Time to be Rude?

It's funny, the violence always occurs with the left. Take Charlotesville, most of those people were left including the leader, he voted FOR Obama, but they wanted to stand up for statues and the far far left come over and shit starts.
At Republican rallies....the left shows up and spits on people and attacks them physically sometimes
At Democrat rallies, the left gets on stage and steals microphones......but notice, no right winger are in attendance, because we simply don't care about lefties...
At restaurants, the left shows up and tries to chase the right out....do you ever see the reverse? I think once in Miami and the left was pissed (one time versus many, fuck the left)

Did the left make the torch boys shout Nazi slogans too?
torch boys? never heard of that....educate me
what about NAZI slogans?

You don’t recall those guys carrying torches?
You don’t recall what they were chanting?

What violence did the deluded white boys perpetuate? Did they riot and burn down the down? 1 innocent black home? What?
Charlottesville car attack - Wikipedia
My question would be as to how you could ask that question? Do you genuinely don't know? In which case I have to ask how much are you willing to ignore in pursuit of your ideological viewpoint? Or do you simple feign ignorance, in which case I have to ask, what is so fun in going on the internet and proclaiming being ignorant?
You don’t recall those guys carrying torches?
You don’t recall what they were chanting?

What violence did the deluded white boys perpetuate? Did they riot and burn down the down? 1 innocent black home? What?

1 innocent black's home would be ample enough to piss me off, but that didn't happen, Marxist faggot.

Marching at night with lit torches chanting Nazi slogans….
How is that Making America Great Again?

How much property damage did they do vs. The Ferguson riots, hmm??

Technically they damaged something worth more than property.

And what might that be?

Or, how about Dylann Roof?
What violence did the deluded white boys perpetuate? Did they riot and burn down the down? 1 innocent black home? What?

1 innocent black's home would be ample enough to piss me off, but that didn't happen, Marxist faggot.

Marching at night with lit torches chanting Nazi slogans….
How is that Making America Great Again?

How much property damage did they do vs. The Ferguson riots, hmm??

Technically they damaged something worth more than property.

And what might that be?

Or, how about Dylann Roof?

What about him?
Did the left make the torch boys shout Nazi slogans too?
torch boys? never heard of that....educate me
what about NAZI slogans?

You don’t recall those guys carrying torches?
You don’t recall what they were chanting?

What violence did the deluded white boys perpetuate? Did they riot and burn down the down? 1 innocent black home? What?
Charlottesville car attack - Wikipedia

Ya mean the fat chick who never got hit by a car and died of a heart attack?
That fat chick?
Sure, that and the 28 people that got injured. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipe...lle_vehicle-ramming_attack.webm.480p.vp9.webm
But I forget, killing is OK when it's done for right wing causes.
Much of the Left's power comes from taking advantage of the Right's tolerance. Where a Conservative will mind their own business and avoid a confrontation out of good manners, progressive politics demands that their adherents scream in people's faces.

I'm not saying it's time to scream back, but I am saying that perhaps we need to re-evaluate our principles, and take steps to avoid being walked over - or literally assaulted. I see in Nick Sandmann an excellent example. This young man simply stood his ground, and when the time was right he told his story - and had a powerful positive impact. I think it's time we did the same.

I'm old enough to remember the "Silent Majority", and I'm experiencing the same phenomenon today. I live in a red midwestern state, but I still don't see much overt support for the conservatism I know is present. We "deplorables" tend to keep to ourselves, and are honestly surprised when we find a like mind. We shouldn't be, but that's the nature of true tolerance - don't ask.

So no - I don't think it's time to be rude. But I do think it's time to stop being silent, and to tell our story when the occasion demands. Don't be bullied - fly your Flag, wear your hat, and when the opportunity arises speak your piece, peacefully. When the opposition screams, just let them scream. They'll eventually be shown for the fools they are, and we'll be putting one more nail in the coffin of Communism.

You mean there are times you SHOULDN'T be rude?! Wait, what?!
Marching at night with lit torches chanting Nazi slogans….
How is that Making America Great Again?

How much property damage did they do vs. The Ferguson riots, hmm??

Technically they damaged something worth more than property.

And what might that be?

Or, how about Dylann Roof?

What about him?

He's a piece of shit. Like all other racist assholes.
I dont see much leftist bullshit here in Texas unless I go to the local Sprouts.
It's like walking into a liberal microcosm in a sea of red.
I've never seen so many body piercings and colored hair in one place in my life.

And is it just me, or are the people who shop in Sprouts the rudest, most self-absorbed people you've ever seen, or did I blink? Don't even get me started on the employees. Not that THEY aren't nice, but anyone that slow and inefficient in a "lowbrow" regular supermarket would be canned.
How much property damage did they do vs. The Ferguson riots, hmm??

Technically they damaged something worth more than property.

And what might that be?

Or, how about Dylann Roof?

What about him?

He's a piece of shit. Like all other racist assholes.

Dylan Roof should already have hanged, why has he not? He took what, 8-9 innocent lives? Hang him in the public square yesterday.
Technically they damaged something worth more than property.

And what might that be?

Or, how about Dylann Roof?

What about him?

He's a piece of shit. Like all other racist assholes.

Dylan Roof should already have hanged, why has he not? He took what, 8-9 innocent lives? Hang him in the public square yesterday.

I believe he was homophobic as well.
torch boys? never heard of that....educate me
what about NAZI slogans?

You don’t recall those guys carrying torches?
You don’t recall what they were chanting?

What violence did the deluded white boys perpetuate? Did they riot and burn down the down? 1 innocent black home? What?
Charlottesville car attack - Wikipedia

Ya mean the fat chick who never got hit by a car and died of a heart attack?
That fat chick?
Sure, that and the 28 people that got injured. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipe...lle_vehicle-ramming_attack.webm.480p.vp9.webm
But I forget, killing is OK when it's done for right wing causes.

Do ya have to lie about everything?
It was 19 injured. Which of course is magnatudes lower than those injured by pantifa.
Did the left make the torch boys shout Nazi slogans too?
torch boys? never heard of that....educate me
what about NAZI slogans?

You don’t recall those guys carrying torches?
You don’t recall what they were chanting?

What violence did the deluded white boys perpetuate? Did they riot and burn down the down? 1 innocent black home? What?

1 innocent black's home would be ample enough to piss me off, but that didn't happen, Marxist faggot.

Marching at night with lit torches chanting Nazi slogans….
How is that Making America Great Again?

How much property damage did they do vs. The Ferguson riots, hmm??

Retarded deluded soy white boys carrying Tiki torches, does not excuse blacks sucker-punching old men that fought for their freedom and them rioting and looting businesses, sorry. Next!

Bitch! Back in my day, they caught .223 headshots by black National Guard for that bullshit, motherfucker!

I saw a guy..trying to throw a cocktail get head shot. Right in the middle of Earl's block. How stupid do you gotta be to try and firebomb militia in America that's sent out to stop rioting, wtf? He went down, The End.

He was done. He kinda slid on his face.

This is the end you tards want, really?

Whatever happened to "CoExist"?

Ahh pining for murder in the streets. You want to bring back the attack dogs there too? Burning crosses in people’s yards?

The good old days…right?

Meanwhile, the thread is about the right wing “getting rude”. You’re there; you’ve been there for about a decade or two now.
I dont see much leftist bullshit here in Texas unless I go to the local Sprouts.
It's like walking into a liberal microcosm in a sea of red.
I've never seen so many body piercings and colored hair in one place in my life.

And is it just me, or are the people who shop in Sprouts the rudest, most self-absorbed people you've ever seen, or did I blink? Don't even get me started on the employees. Not that THEY aren't nice, but anyone that slow and inefficient in a "lowbrow" regular supermarket would be canned.

Sprouts has some good stuff! I get the feeling the management does not appreciate my prescence and that some shoppers are totally self-absorbed.

Aged Prime Rib $13.99/lb.

It's very good, I bought for the whole fam 1 time and we had a wonderful evening.
Good Times! :113:
$40-$50 for 9 people's meat? Tender steak dinner? Can't beat it.

Oh yeah! There was one of them "Skinny Jean Guys" there last time.

I ain't got nothin' to say, except that looks weird to me. :dunno:
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I dont see much leftist bullshit here in Texas unless I go to the local Sprouts.
It's like walking into a liberal microcosm in a sea of red.
I've never seen so many body piercings and colored hair in one place in my life.

And is it just me, or are the people who shop in Sprouts the rudest, most self-absorbed people you've ever seen, or did I blink? Don't even get me started on the employees. Not that THEY aren't nice, but anyone that slow and inefficient in a "lowbrow" regular supermarket would be canned.

No, that would be the person you see in the mirror.
I agree, it takes liberal schooling to point out that the OP has been hilariously debunked by conservatives on this thread that have either fantasized about killing other posters or just plain ignored those posts.
That's the thing about the internet - you often can't tell if it's conservatives being jerks, Leftist trolls pretending to be conservative, or any combination thereof.

One thing is certain, though: You can separate those serious about open-minded conversation from those whose only goal is to "debunk" and claim victory. It's a hollow victory, they know they've incited division and contributed nothing. But it's good enough for them. Right, HappyJoy?
Much of the Left's power comes from taking advantage of the Right's tolerance. Where a Conservative will mind their own business and avoid a confrontation out of good manners, progressive politics demands that their adherents scream in people's faces.

I'm not saying it's time to scream back, but I am saying that perhaps we need to re-evaluate our principles, and take steps to avoid being walked over - or literally assaulted. I see in Nick Sandmann an excellent example. This young man simply stood his ground, and when the time was right he told his story - and had a powerful positive impact. I think it's time we did the same.

I'm old enough to remember the "Silent Majority", and I'm experiencing the same phenomenon today. I live in a red midwestern state, but I still don't see much overt support for the conservatism I know is present. We "deplorables" tend to keep to ourselves, and are honestly surprised when we find a like mind. We shouldn't be, but that's the nature of true tolerance - don't ask.

So no - I don't think it's time to be rude. But I do think it's time to stop being silent, and to tell our story when the occasion demands. Don't be bullied - fly your Flag, wear your hat, and when the opportunity arises speak your piece, peacefully. When the opposition screams, just let them scream. They'll eventually be shown for the fools they are, and we'll be putting one more nail in the coffin of Communism.

I’ve been saying it for years...GOP’ers / Conservatives are proud, nutless pussies for the most part. Their passive, kill em with kindness bullshit has gotten them their asses handed to them. It’s time to get in the trenches and play smash-mouth hardball or shut the fuck up, roll over and play dead. It’s just that simple.
I agree, it takes liberal schooling to point out that the OP has been hilariously debunked by conservatives on this thread that have either fantasized about killing other posters or just plain ignored those posts.
That's the thing about the internet - you often can't tell if it's conservatives being jerks, Leftist trolls pretending to be conservative, or any combination thereof.

One thing is certain, though: You can separate those serious about open-minded conversation from those whose only goal is to "debunk" and claim victory. It's a hollow victory, they know they've incited division and contributed nothing. But it's good enough for them. Right, HappyJoy?

Riiiiight. He's a wingnut conservative that shares all the poison cheese that all the other wingnut rats gravitate to. Nice try though.
torch boys? never heard of that....educate me
what about NAZI slogans?

You don’t recall those guys carrying torches?
You don’t recall what they were chanting?

What violence did the deluded white boys perpetuate? Did they riot and burn down the down? 1 innocent black home? What?

1 innocent black's home would be ample enough to piss me off, but that didn't happen, Marxist faggot.

Marching at night with lit torches chanting Nazi slogans….
How is that Making America Great Again?

How much property damage did they do vs. The Ferguson riots, hmm??

Retarded deluded soy white boys carrying Tiki torches, does not excuse blacks sucker-punching old men that fought for their freedom and them rioting and looting businesses, sorry. Next!

Bitch! Back in my day, they caught .223 headshots by black National Guard for that bullshit, motherfucker!

I saw a guy..trying to throw a cocktail get head shot. Right in the middle of Earl's block. How stupid do you gotta be to try and firebomb militia in America that's sent out to stop rioting, wtf? He went down, The End.

He was done. He kinda slid on his face.

This is the end you tards want, really?

Whatever happened to "CoExist"?

Ahh pining for murder in the streets. You want to bring back the attack dogs there too? Burning crosses in people’s yards?

The good old days…right?

Meanwhile, the thread is about the right wing “getting rude”. You’re there; you’ve been there for about a decade or two now.

NG never burnt no crosses in yards in my day.

A) They're majority black here.

B) Not if the stupid rioters can hurt the dogs, no.

C) Burning crosses, wtf?

They ever burn crosses where you live, boy? Because where I live ..from umm..St. Mary's? river south..is where blacks came to escape all that and were highly successful and accepted.

If you made it down here, you made it. No slave owner will go through the swamps to getcha.

You had some fortitude to make it this far, as well.

Naw, Nobody burned crosses this far south, everybody would have killed them.

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