Time to increase the size of the supreme court so Biden can select enough left wing judges to put the majority on the side of the liberals.

OK bonzo , the senate and house does it , not the president. When you deal with MAGA maggots you are always dealing with idiots.
And FDR was driving the bus.

He'd already threatened to expand the court if they didn't rule in his favor on several issues.

They didn't and when he tried to get congress to pack the courts he failed.

Biden has been threatening the same thing.
70 % support gay marriage, real Americans are way higher then that, it's the hate party that hates everything thats where the only bad numbers come from. Maga Maggots hate everything , that why they are know as the hate party.
It takes a terribly limited intellect to think everyone who opposes their views politically does so out of hate.

You should aspire to be better than that.
This is the time to do it. Obviously and to protect women's right to choose, the left I believe will support this. We have to over ride the slugs that Trump added to the supreme court, all of them selected by Trump to do his bidding ,that over over protecting the law of our country and our constitution. By the way then House set's that number as the only number that can be used for the size of the supreme court. The new number of Supreme court judges will be set at 13 , over riding the conservatives. When over 70% of the country says that a women should decide about abortion and not the court , then that's how it should be.
No but it makes you gone? I dump all bigots all the time.
You should probably not use words you don't understand.

You are consistently among the most bigoted posters on this board and that's quite the accomplishment.


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big·ot | \ ˈbi-gət \

Definition of bigot

: a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices

especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (such as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance

a private trucker turning down a job is his end. a Company doing it and they would be charged big time. So again if you deal with MAGA maggots you deal with liars and idiots.
There is already a shortage of truckers in our nation.

Posted: March 16, 2022

As underlying causes show no signs of stopping, professional drivers and equipment will be in short supply again in 2022.

The American Trucking Association has estimated that 80,000 more drivers would be needed to make up the short fall in 2022 and the estimate is expected to surpass 160,000 needed by 2030. The shortfall is attributed to high demand, a retiring work force and lack of new drivers in the industry.

The main incentive carriers have employed is raising salaries to attract talent. The AMA estimates that earnings are increasing at five times the average pace with weekly earning increased by 25% for long haul drivers.
The MAGA maggot CRUNCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! New dance sensation. Can you show us a few steps crunch???
When our nation becomes a Marist socialist worker‘s paradise, I assume you will step up and volunteer to take firearms away from people like the good brave video gamer you are.
This is the time to do it. Obviously and to protect women's right to choose, the left I believe will support this. We have to over ride the slugs that Trump added to the supreme court, all of them selected by Trump to do his bidding ,that over over protecting the law of our country and our constitution. By the way then House set's that number as the only number that can be used for the size of the supreme court. The new number of Supreme court judges will be set at 13 , over riding the conservatives. When over 70% of the country says that a women should decide about abortion and not the court , then that's how it should be.
Except for one little detail. Joe Manchin has already told Biden that he would vote for Jackson but warned Biden that any other SC nomination should be made by the next president. So, not only is Manchin NOT going to vote to end the filibuster but, even if he did, he has already told Biden any more votes for SC nominees shouldn't happen until the next president is decided. Your attempt at a political coup and insurrection will fail. Why do you want to attack our democracy?
And as soon as the next GOP president is elected, we can expand it to 15 or more. Where does this end?
There should be no respect for the supreme court as it is now. after your lover and god chose 3 lying yes people that would lick his ass on his command. You party is so close to dying that if we keep the senate house and presidency , your hate group is toast> then real conservatives who aren't controlled by hate would have to take over and throw you haters in the shitter where you belong. Then life will start again, until your hate group is gone there is only one thing that patritos will do and thats doing everything to get rid of your hate group you call a party. You are this countries biggest threat and enemy and you are nothing but domestic terrorist.
The meltdown of you Baby Killer Cultists is hilarious. :auiqs.jpg:
This is the time to do it. Obviously and to protect women's right to choose, the left I believe will support this. We have to over ride the slugs that Trump added to the supreme court, all of them selected by Trump to do his bidding ,that over over protecting the law of our country and our constitution. By the way then House set's that number as the only number that can be used for the size of the supreme court. The new number of Supreme court judges will be set at 13 , over riding the conservatives. When over 70% of the country says that a women should decide about abortion and not the court , then that's how it should be.
Overturning Roe does exactly what you want, it puts the question back to the states to decide for themselves. If it's such a popular thing, then you should see no change if Roe is overturned. Of course, you know there will be big changes and a large part of the country will put restrictions on it. Most people support restrictions on abortion.
They support it in the first trimester only, after that it switches to about only 40% approving of it in the 2nd trimester, and only 20% in the third.

This lie has been repeated before, and debunked before.
True. Most people support restriction on abortion. Things like how late in the pregnancy can it be done, when and how minors can have it done, parental notification, etc. Quite frankly, if 80% support all abortion all the time for any reason at all, they should be jumping at the chance to prove it by having all the states put it into law. The fact that 1, some states already don't, and 2, will restrict it further gives lie to their claim.
Nah. It's time for a Grass Roots Special from the Democrats. Build from the bottom up. Focus on the local and state elections and take enough them to pass some Pro-Democracy and Freedom Amendments to the Constitution. Make those partisan hacks trumpyberra appointed irrelevant. on those matters.
That's how the Republicans did it.
This is the time to do it. Obviously and to protect women's right to choose, the left I believe will support this. We have to over ride the slugs that Trump added to the supreme court, all of them selected by Trump to do his bidding ,that over over protecting the law of our country and our constitution. By the way then House set's that number as the only number that can be used for the size of the supreme court. The new number of Supreme court judges will be set at 13 , over riding the conservatives. When over 70% of the country says that a women should decide about abortion and not the court , then that's how it should be.
/----/ Libs gotta keep killing babies for fun and profit. BTW, reversing RvW doesn't end abortion. It just sends it back to the states.
True. Most people support restriction on abortion. Things like how late in the pregnancy can it be done, when and how minors can have it done, parental notification, etc. Quite frankly, if 80% support all abortion all the time for any reason at all, they should be jumping at the chance to prove it by having all the states put it into law. The fact that 1, some states already don't, and 2, will restrict it further gives lie to their claim.

They use the overall viewpoint of support (probably skewed by sampling mostly in blue areas) and then don't dig into the details.
/----/ Libs gotta keep killing babies for fun and profit. BTW, reversing RvW doesn't end abortion. It just sends it back to the states.
And that needs to be repeated over and over again, because far too many have fallen for the lie that overturning it will make abortion illegal. Heck, if you live in any number of blue states, you won't see any difference at all.
AND what is to stop the Right from increasing the number of judges after that?
Fuck you people on this site are dumb.

but who to say they won't do it anyway... Mitch McConnell would put 20 SC justices on the court tomorrow. HE has shown in the past no deference to norms, if you can get away with it, do it...
McConnell doesn't give a fuck if the court reflects the will of the people. The court appointment system is a major weakness in the US democracy and he exploited it

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