capable of not reverting to rhetoric, name calling, deflection or all sorts of fallacies, something I find (this is an opinion) is less the case on the left.
-Second I'm here for much the same reasons as you, added to that that I have a general interest to TRY to understand opposing views.
-Third I'm an interested participant, but my wife is American and all of my in-laws live in the US.
Fourth. The difference between the two is that a conservative has certain values I don't agree with. They are values though. A Trumpist has no such thing. The only discernable value is defending whatever Trump does. Regardless if it takes mental contortionism that would make a Cirque Du Soleil acrobat a board.
I'm both a conservative and Pro Trump. So what values am I missing backing Trump?

All of them. You are missing all the values.
According to you a conservative has no values.......lololol

These days? Exactly.

Enjoy that Trump deficit that you idiots all of the sudden forgot about.
The one the lying media told you about?
Fourth. The difference between the two is that a conservative has certain values I don't agree with. They are values though. A Trumpist has no such thing. The only discernable value is defending whatever Trump does. Regardless if it takes mental contortionism that would make a Cirque Du Soleil acrobat a board.
I'm both a conservative and Pro Trump. So what values am I missing backing Trump?

All of them. You are missing all the values.
According to you a conservative has no values.......lololol

These days? Exactly.

Enjoy that Trump deficit that you idiots all of the sudden forgot about.
The one the lying media told you about?

No, I'd much rather believe in my imagination.
I dont see much leftist bullshit here in Texas unless I go to the local Sprouts.
It's like walking into a liberal microcosm in a sea of red.
I've never seen so many body piercings and colored hair in one place in my life.

And is it just me, or are the people who shop in Sprouts the rudest, most self-absorbed people you've ever seen, or did I blink? Don't even get me started on the employees. Not that THEY aren't nice, but anyone that slow and inefficient in a "lowbrow" regular supermarket would be canned.

Sprouts has some good stuff! I get the feeling the management does not appreciate my prescence and that some shoppers are totally self-absorbed.

Aged Prime Rib $13.99/lb.

It's very good, I bought for the whole fam 1 time and we had a wonderful evening.
Good Times! :113:
$40-$50 for 9 people's meat? Tender steak dinner? Can't beat it.

Well, I shop there quite a bit, because it's the only market close to my work and also because their deli stuff is delicious. They have this Sweet Prairie bread they make their deli sammiches with that's amazing.

That being said, one never goes to Sprouts when one is in a hurry, because it's bound to be packed with rich, granola-crunching trophy wives in their yoga pants who can't seem to remember that SOME of us have to actually get to work on time. I actually got hit by a Mercedes SUV that was making a right turn out of that Sprouts parking lot. Not my car; my actual body, which was standing on the sidewalk at the time. Ms. Gotrocks couldn't be bothered to check to her right for pedestrians. (In fairness to her, that probably had more to do with her being old than her being selfish.)

We go there when we forgot something at HEB or we need an ingredient to finish a recipe when we have all the other ingredients.

It's rarely crowded and a few blocks from the house so it's great for the emergency run.

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