Time to increase the size of the supreme court so Biden can select enough left wing judges to put the majority on the side of the liberals.

Ok, then when the repubs have the next majority, they just repeal that law, and then pack the court with 100 conservative justices, then set a law that that is now the maximum number.

Your turn....
Try thinking , Not doing anything we will have Trumps hate Nazi courts , Trumps butt lickers till they die , My way and we will have court for the people for half the time.and hate party courts the other half. Are you idiots that dumb that you can't see that.
The left has always, historically, had issues with the Court. The Courts obviously say what is the law, and the law has always gotten in the way of their radical agenda
We have never hat a court before in my lifetime that was picked by their willingness to lick the ass of one person. There isn't a reason in the world to respect this court till these hate Nazis are thrown out or overpowered.
We have never hat a court before in my lifetime that was picked by their willingness to lick the ass of one person. There isn't a reason in the world to respect this court till these hate Nazis are thrown out or overpowered.
yes, yes, we are well aware of your projection and hate towards the Judicial system, and willingness to overthrow our Govt.
Yawn. Roe overturned changes nothing in blue states. This is just your sides Riot Season on schedule for the election. Boost of Virtue for the primaries
Look more like a stupid trap set up for the election by your hate group that's going to trap their own asses. Tell me will this help your hate group in the next election or hurt it. It shows how hateful and ugly you haters are. Let me see 70-80% support women's rights to choose. This should do it and if the left wins these next election's 20 and 22 your hate group won't exist anymore. Considering that the party out of office almost always wins midterm elections , this will probably fix that and protect our democracy.
yes, yes, we are well aware of your projection and hate towards the Judicial system, and willingness to overthrow our Govt.
Never saw any of my group trying to overthrow our government . Pointing that out shows how stupid you people are, The only party to try to do that is the the MAGA maggots.
Never saw any of my group trying to overthrow our government . Pointing that out shows how stupid you people are, The only party to try to do that is the the MAGA maggots.
really? do you live under a rock, or just in your cult bubble? They have attempted it numerous times. obviously from 2016-2020...and clearly now with their threats to the Court.

You literally just encouraged it " thrown out or overpowered."
We have never hat a court before in my lifetime that was picked by their willingness to lick the ass of one person. There isn't a reason in the world to respect this court till these hate Nazis are thrown out or overpowered.
Sounds like "trying to overthrow the government."

The hypocrisy is absurdly obvious.
Look more like a stupid trap set up for the election by your hate group that's going to trap their own asses. Tell me will this help your hate group in the next election or hurt it. It shows how hateful and ugly you haters are. Let me see 70-80% support women's rights to choose. This should do it and if the left wins these next election's 20 and 22 your hate group won't exist anymore. Considering that the party out of office almost always wins midterm elections , this will probably fix that and protect our democracy.
Pot paints kettle black. Your side has no moral high ground to say anything. Again your side threatens when it doesnt get its way. We are tired of your BS and returning fire. Get used to it.
Never saw any of my group trying to overthrow our government . Pointing that out shows how stupid you people are, The only party to try to do that is the the MAGA maggots.
Selfies in the White House after being let in by the Capital police. When they took selfies did you pee yourself?
Try thinking , Not doing anything we will have Trumps hate Nazi courts , Trumps butt lickers till they die , My way and we will have court for the people for half the time.and hate party courts the other half. Are you idiots that dumb that you can't see that.
Im enjoying your melt down. Poor Hillary was in the bag. Now Reap the consequences
Never saw any of my group trying to overthrow our government . Pointing that out shows how stupid you people are, The only party to try to do that is the the MAGA maggots.
Uh, that's exactly what you're trying to do by trying to bend the court to your will.
Sounds like "trying to overthrow the government."

The hypocrisy is absurdly obvious.
Yup 100% Maga Maggot attempt to take over this country, the last three judges were picked 100% with their willingness to lick the ass of trump if he asks them. So yes that would be the case.
Im enjoying your melt down. Poor Hillary was in the bag. Now Reap the consequences
Wait a second ,you are missing something here. Nothing better could have happened to protect our democracy and country. 80% of the country supports the right of women to choose over the decision of government or the courts. Now hot rod what do you think that will do for the next two election, You have me rolling on the floor.
Wait a second ,you are missing something here. Nothing better could have happened to protect our democracy and country. 80% of the country supports the right of women to choose over the decision of government or the courts. Now hot rod what do you think that will do for the next two election, You have me rolling on the floor.
Your fake outrage will not compemsate for inflation in this country. Only cheating again will save you asses
...and then in the future the Republicans can add more to load up the Court with Conservatives.

With filthy partisan politics one of these days the Supreme Court could have 75 Justices.
That may be ...but you currently have a generation going forward with that 6-3 majority.

We have nothing to lose
I love these little hate Nazi's with their MAGA maggot policy's and brains. These people are blind , they think there is a comparison of any sort with protest to stop cops from killing blacks and a attack on our capital to bring down our democracy and country to force in a piece of shit for a dictator. The fun part is them thinking that overthrowing abortion rights is a win for them ,right before the election, with 80% of our country supporting the right for women to choose over it being done by the courts or government. The real numbers being stronger with women having this as their total deciding position on their vote. . Yup The MAGA maggots are this stupid.

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