tonight's results


Don't project your hatred onto others, clown shoes. I hold no "hatred" for you nutbars.

I leave the hating to self-righteous hypocrites like yourselves.

NOthing about my personal belief systems that stops me from returning anger and hatred to people that give it to me first.

Your assumption otherwise is not my problem.


So you don't believe in the words of Jesus?

Not directly.

So then what do you believe, if not the words of the man you call the Son of God?

The example set by my father and mother, and the culture around me as I was raised, middle America of the 70s.

Doormats were not US.

But you still call yourself a Christian?

Love to see that Christian "compassion" on display.

You really never fail to amuse.

Nothing about being a Christian that requires a man to be polite to those that hate him with a fiery passion.


Don't project your hatred onto others, clown shoes. I hold no "hatred" for you nutbars.

I leave the hating to self-righteous hypocrites like yourselves.

NOthing about my personal belief systems that stops me from returning anger and hatred to people that give it to me first.

Your assumption otherwise is not my problem.


So you don't believe in the words of Jesus?

Wow! Attacking another American's freedom of religion. Sad!


You tried.
Murphy is running away in NJ

Republicans are paying a price for Christie

The RWnuts have done an excellent job pretending that race doesn't matter.

How do you know that it is only pretend?

Just based on your blind hatred of republicans?

Given how important it was to you RWnuts that Christie became governor (ah yes how you'd like us all to forget the Right's love affair with Chris Christie) it would be strange that now,

New Jersey doesn't matter.

Oh, sorry, I took your comment of "race" to mean "race" ie skin color, since you lefties are on about it so much.

Christies has been somewhat of a disappointment. He could have been a leader, instead he failed to be even a good follower.
Nothing about being a Christian that requires a man to be polite to those that hate him with a fiery passion.


Don't project your hatred onto others, clown shoes. I hold no "hatred" for you nutbars.

I leave the hating to self-righteous hypocrites like yourselves.

NOthing about my personal belief systems that stops me from returning anger and hatred to people that give it to me first.

Your assumption otherwise is not my problem.


So you don't believe in the words of Jesus?
What words?
Be precise.

The Sermon on the Mount.
Jesus was as nasty during that sermon as he was anywhere else he quoted.

Christie made some of the greatest responses to this unhinged voter. It was brilliant since the lady had no facts, but just be sour at him the whole time.
Democrats don't vote when it rains?

Republicans win when less people vote.
I agree. Democrats are losers who won't vote if anything makes it more difficult, like rain or snow. I am agreeing with you, accept it as a compliment.

Republicans win when less people vote because most people disagree with you.

That's why you guys work so hard to prevent people from voting.

That only makes sense is people your people stop voting far easier.

Otherwise the same proportions would show up and vote.

This is a pretty simple concept.

It's a demographic issue.

A much larger percentage of Republican voters are old. Old people are always more likely to vote.

How much larger?

Don't project your hatred onto others, clown shoes. I hold no "hatred" for you nutbars.

I leave the hating to self-righteous hypocrites like yourselves.

NOthing about my personal belief systems that stops me from returning anger and hatred to people that give it to me first.

Your assumption otherwise is not my problem.


So you don't believe in the words of Jesus?
What words?
Be precise.

The Sermon on the Mount.
Jesus was as nasty during that sermon as he was anywhere else he quoted.

What did Jesus mean when He instructed us to turn the other cheek?
NOthing about my personal belief systems that stops me from returning anger and hatred to people that give it to me first.

Your assumption otherwise is not my problem.


So you don't believe in the words of Jesus?

Not directly.

So then what do you believe, if not the words of the man you call the Son of God?

The example set by my father and mother, and the culture around me as I was raised, middle America of the 70s.

Doormats were not US.

But you still call yourself a Christian?

The world view and moral structure was Christian and was the culture of my environment.

Hence, not directly.

Your desire to have opponents that are doormats for you as you commit terrible vile lies and smears, is noted and rejected.
Hard to say, we may need to go further into the abyss of division and hate before realizing that U.S.A. stands for UNITED states of America...
Nothing about being a Christian that requires a man to be polite to those that hate him with a fiery passion.


Don't project your hatred onto others, clown shoes. I hold no "hatred" for you nutbars.

I leave the hating to self-righteous hypocrites like yourselves.

NOthing about my personal belief systems that stops me from returning anger and hatred to people that give it to me first.

Your assumption otherwise is not my problem.


So you don't believe in the words of Jesus?

Wow! Attacking another American's freedom of religion. Sad!


You tried.

Don't need to try, big guy.
Republicans win when less people vote.
I agree. Democrats are losers who won't vote if anything makes it more difficult, like rain or snow. I am agreeing with you, accept it as a compliment.

Republicans win when less people vote because most people disagree with you.

That's why you guys work so hard to prevent people from voting.

That only makes sense is people your people stop voting far easier.

Otherwise the same proportions would show up and vote.

This is a pretty simple concept.

It's a demographic issue.

A much larger percentage of Republican voters are old. Old people are always more likely to vote.

How much larger?

10 points or so.
NOthing about my personal belief systems that stops me from returning anger and hatred to people that give it to me first.

Your assumption otherwise is not my problem.


So you don't believe in the words of Jesus?
What words?
Be precise.

The Sermon on the Mount.
Jesus was as nasty during that sermon as he was anywhere else he quoted.

What did Jesus mean when He instructed us to turn the other cheek?

Butt cheek, silly...
NOthing about my personal belief systems that stops me from returning anger and hatred to people that give it to me first.

Your assumption otherwise is not my problem.


So you don't believe in the words of Jesus?
What words?
Be precise.

The Sermon on the Mount.
Jesus was as nasty during that sermon as he was anywhere else he quoted.

What did Jesus mean when He instructed us to turn the other cheek?
Take shit from people.
He obviously failed Talmud.
He was also addressing the Greeks and Romans...Fail.

The bottom line is that Saul of Tarsus was tired of getting his Jewish ass abused by the Greeks and Romans and made up this, "Can't we all just live in peace." bullshit.
Sort of like today's quickly fading Reformed Jewish Movement.
theDoctorisIn admits that Republicans are more motivated to vote than Democrats, but fails to admit that the reason is because Democrats are losers who can't be bothered to get off the couch and vote if there is even the slightest amount of effort required.
Hard to say, we may need to go further into the abyss of division and hate before realizing that U.S.A. stands for UNITED states of America...

It is you lefties that have been so divisive.
theDoctorisIn admits that Republicans are more motivated to vote than Democrats, but fails to admit that the reason is because Democrats are losers who can't be bothered to get off the couch and vote if there is even the slightest amount of effort required.

Blackrook admits that Republican ideas are generally rejected by a majority of the public, but takes comfort from the fact that Republicans are more "motivated", even though they're a minority.
It'll all depend on turnout, as it always does.

It's raining in the DC suburbs, that'll help Gillespie.

That’s what Rush was saying to. How odd. I mean, as worked up and pissed off as everyone gets over politics you would think the rain wouldn’t matter. How about absentee ballots? When do they start to get tossed into the returns?

Absentee ballots are counted only if the number of uncounted ballots is larger than the margin of victory.

So, they'll be counted in the next weeks, if the race is too close to call tonight.

And I bet it’s not settled until well into those next few weeks. This will be a squeekaa
I agree. Democrats are losers who won't vote if anything makes it more difficult, like rain or snow. I am agreeing with you, accept it as a compliment.

Republicans win when less people vote because most people disagree with you.

That's why you guys work so hard to prevent people from voting.

That only makes sense is people your people stop voting far easier.

Otherwise the same proportions would show up and vote.

This is a pretty simple concept.

It's a demographic issue.

A much larger percentage of Republican voters are old. Old people are always more likely to vote.

How much larger?

10 points or so.

Just on the young side, which is mostly a reflection of race.

Older people are pretty evenly split.
theDoctorisIn admits that Republicans are more motivated to vote than Democrats, but fails to admit that the reason is because Democrats are losers who can't be bothered to get off the couch and vote if there is even the slightest amount of effort required.

Blackrook admits that Republican ideas are generally rejected by a majority of the public, but takes comfort from the fact that Republicans are more "motivated", even though they're a minority.
People who can't bother to vote don't count for shit in this real world where only people who vote count.

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