Time to be Rude?

Can I ask how long you've been on this forum? I suggest you look on ANY thread. You will find 2 things. One they are predominately written by conservatives or Trumpists. Two, once challenged one merit these same people revert to name calling. In my case unprovoked since I never start these practices and rarely respond in kind even when being called names. So when I see an OP like this I wonder about it being someone trolling since it seems a blatant thing to miss.
I see a lot of conservatives here but I also see many in other camps, and certainly there are plenty of outright trolls on both sides. One need only look at a member's posting history to sort them out. That said, I'll often respond to a troll knowing that he'll never change, but using the platform to speak my piece to the lurkers. I never take idiots personally, I'm here only for informed debate and entertainment.

I joined this Forum Feb 3 2019, but have some experience in such environments. I see you're Belgian; are you in the US and/or a US citizen, or just an interested participant?

You mention threads "predominately written by conservatives or Trumpists", and I find this interesting. "Conservatives" I can understand, but what is your definition of a "Trumpist"?
-First, this OP is trying to assert the right does not troll, but rather implies they are victim of the left doing this. I took umbrage to this. From personal experience I do not find a lot of conservatives capable of not reverting to rhetoric, name calling, deflection or all sorts of fallacies, something I find (this is an opinion) is less the case on the left.
-Second I'm here for much the same reasons as you, added to that that I have a general interest to TRY to understand opposing views.
-Third I'm an interested participant, but my wife is American and all of my in-laws live in the US.
Fourth. The difference between the two is that a conservative has certain values I don't agree with. They are values though. A Trumpist has no such thing. The only discernable value is defending whatever Trump does. Regardless if it takes mental contortionism that would make a Cirque Du Soleil acrobat a board.
I'm both a conservative and Pro Trump. So what values am I missing backing Trump?
Can I ask how long you've been on this forum? I suggest you look on ANY thread. You will find 2 things. One they are predominately written by conservatives or Trumpists. Two, once challenged one merit these same people revert to name calling. In my case unprovoked since I never start these practices and rarely respond in kind even when being called names. So when I see an OP like this I wonder about it being someone trolling since it seems a blatant thing to miss.
I see a lot of conservatives here but I also see many in other camps, and certainly there are plenty of outright trolls on both sides. One need only look at a member's posting history to sort them out. That said, I'll often respond to a troll knowing that he'll never change, but using the platform to speak my piece to the lurkers. I never take idiots personally, I'm here only for informed debate and entertainment.

I joined this Forum Feb 3 2019, but have some experience in such environments. I see you're Belgian; are you in the US and/or a US citizen, or just an interested participant?

You mention threads "predominately written by conservatives or Trumpists", and I find this interesting. "Conservatives" I can understand, but what is your definition of a "Trumpist"?
-First, this OP is trying to assert the right does not troll, but rather implies they are victim of the left doing this. I took umbrage to this. From personal experience I do not find a lot of conservatives capable of not reverting to rhetoric, name calling, deflection or all sorts of fallacies, something I find (this is an opinion) is less the case on the left.
-Second I'm here for much the same reasons as you, added to that that I have a general interest to TRY to understand opposing views.
-Third I'm an interested participant, but my wife is American and all of my in-laws live in the US.
Fourth. The difference between the two is that a conservative has certain values I don't agree with. They are values though. A Trumpist has no such thing. The only discernable value is defending whatever Trump does. Regardless if it takes mental contortionism that would make a Cirque Du Soleil acrobat a board.
I'm both a conservative and Pro Trump. So what values am I missing backing Trump?

All of them. You are missing all the values.
Can I ask how long you've been on this forum? I suggest you look on ANY thread. You will find 2 things. One they are predominately written by conservatives or Trumpists. Two, once challenged one merit these same people revert to name calling. In my case unprovoked since I never start these practices and rarely respond in kind even when being called names. So when I see an OP like this I wonder about it being someone trolling since it seems a blatant thing to miss.
I see a lot of conservatives here but I also see many in other camps, and certainly there are plenty of outright trolls on both sides. One need only look at a member's posting history to sort them out. That said, I'll often respond to a troll knowing that he'll never change, but using the platform to speak my piece to the lurkers. I never take idiots personally, I'm here only for informed debate and entertainment.

I joined this Forum Feb 3 2019, but have some experience in such environments. I see you're Belgian; are you in the US and/or a US citizen, or just an interested participant?

You mention threads "predominately written by conservatives or Trumpists", and I find this interesting. "Conservatives" I can understand, but what is your definition of a "Trumpist"?
-First, this OP is trying to assert the right does not troll, but rather implies they are victim of the left doing this. I took umbrage to this. From personal experience I do not find a lot of conservatives capable of not reverting to rhetoric, name calling, deflection or all sorts of fallacies, something I find (this is an opinion) is less the case on the left.
-Second I'm here for much the same reasons as you, added to that that I have a general interest to TRY to understand opposing views.
-Third I'm an interested participant, but my wife is American and all of my in-laws live in the US.
Fourth. The difference between the two is that a conservative has certain values I don't agree with. They are values though. A Trumpist has no such thing. The only discernable value is defending whatever Trump does. Regardless if it takes mental contortionism that would make a Cirque Du Soleil acrobat a board.
I'm both a conservative and Pro Trump. So what values am I missing backing Trump?
Fiscal conservatism. Free trade. America should not be cow towing to Russian interests. Respect for law and order and the constitution. Hawkish foreign policy towards ideologically different countries. Strong support for allies. Family values. Take your pick.
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Love it. The OP starts some nonsense that radical conservatives keep to themselves and are peaceful little gnomes and then his friends show up to prove him wrong.
There are bad on both sides, but your side has all the liberal schooled young dumbasses.
Love it. The OP starts some nonsense that radical conservatives keep to themselves and are peaceful little gnomes and then his friends show up to prove him wrong.
There are bad on both sides, but your side has all the liberal schooled young dumbasses.

Neat and I'm sure in your deluded mind what you just posted was profound.
Can I ask how long you've been on this forum? I suggest you look on ANY thread. You will find 2 things. One they are predominately written by conservatives or Trumpists. Two, once challenged one merit these same people revert to name calling. In my case unprovoked since I never start these practices and rarely respond in kind even when being called names. So when I see an OP like this I wonder about it being someone trolling since it seems a blatant thing to miss.
I see a lot of conservatives here but I also see many in other camps, and certainly there are plenty of outright trolls on both sides. One need only look at a member's posting history to sort them out. That said, I'll often respond to a troll knowing that he'll never change, but using the platform to speak my piece to the lurkers. I never take idiots personally, I'm here only for informed debate and entertainment.

I joined this Forum Feb 3 2019, but have some experience in such environments. I see you're Belgian; are you in the US and/or a US citizen, or just an interested participant?

You mention threads "predominately written by conservatives or Trumpists", and I find this interesting. "Conservatives" I can understand, but what is your definition of a "Trumpist"?
-First, this OP is trying to assert the right does not troll, but rather implies they are victim of the left doing this. I took umbrage to this. From personal experience I do not find a lot of conservatives capable of not reverting to rhetoric, name calling, deflection or all sorts of fallacies, something I find (this is an opinion) is less the case on the left.
-Second I'm here for much the same reasons as you, added to that that I have a general interest to TRY to understand opposing views.
-Third I'm an interested participant, but my wife is American and all of my in-laws live in the US.
Fourth. The difference between the two is that a conservative has certain values I don't agree with. They are values though. A Trumpist has no such thing. The only discernable value is defending whatever Trump does. Regardless if it takes mental contortionism that would make a Cirque Du Soleil acrobat a board.
I'm both a conservative and Pro Trump. So what values am I missing backing Trump?

All of them. You are missing all the values.
According to you a conservative has no values.......lololol
I see a lot of conservatives here but I also see many in other camps, and certainly there are plenty of outright trolls on both sides. One need only look at a member's posting history to sort them out. That said, I'll often respond to a troll knowing that he'll never change, but using the platform to speak my piece to the lurkers. I never take idiots personally, I'm here only for informed debate and entertainment.

I joined this Forum Feb 3 2019, but have some experience in such environments. I see you're Belgian; are you in the US and/or a US citizen, or just an interested participant?

You mention threads "predominately written by conservatives or Trumpists", and I find this interesting. "Conservatives" I can understand, but what is your definition of a "Trumpist"?
-First, this OP is trying to assert the right does not troll, but rather implies they are victim of the left doing this. I took umbrage to this. From personal experience I do not find a lot of conservatives capable of not reverting to rhetoric, name calling, deflection or all sorts of fallacies, something I find (this is an opinion) is less the case on the left.
-Second I'm here for much the same reasons as you, added to that that I have a general interest to TRY to understand opposing views.
-Third I'm an interested participant, but my wife is American and all of my in-laws live in the US.
Fourth. The difference between the two is that a conservative has certain values I don't agree with. They are values though. A Trumpist has no such thing. The only discernable value is defending whatever Trump does. Regardless if it takes mental contortionism that would make a Cirque Du Soleil acrobat a board.
I'm both a conservative and Pro Trump. So what values am I missing backing Trump?

All of them. You are missing all the values.
According to you a conservative has no values.......lololol

These days? Exactly.

Enjoy that Trump deficit that you idiots all of the sudden forgot about.
100 of the stupidest Dem retard politicians in Washington want to ban private health insurance, take over the nation's healthcare system and tell us how it should be run. Just when I thought those morons couldn't get any dumber they prove me wrong. Brilliant idea, why don't the same stupid shit Dem's design the next Mar's rover for NASA, makes about as much sense.

Was that rude enough? I didn't even drop an 'f' bomb on them.
Love it. The OP starts some nonsense that radical conservatives keep to themselves and are peaceful little gnomes and then his friends show up to prove him wrong.
There are bad on both sides, but your side has all the liberal schooled young dumbasses.

That's not liberal schooling, that's Cultural Marxist indoctrination. I had liberal schooling. Liberal schooling involves The Socratic Method, Marxist Indoctrination does not.
Love it. The OP starts some nonsense that radical conservatives keep to themselves and are peaceful little gnomes and then his friends show up to prove him wrong.
There are bad on both sides, but your side has all the liberal schooled young dumbasses.

That's not liberal schooling, that's Cultural Marxist indoctrination. I had liberal schooling. Liberal schooling involves The Socratic Method, Marxist Indoctrination does not.

I agree, it takes liberal schooling to point out that the OP has been hilariously debunked by conservatives on this thread that have either fantasized about killing other posters or just plain ignored those posts.
I dont see much leftist bullshit here in Texas unless I go to the local Sprouts.
It's like walking into a liberal microcosm in a sea of red.
I've never seen so many body piercings and colored hair in one place in my life.

It’s top knots and man buns that annoy me. That and the tactiduche length beard.
Love it. The OP starts some nonsense that radical conservatives keep to themselves and are peaceful little gnomes and then his friends show up to prove him wrong.
There are bad on both sides, but your side has all the liberal schooled young dumbasses.

That's not liberal schooling, that's Cultural Marxist indoctrination. I had liberal schooling. Liberal schooling involves The Socratic Method, Marxist Indoctrination does not.

I agree, it takes liberal schooling to point out that the OP has been hilariously debunked by conservatives on this thread that have either fantasized about killing other posters or just plain ignored those posts.

STFU silly lying faggot.

Really? nothing violent said by conservatives in a thread about how conservatives aren't the violent ones?

Faggot? Last I heard only people who made their bed next to the shoe rack call people faggots.
I dont see much leftist bullshit here in Texas unless I go to the local Sprouts.
It's like walking into a liberal microcosm in a sea of red.
I've never seen so many body piercings and colored hair in one place in my life.

It’s top knots and man buns that annoy me. That and the tactiduche length beard.

Thats where they hide the Schrader valve.....
Much of the Left's power comes from taking advantage of the Right's tolerance. Where a Conservative will mind their own business and avoid a confrontation out of good manners, progressive politics demands that their adherents scream in people's faces.

I'm not saying it's time to scream back, but I am saying that perhaps we need to re-evaluate our principles, and take steps to avoid being walked over - or literally assaulted. I see in Nick Sandmann an excellent example. This young man simply stood his ground, and when the time was right he told his story - and had a powerful positive impact. I think it's time we did the same.

I'm old enough to remember the "Silent Majority", and I'm experiencing the same phenomenon today. I live in a red midwestern state, but I still don't see much overt support for the conservatism I know is present. We "deplorables" tend to keep to ourselves, and are honestly surprised when we find a like mind. We shouldn't be, but that's the nature of true tolerance - don't ask.

So no - I don't think it's time to be rude. But I do think it's time to stop being silent, and to tell our story when the occasion demands. Don't be bullied - fly your Flag, wear your hat, and when the opportunity arises speak your piece, peacefully. When the opposition screams, just let them scream. They'll eventually be shown for the fools they are, and we'll be putting one more nail in the coffin of Communism.
Can I ask how long you've been on this forum? I suggest you look on ANY thread. You will find 2 things. One they are predominately written by conservatives or Trumpists. Two, once challenged one merit these same people revert to name calling. In my case unprovoked since I never start these practices and rarely respond in kind even when being called names. So when I see an OP like this I wonder about it being someone trolling since it seems a blatant thing to miss.
Shut up fag.
Thank you. You are most helpful in proving my point. My guess is though, that you know this. Thank you nonetheless.
How dumb ARE you? Went right over your head. :laugh:
Not really. Just have no interest in talking to a five year old.
You seem like the kind of guy who could learn a lot, even from a 5 year old.
There are bad on both sides, but your side has all the liberal schooled young dumbasses.

That's not liberal schooling, that's Cultural Marxist indoctrination. I had liberal schooling. Liberal schooling involves The Socratic Method, Marxist Indoctrination does not.

I agree, it takes liberal schooling to point out that the OP has been hilariously debunked by conservatives on this thread that have either fantasized about killing other posters or just plain ignored those posts.

STFU silly lying faggot.

Really? nothing violent said by conservatives in a thread about how conservatives aren't the violent ones?

Faggot? Last I heard only people who made their bed next to the shoe rack call people faggots.

You don't seem very "Happy Happy Joy Joy" perhaps you need to go suck a cock, dickwad.
That's the spirit. Whenever you are proven to be the living embodiment of the point being disproved... double down. Because nothing says I'm the bigger person than calling someone on the internet a dickwad.
There are bad on both sides, but your side has all the liberal schooled young dumbasses.

That's not liberal schooling, that's Cultural Marxist indoctrination. I had liberal schooling. Liberal schooling involves The Socratic Method, Marxist Indoctrination does not.

I agree, it takes liberal schooling to point out that the OP has been hilariously debunked by conservatives on this thread that have either fantasized about killing other posters or just plain ignored those posts.

STFU silly lying faggot.

Really? nothing violent said by conservatives in a thread about how conservatives aren't the violent ones?

Faggot? Last I heard only people who made their bed next to the shoe rack call people faggots.

You don't seem very "Happy Happy Joy Joy" perhaps you need to go suck a cock, dickwad cocksucker!

I apologize, now I'm being rude, calling out your faggotry. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

I see, so we'll put you down as nothing to contribute.
That's not liberal schooling, that's Cultural Marxist indoctrination. I had liberal schooling. Liberal schooling involves The Socratic Method, Marxist Indoctrination does not.

I agree, it takes liberal schooling to point out that the OP has been hilariously debunked by conservatives on this thread that have either fantasized about killing other posters or just plain ignored those posts.

STFU silly lying faggot.

Really? nothing violent said by conservatives in a thread about how conservatives aren't the violent ones?

Faggot? Last I heard only people who made their bed next to the shoe rack call people faggots.

You don't seem very "Happy Happy Joy Joy" perhaps you need to go suck a cock, dickwad.
That's the spirit. Whenever you are proven to be the living embodiment of the point being disproved... double down. Because nothing says I'm the bigger person than calling someone on the internet a dickwad.

Thus claimeth a cocksucking POS shill asshole fake lying motherfucker!

I beg to differ. :funnyface:

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