Tony Perkins: Evangelical support for Trump 'conditional' on campaign promises

I have you do not have a good response to what I have pointed out, so you are deflecting the hypocrites that defended Clinton's actions as POTUS are now trying to make a big deal about things Trump did before he became a candidateyour topic? this ridiculous article and the unfair criticism of "evangelicals"? forgiveness is what Christianity is all about calling the people that are willing to forgive Trump morally reprehensible is stupid and unfair UNLESS it can be shown that Trump is continuing to whore aroundshow evidence of Trump's misbehavior after he became a candidate and the premise of your article has meritif you (or the author) cannot; then the whole premise is bullshit and nothing more than a cheap and sleazy smear campaign

Paying a porn star $130,000 in hush money to keep an affair out of the public eye that evangelicals in the past have not been too keen about.

what makes you think I disagree with that?

but it happened before he was even a candidate

He paid off the pornstar in October before the election. You're time line is a little screwy.
Has Clinton changed his behavior? I'm not the one holding Trump or Clinton accountable for who they choose to fuck. But that's funny coming from a guy who is defending a man on his third marriage when he cheated on all three of them.

but I am not defending him

explaining why I do not think it is a big deal that others are willing to forgive him =/= defending his behavior
I have you do not have a good response to what I have pointed out, so you are deflecting the hypocrites that defended Clinton's actions as POTUS are now trying to make a big deal about things Trump did before he became a candidateyour topic? this ridiculous article and the unfair criticism of "evangelicals"? forgiveness is what Christianity is all about calling the people that are willing to forgive Trump morally reprehensible is stupid and unfair UNLESS it can be shown that Trump is continuing to whore aroundshow evidence of Trump's misbehavior after he became a candidate and the premise of your article has meritif you (or the author) cannot; then the whole premise is bullshit and nothing more than a cheap and sleazy smear campaign

so you don't have anything constructive to say

Perkins blamed the devastation of Katrina on "God's punishment for homosexual behaviors"...........
Then last year, his own home was ALSO swept away by the storms.......... Divine Justice???
So what is the problem?

a group of Americans will support the president and overlook his personal shortcomings as long as his policies and actions are in line with their goals?

It was good enough for democrats with Clinton and with Kennedy

Explain to me why I should be outraged

The people who've supported Clinton and Kennedy are not part of organizations that are based on conservative 'Christian' values. They do not profess or base their political support on these values.

These supposed 'Evangelical' organizations are entirely based on 'Christian values', so their continued support of Trump is grossly hypocritical. It shows that they are a fraud. you admit their is no Christians in the Democrat party, only pretend ones.

Where the hell did you come to that conclusion?

It's obvious, by his post that a Democrat finally admits it.
whether I "forgive" Clinton or not does not matter - he sexually harassed an employee while he was POTUS & his behaviorr continues to this dayI said it several times, but again, show me bad behavior from Trump as a candidate or elected official and I will change my tune on thisif people like Perkins are willing to overlook CONTINUING bad behavior; then y'all have a valid pointif not?pfffffftt..

Keep on topic.

Has Clinton changed his behavior? I'm not the one holding Trump or Clinton accountable for who they choose to fuck. But that's funny coming from a guy who is defending a man on his third marriage when he cheated on all three of them.

but I am not defending him

explaining why I do not think it is a big deal that others are willing to forgive him =/= defending his behavior

You're defending the supposed Christians who are giving Trump a lifetime of mulligans while in the past they've attacked Bill Clinton. You really need to unwedge that hypocritical stick up your butt.
So what is the problem?

a group of Americans will support the president and overlook his personal shortcomings as long as his policies and actions are in line with their goals?

It was good enough for democrats with Clinton and with Kennedy

Explain to me why I should be outraged

The people who've supported Clinton and Kennedy are not part of organizations that are based on conservative 'Christian' values. They do not profess or base their political support on these values.

These supposed 'Evangelical' organizations are entirely based on 'Christian values', so their continued support of Trump is grossly hypocritical. It shows that they are a fraud. you admit their is no Christians in the Democrat party, only pretend ones.

Where the hell did you come to that conclusion?

It's obvious, by his post that a Democrat finally admits it.

It's obvious by that post that he was pointing out the hypocrisy of the right. Sorry it has to be explained to you.
You're defending the supposed Christians who are giving Trump a lifetime of mulligans while in the past they've attacked Bill Clinton. You really need to unwedge that hypocritical stick up your butt.


if they give him a pass on current or future bad deeds then you have a point; but that is not the case here
Perkins blamed the devastation of Katrina on "God's punishment for homosexual behaviors"...........
Then last year, his own home was ALSO swept away by the storms.......... Divine Justice???
I never even said that I like this guy

all I did was point out that it is not outrageous to support a candidate that votes for policies you like
I never even said that I like this guyall I did was point out that it is not outrageous to support a candidate that votes for policies you like

How many kinds of stupid are you? Keep on topic.
I never even said that I like this guyall I did was point out that it is not outrageous to support a candidate that votes for policies you like

How many kinds of stupid are you? Keep on topic.

Your op was about attacking Evangelicals for supporting Trump despite past moral failings, because he is supporting policies that they like.

That is exactly what dcbl was talking about.
The difference is that most left leaning voters may be disappointed or even repulsed by the sexual behavior of democrats in office, but they did not claim to be a party that judges the sexual behavior of others. where as many republicans carry the cross & claim to be the moral majority, & have very harshly criticized any sexual misconduct by democrats. at the same time defending the same misconduct by there own. that's a problem.

The Evangelicals tried that during Romney. They stayed home. Now, they have decided not to cut off their noses to spite their faces. Evangelicals are not significant enough to get one of theirs on the final ballot. They are left with the two choices we all are.

Trump's morality was no secret. Trump's loose allegiance to political parties while it benefits him also well known. No one has ever accused Trump of being a die-hard Republican God-fearing man. Trump promised conservative appointments to the USSC, which is more important than which corrupt egomaniac (of the only 2 viable choices) sits behind the desk. Evangelicals will support the candidate that does the least amount of damage to "their America." As long as Trump holds to his promise to fill USSC seats with conservatives as they become vacant, it is a huge win for conservatives (including evangelicals), and they will hold their nose and support him.
all I did was point out that it is not outrageous to support a candidate that votes for policies you like

If those policies that Perkins and his cult members like are strictly about monetary profits, the entire morality bullshit is meaningless.
I never even said that I like this guyall I did was point out that it is not outrageous to support a candidate that votes for policies you like

How many kinds of stupid are you? Keep on topic.
wow - I did not realize that you were not all that bright

or do you just have a hard time with reading comprehension?

I understand that you don't like Trump or this guy Perkins (I don't like Perkins much either)

but I have answered why it is unfair to criticize him for stating that he will support Trump despite prior bad acts

I have also acknowledged that continuing support for Trump by this guy if these types of bad acts continue would indeed be hypocritical

now you go - why should I be outraged?
all I did was point out that it is not outrageous to support a candidate that votes for policies you like

If those policies that Perkins and his cult members like are strictly about monetary profits, the entire morality bullshit is meaningless.

And no one has presented any evidence to support that claim, ie "monetary profits".

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