To the Party of God: When did American helping American become "socialism"?



30 Million in Poverty Aren't as Poor as You Think, Says Heritage Foundation

Although the public equates poverty with physical deprivation, the overwhelming majority of poor households do not experience any form of physical deprivation. Some 70 percent of poor households report that during the course of the past year, they were able to meet “all essential expenses,” including mortgage, rent, utility bills, and important medical care.

In their footnotes, the Heritage Foundation uses studies that say things like the following. I suspect they hope people won't read the "footnotes". "Feeding America estimated that 10.3 million households used food pantries in 2009, but this estimate is not scientific and is not based on a representative sample of the U.S. population. The report uses complex and subjective estimation techniques, which include arbitrarily adjusting some results upward." (do all right wing sites have to play these shenanigans?)

What is Poverty in the United States: Air Conditioning, Cable TV and an Xbox

Tens of millions of Americans are uninsured and 50 million suffer from insecure access to food. But nearly all poor households own a refrigerator, television, and microwave. Surprising? Not really. It's a snapshot of one of the most important trends of the U.S. economy: the productivity paradox.


30 Million in Poverty Aren't as Poor as You Think, Says Heritage Foundation - Derek Thompson - Business - The Atlantic

More than 19 million Americans, or just over 6% of the population, live on less than $5,400 a year, or close to $100 a week, an analysis of 2009 Census data reveals. $5,400 is half the official poverty rate, a value which the financial news website Insider Monkey, which compiled these figures, dubs "extreme poverty". In what should be a national disgrace, the "state" with the worst extreme poverty rate (EPR) was the nation's capital, with over 10% of the District of Columbia's citizens living in extreme poverty. All of the "top ten" had rates in excess of 7%.

19 Million Americans Live On $100 A Week

You can go to the alley behind where I live and pick up a TV or a refrigerator, but if you have no food, who cares? The answer here is education and jobs.
Remember, a lot of those poor are Republicans, or don't they care?
rdean are you now supporting Hezbollah and the Party of God??

Hezbollah (Arabic: حزب الله izbu-llāh(i), literally "Party of God") is a Shi'a Muslim militant group and political party based in Lebanon
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Im rich so i dont care, i have a double wide while my friends all have single wides.

I watch NASCAR reruns on a big screen tv, they have to watch NASCAR reruns down at the Grange's tv, butt...

We all like to line dance and drink Bud! Thats what keeps our RRW community together!

30 Million in Poverty Aren't as Poor as You Think, Says Heritage Foundation

Although the public equates poverty with physical deprivation, the overwhelming majority of poor households do not experience any form of physical deprivation. Some 70 percent of poor households report that during the course of the past year, they were able to meet “all essential expenses,” including mortgage, rent, utility bills, and important medical care.

In their footnotes, the Heritage Foundation uses studies that say things like the following. I suspect they hope people won't read the "footnotes". "Feeding America estimated that 10.3 million households used food pantries in 2009, but this estimate is not scientific and is not based on a representative sample of the U.S. population. The report uses complex and subjective estimation techniques, which include arbitrarily adjusting some results upward." (do all right wing sites have to play these shenanigans?)

What is Poverty in the United States: Air Conditioning, Cable TV and an Xbox

Tens of millions of Americans are uninsured and 50 million suffer from insecure access to food. But nearly all poor households own a refrigerator, television, and microwave. Surprising? Not really. It's a snapshot of one of the most important trends of the U.S. economy: the productivity paradox.


30 Million in Poverty Aren't as Poor as You Think, Says Heritage Foundation - Derek Thompson - Business - The Atlantic

More than 19 million Americans, or just over 6% of the population, live on less than $5,400 a year, or close to $100 a week, an analysis of 2009 Census data reveals. $5,400 is half the official poverty rate, a value which the financial news website Insider Monkey, which compiled these figures, dubs "extreme poverty". In what should be a national disgrace, the "state" with the worst extreme poverty rate (EPR) was the nation's capital, with over 10% of the District of Columbia's citizens living in extreme poverty. All of the "top ten" had rates in excess of 7%.

19 Million Americans Live On $100 A Week

You can go to the alley behind where I live and pick up a TV or a refrigerator, but if you have no food, who cares? The answer here is education and jobs.
Remember, a lot of those poor are Republicans, or don't they care?

When did American helping American become "socialism"?

When it is forced upon us by the government.

Americans, especially conservatives are the most charitable in the world.
30 Million in Poverty Aren't as Poor as You Think, Says Heritage Foundation

Although the public equates poverty with physical deprivation, the overwhelming majority of poor households do not experience any form of physical deprivation. Some 70 percent of poor households report that during the course of the past year, they were able to meet “all essential expenses,” including mortgage, rent, utility bills, and important medical care.

In their footnotes, the Heritage Foundation uses studies that say things like the following. I suspect they hope people won't read the "footnotes". "Feeding America estimated that 10.3 million households used food pantries in 2009, but this estimate is not scientific and is not based on a representative sample of the U.S. population. The report uses complex and subjective estimation techniques, which include arbitrarily adjusting some results upward." (do all right wing sites have to play these shenanigans?)

What is Poverty in the United States: Air Conditioning, Cable TV and an Xbox

Tens of millions of Americans are uninsured and 50 million suffer from insecure access to food. But nearly all poor households own a refrigerator, television, and microwave. Surprising? Not really. It's a snapshot of one of the most important trends of the U.S. economy: the productivity paradox.


30 Million in Poverty Aren't as Poor as You Think, Says Heritage Foundation - Derek Thompson - Business - The Atlantic

More than 19 million Americans, or just over 6% of the population, live on less than $5,400 a year, or close to $100 a week, an analysis of 2009 Census data reveals. $5,400 is half the official poverty rate, a value which the financial news website Insider Monkey, which compiled these figures, dubs "extreme poverty". In what should be a national disgrace, the "state" with the worst extreme poverty rate (EPR) was the nation's capital, with over 10% of the District of Columbia's citizens living in extreme poverty. All of the "top ten" had rates in excess of 7%.

19 Million Americans Live On $100 A Week

You can go to the alley behind where I live and pick up a TV or a refrigerator, but if you have no food, who cares? The answer here is education and jobs.
Remember, a lot of those poor are Republicans, or don't they care?

When did American helping American become "socialism"?

When it is forced upon us by the government.

Americans, especially conservatives are the most charitable in the world.

Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish and he will eat for a lifetime.
30 Million in Poverty Aren't as Poor as You Think, Says Heritage Foundation

Although the public equates poverty with physical deprivation, the overwhelming majority of poor households do not experience any form of physical deprivation. Some 70 percent of poor households report that during the course of the past year, they were able to meet “all essential expenses,” including , rent, utility bills, and important medical care.

In their footnotes, the Heritage Foundation uses studies that say things like the following. I suspect they hope people won't read the "footnotes". "Feeding America estimated that 10.3 million households used food pantries in 2009, but this estimate is not scientific and is not based on a representative sample of the U.S. population. The report uses complex and subjective estimation techniques, which include arbitrarily adjusting some results upward." (do all right wing sites have to play these shenanigans?)

What is Poverty in the United States: Air Conditioning, Cable TV and an

Tens of millions of Americans are uninsured and 50 million suffer from insecure access to food. But nearly all poor households own a refrigerator, television, and microwave. Surprising? Not really. It's a snapshot of one of the most important trends of the U.S. economy: the productivity paradox.


30 Million in Poverty Aren't as Poor as You Think, Says Heritage Foundation - Derek Thompson - Business - The Atlantic

More than 19 million Americans, or just over 6% of the population, live on less than $5,400 a year, or close to $100 a week, an analysis of 2009 Census data reveals. $5,400 is half the official poverty rate, a value which the financial news website Insider Monkey, which compiled these figures, dubs "extreme poverty". In what should be a national disgrace, the "state" with the worst extreme poverty rate (EPR) was the nation's capital, with over 10% of the District of Columbia's citizens living in extreme poverty. All of the "top ten" had rates in excess of 7%.

19 Million Americans Live On $100 A Week

You can go to the alley behind where I live and pick up a TV or a refrigerator, but if you have no food, who cares? The answer here is education and jobs.
Remember, a lot of those poor are Republicans, or don't they care?

The moment it was mandated by law.
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish and he will eat for a lifetime.
So what are Democrats (The Party of Satan) doing to teach men to fish?

Plus, yer boy Billy Jeff (The Rapist) signed the repeal of Glass/Steagall which got us into this derivatives/economy destroying mess.
if a see someone with money on the street do i just walk up to him and take it by force!!!that is what the left does.they take it by taxing,and the fed government is the force!!!..... conservatives give 35% more to charity than liberals in the same income brackets.
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish and he will eat for a lifetime.
So what are Democrats (The Party of Satan) doing to teach men to fish?
Good Gaea, why would they want to do that?

No, the best thing is to give him a government fish every day...well, make that half a fish, so he has just enough energy to keep alive, but not enough to get any fish on his own. Then, every election, promise him more fish...but don't actually give him more fish. Tell him the evil people on the other side took his extra fish away.

That's how you keep people voting for you.
30 Million in Poverty Aren't as Poor as You Think, Says Heritage Foundation

Although the public equates poverty with physical deprivation, the overwhelming majority of poor households do not experience any form of physical deprivation. Some 70 percent of poor households report that during the course of the past year, they were able to meet “all essential expenses,” including mortgage, rent, utility bills, and important medical care.

In their footnotes, the Heritage Foundation uses studies that say things like the following. I suspect they hope people won't read the "footnotes". "Feeding America estimated that 10.3 million households used food pantries in 2009, but this estimate is not scientific and is not based on a representative sample of the U.S. population. The report uses complex and subjective estimation techniques, which include arbitrarily adjusting some results upward." (do all right wing sites have to play these shenanigans?)

What is Poverty in the United States: Air Conditioning, Cable TV and an Xbox

Tens of millions of Americans are uninsured and 50 million suffer from insecure access to food. But nearly all poor households own a refrigerator, television, and microwave. Surprising? Not really. It's a snapshot of one of the most important trends of the U.S. economy: the productivity paradox.


30 Million in Poverty Aren't as Poor as You Think, Says Heritage Foundation - Derek Thompson - Business - The Atlantic

More than 19 million Americans, or just over 6% of the population, live on less than $5,400 a year, or close to $100 a week, an analysis of 2009 Census data reveals. $5,400 is half the official poverty rate, a value which the financial news website Insider Monkey, which compiled these figures, dubs "extreme poverty". In what should be a national disgrace, the "state" with the worst extreme poverty rate (EPR) was the nation's capital, with over 10% of the District of Columbia's citizens living in extreme poverty. All of the "top ten" had rates in excess of 7%.

19 Million Americans Live On $100 A Week

You can go to the alley behind where I live and pick up a TV or a refrigerator, but if you have no food, who cares? The answer here is education and jobs.
Remember, a lot of those poor are Republicans, or don't they care?

When did American helping American become "socialism"?

When it is forced upon us by the government.

Americans, especially conservatives are the most charitable in the world.

Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish and he will eat for a lifetime.

So the government taking my money and giving it to the poor is equal to teaching them to fish?

You have to explain that to me 'cause I don't see the connection.
Job bills, education grants and subsidies, targeted tax cuts, job corp, head start, free pubic education to all, pubic supported universities and colleges, internships, vista and Americorp, affirmative acton, GI bill, welfare to work etc. are all means to "teach a man to fish" and all under attack by 'conservatives'.

Q. Why are 'conservatives' myopic?

A. 'Cause greed, hate, fear and bias inhibit rational thought.
Job bills, education grants and subsidies, targeted tax cuts, job corp, head start, free pubic education to all, pubic supported universities and colleges, internships, vista and Americorp, affirmative acton, GI bill, welfare to work etc. are all means to "teach a man to fish" and all under attack by 'conservatives'.

Q. Why are 'conservatives' myopic?

A. 'Cause greed, hate, fear and bias inhibit rational thought.

The GI Bill?


On June 22, 1944, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed into law the Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944, commonly known as the G.I. Bill of Rights. By the time the original G.I. Bill ended in July 1956, 7.8 million World War II veterans had participated in an education or training program and 2.4 million veterans had home loans backed by the Veterans' Administration (VA). Today, the legacy of the original G.I. Bill lives on in the Montgomery G.I. Bill.
Harry W. Colmery, a World War I veteran and the former Republican National Committee chairman, wrote the first draft of the G.I. Bill.[1][2] He reportedly jotted down his ideas on stationery and a napkin at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington, DC.[2] U.S. Senator Ernest McFarland was actively involved in the bill's passage and is known, with Warren Atherton, as one of the "fathers of the G.I. Bill." One might then term Edith Nourse Rogers, R-Mass., who helped write and who co-sponsored the legislation, as the "mother of the G.I. Bill".[citation needed] Like Colmery, her contribution to writing and passing this legislation has been obscured by time.[3]​

Y'know, mindlessly repeating "liberal good, conservative bad" isn't really rational thought.
Job bills, education grants and subsidies, targeted tax cuts, job corp, head start, free pubic education to all, pubic supported universities and colleges, internships, vista and Americorp, affirmative acton, GI bill, welfare to work etc. are all means to "teach a man to fish" and all under attack by 'conservatives'.

Q. Why are 'conservatives' myopic?

A. 'Cause greed, hate, fear and bias inhibit rational thought.

And how has that been working out, say for the last 30-40 years?

All the money spent on helping the poor and the poverty rate hasn't changed since social programs began in the 1960's.
Unbelievable...The world could be falling apart and we sit here and point fingers and argue semantics.

WHO GIVES A SHIT if charity is forced or not? People need help out there. You see, the thing with Liberals is... they think that it should be open ended and nothing should be given back in return(like performing work for it), the problem with Conservatives is THEY want the power and the glory of saying "Look at me!, I give to charity!, I'm important... plus, I get to pick and choose who I give it to, I get to decided how much(if anything at at all) I give.

First.. on the liberal side... we are naive suckers. I'll admit it. However, I want to teach them to fish... That's why I want a working version of welfare like the CCC. Have them earn their money.

Ok.. Conservatives. You people are genuinely fucked up.. not naive.. but hateful little pricks. The whole reason you are railing against welfare is that you don't want to help... period. Sure.. you can make your claim that you do this and you do that.. Fuck it.. I don't believe you. How can I do that? Simple, I'll use the same principles you do when you talk about Democrats and liberals... none.
they call it force when they dont win the elections.

We are a democracy and when the people vote to help each other you are not being forced you are participating in Democracy
Job bills, education grants and subsidies, targeted tax cuts, job corp, head start, free pubic education to all, pubic supported universities and colleges, internships, vista and Americorp, affirmative acton, GI bill, welfare to work etc. are all means to "teach a man to fish" and all under attack by 'conservatives'.

Q. Why are 'conservatives' myopic?

A. 'Cause greed, hate, fear and bias inhibit rational thought.

You need some of that education, PUBLIC not PUBIC. Under attack by conservatives because maybe they need to be. I pay taxes for junior college that none of my family goes to in a different town than where I live. That is wrong. Let the students that go there pay.
Unbelievable...The world could be falling apart and we sit here and point fingers and argue semantics.

WHO GIVES A SHIT if charity is forced or not? People need help out there. You see, the thing with Liberals is... they think that it should be open ended and nothing should be given back in return(like performing work for it), the problem with Conservatives is THEY want the power and the glory of saying "Look at me!, I give to charity!, I'm important... plus, I get to pick and choose who I give it to, I get to decided how much(if anything at at all) I give.

First.. on the liberal side... we are naive suckers. I'll admit it. However, I want to teach them to fish... That's why I want a working version of welfare like the CCC. Have them earn their money.

Ok.. Conservatives. You people are genuinely fucked up.. not naive.. but hateful little pricks. The whole reason you are railing against welfare is that you don't want to help... period. Sure.. you can make your claim that you do this and you do that.. Fuck it.. I don't believe you. How can I do that? Simple, I'll use the same principles you do when you talk about Democrats and liberals... none.
You are a little prick. Conservatives are more charitable than socialist libs. Difference is we don't need to be told to give like you greedy libpricks.
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