To whitewash Gaza genocide, Israel is paying influencers !!

The guy who made a movie about a guy who made the bomb that mercilessly murdered hundreds of thousands civilians supports mercilessly bombing hundreds of thousands of civilians in real life.

“I woke up under the rubble and I found my leg beside me, cut off.”

A Palestinian child tells what happened to him after the Israeli air strikes on their house in Gaza.

A recent investigation has uncovered how the Israeli government is paying social media influencers to spread positive content about Israel and downplay the atrocities committed during the Gaza genocide. These influencers, who have a significant number of followers, are being paid large sums of money to create and share pro-Israel propaganda on various platforms.

According to the findings, these influencers are reportedly required to attend training sessions organized by the Israeli government, where they are taught how to manipulate their content to divert attention away from the grave human rights violations committed by the Israeli military. The investigation suggests that this tactic aims to create a distorted narrative that whitewashes the genocide and portrays Israel as a victim rather than the aggressor.

The paid influencers are said to be instructed to use specific hashtags and engage in discussions that align with the Israeli narrative, posing a significant challenge to the authenticity and trustworthiness of social media platforms.

Payback getting you down? Israelis lost over 1,100 people the first day of the sneak attack by Hamas. Additionally, 260 bodies were found at the site of a musical gathering on the nearby desert.

It was discovered that Gaza's population had concealed their ties with Hamas, and when Israel heard of this betrayal, they told the freeloaders to get out of Gaza immediately because they were going to level the place. You can't just conspire to murder a thousand or more people and expect the nation you betrayed lay back and play dead. People died because they ignored the warning. Israel didn't get one second of a warning they were under the missile fire of Hamas until it had already occurred.

I'm sorry to see war in the Middle East. Had the election laws been respected in America, there would be President Trump urging and procuring kindness, brotherhood and peace and prosperity there, not a nagging, angry stupor and coffins everywhere.

I hope Hamas and the betrayers of Israel get out quick so the killings stop. If they don't, there will be no peace in our lifetimes.
For education:
The Semitic language family consists of dozens of distinct languages and modern day dialects, but the major Semitic languages are Arabic, Amharic (spoken in Ethiopia), Tigrinya (spoken in Ethiopia and Eritrea), Hebrew, Tigre (spoken in Sudan), Aramaic (spoken in Lebanon, Syria, Israel, Iraq and Iran) and Maltese.

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For education. Anti-Semitic: unhinged hatred of Jewish people. Describing you perfectly you bigot.
"We are not fine. Dead bodies everywhere, bombings hit everyone, and the crazy bombardment is not stopping."
— Al Jazeera reporter, Wael Dahdouh

Maybe both sides should stop killing.
Do you for a moment think the Palestinians would stop killing if the Israelis stopped responding? Every time Israel has conceded land or done a cease-fire, Palestinians step up their attacks.
28/10 massacre update:

Hundreds of dead bodies pile up everywhere after a series of unprecedented lsraeli air attacks hitting Gaza Strip last night amidst a total cut of telecommunication services.

People in Gaza bid farewell to those who were killed in the lsraeli atrocities committed last night amidst total blackout.


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