Top 8% Own 85%

So he had capital gains and made large charitable contributions.
Just awful!

He paid far less than the rates you were throwing around.

Of course he did, his money was from capital gains, not wages.

So the rich pay a low rate. It's why ceo's often get paid in stocks, lower taxes.

No, they get paid in stocks because it's cheaper than paying cash. If the CEO does well, his stocks will go up. The better he does for the company, the better he makes out. Stocks are merely offered as an incentive.

Yes that is what they want you to believe.

Why wouldn't I believe it?

Stock options are better than cash for both the company and the employee. It's no different than Profit Sharing which many companies don't even offer to blue collar workers anymore.
I don't disagree. I would let companies pay no taxes if they hire here, pay well, and give good benefits.

So what you are saying is that the federal government should subsidize businesses in exchange for good paying jobs and benefits? Isn't that like the taxpayers paying for those employees instead of the business?

No it isn't.

Why not? What you are suggesting is that corporations should pay no tax (instead of the 40% now) if they provide good jobs and benefits. If they no longer make contributions to our tax collections, then somebody is going to have to make up that loss. That would be the other taxpayers.

If they are hiring here and providing good wages and benefits then we collect more income tax and pay out less welfare. And nobody is paying 40%.

Well if we are going to pay less welfare, then forget about it. The Democrats would never go for that. They want more government dependents--not less of them.

1. ExxonMobil
Good thing Exxon has a few bucks left over to build out this Energy Center at its new complex in The Woodlands, Texas.
Income tax expense: $31 billion
Net income: $45 billion
Effective tax rate: 39%

2. Chevron
The oil giant pay among the highest tax rates because of overseas royalties that float with the price of oil.
Income tax expense: $20 billion
Net income: $26 billion
Effective tax rate: 43%

3. Apple

Income tax expense: $14.2 billion
Net income: $41.7 billion
Effective tax rate: 25%

Introduction - In Photos: The 25 U.S. Corporations That Pay The Highest Taxes
Big Oil Companies Pay Just A 11.7 Percent Tax Rate, Report Finds

The report, published by Taxpayers for Common Sense, found the U.S.’s 20 largest oil and gas companies paid 11.7 percent in taxes from 2009 to 2013. That’s significantly less than the statutory corporate tax rate of 35 percent, which is typically what corporations pay if they make more than $18.3 million in a year. And the smaller oil firms — those smaller than major firms like ExxonMobil or Chevron — paid even less tax — 3.7 percent, according to the report.

Yes, DumBama did say that. But remember, Obama is also a pathological liar too.

If you need the Fact Check article explaining how DumBama lied about that statistic, just ask, I have it right here in my folder.

The link rates it mostly true.

And factcheck rates it false. FactCheck does lean left at times, but Politiafact leans left nearly all the time.


Yes, DumBama did say that. But remember, Obama is also a pathological liar too.

If you need the Fact Check article explaining how DumBama lied about that statistic, just ask, I have it right here in my folder.

The link rates it mostly true.

And factcheck rates it false. FactCheck does lean left at times, but Politiafact leans left nearly all the time.


A Taxing Burden

Obama also argued that the "wealthy" could afford to pay more in taxes since their "tax burden" is the lowest it has been in 50 years. But it depends what measure one uses. The CBO’s most recent analysis showed that the average federal tax rate for high-income taxpayers was its lowest in 1986 during the Reagan administration.

The administration isn’t alone in estimating effective tax rates, though. The CBO, in a June 2010 report, provided statistics for average federal taxes paid by income group from 1979 to 2007. The CBO found that high-income taxpayers had the lowest tax burden in 1986. (The CBO analysis included the four largest sources of government revenue — individual income taxes, payroll taxes, corporate income taxes and excise taxes. It calculated the average tax rates by dividing taxes paid by "comprehensive household income," which includes all cash income plus additional sources of income such as Medicare benefits and food stamps.)

FactChecking Obama’s Budget Speech

Yes, DumBama did say that. But remember, Obama is also a pathological liar too.

If you need the Fact Check article explaining how DumBama lied about that statistic, just ask, I have it right here in my folder.

The link rates it mostly true.

And factcheck rates it false. FactCheck does lean left at times, but Politiafact leans left nearly all the time.


A Taxing Burden

Obama also argued that the "wealthy" could afford to pay more in taxes since their "tax burden" is the lowest it has been in 50 years. But it depends what measure one uses. The CBO’s most recent analysis showed that the average federal tax rate for high-income taxpayers was its lowest in 1986 during the Reagan administration.

The administration isn’t alone in estimating effective tax rates, though. The CBO, in a June 2010 report, provided statistics for average federal taxes paid by income group from 1979 to 2007. The CBO found that high-income taxpayers had the lowest tax burden in 1986. (The CBO analysis included the four largest sources of government revenue — individual income taxes, payroll taxes, corporate income taxes and excise taxes. It calculated the average tax rates by dividing taxes paid by "comprehensive household income," which includes all cash income plus additional sources of income such as Medicare benefits and food stamps.)

FactChecking Obama’s Budget Speech

So depending on how you look at it, the tax burden is real low or the lowest in a half century. Any way you look at it, it is historically very low.
Yes, DumBama did say that. But remember, Obama is also a pathological liar too.

If you need the Fact Check article explaining how DumBama lied about that statistic, just ask, I have it right here in my folder.

The link rates it mostly true.

And factcheck rates it false. FactCheck does lean left at times, but Politiafact leans left nearly all the time.


A Taxing Burden

Obama also argued that the "wealthy" could afford to pay more in taxes since their "tax burden" is the lowest it has been in 50 years. But it depends what measure one uses. The CBO’s most recent analysis showed that the average federal tax rate for high-income taxpayers was its lowest in 1986 during the Reagan administration.

The administration isn’t alone in estimating effective tax rates, though. The CBO, in a June 2010 report, provided statistics for average federal taxes paid by income group from 1979 to 2007. The CBO found that high-income taxpayers had the lowest tax burden in 1986. (The CBO analysis included the four largest sources of government revenue — individual income taxes, payroll taxes, corporate income taxes and excise taxes. It calculated the average tax rates by dividing taxes paid by "comprehensive household income," which includes all cash income plus additional sources of income such as Medicare benefits and food stamps.)

FactChecking Obama’s Budget Speech

So depending on how you look at it, the tax burden is real low or the lowest in a half century. Any way you look at it, it is historically very low.

Any way you look at it, DumBama lied as usual, and any way you look at it, those evil rich people just about support the entire federal government.
The link rates it mostly true.

And factcheck rates it false. FactCheck does lean left at times, but Politiafact leans left nearly all the time.


A Taxing Burden

Obama also argued that the "wealthy" could afford to pay more in taxes since their "tax burden" is the lowest it has been in 50 years. But it depends what measure one uses. The CBO’s most recent analysis showed that the average federal tax rate for high-income taxpayers was its lowest in 1986 during the Reagan administration.

The administration isn’t alone in estimating effective tax rates, though. The CBO, in a June 2010 report, provided statistics for average federal taxes paid by income group from 1979 to 2007. The CBO found that high-income taxpayers had the lowest tax burden in 1986. (The CBO analysis included the four largest sources of government revenue — individual income taxes, payroll taxes, corporate income taxes and excise taxes. It calculated the average tax rates by dividing taxes paid by "comprehensive household income," which includes all cash income plus additional sources of income such as Medicare benefits and food stamps.)

FactChecking Obama’s Budget Speech

So depending on how you look at it, the tax burden is real low or the lowest in a half century. Any way you look at it, it is historically very low.

Any way you look at it, DumBama lied as usual, and any way you look at it, those evil rich people just about support the entire federal government.

And they pay a historically very low tax rate. Obviously the people with all the money will pay the most in taxes.
And they pay a historically very low tax rate. Obviously the people with all the money will pay the most in taxes.

That's just the point brain. People like a Ray cant don't or won't understand that.

It like if the ultra rich had 100% of the income, the ultra rich would pay 100% of the taxes.

Ray isn't smart enough to understand that concept. Weird that they act all upset that those with the most income pay the most taxes.

And thanks to.Republicans, those with low earnings pay zero income tax.
The link rates it mostly true.

And factcheck rates it false. FactCheck does lean left at times, but Politiafact leans left nearly all the time.


A Taxing Burden

Obama also argued that the "wealthy" could afford to pay more in taxes since their "tax burden" is the lowest it has been in 50 years. But it depends what measure one uses. The CBO’s most recent analysis showed that the average federal tax rate for high-income taxpayers was its lowest in 1986 during the Reagan administration.

The administration isn’t alone in estimating effective tax rates, though. The CBO, in a June 2010 report, provided statistics for average federal taxes paid by income group from 1979 to 2007. The CBO found that high-income taxpayers had the lowest tax burden in 1986. (The CBO analysis included the four largest sources of government revenue — individual income taxes, payroll taxes, corporate income taxes and excise taxes. It calculated the average tax rates by dividing taxes paid by "comprehensive household income," which includes all cash income plus additional sources of income such as Medicare benefits and food stamps.)

FactChecking Obama’s Budget Speech

So depending on how you look at it, the tax burden is real low or the lowest in a half century. Any way you look at it, it is historically very low.

Any way you look at it, DumBama lied as usual, and any way you look at it, those evil rich people just about support the entire federal government.

"DumBama"? You're a shithead.l but a digress. Are rich people our benefactors', or the criminals soon to be brought out into the light?

Feds 'Chomping at the Bit' to Use Panama Papers to Catch Criminals

Feds 'Chomping at the Bit' to Use Panama Papers to Catch Criminals

Not matter how much or often you kiss the ass of the Koch Brothers, et al; they don't give a damn about the hoi polloi - in fact people like you and me are to be exploited not supported by the power elite.
This analysis links to the call for 4 percent growth. Considering conventional estimates of the long-term trend growth of the economy, a 4 percent growth rate through the next U.S. president’s first term would go a long way toward closing the gap in output that opened with the collapse of household spending in the Great Recession and has yet to be filled.

How can we move toward this goal? Our research strongly implies that the main problem is on the demand side, not the supply side. The U.S. needs to find a way to boost demand growth by arresting, and hopefully reversing, the dramatic rise of inequality.

The basic argument is exceedingly simple: The economy continues to be held back by insufficient household spending, and if the income share of Americans outside of the top sliver rises, household spending will increase. Policies that raise the minimum wage and reduce the tax burden of low- and middle income-households would help.

In our view, however, the best method to achieve this objective would be to restore wage growth across the income distribution as occurred in the decades after World War II.
And they pay a historically very low tax rate. Obviously the people with all the money will pay the most in taxes.

That's just the point brain. People like a Ray cant don't or won't understand that.

It like if the ultra rich had 100% of the income, the ultra rich would pay 100% of the taxes.

Ray isn't smart enough to understand that concept. Weird that they act all upset that those with the most income pay the most taxes.

And thanks to.Republicans, those with low earnings pay zero income tax.

It really is a simple concept.
And factcheck rates it false. FactCheck does lean left at times, but Politiafact leans left nearly all the time.


A Taxing Burden

Obama also argued that the "wealthy" could afford to pay more in taxes since their "tax burden" is the lowest it has been in 50 years. But it depends what measure one uses. The CBO’s most recent analysis showed that the average federal tax rate for high-income taxpayers was its lowest in 1986 during the Reagan administration.

The administration isn’t alone in estimating effective tax rates, though. The CBO, in a June 2010 report, provided statistics for average federal taxes paid by income group from 1979 to 2007. The CBO found that high-income taxpayers had the lowest tax burden in 1986. (The CBO analysis included the four largest sources of government revenue — individual income taxes, payroll taxes, corporate income taxes and excise taxes. It calculated the average tax rates by dividing taxes paid by "comprehensive household income," which includes all cash income plus additional sources of income such as Medicare benefits and food stamps.)

FactChecking Obama’s Budget Speech

So depending on how you look at it, the tax burden is real low or the lowest in a half century. Any way you look at it, it is historically very low.

Any way you look at it, DumBama lied as usual, and any way you look at it, those evil rich people just about support the entire federal government.

"DumBama"? You're a shithead.l but a digress. Are rich people our benefactors', or the criminals soon to be brought out into the light?

Feds 'Chomping at the Bit' to Use Panama Papers to Catch Criminals

Feds 'Chomping at the Bit' to Use Panama Papers to Catch Criminals

Not matter how much or often you kiss the ass of the Koch Brothers, et al; they don't give a damn about the hoi polloi - in fact people like you and me are to be exploited not supported by the power elite.

Right. So they launched an investigation. They did the same with Hillary and you guys are sticking by her.

When the investigation proves something, write back to us, won't you...shithead?
And factcheck rates it false. FactCheck does lean left at times, but Politiafact leans left nearly all the time.


A Taxing Burden

Obama also argued that the "wealthy" could afford to pay more in taxes since their "tax burden" is the lowest it has been in 50 years. But it depends what measure one uses. The CBO’s most recent analysis showed that the average federal tax rate for high-income taxpayers was its lowest in 1986 during the Reagan administration.

The administration isn’t alone in estimating effective tax rates, though. The CBO, in a June 2010 report, provided statistics for average federal taxes paid by income group from 1979 to 2007. The CBO found that high-income taxpayers had the lowest tax burden in 1986. (The CBO analysis included the four largest sources of government revenue — individual income taxes, payroll taxes, corporate income taxes and excise taxes. It calculated the average tax rates by dividing taxes paid by "comprehensive household income," which includes all cash income plus additional sources of income such as Medicare benefits and food stamps.)

FactChecking Obama’s Budget Speech

So depending on how you look at it, the tax burden is real low or the lowest in a half century. Any way you look at it, it is historically very low.

Any way you look at it, DumBama lied as usual, and any way you look at it, those evil rich people just about support the entire federal government.

And they pay a historically very low tax rate. Obviously the people with all the money will pay the most in taxes.

Well, if every American paid a flat tax of 10%, the rich would still be paying the most in taxes. The difference is that everybody would be in the game.

A Taxing Burden

Obama also argued that the "wealthy" could afford to pay more in taxes since their "tax burden" is the lowest it has been in 50 years. But it depends what measure one uses. The CBO’s most recent analysis showed that the average federal tax rate for high-income taxpayers was its lowest in 1986 during the Reagan administration.

The administration isn’t alone in estimating effective tax rates, though. The CBO, in a June 2010 report, provided statistics for average federal taxes paid by income group from 1979 to 2007. The CBO found that high-income taxpayers had the lowest tax burden in 1986. (The CBO analysis included the four largest sources of government revenue — individual income taxes, payroll taxes, corporate income taxes and excise taxes. It calculated the average tax rates by dividing taxes paid by "comprehensive household income," which includes all cash income plus additional sources of income such as Medicare benefits and food stamps.)

FactChecking Obama’s Budget Speech

So depending on how you look at it, the tax burden is real low or the lowest in a half century. Any way you look at it, it is historically very low.

Any way you look at it, DumBama lied as usual, and any way you look at it, those evil rich people just about support the entire federal government.

And they pay a historically very low tax rate. Obviously the people with all the money will pay the most in taxes.

Well, if every American paid a flat tax of 10%, the rich would still be paying the most in taxes. The difference is that everybody would be in the game.

Why would you do that? Then you would have more people on welfare expanding the size of government.
A Taxing Burden

Obama also argued that the "wealthy" could afford to pay more in taxes since their "tax burden" is the lowest it has been in 50 years. But it depends what measure one uses. The CBO’s most recent analysis showed that the average federal tax rate for high-income taxpayers was its lowest in 1986 during the Reagan administration.

The administration isn’t alone in estimating effective tax rates, though. The CBO, in a June 2010 report, provided statistics for average federal taxes paid by income group from 1979 to 2007. The CBO found that high-income taxpayers had the lowest tax burden in 1986. (The CBO analysis included the four largest sources of government revenue — individual income taxes, payroll taxes, corporate income taxes and excise taxes. It calculated the average tax rates by dividing taxes paid by "comprehensive household income," which includes all cash income plus additional sources of income such as Medicare benefits and food stamps.)

FactChecking Obama’s Budget Speech

So depending on how you look at it, the tax burden is real low or the lowest in a half century. Any way you look at it, it is historically very low.

Any way you look at it, DumBama lied as usual, and any way you look at it, those evil rich people just about support the entire federal government.

And they pay a historically very low tax rate. Obviously the people with all the money will pay the most in taxes.

Well, if every American paid a flat tax of 10%, the rich would still be paying the most in taxes. The difference is that everybody would be in the game.

Why would you do that? Then you would have more people on welfare expanding the size of government.

If Republicans could gain that much power, we would be cutting many off of welfare too. If you're physically and mentally capable of supporting yourself, you don't get welfare.

Ten percent of $30,000 is $3,000. I doubt if two or three grand would put many on welfare even the way it is now.

A Taxing Burden

Obama also argued that the "wealthy" could afford to pay more in taxes since their "tax burden" is the lowest it has been in 50 years. But it depends what measure one uses. The CBO’s most recent analysis showed that the average federal tax rate for high-income taxpayers was its lowest in 1986 during the Reagan administration.

The administration isn’t alone in estimating effective tax rates, though. The CBO, in a June 2010 report, provided statistics for average federal taxes paid by income group from 1979 to 2007. The CBO found that high-income taxpayers had the lowest tax burden in 1986. (The CBO analysis included the four largest sources of government revenue — individual income taxes, payroll taxes, corporate income taxes and excise taxes. It calculated the average tax rates by dividing taxes paid by "comprehensive household income," which includes all cash income plus additional sources of income such as Medicare benefits and food stamps.)

FactChecking Obama’s Budget Speech

So depending on how you look at it, the tax burden is real low or the lowest in a half century. Any way you look at it, it is historically very low.

Any way you look at it, DumBama lied as usual, and any way you look at it, those evil rich people just about support the entire federal government.

And they pay a historically very low tax rate. Obviously the people with all the money will pay the most in taxes.

Well, if every American paid a flat tax of 10%, the rich would still be paying the most in taxes. The difference is that everybody would be in the game.

Sorry shithead, or more accurately shit for brains, not everyone would be in the game. Have you not understood the consequences of Citizen's United and McCutcheon? Or are you one of the fools who believes both 5-4 decisions were all about free speech (I know the answer, consider this question to be rhetorical)?
So depending on how you look at it, the tax burden is real low or the lowest in a half century. Any way you look at it, it is historically very low.

Any way you look at it, DumBama lied as usual, and any way you look at it, those evil rich people just about support the entire federal government.

And they pay a historically very low tax rate. Obviously the people with all the money will pay the most in taxes.

Well, if every American paid a flat tax of 10%, the rich would still be paying the most in taxes. The difference is that everybody would be in the game.

Why would you do that? Then you would have more people on welfare expanding the size of government.

If Republicans could gain that much power, we would be cutting many off of welfare too. If you're physically and mentally capable of supporting yourself, you don't get welfare.

Ten percent of $30,000 is $3,000. I doubt if two or three grand would put many on welfare even the way it is now.

Sounds like a good plan to further lower spending and really tank the economy.

Taxing the poor would increase the need for welfare.

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