Zone1 Too Bad That God Promised No More Great Floods

Thank you but conspiracy implies devious intent and I don't think that was the case. The majority of early Christians were converted pagans. some of whom may have been able to read the Greek Septuagint. Since the Greek form of Isaiah was 'virgin' and, since Jesus was the messiah, it follows that the stories about his birth assumed a virgin birth. Those stories ended up in the NT.

Another, similar example is the OT prophesy that the messiah would be born in the City of David, Bethlehem. Since it was well known Jesus was from Nazareth, his family must have been gone there. Mathew and Luke separately created different reasons.
I don’t think it does necessarily imply devious intent. At least not how that word is used today. I believe it necessarily implies intent to obfuscate. Which I don’t believe was the intent which I believe was more of a clarification. I’m not necessarily in agreement with your understanding of the original text. I’ve seen another interpretation and that interpretation suggested it wasn’t originally young girl which in itself wouldn’t have been noteworthy. That interpretation implied it was unusual as in it was something out of the ordinary.

I posted 24 or so verses the Christian belief that Jesus is the Word was based upon. So unless every single one is proven false I’m not inclined to be swayed by arguments that nip at the margins.

As for your latest argument the gospels were written for different purposes. I’m sure if you research it you will find an explanation.
I don’t think it does necessarily imply devious intent. At least not how that word is used today. I believe it necessarily implies intent to obfuscate. Which I don’t believe was the intent which I believe was more of a clarification. I’m not necessarily in agreement with your understanding of the original text. I’ve seen another interpretation and that interpretation suggested it wasn’t originally young girl which in itself wouldn’t have been noteworthy. That interpretation implied it was unusual as in it was something out of the ordinary.
Well I don't believe the early Christians were devious, evil, or intent on obfuscation. I generally find Christians today are likewise not evil but ignorant and happy to be so.

I posted 24 or so verses the Christian belief that Jesus is the Word was based upon. So unless every single one is proven false I’m not inclined to be swayed by arguments that nip at the margins.
I can't prove they are not talking about Jesus any more than you can prove they are. You can interpret them in many ways but the Jews of that period would likely think you deluded.

As for your latest argument the gospels were written for different purposes. I’m sure if you research it you will find an explanation.
I know their purpose, theology first and foremost, history a distant second.
Well I don't believe the early Christians were devious, evil, or intent on obfuscation. I generally find Christians today are likewise not evil but ignorant and happy to be so.

I can't prove they are not talking about Jesus any more than you can prove they are. You can interpret them in many ways but the Jews of that period would likely think you deluded.

I know their purpose, theology first and foremost, history a distant second.
That’s not my understanding of the different messages being conveyed by the gospels.

If you need to see me as ignorant that’s on you. I can only control what I can control.

As for the claim that Jesus is the Word of God, I’ve shared that basis with you and do not see how it is baseless and without good reason.
Sorry bout that,

1. Unless you are actively following JESUS, you walk in desert places.
2. JESUS is the answer.

That’s not my understanding of the different messages being conveyed by the gospels.

If you need to see me as ignorant that’s on you. I can only control what I can control.

As for the claim that Jesus is the Word of God, I’ve shared that basis with you and do not see how it is baseless and without good reason.
Do you think the average Christian is as knowledgeable as you are? I don't and I don't think they have thought much about it.
Do you think the average Christian is as knowledgeable as you are? I don't and I don't think they have thought much about it.
I’m not knowledgeable. But it wasn’t hard to see the similarities even for me.

I think the real question though is why does your belief in God hinge upon the Judaeo-Christian worldview. Mine didn’t. That wasn’t my starting position at all. It was my ending position. I concluded God did exist based upon the physical, biological and moral laws of nature and then selected Catholicism as my faith after a study of all major religions and a few primal religions as well.
Do you think the average Christian is as knowledgeable as you are? I don't and I don't think they have thought much about it.

I think that it is very safe to say that the average Christian understands his own beliefs much better than any Godless, arrogant ignoramus such as you, that would purport to tell us what you think we really believe.
Sorry bout that,

1. Unless you are actively following JESUS, you walk in desert places.
2. JESUS is the answer.


hey, little do you know - that's the only place jesus ever walked ... you may as a christian be onto something.

and also, without your single book, the c-bible there is no other trace for your makebelieve jeaus for you to find phony answers for - than the true 1st century events the crucifiers try all they can to obscure and prove successful when those that believe their answer was the answer than what those people then actually died for.

- the true religion of antiquity.
I think that it is very safe to say that the average Christian understands his own beliefs much better than any Godless, arrogant ignoramus such as you, that would purport to tell us what you think we really believe.
I'm smart enough to know the difference between belief and knowledge, are you?
I concluded God did exist based upon the physical, biological and moral laws of nature and then selected Catholicism as my faith after a study of all major religions and a few primal religions as well.
Fascinating. Why Catholicism? Does God like it or do you like it best?
Fascinating. Why Catholicism? Does God like it or do you like it best?
I like how you follow the Lenin model of combating religion. But I’m thinking you should elevate your game to the Stalin model. I think you might get more satisfaction from actually killing Christians.
I like how you follow the Lenin model of combating religion. But I’m thinking you should elevate your game to the Stalin model. I think you might get more satisfaction from actually killing Christians.
Hardly. I have lots of Christian family and friends but, in all honesty, they are no better than my atheist family and friends.
Hardly. I have lots of Christian family and friends but, in all honesty, they are no better than my atheist family and friends.
Seriously though maybe if you just killed one that would get it out of your system.
Fascinating. Why Catholicism? Does God like it or do you like it best?
I’m not surprised you ignored the rest. It probably created to much internal conflict in you. Being reasonable and militant atheism don’t mix.

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