To Pro 2nd Amendmenters: Can you seriously defend Liberty?

The OP thinks the U.S. military are like the Nazis in Germany and will follow orders even if those orders are to murder fellow citizens. That won't happen.
You're extremely naive and have no knowledge of history.
The question is simple, Hitler could not be stopped by partisans (which is essentially what pro 2nd Amendmenters claim they are), the French Resistance (well organized and supported by allied governments with financing, command and control, and weapons) could not defeat the Nazis in France and in analysis did almost nothing to defeat the Nazis in France.

The German armies were almost entirely defeated by Armies of enormous scale backed by governments of enormous wealth with the ability to marshal and organize resources on a scale never before seen.

But somehow, Republicans are going to defeat tyranny?

How can you with your semi-automatic rifle defeat drone-strikes, and command and control?

You think the Tyrannical Feds will go easier on you than they do on ISIS? Or the Taliban?

Can you live in hole the rest of your life, blow yourself up with explosives to kill civilians and hit tanks or armored vehicles?

Where will you get artillery? Or tanks? Or fighter jets?

How will you, with your 2nd Amendment, take over Air Craft Carriers, Attack Submarines, cruise missiles, fight against special forces, etc.

All these tools the Feds already have?

Let's face it, your 2nd Amendment is a pipe-dream.

It only serves now to enable psychos to shoot preschools and for conservatives to pretend they will stop it if it happens to them in a movie theater.

A better question would be, why would you want to be left defenseless, having the choice?
There is no choice, all you do is give criminals easy access to firearms. See my OTHER thread I just posted about gun prohibition.

No. I'm addressing you on THIS thread. :) If I had wanted to make posts in another thread, I would do so.
Chin also has stated that invading America is not an option. "They have the largest army on the planet, and they are not the military forces."
This is a big lie.

China never has stated that ever. China doesn't wish to invade the US at all, and doesn't even have an official white paper contingent for it.

Are you saying you're privy to classified Chinese military documents pertaining to grand strategy?
Where do you get your military expertise? From old Gomer Pyle or F Troop reruns?
From extensive exposure to military science and US Army War College lectures.

Don't mind me, I'm the idiot :Boom2:
Yes you are.
You're welcome to explain how a bunch of irregulars, no training or haven't been in the military for years, now old and out of shape, no command and control, no access to communication, no procedure, no rally point, no mustering what-so-ever, no recruitment tool, are going to spontaneously organize into an elite fighting force.

You mean like the ORIGINAL American Revolution? I suggest you read some history junior.
Who the hell says the military would be on the side of gov't should it come down to that?

This country has more weapons in private possession than most countries in the world.

Who the hell says the military would support the Cliven Bundy Irregulars?
Who the hell said that would be the only ones going against Gov't, should they try and take the guns away.........which is the wet dream of the leftist in this country.....................

Irregardless as you say you don't want to.
I think a reasonable policy would be hunting lodges where you can rent the use of guns and are held accountable.

Otherwise we don't need private ownership of them.
That's exactly what Hitler did. Required hunters and shooters to belong to hunting lodges and shooting clubs and keep their guns locked in their arms room. And then............... why he then had the guns confiscated. voilà. See how easy it is?
Who the hell says the military would be on the side of gov't should it come down to that?

This country has more weapons in private possession than most countries in the world.

Who the hell says the military would support the Cliven Bundy Irregulars?
Who the hell said that would be the only ones going against Gov't, should they try and take the guns away.........which is the wet dream of the leftist in this country.....................

Irregardless as you say you don't want to.
I think a reasonable policy would be hunting lodges where you can rent the use of guns and are held accountable.

Otherwise we don't need private ownership of them.

Hunting has no connection to the 2nd Amendment.
Neither does defense against Tyranny.

Your rifle in the house isn't going to defend anyone from a tyrannical government.

If in the preposterous scenario the US was invaded by China or Russia or something, you won't stand a chance against hybrid warfare supported with close air support, drones, and heavy armor, plus artillery.

Have you ever felt an artillery barrage? the person who barely goes to the Gym, and is probably way out of shape, is going to stand-up to a rain of 1 million tons of ordinance an hour?

Stop lying to EVERYONE.

Have you, Mr. War College Lectures, learned nothing of insurgency warfare from recent ME activity?
Who the hell says the military would support the Cliven Bundy Irregulars?
Who the hell said that would be the only ones going against Gov't, should they try and take the guns away.........which is the wet dream of the leftist in this country.....................

Irregardless as you say you don't want to.
I think a reasonable policy would be hunting lodges where you can rent the use of guns and are held accountable.

Otherwise we don't need private ownership of them.

Hunting has no connection to the 2nd Amendment.
Neither does defense against Tyranny.

Your rifle in the house isn't going to defend anyone from a tyrannical government.

If in the preposterous scenario the US was invaded by China or Russia or something, you won't stand a chance against hybrid warfare supported with close air support, drones, and heavy armor, plus artillery.

Have you ever felt an artillery barrage? the person who barely goes to the Gym, and is probably way out of shape, is going to stand-up to a rain of 1 million tons of ordinance an hour?

Stop lying to EVERYONE.

Care to bet. The only person who is lying is you.
Yes I'll take that bet, I'm a firefighter who maintains my health for sport and work related reasons. I wouldn't be so stupid to think I would make a difference as a lone wolf spontaneously uniting with other like-minded fools armed with my own personal fire arm to "wolverine" my way against organized modern militaries with 5th generation weapons.
The OP thinks the U.S. military are like the Nazis in Germany and will follow orders even if those orders are to murder fellow citizens. That won't happen.
You're extremely naive and have no knowledge of history.

No. Actually that is you. You are powerfully ignorant of history.
The OP thinks the U.S. military are like the Nazis in Germany and will follow orders even if those orders are to murder fellow citizens. That won't happen.
You're extremely naive and have no knowledge of history.

Prohibition? Is that going to be as successful as alcohol prohibition? What about drugs? The only thing that does is to move the industry underground and makes it even MORE difficult to solve gun related crimes and makes matters worse, as proven by the war on drugs.
Who the hell says the military would support the Cliven Bundy Irregulars?
Who the hell said that would be the only ones going against Gov't, should they try and take the guns away.........which is the wet dream of the leftist in this country.....................

Irregardless as you say you don't want to.
I think a reasonable policy would be hunting lodges where you can rent the use of guns and are held accountable.

Otherwise we don't need private ownership of them.

Hunting has no connection to the 2nd Amendment.
Neither does defense against Tyranny.

Your rifle in the house isn't going to defend anyone from a tyrannical government.

If in the preposterous scenario the US was invaded by China or Russia or something, you won't stand a chance against hybrid warfare supported with close air support, drones, and heavy armor, plus artillery.

Have you ever felt an artillery barrage? the person who barely goes to the Gym, and is probably way out of shape, is going to stand-up to a rain of 1 million tons of ordinance an hour?

Stop lying to EVERYONE.

Have you, Mr. War College Lectures, learned nothing of insurgency warfare from recent ME activity?
You mean the people who blow-themselves up with explosives, are highly organized from safe-havens in terrorist states, highly financed by supporters from entire countries and Billionaire Saudis, and who spend their lives wiping their butts with their own hands, never seeing women, never having families.

Those in holes in the ground for decades, hiding from drones, like the Resistance fighters in TERMINATOR...

Are anything like you?

You are NOTHING like them. You wouldn't last one damn day against them, let alone survive in their army against armies like the US and Russian forces they have fought against for decades.
Who the hell said that would be the only ones going against Gov't, should they try and take the guns away.........which is the wet dream of the leftist in this country.....................

Irregardless as you say you don't want to.
I think a reasonable policy would be hunting lodges where you can rent the use of guns and are held accountable.

Otherwise we don't need private ownership of them.

Hunting has no connection to the 2nd Amendment.
Neither does defense against Tyranny.

Your rifle in the house isn't going to defend anyone from a tyrannical government.

If in the preposterous scenario the US was invaded by China or Russia or something, you won't stand a chance against hybrid warfare supported with close air support, drones, and heavy armor, plus artillery.

Have you ever felt an artillery barrage? the person who barely goes to the Gym, and is probably way out of shape, is going to stand-up to a rain of 1 million tons of ordinance an hour?

Stop lying to EVERYONE.

Care to bet. The only person who is lying is you.
Yes I'll take that bet, I'm a firefighter who maintains my health for sport and work related reasons. I wouldn't be so stupid to think I would make a difference as a lone wolf spontaneously uniting with other like-minded fools armed with my own personal fire arm to "wolverine" my way against organized modern militaries with 5th generation weapons.

So you would just give up without so much as a fight? Wow, what a pussy. :D
The OP thinks the U.S. military are like the Nazis in Germany and will follow orders even if those orders are to murder fellow citizens. That won't happen.
You're extremely naive and have no knowledge of history.
You have no knowledge of Americans.
Except I do, and military terrorism actually happened in AMERICA.

And when their terror army supported by executing deserters collapsed, and their generals threw in the towel disbanding their forces, they dissolved into terrorist guerrilla groups to kill blacks because they weren't white.

Apparently YOU don't know Americans.
The OP thinks the U.S. military are like the Nazis in Germany and will follow orders even if those orders are to murder fellow citizens. That won't happen.
You're extremely naive and have no knowledge of history.
You have no knowledge of Americans.
Except I do, and military terrorism actually happened in AMERICA.

And when their terror army supported by executing deserters collapsed, and their generals threw in the towel disbanding their forces, they dissolved into terrorist guerrilla groups to kill blacks because they weren't white.

Apparently YOU don't know Americans.

All of our rights are precious. We will defend all of them against you and people like you.
I think a reasonable policy would be hunting lodges where you can rent the use of guns and are held accountable.

Otherwise we don't need private ownership of them.

Hunting has no connection to the 2nd Amendment.
Neither does defense against Tyranny.

Your rifle in the house isn't going to defend anyone from a tyrannical government.

If in the preposterous scenario the US was invaded by China or Russia or something, you won't stand a chance against hybrid warfare supported with close air support, drones, and heavy armor, plus artillery.

Have you ever felt an artillery barrage? the person who barely goes to the Gym, and is probably way out of shape, is going to stand-up to a rain of 1 million tons of ordinance an hour?

Stop lying to EVERYONE.

Care to bet. The only person who is lying is you.
Yes I'll take that bet, I'm a firefighter who maintains my health for sport and work related reasons. I wouldn't be so stupid to think I would make a difference as a lone wolf spontaneously uniting with other like-minded fools armed with my own personal fire arm to "wolverine" my way against organized modern militaries with 5th generation weapons.

So you would just give up without so much as a fight? Wow, what a pussy. :D
You are calling Christ a pussy? It's ok. I have no respect for you, your political philosophy, or your political party anyway.

You're a bunch of fakes who never actually had to stand for anything.
Who the hell said that would be the only ones going against Gov't, should they try and take the guns away.........which is the wet dream of the leftist in this country.....................

Irregardless as you say you don't want to.
I think a reasonable policy would be hunting lodges where you can rent the use of guns and are held accountable.

Otherwise we don't need private ownership of them.

Hunting has no connection to the 2nd Amendment.
Neither does defense against Tyranny.

Your rifle in the house isn't going to defend anyone from a tyrannical government.

If in the preposterous scenario the US was invaded by China or Russia or something, you won't stand a chance against hybrid warfare supported with close air support, drones, and heavy armor, plus artillery.

Have you ever felt an artillery barrage? the person who barely goes to the Gym, and is probably way out of shape, is going to stand-up to a rain of 1 million tons of ordinance an hour?

Stop lying to EVERYONE.

Care to bet. The only person who is lying is you.
Yes I'll take that bet, I'm a firefighter who maintains my health for sport and work related reasons. I wouldn't be so stupid to think I would make a difference as a lone wolf spontaneously uniting with other like-minded fools armed with my own personal fire arm to "wolverine" my way against organized modern militaries with 5th generation weapons.

Ahhhh A firefighter. No wonder you're a moron. They are the most overpaid public workers out there. And I'm not impressed mr. War College who apparently never attended.
Hunting has no connection to the 2nd Amendment.
Neither does defense against Tyranny.

Your rifle in the house isn't going to defend anyone from a tyrannical government.

If in the preposterous scenario the US was invaded by China or Russia or something, you won't stand a chance against hybrid warfare supported with close air support, drones, and heavy armor, plus artillery.

Have you ever felt an artillery barrage? the person who barely goes to the Gym, and is probably way out of shape, is going to stand-up to a rain of 1 million tons of ordinance an hour?

Stop lying to EVERYONE.

Care to bet. The only person who is lying is you.
Yes I'll take that bet, I'm a firefighter who maintains my health for sport and work related reasons. I wouldn't be so stupid to think I would make a difference as a lone wolf spontaneously uniting with other like-minded fools armed with my own personal fire arm to "wolverine" my way against organized modern militaries with 5th generation weapons.

So you would just give up without so much as a fight? Wow, what a pussy. :D
You are calling Christ a pussy? It's ok. I have no respect for you, your political philosophy, or your political party anyway.

You're a bunch of fakes who never actually had to stand for anything.

I don't think you are Christ, so . . . there's that.
Who the hell says the military would be on the side of gov't should it come down to that?

This country has more weapons in private possession than most countries in the world.

Who the hell says the military would support the Cliven Bundy Irregulars?
Who the hell said that would be the only ones going against Gov't, should they try and take the guns away.........

So all of you would stop posting long enough what? Stand your ground on your own property or go George Zimmerman marauding around the neighborhood, whether your neighbors agreed with y'all or not? Cold-cock anyone who was unarmed or who just refused to join the party? Just trying to get a handle on the Master Plan to take over a government that owns the satellites and shit.

And then what? Set up a military junta? DEMAND that everyone carry or forfeit their citizenship? What do you do with the conscientious objectors?

Sounds like an awful lot of work.
Ahhhhh Shad up you whiney assed Liberal.................we know you want to get rid of all guns in this country.........

Hunting has no connection to the 2nd Amendment.
Neither does defense against Tyranny.

Your rifle in the house isn't going to defend anyone from a tyrannical government.

If in the preposterous scenario the US was invaded by China or Russia or something, you won't stand a chance against hybrid warfare supported with close air support, drones, and heavy armor, plus artillery.

Have you ever felt an artillery barrage? the person who barely goes to the Gym, and is probably way out of shape, is going to stand-up to a rain of 1 million tons of ordinance an hour?

Stop lying to EVERYONE.

Care to bet. The only person who is lying is you.
Yes I'll take that bet, I'm a firefighter who maintains my health for sport and work related reasons. I wouldn't be so stupid to think I would make a difference as a lone wolf spontaneously uniting with other like-minded fools armed with my own personal fire arm to "wolverine" my way against organized modern militaries with 5th generation weapons.

So you would just give up without so much as a fight? Wow, what a pussy. :D
You are calling Christ a pussy? It's ok. I have no respect for you, your political philosophy, or your political party anyway.

You're a bunch of fakes who never actually had to stand for anything.

Hmm. Why don't you tell me what my "political party" is. This is getting to be very interesting. Perhaps you are a stalker or something?

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