To BO it's all about 'fairness", not solutions


VIP Member
Dec 8, 2012
His blinding hatred of capitalism, and the rich and productive, rules over using common sense to provide REAL solutions:


Every so often, a politician commits the horrible mistake of saying what he really thinks. This happened at the Democratic debate. Barack Obama has a very punitive proposal to nearly double the capital gains rate. When asked by one of the moderators whether this makes sense, especially given the historical evidence of big “Laffer-Curve” effects, Senator Obama dismissed concerns about falling revenue, arguing that a high rate was justified by “fairness.” In other words, Senator Obama is so fixated on punishing success that he is even willing to reduce the amount of tax revenue flowing to Washington that he and his buddies can redistribute. This position is so radical that my Cato colleague Sallie James was distracted from her work on the free trade agreement with Colombia (I’m not a foreign policy person, but that’s apparently a country bordering Nepal and Mauritania) and demanded that I say something about the issue. But let’s first look at what Senator Obama actually said:

MR. GIBSON: And in each instance, when the rate dropped, revenues from the tax increased. The government took in more money. And in the 1980s, when the tax was increased to 28 percent, the revenues went down. So why raise it at all, especially given the fact that 100 million people in this country own stock and would be affected?

SENATOR OBAMA: Well, Charlie, what I’ve said is that I would look at raising the capital gains tax for purposes of fairness.

The Senator then proceeded to bash evil rich (sorry for the redundancy) people, so the moderator asked the question again:

MR. GIBSON: But history shows that when you drop the capital gains tax, the revenues go up.

SENATOR OBAMA: Well, that might happen or it might not. It depends on what’s happening on Wall Street and how business is going.

This exchange is particularly revealing since Senator Obama actually admitted that a tax rate increase might lose revenue, but he held firm to his position that the capital gains rate should be increased from 15 percent to 28 percent. This reminds me of a conversation I had years ago with an economics professor from an Ivy League university. He told me that he once asked his left-wing colleagues whether they would support lower tax rates if they knew that tax revenues would rise. Most of them, he said, shared Obama’s viewpoint that punishing success was more important to the statist ideology than increasing revenue for government. -tax-agenda-2/
We already tried right wing "give everything to the rich" fiscal plans for decades, they never worked.

Everyone pays their fair share democratic plans have been proven to work.
Exactly. Let's face it folks, we have four more years of a completely emotionally driven, egotistical, self righteous moonbat of the lowest order.
We already tried right wing "give everything to the rich" fiscal plans for decades, they never worked.

Everyone pays their fair share democratic plans have been proven to work.

Can't read?

When capital gains tax rates go up, they raise less revenue. Even lefty Charlie Gibson admits that.

In spite of that FACT, King Barry just HAS to raise capital gains rates out of "fairness".

Makes NO sense.
why did this not create what the OP claims it would create back when these taxes were WAY higher?
We already tried right wing "give everything to the rich" fiscal plans for decades, they never worked.

Everyone pays their fair share democratic plans have been proven to work.

Can't read?

When capital gains tax rates go up, they raise less revenue. Even lefty Charlie Gibson admits that.

In spite of that FACT, King Barry just HAS to raise capital gains rates out of "fairness".

Makes NO sense.

The right wing goons said if we "don't raise taxes on the job creators", they will trickle down and create countless jobs. We already tried that and they don't "trickle down", only throw the funds in their already mountain sized pile of cash stashed away in offshore bank account.
We already tried right wing "give everything to the rich" fiscal plans for decades, they never worked.

Everyone pays their fair share democratic plans have been proven to work.

Why do democrats want to keep Bush-era tax cuts that benefited only the disgusting filthy rich?

Does "fair share" include people that don't pay federal income taxes at all?
We already tried right wing "give everything to the rich" fiscal plans for decades, they never worked.

Everyone pays their fair share democratic plans have been proven to work.

Can't read?

When capital gains tax rates go up, they raise less revenue. Even lefty Charlie Gibson admits that.

In spite of that FACT, King Barry just HAS to raise capital gains rates out of "fairness".

Makes NO sense.

The right wing goons said if we "don't raise taxes on the job creators", they will trickle down and create countless jobs. We already tried that and they don't "trickle down", only throw the funds in their already mountain sized pile of cash stashed away in offshore bank account.

Nice, lame, lefty talking point, with NO basis in reality. When upper income folks, many of them small and large business owners, are taxed less, the invest, hire and consume much more. This creates economic activity, jobs, and larger tax base, and increase revenue.

When tax rates go up THAT is when rich folks begin moving more money and jobs offshore.

I'm a self-employed contractor, and when those folks keep more of their money, my business picks up so I earn more, then I spend more which helps others.

Supply-side DOES work, every time.

It's a fact.
You get spikes but it settles right back into a pattern.

changing it all the time is what causes the drops and spikes
We already tried right wing "give everything to the rich" fiscal plans for decades, they never worked.

Everyone pays their fair share democratic plans have been proven to work.

Why do democrats want to keep Bush-era tax cuts that benefited only the disgusting filthy rich?

Does "fair share" include people that don't pay federal income taxes at all?

Bush tax rates are reduced for ALL income levels, and 50% of the nation pays NO income tax, which is the Obama voter base btw...

10% on taxable income from $0 to $8,700, plus
15% on taxable income over $8,700 to $35,350, plus
25% on taxable income over $35,350 to $85,650, plus
28% on taxable income over $85,650 to $178,650, plus
33% on taxable income over $178,650 to $388,350, plus
35% on taxable income over $388,350.
From 75 to 1980 the revenues were rising with a 35% rate.

then it tumbled when they lower the rates
From 75 to 1980 the revenues were rising with a 35% rate.

then it tumbled when they lower the rates

Don't mention the fact that we were in a recession, gas lines and mortgage rates at 20%, don't mention that :eusa_shhh:

check out this chart.

it is NOT as the right claims it is

Thanks for proving Gibson was right!

When the CG tax rate is lowered, revenue increases!


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