Time to increase the size of the supreme court so Biden can select enough left wing judges to put the majority on the side of the liberals.

This is the time to do it. Obviously and to protect women's right to choose, the left I believe will support this. We have to over ride the slugs that Trump added to the supreme court, all of them selected by Trump to do his bidding ,that over over protecting the law of our country and our constitution. By the way then House set's that number as the only number that can be used for the size of the supreme court. The new number of Supreme court judges will be set at 13 , over riding the conservatives. When over 70% of the country says that a women should decide about abortion and not the court , then that's how it should be.

Why not 125, like your mentors in the USSR had?
Funny! what a pile of crapola. You gun bubbas would be wiped out by the military in just hours , and you would shit your pants in the process, so who are the tough guys. What a joke,. CRUNCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The military is very pro-Republican. I know you lefties are working on breaking that too, but for now, I think we are safe.

I might also add, that many, many people with guns are a problem even for a higher-powered military, which is why the left is so gung-ho in limiting them in the first place. Just look at the trouble Russia is having with Ukraine and they are barely armed.
Because you simply write a law saying that 13 is the number of judges , the number has always been able to be set but it has never been set , raise it to 13 and them screw the hate party over by setting 13 as the number. simple enough.
You’re an idiot. You’re upset because you think RvW was settled law and are finding out it wasn’t. So you’re going to try to make 13 judges settled law and think that will stick? Dumbass.
This is the time to do it. Obviously and to protect women's right to choose, the left I believe will support this. We have to over ride the slugs that Trump added to the supreme court, all of them selected by Trump to do his bidding ,that over over protecting the law of our country and our constitution. By the way then House set's that number as the only number that can be used for the size of the supreme court. The new number of Supreme court judges will be set at 13 , over riding the conservatives. When over 70% of the country says that a women should decide about abortion and not the court , then that's how it should be.
Actually we need a constitutional amendment to revoke the citizenship of low IQ slugs like you and then deport you. I guess that make me Hitler.
This is the time to do it. Obviously and to protect women's right to choose, the left I believe will support this. We have to over ride the slugs that Trump added to the supreme court, all of them selected by Trump to do his bidding ,that over over protecting the law of our country and our constitution. By the way then House set's that number as the only number that can be used for the size of the supreme court. The new number of Supreme court judges will be set at 13 , over riding the conservatives. When over 70% of the country says that a women should decide about abortion and not the court , then that's how it should be.
Where FDR failed. Do you honestly expect Brandon to succeed?
Straight out of the 'Terrorism for Dummies" hand book. Have knife, cut off nose!

Except it's the Cities where the power is generated and the transmission lines move electricity out to the country.

View attachment 642450
If the power is out for an extended period of time, I would rather be in a rural area than a big city.
what rule would that be , what a clown. There is no rule on the number of supreme court justices , that one hell of a dumb nothing remark.
This is what Democrats always do. They can't win by following convention so they try to find ways to cheat.
Obama and Hillary both had questions supplied to them by moderators during the debates......and Obama even set up Mitt with the help of a mod to bush-wack him on something that everyone knew he was lying about. Obama wouldn't say terrorism was behind 911 or any number of other attacks by Muslim radicals. He never could bring himself to blame Islam for Middle-Eastern terrorists.....even though everyone on the planet knew who was the guilty party. His administration decided to call it something else. They instead called it workplace violence. He called the war on terror "Overseas Contingency Operation".
He and Biden both have no problem, even jump at the opportunity to call pro-lifers terrorists....but they can't bring themselves to call Muslim terrorists what they are....or even acknowledge the fact that ANTIFA even exists.
Where FDR failed. Do you honestly expect Brandon to succeed?
OK bonzo , the senate and house does it , not the president. When you deal with MAGA maggots you are always dealing with idiots.
I don’t see supplies headed into the big liberal cities as truckers would stop delivering. The liberal big cities would fall apart in about a week. Lots of looting and burning.
a private trucker turning down a job is his end. a Company doing it and they would be charged big time. So again if you deal with MAGA maggots you deal with liars and idiots.
Leftists judges have proven throughout history to be much more partisan than right-wing judges. Sorry, we don't need one party making the laws, particularly the party that still hasn't figured out the difference between a boy and a girl.
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The majority of left-wing CA nor the nation supported gay marriage but that didn't stop Democrats from taking it to the Supreme Court to overrule the will of the people. Democrats would be nothing if they weren't hypocrites.
70 % support gay marriage, real Americans are way higher then that, it's the hate party that hates everything thats where the only bad numbers come from. Maga Maggots hate everything , that why they are know as the hate party.
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I have often posted on this forum that I hope this nation doens’t break apart as that would lead to the Chinese ruling the world. I have also posted that I hope the breakup of this nation will be peaceful.

However in a violent breakup keep in mind that the big liberal cities depend on truckers to supply them with food and other supplies such as fuel. Truck drivers are often conservatives who may just pull their big rigs over and wait for a month or so. Those that don’t will risk their lives driving to the big cities.

So your tanks can roll around crunching all they want but the big liberal cities may end up starving. Of course the people in the big cities will resort to looting and rioting until everything runs out.

Ever drive out into the country and see those big power lines running into the big cities. Obvious targets. Do you like sweating in the summer or freezing in the winter? Knock down a dozen transmission towers and watch what happens.

Bipole II tower down for 2 days after being hit by farmer in tractor​

The MAGA maggot CRUNCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! New dance sensation. Can you show us a few steps crunch???
You’re an idiot. You’re upset because you think RvW was settled law and are finding out it wasn’t. So you’re going to try to make 13 judges settled law and think that will stick? Dumbass.
To much nothing and not enough something, you are gone. It has been a slice and I will miss you .
Actually we need a constitutional amendment to revoke the citizenship of low IQ slugs like you and then deport you. I guess that make me Hitler.
No but it makes you gone? I dump all bigots all the time.

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