Title 18, "Misprision of treason" filed in District Court

the perps would like their agents to pretend that people do not know the difference between the kind of structure "core columns" are, what they look like. These columns surround the core, they are not in the core, niether is the 3" REBAR ON 4' CENTERS

You really don't know how stupid this sounds, do you???
whats really funny is he was calling it 6" rebar for a while, now he's back to calling it 3"

It was 16" rebar. The added strength provided by such previously unheard of rebar (specially and secretly manufactured by the DOD which, oddly, had nothing whatsoever to do with the construction of the Twin Towers) accords to INVISICRETE (Tm) the ability to withstand the extra enormous weight of Invisicrete!

INVISICRETE ("anything less is visibly inferior!"). Ask for it by name.
Here is the 6" rebar, it is erroneously labeled 3" because I had not yet remembered the portion of the "Engineering and Construction of hte Twin Tower" covering the foundation.

I was astounded to learn they were using 6" rebar in the foundation and that each and every joint had to be welded because 6" cannot be bent. The 6" extended through the core base wall into the bottom of the core wall.


Here is the 3" rebar that ran vertically in the core walls. The concrete was removed by explosives to show the multiple sticks of rebar.

Here is the 6" rebar, it is erroneously labeled 3" because I had not yet remembered the portion of the "Engineering and Construction of hte Twin Tower" covering the foundation.

I was astounded to learn they were using 6" rebar in the foundation and that each and every joint had to be welded because 6" cannot be bent. The 6" extended through the core base wall into the bottom of the core wall.

Here is the 3" rebar that ran vertically in the core walls. The concrete was removed by explosives to show the multiple sticks of rebar.
there is no such thing as 6" rebar, dipshit
nor is there 3" rebar
it isnt made

Not for you and I, but the government can order what it wants. Especially to make safe public buildings.
then prove it
i understand the government(or anyone for that matter) can order anything they want
its up to YOU to prove it was actually ordered
then prove there were steel core column by showing them clearly in the core area with their needed interconnections forming the structure you say stood.
i understand the government(or anyone for that matter) can attempt anything they want
its up to YOU to prove that what FEMA said was built, actually existed.

The nature of this exchange is, I say there was a concrete core (I show it many different, independent ways), you say there were steel core columns (only showing one claimed way) and I show the joining of what you call "core columns" is too weak.

It is a butt plate joining elevator guide rail support steel.


The problem is your complete lack of evidence. Couple that with a refusal to recognize relevant violations of law empowering the deceptions.

You've only proven you are an agent of deception.
then prove there were steel core column by showing them clearly in the core area with their needed interconnections forming the structure you say stood.
i understand the government(or anyone for that matter) can attempt anything they want
its up to YOU to prove that what FEMA said was built, actually existed.

The nature of this exchange is, I say there was a concrete core (I show it many different, independent ways), you say there were steel core columns (only showing one claimed way) and I show the joining of what you call "core columns" is too weak.

It is a butt plate joining elevator guide rail support steel.

The problem is your complete lack of evidence. Couple that with a refusal to recognize relevant violations of law empowering the deceptions.

You've only proven you are an agent of deception.
dipshit, you just did
there are steel columns in those photos

and you are a fucking idiot to keep denying the facts in favor of your delusional bullshit
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I am CriscoFEARa. IF I say steel is concrete, then steel is concrete.

If I post a picture showing nothing BUT steel and insist that it shows concrete, than concrete is what it shows!

If I show a picture of something visible from over a mile away and claim it shows 3 inch (or 6 inch) rebar, even if such items would not possibly be visible in such a photograph, then rebar it is.

If I make ANY claim, it is up to you to positively refute it. I accept no burden of proof!

If I refuse to pay the child support for my own children and (in a transparent deception) claim that the government failed to provide me with utterly irrelevant documents from a hundred plus years ago, then I am clearly not required to pay child support.

I am CriscoFEARa. My complete and total lack of credibility is my credibility. I like to call it Invisicred!
Mr. Christopher A Brown....

Are you the same Mr. Brown that has claimed in court that you cannot pay child support due to "mental problems" while also admitting that you work for "cash under the table"?
Here is the 6" rebar, it is erroneously labeled 3" because I had not yet remembered the portion of the "Engineering and Construction of hte Twin Tower" covering the foundation.


well, once you remember that the towers had a steel core let us know. :lol:

here''s your fucking video The Engineering and Construction of the Twin Towers on PBS's website. American Experience | The Center of the World - New York: A Documentary Film | People & Events | PBS

so when did you remember what you already forgot and then remembered again? how long did you remember the wrong info?:cuckoo:
Mr. Christopher A Brown....

Are you the same Mr. Brown that has claimed in court that you cannot pay child support due to "mental problems" while also admitting that you work for "cash under the table"?

yes, thats him!!! :lol:
The info of the buildings engineer of record says there was invisible concrete. He claimed that in 1962, a "Doctor Bones" & a "Mister Scott" visited him and traded him the formula for Invisicrete (accept no substitutes) in exchange for some Lombardo's pizza, and enough Nathan's hot dogs for their entire "crew". Mr. Scott also threw in 50 photon torpedoes to sweeten the deal. Robertson later imbedded the torpedoes in the Invisicrete (accept no substitutes) core for ease in demolition when 19 followers of Mohammed (PB&J) would crash into them with fuel laden jets.

Robertson lated revealed that Dr. Bones and Mr. Scott left to head to San Francisco to kidnap some whales and drag them to captivity in the future. While they were there, Scott & Bones traded the formula for invisible aluminum to a researcher for some plastic. And a "Mr. Sulu" traded the formula for invisible condoms to a bathhouse for a really good evening.

Those spacemen really loved giving their invisible shit away, didn't they??

There you go, Chri$$y, a whole new story line for you, just as valid as the one you keep trying to push on USMB. With one exception. Post this on YOUR website, and I guarantee you'll make at least $9.00 off of the Trekkies.
The false social group of agents pretending they are doing something. Exactly what do they think they are doing.

9-11-misprision of treason, Title 18, part I, chapter 115, §2382

I stand as a witness to the construction because of viewing an extensively detailed 2 hour “PUBLIC BROADCAST SYSTEM” (PBS) documentary in 1990 about the Twin tower construction. With 35 years experience as a welder who has worked in civil engineering for 25 years, I understood, very well, all that was communicated by that regarding documentary described in the attached Affidavit.
The documentary is now gone, even from the digital records of PBS which broadcast it. This factor enables the deception concealing treason disclosed herein. However a retired physicist/Ph.D. and a former Marine major searched for it and found paper records at PBS through contacts employed there which corroborates this testimony. A VHS original copy was found but DVD copy of it appears to have been intercepted. An excerpt from a 2007 web radio show that Dr. Larsen produced and I co hosted where he updated the search. It can be downloaded from, rl-cb6-27-07pbs.doc_1-2.mp3 - concrete, core,, PBS, video,.


PBS has also re edited the original documentary footage in 2003 and titled that production, “NEW YORK, The Center of the World” which misrepresents the core structure of the Towers as being comprised of steel core columns.
The false social group of agents pretending they are doing something. Exactly what do they think they are doing.

all lunacy[/U].com/psych/9-11title_18.disclosure.html]9-11-misprision of assholes who don't pay child support, Kryptonian Council, Title 18, part I, chapter 115, §2382[/url

I stand as a witness to the construction because of viewing an extensively detailed 2 hour “PUBLIC BROADCAST SYSTEM” (PBS) documentary in 1990 about the Twin tower construction. With 35 years experience as a welder who has worked in civil engineering for 25 years, I understood, very well, all that was communicated by that regarding documentary described in the attached Affidavit.
The documentary is now gone, even from the digital records of PBS which broadcast it. This factor enables the deception concealing treason disclosed herein. However a retired physicist/Ph.D. and a former Marine major searched for it and found paper records at PBS through contacts employed there which corroborates this testimony. A VHS original copy was found but DVD copy of it appears to have been intercepted. An excerpt from a 2007 web radio show that Dr. Larsen produced and I co hosted where he updated the search. It can be downloaded from, [url=http://www.[U]brainfart[/U].com/?ojrkwzezomj]rl-cb6-27-07pbs.doc_1-2.mp3 - concrete, core,, PBS, video.


PBS has also re edited the original documentary footage in 2003 and titled that production, “NEW YORK, The Center of the World” which misrepresents the core structure of the Towers as being comprised of steel core columns.

And you stand as a delusional, retarded pissbag who is the only one who remembers a documentary that happened in your own head during a granola overdose.
Chris I will chase you around this forum with my challenges until you either respond like a man or run away again like the little bitch you have been so far.....

respond to my legitimate challenge.....

Chris your theory is based on bullshit you create from half-truths, unclear photographs, mistaken statements taken from panic-stricken, sometimes uneducated, often misinformed, and even more often, people who want to sound more informed than they really are.

you cry about evidence, you cry about agents and all the disinformation they try to use against you to hide the truth. Well lets use some evidence shall we.....

First, your theory of a concrete hollow core is highly unlikely for many reasons. THe reasons are listed below....

1. A concrete core, even a steel reinforced one would need to be exponentially larger as it went closer to the ground. Meaning the bottom floor would have to have the largest concrete core sections and thereby the least amount of open space on the floor. This does not show in the entrance floor lobby pictures we see even from you. In fact the escalators, the elevators, the stairs, the information desks and all the design elements show this to be utterly false....

2. Steel reinforced load bearing concrete wall pouring and mixing during the building process or on site, would take a great deal more time and expense than a steel space frame design. And given you yourself have claimed they used the concrete core to save money and speed the construction, this does not make sense. So they would have had to use pre-fabricated structural pieces or sections to even make this an option.

According to one legitimate and unbiased source; "For buildings 300 feet or taller, the concrete core usually has a minimum dimension of 30 feet in each plan direction, with walls that are 18 to 30 inches thick (Figure 1)."

Now IF the dimensions of concrete required for a building over 300 feet are those stated above from the reliable industry source, wouldn't the requirements be even greater for a building more than 1300 feet? Why yes I believe they would be.. So where is that tremendous concrete core structure in all of your Pictures of the lobby before the disaster?

A simple and basic policy to remember on this... As we add a piece onto another piece in a stacked structure. The pieces nearest the bottom will have to bear the most load. It will bear the load of the structure itself and the load of its upper stacks as well.

So again why does this not show in your Pictures or claims?

THose two should suffice for now.... Please respond to these obvious problems....
The false social group of agents pretending they are doing something. Exactly what do they think they are doing.

9-11-misprision of treason, Title 18, part I, chapter 115, §2382

I stand as a witness to the construction because of viewing an extensively detailed 2 hour “PUBLIC BROADCAST SYSTEM” (PBS) documentary in 1990 about the Twin tower construction. With 35 years experience as a welder who has worked in civil engineering for 25 years, I understood, very well, all that was communicated by that regarding documentary described in the attached Affidavit.
The documentary is now gone, even from the digital records of PBS which broadcast it. This factor enables the deception concealing treason disclosed herein. However a retired physicist/Ph.D. and a former Marine major searched for it and found paper records at PBS through contacts employed there which corroborates this testimony. A VHS original copy was found but DVD copy of it appears to have been intercepted. An excerpt from a 2007 web radio show that Dr. Larsen produced and I co hosted where he updated the search. It can be downloaded from, rl-cb6-27-07pbs.doc_1-2.mp3 - concrete, core,, PBS, video,.


PBS has also re edited the original documentary footage in 2003 and titled that production, “NEW YORK, The Center of the World” which misrepresents the core structure of the Towers as being comprised of steel core columns.

every piece of "evidence" you say you have actually prove what a fucking idiot you are. you look at pictures of steel and see concrete. you claim robertson said something he clearly didnt. i have no doubt the documentary existed but i also have no doubt that your interpretation of it is completely wrong. just like the rest of your evidence.

i doubt anything was "intercepted" you paranoid freak of nature. you were ripped off by paying for something that didnt exist, moron. :cuckoo:
The false social group of agents pretending they are doing something. Exactly what do they think they are doing.

9-11-misprision of treason, Title 18, part I, chapter 115, §2382

I stand as a witness to the construction because of viewing an extensively detailed 2 hour “PUBLIC BROADCAST SYSTEM” (PBS) documentary in 1990 about the Twin tower construction. With 35 years experience as a welder who has worked in civil engineering for 25 years, I understood, very well, all that was communicated by that regarding documentary described in the attached Affidavit.
The documentary is now gone, even from the digital records of PBS which broadcast it. This factor enables the deception concealing treason disclosed herein. However a retired physicist/Ph.D. and a former Marine major searched for it and found paper records at PBS through contacts employed there which corroborates this testimony. A VHS original copy was found but DVD copy of it appears to have been intercepted. An excerpt from a 2007 web radio show that Dr. Larsen produced and I co hosted where he updated the search. It can be downloaded from, rl-cb6-27-07pbs.doc_1-2.mp3 - concrete, core,, PBS, video,.


PBS has also re edited the original documentary footage in 2003 and titled that production, “NEW YORK, The Center of the World” which misrepresents the core structure of the Towers as being comprised of steel core columns.

every piece of "evidence" you say you have actually prove what a fucking idiot you are. you look at pictures of steel and see concrete. you claim robertson said something he clearly didnt. i have no doubt the documentary existed but i also have no doubt that your interpretation of it is completely wrong. just like the rest of your evidence.

i doubt anything was "intercepted" you paranoid freak of nature. you were ripped off by paying for something that didnt exist, moron. :cuckoo:

His brain was intercepted, and replaced with a peanut and a dead gerbil.
The false social group of agents pretending they are doing something. Exactly what do they think they are doing.

9-11-misprision of treason, Title 18, part I, chapter 115, §2382

I stand as a witness to the construction because of viewing an extensively detailed 2 hour “PUBLIC BROADCAST SYSTEM” (PBS) documentary in 1990 about the Twin tower construction. With 35 years experience as a welder who has worked in civil engineering for 25 years, I understood, very well, all that was communicated by that regarding documentary described in the attached Affidavit.
The documentary is now gone, even from the digital records of PBS which broadcast it. This factor enables the deception concealing treason disclosed herein. However a retired physicist/Ph.D. and a former Marine major searched for it and found paper records at PBS through contacts employed there which corroborates this testimony. A VHS original copy was found but DVD copy of it appears to have been intercepted. An excerpt from a 2007 web radio show that Dr. Larsen produced and I co hosted where he updated the search. It can be downloaded from, rl-cb6-27-07pbs.doc_1-2.mp3 - concrete, core,, PBS, video,.


PBS has also re edited the original documentary footage in 2003 and titled that production, “NEW YORK, The Center of the World” which misrepresents the core structure of the Towers as being comprised of steel core columns.

every piece of "evidence" you say you have actually prove what a fucking idiot you are. you look at pictures of steel and see concrete. you claim robertson said something he clearly didnt. i have no doubt the documentary existed but i also have no doubt that your interpretation of it is completely wrong. just like the rest of your evidence.

i doubt anything was "intercepted" you paranoid freak of nature. you were ripped off by paying for something that didnt exist, moron. :cuckoo:

His brain was intercepted, and replaced with a peanut and a dead gerbil.


Run, Lemmiwinks, run.

Chri$$y is going to shove you up his ass, and claim you are Invisicrete (accept no substitutes)

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