Todays rant : Let God hash it out


I give you....the TRUTH
Feb 9, 2011
The United States
The origins of genocide date back to biblical times, and the first case of genocide was recorded in the Old Testament. After the Israelites were freed from Egypt they wandered the desert for fourty years, in order to have time to raise an army. Joshua was the leader of this army and the Israelites had no land to call their own. The land of Canan was inhabited with a people, culture, and civilization. The Old Testament tells us that God instructed Joshua to attack the Cananites and take their land. Not only was Joshua to attack the Cananites but he was to kill every man, woman, child, and to leave no two stones standing.

Joshua did as he was told by God, and led a bloody campaign of genocide across the land of Canan. The problem was that he didn't finish the job, and the ancient Cananites became todays middle eastern nationalities. Now we fast foreward to today.

Is it any wonder that the conflict in the middle east between the Israelies and their neighbors is as volatile as it is. Looking back at their shared history it is just amazing, and mind boggling. How can the Israelies take the position that they have the right to defend themselves, when since the beginning they have been trying to eradicate the native population. It is convienent to use God as a scape goat, knowing that this line of reasoning would never fly today. Can you imagine if Hitler came out and said that God told him to invade Poland, and to comit genocide? no one would believe it, yet this excuse is valid for the Israelies?

Is the Arab population wrong to be lobbing shells into Israel? yes. Are they wrong to be using suicide bombers? yes. Do they have every right to hate the Israelies? yes. Do they have every right to mistrust the Israelies? yes. Do they have the right to hate the US for backing a nation that has been trying to eradicate them since the beginning? yes. Just ask yourself how would you react if in their shoes.

What we should do to resolve the Middle Eastern conflict is to withdrawl all military, and financial aide from all nations in the Middle East. Then let them hash it out amongst themselves, and no doubt there will be a war. We can then deal with the victor of the war and the conflict will then be over. If Israel was meant to be surely God will make it happen, and if not maybe that was also Gods plan, I say lets leave it up to God if Israel is to live or die, not US military aid. Letting God decide seems the way to go since it seems that he initiated the conflict to begin with.
Well said, if they want to blow each other to hell so be it, my paycheck and subsequent taxes should have no involvement.

I don't think I'd take a moral stance on either side (not insinuating you are, just saying) if Arab muslims were in the position of power that Israeli jews are they would be doing the same things to them.
So is this your "coming out"? Do you now accept the Bible as historical text?

Great! Then you understand that God has a plan, that we are not God and to presume to pass judgment on or question him is ludicrous, and our only job and need is to glorify God, not stress over what unbelievers say. Right?
So is this your "coming out"? Do you now accept the Bible as historical text?

Great! Then you understand that God has a plan, that we are not God and to presume to pass judgment on or question him is ludicrous, and our only job and need is to glorify God, not stress over what unbelievers say. Right?

No, I don't accept the bible as historical text. The bible is a book of short stories, containing great wisdom, BASED on fact. My opinion is from the point of view that if you believe the bible to be true should you not remove all funding and inject God back into the equation and let him solve the problem? Unless of coarse you don't actually believe that God knows better?
Can't have it both ways, loser. If you don't believe it, your premise faulty and a logical fallacy.

As most of these idiot OPs are.

Can't have it both ways, loser. If you don't believe it, your premise faulty and a logical fallacy.

As most of these idiot OPs are.


have it both ways? No, you are mistaken. I've chosen to play on your home court, and beat you at your own game using your own rules and guidlines. Sucks when you loose like that doesn't it.
Can't have it both ways, loser. If you don't believe it, your premise faulty and a logical fallacy.

As most of these idiot OPs are.


have it both ways? No, you are mistaken. I've chosen to play on your home court, and beat you at your own game using your own rules and guidlines. Sucks when you loose like that doesn't it.

When someone resorts to name-calling one post in they're essentially waving the white flag before any debate can begin. Similar to when a child's parent makes a good point to him and he runs away stomping his feet and pouting.
I may be mistaken but I don't think the cannites were Arabs

My history is a little rusty, but I think the Arabs are the johnny come latelies.

Aside from that I more than support not sending money to Israel. to be clear, I don't support giving money to any country, let alone an economic success that is Israel.
I may be mistaken but I don't think the cannites were Arabs

My history is a little rusty, but I think the Arabs are the johnny come latelies.

Aside from that I more than support not sending money to Israel. to be clear, I don't support giving money to any country, let alone an economic success that is Israel.

I may also be mistaken, but I believe that the Cananites, became the Philistines who then became the Palastinians. The Arabs I believe were the Persians at first and intermingled with the Palastinians when the Ottoman, Persian, Sumerian empires controled the region. I think they might be two seperate peoples now the Arabs and the Palastinians.
Can't have it both ways, loser. If you don't believe it, your premise faulty and a logical fallacy.

As most of these idiot OPs are.


have it both ways? No, you are mistaken. I've chosen to play on your home court, and beat you at your own game using your own rules and guidlines. Sucks when you loose like that doesn't it.

When someone resorts to name-calling one post in they're essentially waving the white flag before any debate can begin. Similar to when a child's parent makes a good point to him and he runs away stomping his feet and pouting.

This is Drock excusing himself from the debate because he can't hold his own with me and knows it.

When I call names, they've been justly earned, btw.
Can't have it both ways, loser. If you don't believe it, your premise faulty and a logical fallacy.

As most of these idiot OPs are.


have it both ways? No, you are mistaken. I've chosen to play on your home court, and beat you at your own game using your own rules and guidlines. Sucks when you loose like that doesn't it.

Loose like that?

As I said,'re a flipping idiot. What have you won, exactly? And how did you win it? I'm curious...
I gave an opinion, you tried to use my opinion to put me into the believer catagory. I disagreed with you and stated what I believe the bible to be. Because I disagreed with you I became an idiot. What I did was to use your bible to prove that those who say they believe in Gods plan don't actually believe it. This is proven by their insistance that we keep sticking our nose into affairs that we don't belong in.

By using their own texts(the bible) to prove my point in the genocide carried out by God and the Israelis and to show that it was God who started the whole conflict to begin with. This then leads me to say that we should let God solve the problem and back out altogather.

As for what did I win, nothing tangible. I now however have the satisfaction of knowing that you are another bible thumper and intollerant of others opinions, and probably (meaning just a guess, I got to clarify for you as you have a hard time with the english language) support the religious bigots protesting American soldiers funerals.
I gave an opinion, you tried to use my opinion to put me into the believer catagory. I disagreed with you and stated what I believe the bible to be. Because I disagreed with you I became an idiot. What I did was to use your bible to prove that those who say they believe in Gods plan don't actually believe it. This is proven by their insistance that we keep sticking our nose into affairs that we don't belong in.

By using their own texts(the bible) to prove my point in the genocide carried out by God and the Israelis and to show that it was God who started the whole conflict to begin with. This then leads me to say that we should let God solve the problem and back out altogather.

As for what did I win, nothing tangible. I now however have the satisfaction of knowing that you are another bible thumper and intollerant of others opinions, and probably (meaning just a guess, I got to clarify for you as you have a hard time with the english language) support the religious bigots protesting American soldiers funerals.

You know, I called you a loser, not an idiot. My evaluation of you is my opinion based on your first two posts. Which apparently you don't think are important enough to reference yourself to assure your accuracy when you try, lamely, to defend yourself for posting logical fallacy.

I said your OP is indicative of other idiot OPs we get pretty much daily, about the exact same subject.

If you don't want to be considered a loser and an idiot, and that seems to be important to you, my advice is:

1. Use spellcheck. I'm not one to bug ppl about spelling unless they claiming their intellectual superiority. You have, so you're fair game, and your spelling needs some attention.
2. Refer to the posts that are on the current page, at least. Nobody expects you to actually research any of the other stuff you are pretending to know about...but when you are too lazy to look at what was written halfway down the page you are actually writing on, that's just sad.
3. Don't hang with any of the retards who commend you for arguing with me. Those people, like you, have been thoroughly and routinely spanked and they are only encouraging you because they don't have the balls to take me on in any meaningful way. In other words, they're trolls. Like you probably are.

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