To all those who believe rights come from the state

Where does the Bible ever mention rights?

Its really a very restrictive book since it is filled with thou shall not do <insert evil here> but it is really a restraint on the individual since it does not say your neighbor shall not <insert same evil here>. Your neighbor is also restrained in the same way and that restraint does not extend beyond him so another person who does not practice the same religion doesn't really have to worry about it. It is almost like self-governance.
Yes but you're also free to believe you yourself are a god. You'd be wrong, but you're still free to believe it.

That is all I am asking for.

Yes you have the right to believe that rights flow from God, or Santa, or the Tooth Fairy. But since none of these figures speak to humans, we can't interpret which rights they give us. We must rely on society to dictate what is or isn't a "Right."

I was not talking about rights that are given to 'us' but rights that are given to me. I believe my rights are given to me by my humanity. You believe that your rights are given to you others which is fine with me but the point is that each person decides where their rights come from for themselves.
I know some of you don't like God-given rights and I accept that but if someone believes that their rights come from God does that interfere with your right to believe they come from the state? I'm willing to accept that you believe that for yourself but can't others believe differently? Do they not have the right to claim that part of their humanity for themselves?

It isn't a matter of belief. It's not liek someone believes that Jesus is the messiah and I disagree and we can all respect each other.
It is demonstrable that rights do not come from god. It is demonstrable that individuals have no rigths that cannot be taken away from them.
So rights must come from somewhere else. In fact rights come from society as a whole. Government simply annunciates those rights and enforces them.

Daayum! I hope this does not happen too often. I agree with the Rabbi.

fuck, I know, so do I. An excellent point well stated.
It seem rather unfair that this first person can create a right and then deny that same ability to everyone else around him since anyone who dares to create a right must first be subject that right to the approval of others. He had to get permission while the first person did not.

He didn't need to get permission.

He was the KING!

And he told everyone else what their rights were: they had the right to work his land, keep some of the food, and give him any profits that were made.

They also had the right to pay him homage.
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It isn't a matter of belief. It's not liek someone believes that Jesus is the messiah and I disagree and we can all respect each other.
It is demonstrable that rights do not come from god. It is demonstrable that individuals have no rigths that cannot be taken away from them.
So rights must come from somewhere else. In fact rights come from society as a whole. Government simply annunciates those rights and enforces them.

If my neighbor decides that I don't have the right to speak does that mean I lose that right?
No, because rights don't come from your neighbor.
If society in general decides you don't then you don't. For example you have no right to threaten the President's life. Where is that written? I dunno. But it is a crime and anyone doing it will be investigated. This will be upheld in the courts. All of it because society in general deems threatening the president a criminal act.

Yet another excellent point.
It is a moot question whether the origin of any kind of property is derived from nature at all... It is agreed by those who have seriously considered the subject that no individual has, of natural right, a separate property in an acre of land, for instance. By an universal law, indeed, whatever, whether fixed or movable, belongs to all men equally and in common is the property for the moment of him who occupies it; but when he relinquishes the occupation, the property goes with it. Stable ownership is the gift of social law, and is given late in the progress of society." --Thomas Jefferson to Isaac McPherson, 1813. ME 13:333
Wow rabi, the country is turning, we can't afford you leeches

Anti-semite posts are very offensive. I urge you to withdraw the comment and apologize to rabi and to all semites at USMessage Board.

You will not get far with the anti-semites on this board. Nothing discourages them from posting their hatred for the descendents of Ibrahim. one old hippie wag put it, 'these stinking democrats think they have 'a right' to my economic diary and my money...and these stinking republicans think they have 'a right' to jail me for growing a pot plant in my garden..both of these goddamned fools think they have 'a right' to meddle and warmonger around the planet...

..i wish these miserable republicrat fools would STFU about 'rights'..

...the rest of you, have a good day!.. ;)
How the hell can anyone think that the FIRST LAW GIVER was giving people their FREEDOM?

Clearly if you are bound to a legal, moral or ethical code you cannot be ENTIRELY free, now, can you?

God may give you rights, but any freaking idiot with a gun can take every one of them away.

So God's largess isn't all its cracked up to be.
Americans get their rights from Barack Obama for he is your coloured GOD !!!

Obama Akbar
It seem rather unfair that this first person can create a right and then deny that same ability to everyone else around him since anyone who dares to create a right must first be subject that right to the approval of others. He had to get permission while the first person did not.

He didn't need to get permission.

He was the KING!

And he told everyone else what their rights were: they had the right to work his land, keep some of the food, and give him any profits that were made.

They also had the right to pay him homage.

Everyone else under him did. That doesn't seem like 'equality' in any way and what makes the king different than anyone who declares people have this right but not others. The person who defines the rights of others becomes ruler over all since they decide what they can do.

Just look at gay marriage. Some feel they have a right to get married while others feel that they don't. Those that don't believe gays have a right to get married become rulers over their love lives in the same way those that feel people don't have property rights become rulers over everyone else's property.

I assert my God-given rights because I want my freedom from you. You may choose to believe that your rights come from others but you will not have freedom from them.
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