Time to increase the size of the supreme court so Biden can select enough left wing judges to put the majority on the side of the liberals.

Wait a second ,you are missing something here. Nothing better could have happened to protect our democracy and country. 80% of the country supports the right of women to choose over the decision of government or the courts. Now hot rod what do you think that will do for the next two election, You have me rolling on the floor.
The vast majority of those weeping and wailing over Roe possibly being overturned will see absolutely no change to their lives at all.
That may be ...but you currently have a generation going forward with that 6-3 majority.

We have nothing to lose
Oh, you have a lot to lose. There's still a lot of confidence in the Court, but you have no idea how bad it can get when you resort to making it a rubberstamp for the party in power. Want a dictator for life? Court says yes. Want to do away with the Constitution entirely and rule by martial law? Court says yes. Want to use the power the democrats gave the government to punch them in the face? Court says yes.
That may be ...but you currently have a generation going forward with that 6-3 majority.

We have nothing to lose
We Americans had to put up with a Liberal majority on the Court at times. We didn't whine about it like the filthy ass Liberals are whining about this.

It is good thing to have a majority of Conservatives on the Court. It keeps the Libtard filth from circumventing the Constitution and making their own destructive laws.
Because you simply write a law saying that 13 is the number of judges , the number has always been able to be set but it has never been set , raise it to 13 and them screw the hate party over by setting 13 as the number. simple enough.
Start the slippery slope. Republicans gain control and they will simply follow the precedent set by Republicans and dilute the Court.
I'm glad that the Republicans screwed the Worthless Negro out of a Justice. After seeing the two idiots he picked and this worthless piece of affirmative action shit Potatohead picked we can't trust the Democrats to look after the interest of the American people. Garland is a terrible partisan Attorney General and he would have made a shitty Justice.
Pot paints kettle black. Your side has no moral high ground to say anything. Again your side threatens when it doesnt get its way. We are tired of your BS and returning fire. Get used to it.
There is no one on my side of the isle that tried to destroy and bring down our democracy and country to force in a piece of shit for a dictator.. There is no patriots in this country that supports anything you Maga Maggots do, you people are less then pond scum, you are traitorous scum that needs to be disposed of. You people are small people who are driven by your hate and ugliness. You are bigots, xenophobes , homophobic, chauvinist and you are a hate driven plague on this country.
All of you who supported Scum bag and Jan 6th did the same as the people who forced their way into the capital , you spread shit on the walls and pissed on the floors. You are anti constitution, anti government and anti American ,Your the enemy of this country and have to go. You will do nothing in the future other then spreading more shit on the walls . thats all you are a shit spreader and thatall you will ever be and so you don't have to throw out more bullshit , yes I hate you people , I always hate my countries enemy's.
I always feel better when i put you scum bags where they belong. Now maybe you can tell me that I can't spell or balance all this by telling us the Obama wasn't born here and tell us something goofy about Biden's son.
really? do you live under a rock, or just in your cult bubble? They have attempted it numerous times. obviously from 2016-2020...and clearly now with their threats to the Court.

You literally just encouraged it " thrown out or overpowered."
Maga maggot!
There is no one on my side of the isle that tried to destroy and bring down our democracy and country to force in a piece of shit for a dictator.. There is no patriots in this country that supports anything you Maga Maggots do, you people are less then pond scum, you are traitorous scum that needs to be disposed of. You people are small people who are driven by your hate and ugliness. You are bigots, xenophobes , homophobic, chauvinist and you are a hate driven plague on this country.
All of you who supported Scum bag and Jan 6th did the same as the people who forced their way into the capital , you spread shit on the walls and pissed on the floors. You are anti constitution, anti government and anti American ,Your the enemy of this country and have to go. You will do nothing in the future other then spreading more shit on the walls . thats all you are a shit spreader and thatall you will ever be and so you don't have to throw out more bullshit , yes I hate you people , I always hate my countries enemy's.
I always feel better when i put you scum bags where they belong. Now maybe you can tell me that I can't spell or balance all this by telling us the Obama wasn't born here and tell us something goofy about Biden's son.

Start the slippery slope. Republicans gain control and they will simply follow the precedent set by Republicans and dilute the Court.
Think my friend, doing nothing we have 3 judges that have no respect from anyone , who were put on the court to do the bidding of scum bag. TO lick his ass on his command.. Your way and it stays that way for decades. My way and at least half the time ,until we totally get rid of this hate group, we will have a court that supports the people.
Think my friend, doing nothing we have 3 judges that have no respect from anyone , who were put on the court to do the bidding of scum bag. TO lick his ass on his command.. Your way and it stays that way for decades. My way and at least half the time ,until we totally get rid of this hate group, we will have a court that supports the people.

Think my friend, doing nothing we have 3 judges that have no respect from anyone , who were put on the court to do the bidding of scum bag. TO lick his ass on his command.. Your way and it stays that way for decades. My way and at least half the time ,until we totally get rid of this hate group, we will have a court that supports the people.
I think your way is full of speculation and opinion and devoid of fact. What is so hateful about States Rights? You people love States Rights on a number of topics and issues.
I think your way is full of speculation and opinion and devoid of fact. What is so hateful about States Rights? You people love States Rights on a number of topics and issues.
State's rights were a primary consideration in the formation of our system of government and specifically protected under the 9th and 10th Amendments, nothing at all "hateful" about them.
Think my friend, doing nothing we have 3 judges that have no respect from anyone , who were put on the court to do the bidding of scum bag
If this qualifies as "thinking" on your planet you need to go back home.

It's the opposite of thinking.

Reasonable people respect any justice that is true to the Constitution, the rest are partisan sycophants that throw tantrums when The Constitution wins.
If you can't win by playing within the rules, change them.

It worked for the election.

You mean like Republicans setting the rules to be that judges can't be appointed in election year and refusing to give Obama nomenee a hearing for year....and then these very same shameless liars confirming Trump's judge a month before election?

That's what you are talking about, right?
I think your way is full of speculation and opinion and devoid of fact. What is so hateful about States Rights? You people love States Rights on a number of topics and issues.
I don't like states rights because it is abused by the hate party , one example is how ignorant and uneducated hate party states are because they make sure they keep their member s as stupid as possible so they will be stupid enough to vote for them, Want to argue that ,you will lose, the numbers are there for anyone who is interested , hate states are filled with uneducated stupid people. In fact there is just about nothing positive that these states excel in , they are disasters across the board.

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