Tonights Dumb Question:How Did The Russians Know Which Three States To Hack?

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:cow: :dunno: How come no one ever brings this up when arguing/discussing "The Russians"?, you see, According to Jill Einstein, The Russians already knew 2 months before the election that Trump was going to win(or just barely) Wisconsin,Pennsylvania and Michigan. Right? is that what Jill was getting at? The Russians only wanted to hack those states, but didn't hack the other 54 States? :dunno:
OK, then, how did the Russians figure out how to create all of those thousands of votes for Trump? :dunno:
Maybe some of us can explain this debacle?
That evil Trump guy must have told them...or Fox News somehow there is a vast right wing conspiracy going on here.
See.............this is where you all get confused.................Russia didn't hack the voting machines, nor did they hack specific states. Why? It's impossible to do because ALL machines would have to be hacked in order to change the vote.

What IS being said is that Russia hacked into the DNC, and then used the information they got out of them to INFLUENCE the election by releasing all those Podesta emails and other documents that made her look bad. put it in simple terms, the Russians hacked the DNC and used the unfavorable information they found there by leaking it to the public and making her look bad. They influenced the election by influencing how people viewed her.

It was INFLUENCE, not hack.
Wikileaks released the DNC information, not the Russians.

The more likely suspect is a Democratic insider who was disgusted by the corruption within the DNC.

I think it unlikely the Russians were involved, because they would fear the consequences of getting caught.
See.............this is where you all get confused.................Russia didn't hack the voting machines, nor did they hack specific states. Why? It's impossible to do because ALL machines would have to be hacked in order to change the vote.

What IS being said is that Russia hacked into the DNC, and then used the information they got out of them to INFLUENCE the election by releasing all those Podesta emails and other documents that made her look bad. put it in simple terms, the Russians hacked the DNC and used the unfavorable information they found there by leaking it to the public and making her look bad. They influenced the election by influencing how people viewed her.

It was INFLUENCE, not hack.

In the real world, only Hillary, and Hillary herself influenced how people saw her. The average American voter is challenged by where and when to vote. Do you actually believe that most took the time to research Podesta's and DNC e-mails?
See.............this is where you all get confused.................Russia didn't hack the voting machines, nor did they hack specific states. Why? It's impossible to do because ALL machines would have to be hacked in order to change the vote.

What IS being said is that Russia hacked into the DNC, and then used the information they got out of them to INFLUENCE the election by releasing all those Podesta emails and other documents that made her look bad. put it in simple terms, the Russians hacked the DNC and used the unfavorable information they found there by leaking it to the public and making her look bad. They influenced the election by influencing how people viewed her.

It was INFLUENCE, not hack.

In the real world, only Hillary, and Hillary herself influenced how people saw her. The average American voter is challenged by where and when to vote. Do you actually believe that most took the time to research Podesta's and DNC e-mails?
Maybe the Russians kidnapped "Rainman" and made him confess everything he knew about the upcoming election? like telling them the votes for all 57 states?
See.............this is where you all get confused.................Russia didn't hack the voting machines, nor did they hack specific states. Why? It's impossible to do because ALL machines would have to be hacked in order to change the vote.

What IS being said is that Russia hacked into the DNC, and then used the information they got out of them to INFLUENCE the election by releasing all those Podesta emails and other documents that made her look bad. put it in simple terms, the Russians hacked the DNC and used the unfavorable information they found there by leaking it to the public and making her look bad. They influenced the election by influencing how people viewed her.

It was INFLUENCE, not hack.

In the real world, only Hillary, and Hillary herself influenced how people saw her. The average American voter is challenged by where and when to vote. Do you actually believe that most took the time to research Podesta's and DNC e-mails?

That's the problem. People AREN'T going to go and do the research themselves, they are content to just sit there and listen to whatever their friends and news sources tell them. And, with the way the emails and information from the DNC was leaked, it DID have an influence on how people viewed her.

People tend to believe the bad before they believe the good in others. It's a survival response, because they don't want to take chances on something bad happening to them.
See.............this is where you all get confused.................Russia didn't hack the voting machines, nor did they hack specific states. Why? It's impossible to do because ALL machines would have to be hacked in order to change the vote.

What IS being said is that Russia hacked into the DNC, and then used the information they got out of them to INFLUENCE the election by releasing all those Podesta emails and other documents that made her look bad. put it in simple terms, the Russians hacked the DNC and used the unfavorable information they found there by leaking it to the public and making her look bad. They influenced the election by influencing how people viewed her.

It was INFLUENCE, not hack.

In the real world, only Hillary, and Hillary herself influenced how people saw her. The average American voter is challenged by where and when to vote. Do you actually believe that most took the time to research Podesta's and DNC e-mails?

That's the problem. People AREN'T going to go and do the research themselves, they are content to just sit there and listen to whatever their friends and news sources tell them. And, with the way the emails and information from the DNC was leaked, it DID have an influence on how people viewed her.

People tend to believe the bad before they believe the good in others. It's a survival response, because they don't want to take chances on something bad happening to them.

The information leaked was never proven to be false or fake. Thus the only people to blame are the cretins that created the emails and their attitude.

But most of it didn't effect democrats. Hell Debbie left in disgrace, so they say, but won her election.
See.............this is where you all get confused.................Russia didn't hack the voting machines, nor did they hack specific states. Why? It's impossible to do because ALL machines would have to be hacked in order to change the vote.

What IS being said is that Russia hacked into the DNC, and then used the information they got out of them to INFLUENCE the election by releasing all those Podesta emails and other documents that made her look bad. put it in simple terms, the Russians hacked the DNC and used the unfavorable information they found there by leaking it to the public and making her look bad. They influenced the election by influencing how people viewed her.

It was INFLUENCE, not hack.

In the real world, only Hillary, and Hillary herself influenced how people saw her. The average American voter is challenged by where and when to vote. Do you actually believe that most took the time to research Podesta's and DNC e-mails?

That's the problem. People AREN'T going to go and do the research themselves, they are content to just sit there and listen to whatever their friends and news sources tell them. And, with the way the emails and information from the DNC was leaked, it DID have an influence on how people viewed her.

People tend to believe the bad before they believe the good in others. It's a survival response, because they don't want to take chances on something bad happening to them.

Oh, bullshit! Most voters did not look up the actual content of the e-mails and liberal media spun it as 'nothing to see here'. Save your 'survival response' theory for some gullible liberal who clings to fancified bullshit!
The election was not hacked up it was f...cked up by Hillary
maybe two of the smartest people on earth {Whoopie and Blowfart} of the view can explain how the russians had figured out what three states to hack, then knowing Jill Stieneinein was already going to demand a recount.
See.............this is where you all get confused.................Russia didn't hack the voting machines, nor did they hack specific states. Why? It's impossible to do because ALL machines would have to be hacked in order to change the vote.

What IS being said is that Russia hacked into the DNC, and then used the information they got out of them to INFLUENCE the election by releasing all those Podesta emails and other documents that made her look bad. put it in simple terms, the Russians hacked the DNC and used the unfavorable information they found there by leaking it to the public and making her look bad. They influenced the election by influencing how people viewed her.

It was INFLUENCE, not hack.

Except that no one hacked the DNC. The emails were leaked from a Dem insider who WAS NOT RUSSIAN!!!! Do libs understand the difference between an outside hacker and a person who has access to emails deciding to make them public? I'm beginning to think they don't.

It's really not difficult to follow what happened. Try to keep up.

No one knew that the DNC was trying to ensure a Hillary nomination except those involved. One of those people who was in the loop that decided to contact WikiLeaks, not Russia. Assange was contacted by the person and leaked the emails. Then, the whistle blower was murdered in D.C. before he could get a chance to leak more emails. When you lay out just the facts it almost tells a story, doesn't it? The moral of the story is that you don't fuck with certain people if you value your life.

And from all this, the left comes up with 'the Russians did it!' Fucking incredible. It must be easier to blame the Russians than to face the truth that one of the Dem's own people turned on them after seeing the deep corruption and lost his life over it. So sad.
See.............this is where you all get confused.................Russia didn't hack the voting machines, nor did they hack specific states. Why? It's impossible to do because ALL machines would have to be hacked in order to change the vote.

What IS being said is that Russia hacked into the DNC, and then used the information they got out of them to INFLUENCE the election by releasing all those Podesta emails and other documents that made her look bad. put it in simple terms, the Russians hacked the DNC and used the unfavorable information they found there by leaking it to the public and making her look bad. They influenced the election by influencing how people viewed her.

It was INFLUENCE, not hack.

In the real world, only Hillary, and Hillary herself influenced how people saw her. The average American voter is challenged by where and when to vote. Do you actually believe that most took the time to research Podesta's and DNC e-mails?

That's the problem. People AREN'T going to go and do the research themselves, they are content to just sit there and listen to whatever their friends and news sources tell them. And, with the way the emails and information from the DNC was leaked, it DID have an influence on how people viewed her.

People tend to believe the bad before they believe the good in others. It's a survival response, because they don't want to take chances on something bad happening to them.

Oh, bullshit! Most voters did not look up the actual content of the e-mails and liberal media spun it as 'nothing to see here'. Save your 'survival response' theory for some gullible liberal who clings to fancified bullshit!

That is exactly what I said...........people won't do the research, and they are happy to soak up whatever their chosen news sources and friends tell them.

Nobody looked anything up, which is why it was easy to make them believe things. Remember the FBI murder/suicide story about the Clintons? That has been proven to be fake, the guy who wrote it even said as much in an interview.

Fake news, and the DNC leaks that were released is what killed her campaign.
I want a hand count of the CA election. That is where true fraud will be revealed.
See.............this is where you all get confused.................Russia didn't hack the voting machines, nor did they hack specific states. Why? It's impossible to do because ALL machines would have to be hacked in order to change the vote.

What IS being said is that Russia hacked into the DNC, and then used the information they got out of them to INFLUENCE the election by releasing all those Podesta emails and other documents that made her look bad. put it in simple terms, the Russians hacked the DNC and used the unfavorable information they found there by leaking it to the public and making her look bad. They influenced the election by influencing how people viewed her.

It was INFLUENCE, not hack.

Except that no one hacked the DNC. The emails were leaked from a Dem insider who WAS NOT RUSSIAN!!!! Do libs understand the difference between an outside hacker and a person who has access to emails deciding to make them public? I'm beginning to think they don't.

It's really not difficult to follow what happened. Try to keep up.

No one knew that the DNC was trying to ensure a Hillary nomination except those involved. One of those people who was in the loop that decided to contact WikiLeaks, not Russia. Assange was contacted by the person and leaked the emails. Then, the whistle blower was murdered in D.C. before he could get a chance to leak more emails. When you lay out just the facts it almost tells a story, doesn't it? The moral of the story is that you don't fuck with certain people if you value your life.

And from all this, the left comes up with 'the Russians did it!' Fucking incredible. It must be easier to blame the Russians than to face the truth that one of the Dem's own people turned on them after seeing the deep corruption and lost his life over it. So sad.

Got a link to prove your point? I've got one for the DNC hack. And no, it wasn't stuff that was released by a DNC insider...............

By the way, this was written back in June..............

DNC hack: What you need to know -

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