Time to Change Things


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Instead of constantly whining about political matters, we need to quit voting in professional politicians looking to kiss whoever's ass gives them the most money wanting to stay in office their whole life. Instead, we need to get politicians who are intelligent and well-educated who understand the law and finance, and other relevant things content to do things of benefit to their entire constiuentcy, not just the wealthiest donors. Better to get somoene in office happy to be a one-term wonder but who does great things while there than anyone who's just a Koch brothers bitch sucking their teet for the next 30 years while their state turns into Mississippi or something. :)

We also need to stop voting along party lines, or supporting/opposing people because of which party they belong to. Party doesn't matter. Neither's better than the other, or worse. A Dem can vote in favor of Republican things just as a Repub can Democrat things. We need to vote in favor of what benefits the most people in a given situation, not only what makes my donors richer or happier so I get re-elected.

We need to pass into law a 'hold them accountable for campaign promises.' If you're not held accountable you'll promise the Moon to get elected. If you're booted out of office when you can't deliver grandiose promises candidates will be more reluctant to lie to get elected and we'll finally start getting actual talent into office.

And while wishing, my proverbial pony: We need to make assassination legal to remove incompetant politicians. Not legal murder across the board, but if it's a politician it's ok. :)

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