To whitewash Gaza genocide, Israel is paying influencers !!

Who. Name them.
Tell us. And TRY to stay on topic.

Do you agree with the lying Muslim propagandist in this thread (Old House Cat)? I see you don't challenge HIS propaganda. So you agree with his nonsense.

Did Hamas murder innocent civilians?

Were the innocent taken hostage?

If you don't agree with any of the reports, the burden is on YOU to provide the evidence. But you never do.

Can you actually talk about WHAT HAPPENED instead of pushing your silly demonic theories in every thread? You fill these threads with your government theories looking for "likes" from the likes of Gipper, sparky, the Muslim propagandist Old House Cat and the rest of the anti-god leftists. You're always off topic. The people you surround yourself are overwhelmingly atheists and agnostics who wallow in this stuff.

Seriously. I hope you find repentance.

Of course Hamas murdered innocent civilians, and of course hostages were taken. Why do you ask such foolish questions?

Why is it that anyone who talks about this from ANYTHING other than the idiot box MSM standpoint is "off topic"? Why do you allow the MSM to dictate the terms of controversy and lead the conversation?

Why is it so hard for you to grasp that there may be more to this than the binary MSM version that you want everyone else to adhere to? There is always more, have you not learned from history?

You accuse me of not being a Christian when the most important thing to me is TRUTH, which you seem to have zero interest in apart from what the MSM tells you. The same MSM that lied about "babies being pulled out of incubators", "weapons of mass destruction", and on and on and on.

You accuse me of not being Christian, while you use racist slurs, you’re hateful, and you have the "kill them all!" mindset, which includes thousands of dead children and babies. And I know what you're going to say in response to that, so don't bother, you're very predicable. Yes, OF COURSE what happened to the innocent civilians in Israel was an evil, horrible demonic act. Does that mean it's OK to indiscriminately bomb thousands of innocent civilians including children and babies to oblivion, and start World War III? If that's what you think, we'll have to agree to disagree.

You seem completely unaware of the reality of wars based on lies. Which shows me that you trust governments, the MSM, alphabet agencies, etc. Well, I'm amazed that this needs to be stated to a professed christian, but we live in a corrupt world and the lowercase “god of this world” is the father of lies. You also seem blissfully unaware of the bigger picture and what’s actually going on in the world. You fail to understand that the powers-that-shouldn’t-be use fear, “crises” and things of that nature as pretexts for more war and more power grabs. All of this is heading toward the NWO. There’s nothing “demonic” about realizing that, it’s biblical and it is coming.

So if you want to believe governments and mainstream media, go right ahead! But don't accuse others of not being a Christian because they have learned through the years that things are not always what we're told. Guess who is the accuser of the brethren?

That said, I'll pray for you. You have much to learn.
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“Generally we know the target. For example, today there was a target: the family of an Al Jazeera reporter. In general, we know.”

Channel 13 journalist Zvi Yehezkeli admits Israel purposefully targeted the family of Al Jazeera Gaza bureau chief Wael Dahdouh.

“Generally we know the target. For example, today there was a target: the family of an Al Jazeera reporter. In general, we know.”

Channel 13 journalist Zvi Yehezkeli admits Israel purposefully targeted the family of Al Jazeera Gaza bureau chief Wael Dahdouh.

SO?? I cannot access the footage. I would like to know what Yehezkeli actually
said but cannot understand why anyone, in the context of the past week of incessant
islamic filth, have the audacity to object
“Generally we know the target. For example, today there was a target: the family of an Al Jazeera reporter. In general, we know.”

Channel 13 journalist Zvi Yehezkeli admits Israel purposefully targeted the family of Al Jazeera Gaza bureau chief Wael Dahdouh.

It's not in English Old House Cat. And a reporter can't "admit" to knowing Israels "motives"
It's not in English Old House Cat. And a reporter can't "admit" to knowing Israels "motives"

It's not in English Old House Cat. And a reporter can't "admit" to knowing Israels "motives"
the apparently jewish guy is supposed to be a Journalist. How does he become
a primary source for what the IDF did? The "translation" claims "we knew......"
like he was part of the operation----whatever it was. The putative translation
does not make sense. If he is an officer in the IDF----he could not provide the
"information" that seems to be claimed

They are not Numbers
They have names,faces .


They are not Numbers
They have names,faces .

View attachment 848939
ROFLMAO----long ago---during the war of 1967 I watched the televised
"CRISIS IN THE MIDDLE EAST"---which was mostly the proceedings of The UN
General assembly-------at that time Nasser and various arab diplomats
announced "DEFEAT OF THE ZIONIST ENTITY" in battle after battle---with
israeli death stats in the thousands and planes shot down --etc etc. Of course
Israel announced stats too-----much much less. One day in June I was in a crowd
and someone yelled "IT's OVER" -----I said WHO WON? --someone else
said "who do you think---Israel" I recounted the announced arab victories
vs the miserable Israeli stats and the response was "AND YOU BELIEVED THEM"?
thanks anyway, old pussy cat
A recent investigation has uncovered how the Israeli government is paying social media influencers to spread positive content about Israel and downplay the atrocities committed during the Gaza genocide. These influencers, who have a significant number of followers, are being paid large sums of money to create and share pro-Israel propaganda on various platforms.

According to the findings, these influencers are reportedly required to attend training sessions organized by the Israeli government, where they are taught how to manipulate their content to divert attention away from the grave human rights violations committed by the Israeli military. The investigation suggests that this tactic aims to create a distorted narrative that whitewashes the genocide and portrays Israel as a victim rather than the aggressor.

The paid influencers are said to be instructed to use specific hashtags and engage in discussions that align with the Israeli narrative, posing a significant challenge to the authenticity and trustworthiness of social media platforms.

This is all about corruption. So, if no clear evidence, I do not believe that. However, the influencers do exist. And the activities behind the revolving door never stopped. Lol. 😊😊😊

1. THE TOP 22 IN 2022: Here is the ALL ISRAEL NEWS list of the 22 most powerful, provocative and popular Israelis to watch this year

2. 2021 Top 50 Pro-Israelis
Palestinian medics are trying to resuscitate a baby who was seriously injured in an Israeli barbaric airstrike in northern Gaza.

Amnesty International has confirmed the authenticity of videos demonstrating Israel's utilization of white phosphorus munitions in Gaza and Lebanon.

The deployment of such munitions in densely populated areas is widely regarded as a violation of international law and classified as a war crime.

Chinese analyst Ni Mingda:
“Zionist billionaires spent decades making movies to tell everyone how bad Hitler was.”

“But Israel shows the world how much worse it is than the Nazis by broadcasting its crimes live for the whole world to see.”

Benjamin Netanyahu in the 1980's:

'We have the US Senate, the Congress and a record strong Jewish lobby on our side. We have a huge influence over them, America won't force us into anything'


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