Time to increase the size of the supreme court so Biden can select enough left wing judges to put the majority on the side of the liberals.

And if it was 6-3 the other way you would be applauding it, and if Republicans were talking about adding seats you'd be throwing a tantrum.
So you admit that all you are doing is throwing a tantrum in order to maintain your political advantage.

So you admit that all you are doing is throwing a tantrum in order to maintain your political advantage.

Nope, just don't want the court to dissolve into irrelevancy because democrats monkey with it when they don't get rulings they like. Face it, sometimes a later court reverses an earlier court's ruling because the first one was flawed. It happens.
Nope, just don't want the court to dissolve into irrelevancy because democrats monkey with it when they don't get rulings they like. Face it, sometimes a later court reverses an earlier court's ruling because the first one was flawed. It happens.
The left has always, historically, had issues with the Court. The Courts obviously say what is the law, and the law has always gotten in the way of their radical agenda
Because you simply write a law saying that 13 is the number of judges , the number has always been able to be set but it has never been set , raise it to 13 and them screw the hate party over by setting 13 as the number. simple enough.
Then when Republicans take charge, they raise it by two to offset the left.

It is a stupid game but sore losers seem to lay stupid games.
So you admit that all you are doing is throwing a tantrum in order to maintain your political advantage.

Yawn. Roe overturned changes nothing in blue states. This is just your sides Riot Season on schedule for the election. Boost of Virtue for the primaries
Yawn. Roe overturned changes nothing in blue states. This is just your sides Riot Season on schedule for the election. Boost of Virtue for the primaries
That's what they DON'T want people to know. The vast majority of those clutching their pearls over Roe will see absolutely nothing change in their lives should it be overturned.
That's what they DON'T want people to know. The vast majority of those clutching their pearls over Roe will see absolutely nothing change in their lives should it be overturned.
Well considering the fact that men can't get pregnant....
Well considering the fact that men can't get pregnant....
Well now, wait a minute. I thought we were being told that men CAN get pregnant. Which is it?

You make it sound like most of those weeping and wailing right now are men.
So you admit that all you are doing is throwing a tantrum in order to maintain your political advantage.

Lesh...Progs won a long time ago. Withing all the victories there are failures that are part of most of them included. But the arrow of keep moving also has now entered ludicrous agendas that are sold as normal.

Time to increase the size of the supreme court so Biden can select enough left wing judges to put the majority on the side of the liberals.​

This is the time to do it.

Right. In other words, make the Judicial Branch of the government really just the hand-puppet of the Exec and Legislative branches and so, irrelevant? Kind of like now is the time to steal a national election and put our sock-puppet in the WH to get our way there too?

In other words, FUCK democracy, and fuck the Constitution, and fuck true representation of the people--- what the Left really wants is to just TAKE OVER and make America a faux democratic republic and really just a totalitarian banana republic of a small group of Marxists in a few blue cities.
...and then in the future the Republicans can add more to load up the Court with Conservatives.

With filthy partisan politics one of these days the Supreme Court could have 75 Justices.
"Court packing" ie. adding Justices is completely legal and withn the Constitution

There is no "Ministry of Truth". The Admin is fighting your lies. Not even close to the same. NO election was rigged. See OANN admitting as much
Lol court packing is the tactic of dictators, so glad the Democrats are now admitting they are following the model for 3rd world dictators!

If a troll like you can’t see the dangers predicted in 1984 and the Ministry of Truth is a perfect analogy for the Disinformation Board… then you are hopeless!

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