To Hell with the Law; Re-Election Is More Important


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220

To Hell with the Law; Re-Election Is More Important

By W.A. Beatty

This is clearly a case of Obama placing himself above the law, then sending us taxpayers the bill.


Guess what "sequestrations" will do. And guess what act it will invoke. And guess whose presidential campaign will be hurt by all the layoff and plant closing notifications 60 days before layoffs occur. Hint: it's not Mitt Romney! Guess when the notifications are supposed to go out. November first, five days before the election.

What is President Barack Hussein "kill list" Obama doing about WARN? He has asked defense contract employers to ignore WARN -- that is, to break the law. Obama has asked defense contractors not to send out layoff notices to their employees in anticipation of "sequestration." This memorandum, dated September 28, 2012, explains Obama's position. The last sentence in the opening paragraph states, "... DOL explained that giving notice in these circumstances would waste States' resources in undertaking employment assistance activities where none are needed and create unnecessary anxiety and uncertainty for workers." So Obama is trying to cast his advocacy of law-breaking as "saving resources" and "preventing anxiety." Ain't he swell? The second paragraph of the memorandum also provides some very interesting reading.


The House of Representatives has passed a bill that would avoid "sequestration." But Obama has chosen to ignore it and, most significantly, has not offered an alternative. I therefore must assume that he thinks his lawlessness will save his re-election chances.

So, the old saying that Shakespeare used in Hamlet, "Hoist With His Own Petard," is, ironically, quite appropriate here.

Read more: Articles: To Hell with the Law; Re-Election Is More Important
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To Hell with the Law; Re-Election Is More Important

By W.A. Beatty

This is clearly a case of Obama placing himself above the law, then sending us taxpayers the bill.


Guess what "sequestrations" will do. And guess what act it will invoke. And guess whose presidential campaign will be hurt by all the layoff and plant closing notifications 60 days before layoffs occur. Hint: it's not Mitt Romney! Guess when the notifications are supposed to go out. November first, five days before the election.

What is President Barack Hussein "kill list" Obama doing about WARN? He has asked defense contract employers to ignore WARN -- that is, to break the law. Obama has asked defense contractors not to send out layoff notices to their employees in anticipation of "sequestration." This memorandum, dated September 28, 2012, explains Obama's position. The last sentence in the opening paragraph states, "... DOL explained that giving notice in these circumstances would waste States' resources in undertaking employment assistance activities where none are needed and create unnecessary anxiety and uncertainty for workers." So Obama is trying to cast his advocacy of law-breaking as "saving resources" and "preventing anxiety." Ain't he swell? The second paragraph of the memorandum also provides some very interesting reading.


The House of Representatives has passed a bill that would avoid "sequestration." But Obama has chosen to ignore it and, most significantly, has not offered an alternative. I therefore must assume that he thinks his lawlessness will save his re-election chances.

So, the old saying that Shakespeare used in Hamlet, "Hoist With His Own Petard," is, ironically, quite appropriate here.

Read more: Articles: To Hell with the Law; Re-Election Is More Important

The law says that both the house and senate must pass a bill and the president must sign it to become law.
It is how we have the current sequestration law.

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