Time to increase the size of the supreme court so Biden can select enough left wing judges to put the majority on the side of the liberals.

And that needs to be repeated over and over again, because far too many have fallen for the lie that overturning it will make abortion illegal. Heck, if you live in any number of blue states, you won't see any difference at all.

Actually in most Blue States access will be increased, oversight decreased, and medical need for late abortions due to risk of life to the woman reduced to health risk being an acceptable reason.

but who to say they won't do it anyway... Mitch McConnell would put 20 SC justices on the court tomorrow. HE has shown in the past no deference to norms, if you can get away with it, do it...
McConnell doesn't give a fuck if the court reflects the will of the people. The court appointment system is a major weakness in the US democracy and he exploited it

Who dropped the filibuster for judicial appointments first?

but who to say they won't do it anyway... Mitch McConnell would put 20 SC justices on the court tomorrow. HE has shown in the past no deference to norms, if you can get away with it, do it...
McConnell doesn't give a fuck if the court reflects the will of the people. The court appointment system is a major weakness in the US democracy and he exploited it
The Court doesn't have to reflect the "will of the people", and many times shouldn't. That's mob rule with no permanent foundation for the law.
Actually in most Blue States access will be increased, oversight decreased, and medical need for late abortions due to risk of life to the woman reduced to health risk being an acceptable reason.
That and many doctors just being a rubber stamp for it.
That and many doctors just being a rubber stamp for it.

Yep, they intentionally leave out a hard standard for "health of the woman" in any law, so basically the doctor can make it up as he goes along.
Yep, they intentionally leave out a hard standard for "health of the woman" in any law, so basically the doctor can make it up as he goes along.
My father was a doctor in the 50's and saw it first-hand. Other doctors would always cite danger to the mother as rationale to get around the law.
You would likely join in the looting and the burning in the big city, Video Gamer.
You didn't see any of my side tryint to bring down this democracy and country to force in a piece of shit for a dictator. Plus I'm a patritot not like the right wing domestic terrorist and their supporter. Plus unlike you haters hating everything , I just hate you haters.
There is already a shortage of truckers in our nation.

Posted: March 16, 2022

As underlying causes show no signs of stopping, professional drivers and equipment will be in short supply again in 2022.

The American Trucking Association has estimated that 80,000 more drivers would be needed to make up the short fall in 2022 and the estimate is expected to surpass 160,000 needed by 2030. The shortfall is attributed to high demand, a retiring work force and lack of new drivers in the industry.

The main incentive carriers have employed is raising salaries to attract talent. The AMA estimates that earnings are increasing at five times the average pace with weekly earning increased by 25% for long haul drivers.

/----/ Libs gotta keep killing babies for fun and profit. BTW, reversing RvW doesn't end abortion. It just sends it back to the states.
Yup where every hate party run states will ban it. The good part is this will cost the hate party many elections. When 70 to 80% support anything it will cost the non supporters always and eraising the hate party is more omprtant right now then The right to choose. This works for the patriots in this country.
Yup where every hate party run states will ban it. The good part is this will cost the hate party many elections. When 70 to 80% support anything it will cost the non supporters always and eraising the hate party is more omprtant right now then The right to choose. This works for the patriots in this country.
/——/ The hate party? Yeah, we hate people who kill babies. We hate perverts trying to groom children, and we hate communists in general.
Blame this fuck. He's the one that started it all.

Blame this fuck. He's the one that started it all.

View attachment 642850

The Groomers have worked hard to get the Neo-GOP to instantaneously spit out the words "Harry Reid did it" every time the fact is brought up that Mitch McConnell removed the filibuster rule so he could shove these radical conservative Justices down America's throat.
Yup where every hate party run states will ban it. The good part is this will cost the hate party many elections. When 70 to 80% support anything it will cost the non supporters always and eraising the hate party is more omprtant right now then The right to choose. This works for the patriots in this country.

You didn't see any of my side tryint to bring down this democracy and country to force in a piece of shit for a dictator. Plus I'm a patritot not like the right wing domestic terrorist and their supporter. Plus unlike you haters hating everything , I just hate you haters.

The Democratic Party is the party of hate.

I did see your side looting and burning down cities. I would say your side terrorized innocent people and especially store owners in the big cities. You hate cops and love criminals. In many areas you even want to do away with the police and replace them with social workers.

To many rational people it seems the Democratic Party is doing its best to ruin this nation. People are wising up to that fact and at this point in time the Midterm Elections may reduced the Democratic Party from a Big Tent to a little Teepee.

/——/ The hate party? Yeah, we hate people who kill babies. We hate perverts trying to groom children, and we hate communists in general.
Not one word that is the truth , this is normal hate party bullshit. MAGA maggots
The Democratic Party is the party of hate.

I did see your side looting and burning down cities. I would say your side terrorized innocent people and especially store owners in the big cities. You hate cops and love criminals. In many areas you even want to do away with the police and replace them with social workers.

To many rational people it seems the Democratic Party is doing its best to ruin this nation. People are wising up to that fact and at this point in time the Midterm Elections may reduced the Democratic Party from a Big Tent to a little Teepee.

boring bullshit. MAGA maggots
Not one word that is the truth , this is normal hate party bullshit. MAGA maggots
You seem to be that which you claim to hate. Did you realize you are doing that? Maybe you're doing it purpose to be ironic.
I would rather be a MAGA maggot than a brain dead Biden supporter.
Then that's a good thing. By the way where does that put you when your best and most prominate polititions are 1/10 the person Biden is and 1/10 as SMART, Should I post a few videos of your leaders. What a fricken hoot. You Maga Maggots sold out your country and are the lowest form of humanity.
I know how the government works. Amending the Constitution is a more permanent solution than democrats packing the court. Undoing that can be done by the next administration by simply adding more of their own justices.
Amendments are near impossible to achieve.
Fearing that Republicans will do what they have already done is stupid

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