Tony Perkins: Evangelical support for Trump 'conditional' on campaign promises


Gold Member
May 3, 2017
Family Research Council president Tony Perkins said Thursday that while evangelicals would not ignore President Donald Trump's past "personal failings," they would conditionally support him so long as he continued to deliver on his promised Christian-friendly agenda.

In a memo to members of his conservative non-profit, Perkins addressed his recent interview with POLITICO Magazine in which he said faith leaders were willing to give Trump a "mulligan" or "do-over" on his behavior if he continued to carry out on his promised policy goals.
- Source

These people are morally reprehensible and loathsome. They are not christians. They use religion to further their own self-interests and are one of the greatest threats to America we face.

also see; Millions of Americans Believe God Made Trump President
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So what is the problem?

a group of Americans will support the president and overlook his personal shortcomings as long as his policies and actions are in line with their goals?

It was good enough for democrats with Clinton and with Kennedy

Explain to me why I should be outraged
So what is the problem?a group of Americans will support the president and overlook his personal shortcomings as long as his policies and actions are in line with their goals?It was good enough for democrats with Clinton and with Kennedy Explain to me why I should be outraged
1 - This topic is not about Clinton or Kennedy. Keep on focus.
2 - If you want to get outraged, go right ahead. This is for discussion.
1 - This topic is not about Clinton or Kennedy. Keep on focus.

left wingers have been more than happy to overlook personal moral shortcomings of candidates & you are pushing a discussion that claims that right wingers are "morally reprehensible" because they are willing to overlook personal moral shortcomings

don't be such a hypocrite

the correct answer is that the outrage over this is pure bullshit
Family Research Council president Tony Perkins said Thursday that while evangelicals would not ignore President Donald Trump's past "personal failings," they would conditionally support him so long as he continued to deliver on his promised Christian-friendly agenda.

In a memo to members of his conservative non-profit, Perkins addressed his recent interview with POLITICO Magazine in which he said faith leaders were willing to give Trump a "mulligan" or "do-over" on his behavior if he continued to carry out on his promised policy goals.
- Source

These people are morally reprehensible and loathsome. They are not christians. They use religion to further their own self-interests and are one of the greatest threats to America we face.

also see; Millions of Americans Believe God Made Trump President

Evangelicals have officially lost their souls
Evangelicals have officially lost their souls


forgiveness is the primary foundation of evangelicals' belief system

outrage over this is silly; especially considering how Clinton was treated
The difference is that most left leaning voters may be disappointed or even repulsed by the sexual behavior of democrats in office, but they did not claim to be a party that judges the sexual behavior of others. where as many republicans carry the cross & claim to be the moral majority, & have very harshly criticized any sexual misconduct by democrats. at the same time defending the same misconduct by there own. that's a problem.
Evangelicals have officially lost their souls


forgiveness is the primary foundation of evangelicals' belief system
outrage over this is silly; especially considering how Clinton was treated

How WAS Clinton treated? 8 long years of outrage and investigations followed an impeachment by the House over a lie about a blow job? Yet Dotard caught with his little winky in a porn queen a year into his marriage and not a peep.

Got it
at the same time defending the same misconduct by there own. that's a problem.

but you are wrong here

who is defending the behavior?

the "morally reprehensible" behavior attributed to Trump is ALL from before he became a candidate for public office

not just before he got elected, but before he ever became a candidate

Clinton actually had an affair with a girl less than half his age while he was in office; then he lied about it

there is a huge difference here

being willing to accept that Trump had shortcomings, most of which were widely publicized during the election is not the same thing as being outraged by a man sexually harassing an employee

and yes, what happened with Lewinsky was textbook sexual harassment, whether she consented or not

this whole narrative is a smokescreen and a desperate attempt to discredit Trump

outraged about his policies? fine

but this is a non issue
How WAS Clinton treated? 8 long years of outrage and investigations followed an impeachment by the House over a lie about a blow job? Yet Dotard caught with his little winky in a porn queen a year into his marriage and not a peep.

what office did Donald hold when he had this alleged affair?

what public trust did he violate?
liberals have gone from "it was just a blowjob - it is not a big deal - it is between Bill and Hillary"


and want to label the right as hypocrites

it is amusing to watch & shows just how intellectually dishonest the left is
liberals have gone from "it was just a blowjob - it is not a big deal - it is between Bill and Hillary"to "TRUMP HAD AN AFFAIR WITH A PORN STAR!!!"and want to label the right as hypocritesit is amusing to watch & shows just how intellectually dishonest the left is
Stick to the topic. Third request.
So what is the problem?

a group of Americans will support the president and overlook his personal shortcomings as long as his policies and actions are in line with their goals?

It was good enough for democrats with Clinton and with Kennedy

Explain to me why I should be outraged

The people who've supported Clinton and Kennedy are not part of organizations that are based on conservative 'Christian' values. They do not profess or base their political support on these values.

These supposed 'Evangelical' organizations are entirely based on 'Christian values', so their continued support of Trump is grossly hypocritical. It shows that they are a fraud.
To the dumb asses who support these Right Wing so called christians..

1. They need to stay out of politics..or pay taxes for your so called NON-Profit

2. Perkins is the president of Focus on the Family (Crazy Ass Dobson ) who have their own HATE agenda..

3 . Pat Robertson is another Crazy Ass who pushes the same HATE message

4. Farwell said that it was the gays that caused 9/11 ( Another crazy ass extreme hateful man)

All of them use the Christian name to get their agenda through..

These so called christians have done so much damage to the christian community..

The Evangelicals will always support the GOP, because in the grand scheme of things they are far more in line with their belief system than the democrats ever will be.

I would love to see the actual voting stats in 2018 and 2020. He wil overwhelmingly win their votes. I do agree though, keeping his promises is a sure shot of re-election. With the democrats being such a poor option right now though and the "progressive", socialists hijacking the party, who knows? It may not even require that.
I don't trust a man who raw dogs a porn star and then pays her $130,000 so that he won't have to deny what he will inevitably call 'fake news'.

I don't care if he cheated on his third wife who had just recently given birth to his fifth kid. I do care that all those assholes who claim to have some sort of moral superiority and judge homosexuals and others they deem to be not following the teachings of the bible or don't meet some sort of make believe moral standard. Y'all can kiss my ass, you're hypocrites as you give Trump a pass but oh lordy there's a stained blue dress out there.

Trump paid $130,000 to lie to you and he fucked a porn star without protection, what an idiot.
The people who've supported Clinton and Kennedy are not part of organizations that are based on conservative 'Christian' values. They do not profess or base their political support on these values.

These supposed 'Evangelical' organizations are entirely based on 'Christian values', so their continued support of Trump is grossly hypocritical. It shows that they are a fraud.

again; the underlying foundation of the evangelical belief system is forgiveness

IF you, or anyone, can show where Trump is continuing to behave in a morally reprehensible manner, then your point would be a salient one

but you cannot, so it is not

everyone knew that Trump was a "billionaire playboy" & that he was not monogamous in the past

there is no information that suggests that he is still misbehaving

he is pushing policies that are in line with their goals; so they support him - this actually makes a lot of sense

the people that dismissed any culpability for Clinton out of hand are now feigning outrage about Trump and pushing "news" about things he may have done years before he even became a candidate for public office

the ONLY hypocrisy here is from leftists - they have NOTHING of substance on Trump; so they are digging and screaming about things that do not matter

it's pretty disgusting really, not surprising though
So what is the problem?a group of Americans will support the president and overlook his personal shortcomings as long as his policies and actions are in line with their goals?It was good enough for democrats with Clinton and with Kennedy Explain to me why I should be outraged
1 - This topic is not about Clinton or Kennedy. Keep on focus.
2 - If you want to get outraged, go right ahead. This is for discussion.

So it only applies to republicans...why do you embarrass yourself?

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