Tony Blair Calls Biden An Imbecile

That's interesting. I've been a regular blood donor for 20 years. Even during the pandemic. But this weekend they offered me a $15 gift card (up from their usual $5) but I had to give blood on the blood drive bus. That is a bit too small an area for me to chance the virus even though I'm vaccinated
I donate my gift cards too. Did you donate platelets? I did. As I have the antibodies
Blair and W were into "nation building." To Trump's credit, he was not. He didn't get us out of Afghan though. He set in motion events that were unstoppable though. He released 5K Taliban fighters, including Baradar and set deadline for out troops to be out. But Trump is not to blame for team Biden's execution of the pullout.
I’m no fan of 43’s by any stretch of the imagination and I support President Trump, but you avoided my question, just as DTMB did, so tell me what you think we should have done after 9/11, it’s a very simple question…
That really is unacceptable

I mean the man has dementia for Christ sake. Do you go around calling your grandpa with dementia an imbecile?

Has he no class?
Votto, it is difficult to treat a lowlife extortionist civily when his entire career was spent stalking foreign aid recipient country's top executives to threaten withdrawal of all aid from the country if 30 percent is not immediately shelled out in cash money to the high official in six hours. That was a billion dollars according to a video of Biden went viral 2 or 3 years ago. He was bragging to his buds how he got the Ukraine official to release a billion in cash to air force two in less than six hours so he could come back to the United States to prop up his leaderless presidential campaign. Every time I see this taxpayer thief break into a grin I wonder which country he threatened and received a huge lump sum for himself on his last trip on Air Force One this time. Until this highly protected creep gives all the money he recieved kickbacks for the last 47 years, from foreign trips he took, the people who saw tbe 2 videos of his betrayal of the American taxpayer he is not going to receive accolades from decent, law-abiding citizens who hate the Democrat swindlers and their enablers.
so we are back to the answer being “No”.

Got it.

Texas Anti-Mask ‘Freedom Rally’ Organizer Fighting For His Life With COVID-19​

“He’s not doing good. It’s not looking in our favor,” she said. “His lungs are stiff due to the fibrosis. They called and said they’ve run out of options for him and asked if I would consent to a do not resuscitate. And it would be up to us when to stop treatments.”

Caleb Wallace, a 30-year-old father of three, has been unconscious, ventilated and heavily sedated in the ICU at Shannon Medical Center in San Angelo since Aug. 8, the Standard-Times reported. His wife said on a GoFundMe page for household and medical bills that he was was intubated multiple times, had high fevers, infection and bleeding in his chest.

WHAT? This repuglican doesn't have insurance or money? He needs a GoFundMe page? Go fuck yourself. Man I can't stand Republicans who are against healthcare reform who then get sick and can't afford the bills so they go begging for money. I have a childhood friend like this. Wife got cancer and he couldn't afford the deductible. Sorry pal. You chose that plan because the monthly bills were low. You didn't think you'd ever have to pay the $7000 deductible? Then I guess you have to chop your wife's tittys off and hope for the best.

In July, Caleb Wallace reportedly helped organize “The Freedom Rally,”

So yes, he got covid at the rally.

When he first felt symptoms on July 26, his wife told the Standard-Times, he refused to get tested or seek medical care. He instead began treating himself with a cocktail of Vitamin C, zinc, aspirin and ivermectin, an anti-parasitic drug that has been falsely promoted as an effective treatment for COVID-19 by conservative media. He was taken to the hospital on July 30.

Roughly 47% of Texas’s eligible population has been fully vaccinated.


Texas Anti-Mask ‘Freedom Rally’ Organizer Fighting For His Life With COVID-19​

“He’s not doing good. It’s not looking in our favor,” she said. “His lungs are stiff due to the fibrosis. They called and said they’ve run out of options for him and asked if I would consent to a do not resuscitate. And it would be up to us when to stop treatments.”

Caleb Wallace, a 30-year-old father of three, has been unconscious, ventilated and heavily sedated in the ICU at Shannon Medical Center in San Angelo since Aug. 8, the Standard-Times reported. His wife said on a GoFundMe page for household and medical bills that he was was intubated multiple times, had high fevers, infection and bleeding in his chest.

WHAT? This repuglican doesn't have insurance or money? He needs a GoFundMe page? Go fuck yourself. Man I can't stand Republicans who are against healthcare reform who then get sick and can't afford the bills so they go begging for money. I have a childhood friend like this. Wife got cancer and he couldn't afford the deductible. Sorry pal. You chose that plan because the monthly bills were low. You didn't think you'd ever have to pay the $7000 deductible? Then I guess you have to chop your wife's tittys off and hope for the best.

In July, Caleb Wallace reportedly helped organize “The Freedom Rally,”

So yes, he got covid at the rally.

When he first felt symptoms on July 26, his wife told the Standard-Times, he refused to get tested or seek medical care. He instead began treating himself with a cocktail of Vitamin C, zinc, aspirin and ivermectin, an anti-parasitic drug that has been falsely promoted as an effective treatment for COVID-19 by conservative media. He was taken to the hospital on July 30.

Roughly 47% of Texas’s eligible population has been fully vaccinated.

Cool story.

Now go find someone who went to a rally while on a ventilator. That was your original claim

Cool story.

Now go find someone who went to a rally while on a ventilator. That was your original claim

You're an idiot. I never said that. That's what you heard.

Hey, if this doesn't prove you are wrong, nothing will. Even when you are in the hospital dying you'll still insist you were right because no one on a ventitlator was at a rally.

What a fucking idiot you must be. Just like this idiot.
Cool story.

Now, do you have anyone on a ventilator at a Trump rally?
Can you show me where I said someone was at a Trump rally while on a ventilator?

This is a perfect example of how Republicans don't listen and they hear what they want to hear. I'll keep looking but I don't think I ever claimed what you are claiming I said.
Oh I get it now. I guess if they are on a ventilator, it's too late for them to be worrying about you going to a rally. So think about all the people you love. Consider if you go to a rally that in 2 months someone you love might be on a ventilator because you were irresponsible. Then you can be a smart ass. But instead you will be contrite.
Oh I get it now. I guess if they are on a ventilator, it's too late for them to be worrying about you going to a rally. So think about all the people you love. Consider if you go to a rally that in 2 months someone you love might be on a ventilator because you were irresponsible. Then you can be a smart ass. But instead you will be contrite.
I just quoted what you said, Stupid.
Oh I get it now. I guess if they are on a ventilator, it's too late for them to be worrying about you going to a rally. So think about all the people you love. Consider if you go to a rally that in 2 months someone you love might be on a ventilator because you were irresponsible. Then you can be a smart ass. But instead you will be contrite.
But, going to March and destroy for George Floyd was Covid free I guess.
Did Britain trap thousands of its own citizens there to be taken hostage and murdered?
Another prediction gone south from a MAGA turd, suffering from Orange Clown on a golf cart worship.

Somd day you guys may get something right.
Let's see if you can read. 12 people killed in and around Kabul airport
You don't seem that bright, no offense.

Trying to make Syria exactly like Afghanistan is a mistake that idiot partisans try to make.
And Trump had a sensible plan for withdrawal from Afghanistan in place that the imbecilic Biden
people tossed in the dumpster.

It seems you don't mind turning our back on allies (even allies we had to pour billions into with
very little in return) so why try to attack Trump now over Syria?

Is it because Biden has his nuts in a wringer and you are desperate to change the focus on this mess?

The Trump administration worked to free 5,000 Taliban prisoners.

But, going to March and destroy for George Floyd was Covid free I guess.
blacks and republicans are mostly dying. AKA unvaccinated people.

BTW, did you see they compared the sentences that BLM rioters got compared to insurrectionists and surprise, the white insurrectionists got off light and the BLM's did not. Shocker.

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