Tony Perkins: Evangelical support for Trump 'conditional' on campaign promises

The people who've supported Clinton and Kennedy are not part of organizations that are based on conservative 'Christian' values. They do not profess or base their political support on these values.

These supposed 'Evangelical' organizations are entirely based on 'Christian values', so their continued support of Trump is grossly hypocritical. It shows that they are a fraud.

again; the underlying foundation of the evangelical belief system is forgiveness

IF you, or anyone, can show where Trump is continuing to behave in a morally reprehensible manner, then your point would be a salient one

but you cannot, so it is not

everyone knew that Trump was a "billionaire playboy" & that he was not monogamous in the past

there is no information that suggests that he is still misbehaving

he is pushing policies that are in line with their goals; so they support him - this actually makes a lot of sense

the people that dismissed any culpability for Clinton out of hand are now feigning outrage about Trump and pushing "news" about things he may have done years before he even became a candidate for public office

the ONLY hypocrisy here is from leftists - they have NOTHING of substance on Trump; so they are digging and screaming about things that do not matter

it's pretty disgusting really, not surprising though

Has Tony Perkins forgiven Clinton?

Shouldn't the guilty at least take responsibility before they can be forgiven?
Evangelicals have officially lost their souls


forgiveness is the primary foundation of evangelicals' belief system
outrage over this is silly; especially considering how Clinton was treated

How WAS Clinton treated? 8 long years of outrage and investigations followed an impeachment by the House over a lie about a blow job? Yet Dotard caught with his little winky in a porn queen a year into his marriage and not a peep.

Got it

Was Trump president or held office then??
Family Research Council president Tony Perkins said Thursday that while evangelicals would not ignore President Donald Trump's past "personal failings," they would conditionally support him so long as he continued to deliver on his promised Christian-friendly agenda.

In a memo to members of his conservative non-profit, Perkins addressed his recent interview with POLITICO Magazine in which he said faith leaders were willing to give Trump a "mulligan" or "do-over" on his behavior if he continued to carry out on his promised policy goals.
- Source

These people are morally reprehensible and loathsome. They are not christians. They use religion to further their own self-interests and are one of the greatest threats to America we face.

also see; Millions of Americans Believe God Made Trump President

Nothing in your op supports your conclusion.

And equating "Agenda" with "self interest" without any justification, is especially incorrect.
So what is the problem?

a group of Americans will support the president and overlook his personal shortcomings as long as his policies and actions are in line with their goals?

It was good enough for democrats with Clinton and with Kennedy

Explain to me why I should be outraged

If I may........the problem may be this.....

The overlooking of morality while purporting to be the paragon of that morality, is hypocritical.

The ONLY overt element of Trump's agenda is his push for a stronger economy (be it by eliminating the "leeches" of illegal immigration or the elimination of businesses' restrictions) .......

So, the bottom line for these so-called Christian morality standard- bearers is: As long as Trump makes us money, we're willing to overlook his LACK of morality.
liberals have gone from "it was just a blowjob - it is not a big deal - it is between Bill and Hillary"to "TRUMP HAD AN AFFAIR WITH A PORN STAR!!!"and want to label the right as hypocritesit is amusing to watch & shows just how intellectually dishonest the left is
Stick to the topic. Third request.

I have

you do not have a good response to what I have pointed out, so you are deflecting

the hypocrites that defended Clinton's actions as POTUS are now trying to make a big deal about things Trump did before he became a candidate

your topic? this ridiculous article and the unfair criticism of "evangelicals"?

forgiveness is what Christianity is all about

calling the people that are willing to forgive Trump morally reprehensible is stupid and unfair

UNLESS it can be shown that Trump is continuing to whore around

show evidence of Trump's misbehavior after he became a candidate and the premise of your article has merit

if you (or the author) cannot; then the whole premise is bullshit and nothing more than a cheap and sleazy smear campaign
also - MY support is conditional on an elected official keeping the promises that are important to me

this is true of everyone

any attempt to demean any group for this is stupid

if Trump starts advocating for abortion on demand and 3rd trimester abortions; evangelicals will pull their support

so again, please explain to me what is outrageous about this
liberals have gone from "it was just a blowjob - it is not a big deal - it is between Bill and Hillary"to "TRUMP HAD AN AFFAIR WITH A PORN STAR!!!"and want to label the right as hypocritesit is amusing to watch & shows just how intellectually dishonest the left is
Stick to the topic. Third request.

I have

you do not have a good response to what I have pointed out, so you are deflecting

the hypocrites that defended Clinton's actions as POTUS are now trying to make a big deal about things Trump did before he became a candidate

your topic? this ridiculous article and the unfair criticism of "evangelicals"?

forgiveness is what Christianity is all about

calling the people that are willing to forgive Trump morally reprehensible is stupid and unfair

UNLESS it can be shown that Trump is continuing to whore around

show evidence of Trump's misbehavior after he became a candidate and the premise of your article has merit

if you (or the author) cannot; then the whole premise is bullshit and nothing more than a cheap and sleazy smear campaign

Then isn't it a tad hypocritical that you haven't forgiven Clinton?

Where did Roy Moore's accusers go???

BTW, the issue for me isn't that Trump cheated on his third wife like he had the previous two, it's the fact that so called Christians are only selectively granting forgiveness.
So what is the problem?a group of Americans will support the president and overlook his personal shortcomings as long as his policies and actions are in line with their goals?It was good enough for democrats with Clinton and with Kennedy Explain to me why I should be outraged
1 - This topic is not about Clinton or Kennedy. Keep on focus.
2 - If you want to get outraged, go right ahead. This is for discussion.

So, Trump is good for America, and as long as he continues to be, Perkins will support him.

Perkins then follows conviction rather than party, unlike you Communists.
also - MY support is conditional on an elected official keeping the promises that are important to me

this is true of everyone

any attempt to demean any group for this is stupid

if Trump starts advocating for abortion on demand and 3rd trimester abortions; evangelicals will pull their support

so again, please explain to me what is outrageous about this

Got it, if you don't agree with a politicians policies then their sex lives are a legit target. If you do agree with a politicians policies then you forgive them. What an asshole.
So, the bottom line for these so-called Christian morality standard- bearers is: As long as Trump makes us money, we're willing to overlook his LACK of morality.
show me immoral behavior that is even alleged from when Trump declared his candidacy; not just when he got elected, but just from after he declared for office

this is another smokescreen and hit job


you will have to forgive me for not being upset and outraged over this...

I'd be pissed at them if they continued to support him after he broke his campaign promises

that they are willing to support him as long as he does what he promised to do - this is newsworthy - why???
So, the bottom line for these so-called Christian morality standard- bearers is: As long as Trump makes us money, we're willing to overlook his LACK of morality.
show me immoral behavior that is even alleged from when Trump declared his candidacy; not just when he got elected, but just from after he declared for office

this is another smokescreen and hit job


you will have to forgive me for not being upset and outraged over this...

I'd be pissed at them if they continued to support him after he broke his campaign promises

that they are willing to support him as long as he does what he promised to do - this is newsworthy - why???

Paying a porn star $130,000 in hush money to keep an affair out of the public eye that evangelicals in the past have not been too keen about.
show me immoral behavior that is even alleged from when Trump declared his candidacy; not just when he got elected, but just from after he declared for office

Should we chat about the Trump University scam?
Then isn't it a tad hypocritical that you haven't forgiven Clinton?

Where did Roy Moore's accusers go???

BTW, the issue for me isn't that Trump cheated on his third wife like he had the previous two, it's the fact that so called Christians are only selectively granting forgiveness.

whether I "forgive" Clinton or not does not matter - he sexually harassed an employee while he was POTUS & his behaviorr continues to this day

I said it several times, but again, show me bad behavior from Trump as a candidate or elected official and I will change my tune on this

if people like Perkins are willing to overlook CONTINUING bad behavior; then y'all have a valid point

if not?

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Has Tony Perkins forgiven Clinton?

Shouldn't the guilty at least take responsibility before they can be forgiven?
has Clinton changed his behavior?

and did Clinton enact policies that Perkins supports? in not, who cares?
So what is the problem?

a group of Americans will support the president and overlook his personal shortcomings as long as his policies and actions are in line with their goals?

It was good enough for democrats with Clinton and with Kennedy

Explain to me why I should be outraged

The people who've supported Clinton and Kennedy are not part of organizations that are based on conservative 'Christian' values. They do not profess or base their political support on these values.

These supposed 'Evangelical' organizations are entirely based on 'Christian values', so their continued support of Trump is grossly hypocritical. It shows that they are a fraud. you admit their is no Christians in the Democrat party, only pretend ones.
Has Tony Perkins forgiven Clinton?

Shouldn't the guilty at least take responsibility before they can be forgiven?
has Clinton changed his behavior?

and did Clinton enact policies that Perkins supports? in not, who cares?

Has Clinton changed his behavior? I'm not the one holding Trump or Clinton accountable for who they choose to fuck. But that's funny coming from a guy who is defending a man on his third marriage when he cheated on all three of them.
Paying a porn star $130,000 in hush money to keep an affair out of the public eye that evangelicals in the past have not been too keen about.

what makes you think I disagree with that?

but it happened before he was even a candidate

why should anyone that agrees with Trump's policies not support him?

seriously - why?

because he was a cad?

So what is the problem?

a group of Americans will support the president and overlook his personal shortcomings as long as his policies and actions are in line with their goals?

It was good enough for democrats with Clinton and with Kennedy

Explain to me why I should be outraged

The people who've supported Clinton and Kennedy are not part of organizations that are based on conservative 'Christian' values. They do not profess or base their political support on these values.

These supposed 'Evangelical' organizations are entirely based on 'Christian values', so their continued support of Trump is grossly hypocritical. It shows that they are a fraud. you admit their is no Christians in the Democrat party, only pretend ones.

Where the hell did you come to that conclusion?

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