D-Ca & House Intel Chairman Schiff Declares He Has No Regrets Giving Treasonous Russian-Authored Hillary-Obama Faux Russian Collusion Dossier Credib


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
D-Ca and Chairman of the House Intel Committee Adam Schiff declared while on appearing on 'Meet The Press' today that he had no regrets about giving credibility to the exposed Russian-authoted Dossier Hillary Clinton paid ex-Britsh spy Christopher Steele and Russian analyst Danchenko for to use to distract from her mishandling of classified information crimes and to use against Donald Trump to win the 2016 election.

Schiff stated he had trusted Christopher Steele, called him a 'well-respected British Intelligence Officer', and claimed Steele had been duped by his source, Danchenko.

Christopher Steele was anything but a 'well-respected British Intel Officer', and it was not Steele who had been duped. Steele was a well known Trump-hating ex-Britsh spy who turned out to be working for anyone who would pay him ... at the same time.

Steele was hired by Hillary Clinton to get Russian propaganda on Trump. At the same ti.e it was proven he was working for the Obama administration FBI as well as the Russians.

After Obama learned from his FBI about Hillary's plan against Trump his administration took over for her, using Steele and the Dosdier as the foundation fir a failed attempted political coup against Trump....even though they learned very quickly the Dossier was Russian-authored propaganda and Steele could not be trusted.

- The Deputy Director of the State Department held a meeting with Steele to assess his loyalty and reliability yo the US as an informant. Steele lied to her during the meeting, and tge Deputy Direcyor immediately afterward called Vlapper (NSA), Brennan (CIA), Comey (FBI), and other Obama ageny officials to inform them of Steele's lies and that he could no longer be trusted. As Chairman of the Intel Committee, Schiff was briefed as well...SCHIFF KNEW STEELE WAS LYING TO THE US, PLAYING BOTH SIDES (Russia & the US...and maybe others).

Schiff lied on 'Meet The Press' on Sunday. More importantly, Schiff lied during the Hillary-Obama false 'Russian Collusion' treasonous criminal scandal -

Schiff lied during I terriers at the time and lied under oath during the House Intel Committee hearings investigating what he already knew to be a false narrative by declaring that as House Intel Committee Chairman he had PERSONALLY SEEN DIRECT EVIDENCE PROVING TRUMP HAD ENGAGED IN RUSSIAN COLLUSION in an attempt to win the 2016 election. Not only did Schiff say he had seen such evidence, he said he had in his personal possession such evidence.

Schiff never presented any such evidence, and since that time the entire Hillary-Obama administration 'Rusdian Collusion' scandal has been exposed, that Steele used Russian analyst Danchenko as his source, and that the Brookings Institute, filled with Clinton-connected traitors, also assisted in writing, providing, and advocating the bogus Dossier.

By claiming he had both seen and had in his possession direct evidence of Trump 'Russian Collusion' Schiff can not claim he had been duped by Steele but instead in proven to be an actual CO-CONSPIRATOR in the failed attempted political coup.

Despite what he did, the arrogant, treasonous prick just declared he has no regrets for the part he played and the treasonous lies he told.

Were not the House being run by a partisan Marxist traitor who twice attempted to overthrow the US govt by trying to criminally and Un-Constitutionally remove from office the newly elected Predident of the United States, Schiff might be Censured by the House at the very least, if not called to ge expelled from the House of Representatives.

Schiff, however, was one of House Speaker Pelosi's hand-picked treasonous, political assassins who followed up his role in the 'Russian Collusion' plot by criminally attempting to submit false manufactured evidence against President Trump during Pelosi's 1st failed Impeachment attempt based on ZERO crime, evidence, and witnesses.

His crimes committed attempting to treasonously remove President Trump nales him a hero to Democrats and snowflakes - there is no way House Speaker Pelosi does anything but protect him.

Americans can only hope Special Counsel / Investigator Durham indicts his treasonous, co-conspiring ass for his crimes.

Adam Schiff deserves to he in a cell at GITMO for the rest of his miserable, treasonous. Bug-eyed life, getting bent over daily by Al Qaeda and ISIS terrorists.

Of course he has no regrets....That would require him to have a healthy association with the emotional states of of honor and contrition, which -along with shame and embarrassment- are nowhere to be found in the emotional makeup of the fascist left.
This will become a serious problem for the Dems if certain GOP members ask their Party leadership in open forums or otherwise what THEY think of Schiffs deception. Let them defend him just as some like Cheney and the like try and pin Trump supporters as somehow anti-democratic.

For the record, his actions did great harm to your systems reputation, and, they emboldened Americas enemies. "Look at what we can get a sitting presidents opposition to say about him in the papers, in congress, even making up quotes to destroy a duly elected leader!"

How does he perceive his constant lies and leaks did to America in the eyes of the worlds citizens? Maybe I am wrong, but many perceive him as cold, calculating, expressionless and lacing remorse for his decisions on the country as long as he and his donors do well (now how absurd does he and MSM look?).

Of all of your politicians, I find that those from NY, California and D.C hanger-ons, seem to be fully out of step with the rest of the country, and, with what is best for America in general.
Schiff lied during I terriers at the time and lied under oath during the House Intel Committee hearings investigating what he already knew to be a false narrative by declaring that as House Intel Committee Chairman he had PERSONALLY SEEN DIRECT EVIDENCE PROVING TRUMP HAD ENGAGED IN RUSSIAN COLLUSION in an attempt to win the 2016 election. Not only did Schiff say he had seen such evidence, he said he had in his personal possession such evidence.

This is obstruction of justice. Schiff never turned this evidence over to the investigation, so he was either trying to protect Trump, or he lied about it. Either way, he committed perjury.
Schiff is demonstrating what complete assholes Dems truly are. Undermine the will of the American people and a presidential election with a bogus dossier, then when proven beyond a doubt that it was bogus and paid for by their own Dem presidential candidate...no apology, no regrets or remorse. These lowlifes will stab you right in the back.
We have this and then we also have this thread at the same time.

Jenna Ellis outlined how Donald could overturn the election

It just goes to support my position that both parties are pretty much the same and makes me wonder why anyone supports either party,
Whatever Trump was, he came into office with it. If that is what you believe well that is partisan politics. The real ugliness is people who are career politicians who are no good and do not much of anything tangible. That is what our nation is now. Destroy anyone who goes against the deep state grain. Schiff is a swamp dweller and lives deep in it. This is something to not be proud about. About elections. We don't trust the process anymore.
Whatever Trump was, he came into office with it. If that is what you believe well that is partisan politics. The real ugliness is people who are career politicians who are no good and do not much of anything tangible. That is what our nation is now. Destroy anyone who goes against the deep state grain. Schiff is a swamp dweller and lives deep in it. This is something to not be proud about. About elections. We don't trust the process anymore.

I don't disagree with the side argument. All the same, it's this way because we continue to elect them over and over and over.

The election process works, it's just that people don't like the results. I do not like the results either but not because those elected didn't actually win. The problem is they did.
D-Ca and Chairman of the House Intel Committee Adam Schiff declared while on appearing on 'Meet The Press' today that he had no regrets about giving credibility to the exposed Russian-authoted Dossier Hillary Clinton paid ex-Britsh spy Christopher Steele and Russian analyst Danchenko for to use to distract from her mishandling of classified information crimes and to use against Donald Trump to win the 2016 election.

Schiff stated he had trusted Christopher Steele, called him a 'well-respected British Intelligence Officer', and claimed Steele had been duped by his source, Danchenko.

Christopher Steele was anything but a 'well-respected British Intel Officer', and it was not Steele who had been duped. Steele was a well known Trump-hating ex-Britsh spy who turned out to be working for anyone who would pay him ... at the same time.

Steele was hired by Hillary Clinton to get Russian propaganda on Trump. At the same ti.e it was proven he was working for the Obama administration FBI as well as the Russians.

After Obama learned from his FBI about Hillary's plan against Trump his administration took over for her, using Steele and the Dosdier as the foundation fir a failed attempted political coup against Trump....even though they learned very quickly the Dossier was Russian-authored propaganda and Steele could not be trusted.

- The Deputy Director of the State Department held a meeting with Steele to assess his loyalty and reliability yo the US as an informant. Steele lied to her during the meeting, and tge Deputy Direcyor immediately afterward called Vlapper (NSA), Brennan (CIA), Comey (FBI), and other Obama ageny officials to inform them of Steele's lies and that he could no longer be trusted. As Chairman of the Intel Committee, Schiff was briefed as well...SCHIFF KNEW STEELE WAS LYING TO THE US, PLAYING BOTH SIDES (Russia & the US...and maybe others).

Schiff lied on 'Meet The Press' on Sunday. More importantly, Schiff lied during the Hillary-Obama false 'Russian Collusion' treasonous criminal scandal -

Schiff lied during I terriers at the time and lied under oath during the House Intel Committee hearings investigating what he already knew to be a false narrative by declaring that as House Intel Committee Chairman he had PERSONALLY SEEN DIRECT EVIDENCE PROVING TRUMP HAD ENGAGED IN RUSSIAN COLLUSION in an attempt to win the 2016 election. Not only did Schiff say he had seen such evidence, he said he had in his personal possession such evidence.

Schiff never presented any such evidence, and since that time the entire Hillary-Obama administration 'Rusdian Collusion' scandal has been exposed, that Steele used Russian analyst Danchenko as his source, and that the Brookings Institute, filled with Clinton-connected traitors, also assisted in writing, providing, and advocating the bogus Dossier.

By claiming he had both seen and had in his possession direct evidence of Trump 'Russian Collusion' Schiff can not claim he had been duped by Steele but instead in proven to be an actual CO-CONSPIRATOR in the failed attempted political coup.

Despite what he did, the arrogant, treasonous prick just declared he has no regrets for the part he played and the treasonous lies he told.

Were not the House being run by a partisan Marxist traitor who twice attempted to overthrow the US govt by trying to criminally and Un-Constitutionally remove from office the newly elected Predident of the United States, Schiff might be Censured by the House at the very least, if not called to ge expelled from the House of Representatives.

Schiff, however, was one of House Speaker Pelosi's hand-picked treasonous, political assassins who followed up his role in the 'Russian Collusion' plot by criminally attempting to submit false manufactured evidence against President Trump during Pelosi's 1st failed Impeachment attempt based on ZERO crime, evidence, and witnesses.

His crimes committed attempting to treasonously remove President Trump nales him a hero to Democrats and snowflakes - there is no way House Speaker Pelosi does anything but protect him.

Americans can only hope Special Counsel / Investigator Durham indicts his treasonous, co-conspiring ass for his crimes.

Adam Schiff deserves to he in a cell at GITMO for the rest of his miserable, treasonous. Bug-eyed life, getting bent over daily by Al Qaeda and ISIS terrorists.

this is what schiff did:

In the Sept. 26 House hearing, Schiff gave his own spin on the memo, saying this was “the essence of what the president communicates” in his call with Zelensky “in not so many words.”

Later in the same hearing, Schiff said the summary “was meant to be at least part in parody.”

The reason Schiff did that is he didnt have an exact transcript.
this is what schiff did:

In the Sept. 26 House hearing, Schiff gave his own spin on the memo, saying this was “the essence of what the president communicates” in his call with Zelensky “in not so many words.”

Later in the same hearing, Schiff said the summary “was meant to be at least part in parody.”

The reason Schiff did that is he didnt have an exact transcript.

Hahaha! Is this how Schiff is going to try to stay out of jail? Saying he was joking? Good luck...
Maoists never apologize. They just look for the next bullshit they can perpetrate along the way.
Schiff is demonstrating what complete assholes Dems truly are. Undermine the will of the American people and a presidential election with a bogus dossier, then when proven beyond a doubt that it was bogus and paid for by their own Dem presidential candidate...no apology, no regrets or remorse. These lowlifes will stab you right in the back.

Schiff is total vermin. A 2-headed snake.
this is what schiff did:

In the Sept. 26 House hearing, Schiff gave his own spin on the memo, saying this was “the essence of what the president communicates” in his call with Zelensky “in not so many words.”

Later in the same hearing, Schiff said the summary “was meant to be at least part in parody.”

The reason Schiff did that is he didnt have an exact transcript.
Schiff flatout lied, jackass.

Adam Schiff's disgraceful legacy
This is obstruction of justice. Schiff never turned this evidence over to the investigation, so he was either trying to protect Trump, or he lied about it. Either way, he committed perjury.

Meanwhile guys like Bannon are being forced to appear before the J6 Committee when he wasn't even in the area or directly connected to the Trump administration.
And as he's accustomed to doing, Schiff lied and managed to spin his way around the questions about the Steele ' dough see a' as Chucky pronounced it.

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