Tony Perkins: Evangelical support for Trump 'conditional' on campaign promises

The people who've supported Clinton and Kennedy are not part of organizations that are based on conservative 'Christian' values. They do not profess or base their political support on these values.

These supposed 'Evangelical' organizations are entirely based on 'Christian values', so their continued support of Trump is grossly hypocritical. It shows that they are a fraud.

again; the underlying foundation of the evangelical belief system is forgiveness

IF you, or anyone, can show where Trump is continuing to behave in a morally reprehensible manner, then your point would be a salient one

but you cannot, so it is not

everyone knew that Trump was a "billionaire playboy" & that he was not monogamous in the past

there is no information that suggests that he is still misbehaving

he is pushing policies that are in line with their goals; so they support him - this actually makes a lot of sense

the people that dismissed any culpability for Clinton out of hand are now feigning outrage about Trump and pushing "news" about things he may have done years before he even became a candidate for public office

the ONLY hypocrisy here is from leftists - they have NOTHING of substance on Trump; so they are digging and screaming about things that do not matter

it's pretty disgusting really, not surprising though
So...then...why aren't they forgiving Clinton?
If those policies that Perkins and his cult members like are strictly about monetary profits, the entire morality bullshit is meaningless.
so what is your point?

the policies they like have t do with judicial appointments, abortion, tax policy, health care & immigration

but I agree with one thing; the whole "morality" angle is bullshit

and it is hilarious to see leftists pushing it as an issue
He paid off the pornstar in October before the election. You're time line is a little screwy.
when was the alleged affair?

I wasn't referring to the affair in my post that you responded to. My point was paying hush money for the affair so that his evangelical base wouldn't know about it. That happened in October 2016.
now you go - why should I be outraged?

so. all you have is insults and no substance

why am I not surprised...
Sorry. Just got here. Tony Perkins is white trash. He counts as absolutely nothing. His words mean nothing outside of the cult he's running.
You're defending the supposed Christians who are giving Trump a lifetime of mulligans while in the past they've attacked Bill Clinton. You really need to unwedge that hypocritical stick up your butt.


if they give him a pass on current or future bad deeds then you have a point; but that is not the case here

Sure it is, when he robbed people of millions for his fake university and when he paid hush money to a porn star. The man should at least admit guilt before being forgiven.
I wasn't referring to the affair in my post that you responded to. My point was paying hush money for the affair so that his evangelical base wouldn't know about it. That happened in October 2016.
that is a fair point

I just find it ironic that people that defended Clinton for worse behavior want to make an issue over this

I personally DNGAF about any of it

my support for Trump was based primarily on the Scalia vacancy

everything else is just gravy
Sure it is, when he robbed people of millions for his fake university and when he paid hush money to a porn star. The man should at least admit guilt before being forgiven.
"robbed people" is subjective

paying hush money - like I already said, that is a fair point; but it was still related to things that happened before he becaome a candidate for office (as did Trump U)
I wasn't referring to the affair in my post that you responded to. My point was paying hush money for the affair so that his evangelical base wouldn't know about it. That happened in October 2016.
that is a fair point

I just find it ironic that people that defended Clinton for worse behavior want to make an issue over this

I personally DNGAF about any of it

my support for Trump was based primarily on the Scalia vacancy

everything else is just gravy

It's the hypocrisy from the right that is the issue. But apparently the right wing doesn't have any of those supposed morals they claimed to have and are only transnational with their beliefs.
Sure it is, when he robbed people of millions for his fake university and when he paid hush money to a porn star. The man should at least admit guilt before being forgiven.
"robbed people" is subjective

paying hush money - like I already said, that is a fair point; but it was still related to things that happened before he becaome a candidate for office (as did Trump U)

He settled the Trump U case in 2016 and somehow still hasn't admitted guilt.
It's the hypocrisy from the right that is the issue. But apparently the right wing doesn't have any of those supposed morals they claimed to have and are only transnational with their beliefs.
the hypocrisy is coming from the left on this

the Trump University stuff was from the early 2000's

and it does look like a shitty deal

thing is, more of Trump's projects wound up succeeding than wound up failing

this is really a non issue; unless you can show he willfully defrauded people

did he lend his name to something that turned out bad?

probably; but no case has been made that he was complicit in fraud

fucking a porn star?

before he was a candidate for office

vs sexual harassment of an intern while being POTUS

It's the hypocrisy from the right that is the issue. But apparently the right wing doesn't have any of those supposed morals they claimed to have and are only transnational with their beliefs.
the hypocrisy is coming from the left on this

the Trump University stuff was from the early 2000's

and it does look like a shitty deal

thing is, more of Trump's projects wound up succeeding than wound up failing

this is really a non issue; unless you can show he willfully defrauded people

did he lend his name to something that turned out bad?

probably; but no case has been made that he was complicit in fraud

fucking a porn star?

before he was a candidate for office

vs sexual harassment of an intern while being POTUS


He did willfully defraud people, hence the settlement. In advertisements he claimed a lot of things about Trump U that never turned out to be true. He lied and on the basis of his reputation many people lost a lot of money.

FYI, Clinton was never accused of sexually harassing Lewinski, get your facts straight.
He settled the Trump U case in 2016 and somehow still hasn't admitted guilt.
Hillary sold off 20% of our uranium to a group that made a large donation to her Foundation

she also granted favors to numerous foreign nationals that made donations to the same Foundation or that paid excessive speaking fees to her husband

what I care about NOW is what Trump does while he is in office

so far, I have been pleasantly surprised

I advocated against him in the primaries; was just HOPING that we would get a good SCOTUS nominee

he has greatly exceeded my hopes and expectations

and anyone that wants to make an issue about anything he did in the past that also supported Clinton; all I can do is laugh at their blatant hypocrisy
He settled the Trump U case in 2016 and somehow still hasn't admitted guilt.
Hillary sold off 20% of our uranium to a group that made a large donation to her Foundation

she also granted favors to numerous foreign nationals that made donations to the same Foundation or that paid excessive speaking fees to her husband

what I care about NOW is what Trump does while he is in office

so far, I have been pleasantly surprised

I advocated against him in the primaries; was just HOPING that we would get a good SCOTUS nominee

he has greatly exceeded my hopes and expectations

and anyone that wants to make an issue about anything he did in the past that also supported Clinton; all I can do is laugh at their blatant hypocrisy

Great, you're espousing conspiracy theories now.
Great, you're espousing conspiracy theories now.
you're a funny guy

like I said; if you supported Hillary and have anything to say about Trump then I can't take you seriously

I am really looking forward to the info from Spygate to all come out

hopefully, we will see real equal justice under the law - tired of seeing a protected class here in the USA

we have no real evidence of wrongdoing on Trump; so stories like this are being circulated as red meat for the base

the right did it as well

but NOW I am supposed to be outraged...
Great, you're espousing conspiracy theories now.
you're a funny guy

like I said; if you supported Hillary and have anything to say about Trump then I can't take you seriously

I am really looking forward to the info from Spygate to all come out

hopefully, we will see real equal justice under the law - tired of seeing a protected class here in the USA

we have no real evidence of wrongdoing on Trump; so stories like this are being circulated as red meat for the base

the right did it as well

but NOW I am supposed to be outraged...

Uranium sale, really?

To me and what I have addressed in this thread is the hypocrisy of Trump's religious base who were more than happy to attack Clinton's and others morals but are ready to forgive Trump a repeated adulterer.

You made the point that you don't care about a politician's 'sins' as long as he supports policies you like. That's hypocrisy.
1 - This topic is not about Clinton or Kennedy. Keep on focus.

left wingers have been more than happy to overlook personal moral shortcomings of candidates & you are pushing a discussion that claims that right wingers are "morally reprehensible" because they are willing to overlook personal moral shortcomings

don't be such a hypocrite

the correct answer is that the outrage over this is pure bullshit

You are the usual hypocrite ..

In 1998, he wrote to Bill Clinton

  • "As it turns out, character does matter. You can't run a family, let alone a country, without it. How foolish to believe that a person who lacks honesty and moral integrity is qualified to lead a nation and the world!"
  • "I just don't understand it. Why aren't parents more concerned about what their children are hearing about the president's behavior? Are moms and dads not embarrassed by what is occurring?"
  • "I am left to conclude from these opinions that our greatest problem is not in the Oval Office. It is with the people of this land! We have lost our ability to discern the difference between right and wrong."
Indeed, Mr. Dobson.

at the same time defending the same misconduct by there own. that's a problem.

but you are wrong here

who is defending the behavior?

the "morally reprehensible" behavior attributed to Trump is ALL from before he became a candidate for public office

not just before he got elected, but before he ever became a candidate

Clinton actually had an affair with a girl less than half his age while he was in office; then he lied about it

there is a huge difference here

being willing to accept that Trump had shortcomings, most of which were widely publicized during the election is not the same thing as being outraged by a man sexually harassing an employee

and yes, what happened with Lewinsky was textbook sexual harassment, whether she consented or not

this whole narrative is a smokescreen and a desperate attempt to discredit Trump

outraged about his policies? fine

but this is a non issue

Next... your argument fails..and are just Cherry Picking Forgiveness when it suits your party..


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