to understand what Iran is doing today, you must know the history of jihad & the Sunni/Shia conflict

the Manichean struggle between East and West will last forever, my friends!
you can’t stop whatcha can’t catch

the Iranian Revolutionary Guards cant stop the US Marines, folks!
Shiism owes its existence to a woman: Zaynab, the sister of their hero Husayn. she's like the Virgin Mary for Christians!

the real problem in the war on terror will be the Sunnis. The Sunnis are the bullies. The Iranian Shias are the underdogs! Sunnis claim that the Shia do not know the proper practice of Islam.
The Sunni-Shia struggle is for the soul of Islam. its a great war of competing theologies of sacred history. its a manifestation of tribal wars of ethnicities, so seemingly archaic, yet so surprisingly vital, with which humanity has become wearily familiar. faith and identity converge in this conflict, and their combined power go a long away toward explaining why the struggle has lasted so long. this is not just a hoary religious dispute, a fossilized set piece from the early years of Islam's unfolding, but a contemporary clash of identities.

it is paradoxically a very old, very modern conflict.

in Saudi Arabia, it is said that Shias spit in their food, a slander no doubt meant to discourage socialization with them, and that shaking hands with a Shia is polluting, necessitating ablutions. in Pakistan, Shias are tagged with nicknames such as "mosquitoes"
there are many clerics like Ayatollah Muhammad Asef Mohseni of Afghanistan and Ayatollah Kalb E Sadeq (meaning the honest heart) of India, who preach peace. we need to lift up these voices of peace within Islam, folks!

As Rwandans and Balkans can sadly testify, mixed marriages and a history of communl coexistence are no guarantee against conflict. even Sarajevo's cosmopolitan blend of Muslim, Croat, and Serb communities, with its hybrid culture and mixed families, did not protect it from genocide.

what makes Sunni-Shia conflict relevant to the future of the ME is that it is surfacing at a time when anti-US religious conservatism are on the rise. Sunni extremism feeds on anti-Shia bias and even violence.
How The CIA Overthrew Iran's Democracy In 4 Days

the terrible fate of the hundreds of millions of men, women, and children, who, from the 7th century until today, have been massacred or enslaved by Islam. it is a fate that awaits us all if we are not vigilant!
so--we can still blame Japan for all our troubles because of Dec 7 1941? and Germany?
...most of this shit started because Saddam started not 1 but TWO wars
America has no dog in the Shiite versus Sunni hunt, which has been going on for 1300 years in the region
Jihad is not just terrorism. ironic as it may seem, that is western wishful thinking. from its inception, jihad has been the outward, aggressive expression of a conquest ideology.

no period since the beginning of Islam that was characterized by large scale peaceful coexistence between Muslims And Christians. there was no time when mainstream dominant Muslim authorities taught equality, or the obsolescence of jihad warfare. the was no Era Of Good Feeling, no Golden Age Of Tolerance. there has always been, with virtually no interruption, Islamic jihad!

it has not ceased for 14 centuries. we must succeed in saving Western Civilization! jihad is just warfare against the unbelievers.

the Quran says folks must not wage jihad to enrich themselves, but only to serve God.

"Islam is under obligation to gain power over nations" - Ibn Khaldun

"since lawful warfare is essentially jihad and since its aim is that the religion is God's entirely and God's word is omnipotent, therefore for all Muslims, those who stand in the way of the aim must be fought
piety in Islam will bring military victory. Allah will send angels to fight with the believing Muslims, such that they will conquer even against overwhelming odds" - Ibn Taymiyya

as death approached, the prophet Muhammad muttered those fateful words that could have been his epitaph:
"I have been made victorious with terror" - Robert Spencer quoting M

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