Top 8% Own 85%

Has the bottom moved up while those millionaires have moved down? Did they increase wages to employees?

No, why should they?

Let me ask you: do you overpay your mechanic to fix your car? Do you overpay your plumber to fix the sewer line in your basement? Why would anybody pay more money for services than they need to?

Have you seen the debt? They need to.

Well then, follow your own advice. Next time you need your house painted and get three bids, make sure you hire the most expensive company. Or if you go out and get house insurance. Make sure you select the insurance company that has the highest premium.

Lead by example if you really think that employers should pay more money to employees than they are worth.

I think they should pay what they are worth, not collude to pay them less as in all the examples I provided.

They don't collude anything.

If I own a business, why would I need to collude with anybody to pay lower wages to my workers? If I want to pay them X amount of dollars, that's all I'm going to pay them.

Employers pay more to good employees they think might leave. When businesses collude to not hire from each other that drives down wages. Being able to offer your services to the highest bidder is how workers make the most in capitalism. This is also why non competes are not capitalism.
How is that based on failed philosophy? If you don't have enough customers you go out of business. How is that wrong?

It's a failed philosophy because it doesn't matter how much money anybody else has. What they have has nothing to do with what you do or don't have.

If I go to work tomorrow and ask my boss for a raise, and he tells me that he'd love to give me one, but he can't because the rich people have all the money, then you might have a point. Or if I go to the bank for a car loan, and they tell me they can't spare the cash because the rich people have all the money, again, then you'd have a point.

But these things never happened to you or anybody else in this country. It doesn't matter how much money rich people have.

huh? How does that change that if you don't have enough customers you go out of business?

What does that have to do with it? If I only have one rich customer that makes ten million a year, I go out of business because everybody else doesn't have the money. If I only have one rich customer that makes a half-million a year, I still go out of business because everybody else doesn't have the money.

How does my rich customer making 9.5 million less a year help me? The other people will still be too poor to patronize my restaurant.

Yes you need lots of customers with good paying jobs. That is my point. All the money is going to the rich while wages are stagnant for the rest. That isn't what happens in good capitalism. We have crony capitalism that needs fixing.

Again, what rich people make has nothing to do with what you make. You want to make more money, work more hours. You want to make more money, learn a skill or get into a trade. You want to make more money, get rid of any item or service that you don't need and use that money for investments instead.

It's cute that you say that, but the reality is the rich are getting richer and wages are stagnant for everyone else. Obviously that is a problem. Our economy is slow because of it.
Let's say you live in Arizona and have a rock front and back yard. Why would you hire a lawn care company? Or your backyard is barely enough for your grill, patio table and chairs, why would you hire a pool service when you don't have a pool?

So I ask: why would you hire employees you don't need simply to create jobs? If you have no work for such employees, what are you going to do with them?

You people on the left really believe that job creation is some sort of social obligation of the wealthy. Let me tell you, there are plenty of wealthy people that are not in industry. They make their money in real estate, the stock market, the commodities market, or simply as an advisor over the phone. Hell, I'm a landlord. If I ever got to the point I could support myself just living off my renters, who am I going to hire full time and for what???

You on the right are just plain silly. You applaud the rich making more while everyone else has stagnant wages and then can't understand why those with all the money pay most of the taxes. You can't collect taxes from people who don't have money.

Stagnant wages are the problem of the individual just like making millions is the concern of the individual. One has nothing to do with the other.

So I make millions of dollars a year and you haven't had a raise in three years. How did that become my problem?

When they slow our whole economy it is a problem for all of us.

They're not slowing down anything. You need to get away from those liberal rags like the NYT and understand that it's all a bunch of bull from other people who are also jealous of the wealthy.

I have posted studies from many different sources. I have also laid it out for the very dumb. I should be clear it is a problem. What do you think is the problem and what would you do?

The first thing I would do is stick with a party that promises to cut down these social programs so people will go back to work. The next thing I would do is create a law that anybody caught here illegally is subject to a minimum of five years in prison. The next thing I would do is put a halt to all Visas in this country and stop immigration legal or illegal until wages increased.

That's what I would do.
It's a failed philosophy because it doesn't matter how much money anybody else has. What they have has nothing to do with what you do or don't have.

If I go to work tomorrow and ask my boss for a raise, and he tells me that he'd love to give me one, but he can't because the rich people have all the money, then you might have a point. Or if I go to the bank for a car loan, and they tell me they can't spare the cash because the rich people have all the money, again, then you'd have a point.

But these things never happened to you or anybody else in this country. It doesn't matter how much money rich people have.

huh? How does that change that if you don't have enough customers you go out of business?

What does that have to do with it? If I only have one rich customer that makes ten million a year, I go out of business because everybody else doesn't have the money. If I only have one rich customer that makes a half-million a year, I still go out of business because everybody else doesn't have the money.

How does my rich customer making 9.5 million less a year help me? The other people will still be too poor to patronize my restaurant.

Yes you need lots of customers with good paying jobs. That is my point. All the money is going to the rich while wages are stagnant for the rest. That isn't what happens in good capitalism. We have crony capitalism that needs fixing.

Again, what rich people make has nothing to do with what you make. You want to make more money, work more hours. You want to make more money, learn a skill or get into a trade. You want to make more money, get rid of any item or service that you don't need and use that money for investments instead.

It's cute that you say that, but the reality is the rich are getting richer and wages are stagnant for everyone else. Obviously that is a problem. Our economy is slow because of it.

Our economy may be slow because of stagnant wages, but that has nothing to do with the rich. If the rich made half of what they make today, the economy would still suck. It wouldn't change a thing.
How is that based on failed philosophy? If you don't have enough customers you go out of business. How is that wrong?

It's a failed philosophy because it doesn't matter how much money anybody else has. What they have has nothing to do with what you do or don't have.

If I go to work tomorrow and ask my boss for a raise, and he tells me that he'd love to give me one, but he can't because the rich people have all the money, then you might have a point. Or if I go to the bank for a car loan, and they tell me they can't spare the cash because the rich people have all the money, again, then you'd have a point.

But these things never happened to you or anybody else in this country. It doesn't matter how much money rich people have.

huh? How does that change that if you don't have enough customers you go out of business?

What does that have to do with it? If I only have one rich customer that makes ten million a year, I go out of business because everybody else doesn't have the money. If I only have one rich customer that makes a half-million a year, I still go out of business because everybody else doesn't have the money.

How does my rich customer making 9.5 million less a year help me? The other people will still be too poor to patronize my restaurant.

Yes you need lots of customers with good paying jobs. That is my point. All the money is going to the rich while wages are stagnant for the rest. That isn't what happens in good capitalism. We have crony capitalism that needs fixing.

Again, what rich people make has nothing to do with what you make. You want to make more money, work more hours. You want to make more money, learn a skill or get into a trade. You want to make more money, get rid of any item or service that you don't need and use that money for investments instead.

Productivity is up, wages however have fallen.
The Productivity–Pay Gap
You on the right are just plain silly. You applaud the rich making more while everyone else has stagnant wages and then can't understand why those with all the money pay most of the taxes. You can't collect taxes from people who don't have money.

Stagnant wages are the problem of the individual just like making millions is the concern of the individual. One has nothing to do with the other.

So I make millions of dollars a year and you haven't had a raise in three years. How did that become my problem?

When they slow our whole economy it is a problem for all of us.

They're not slowing down anything. You need to get away from those liberal rags like the NYT and understand that it's all a bunch of bull from other people who are also jealous of the wealthy.

I have posted studies from many different sources. I have also laid it out for the very dumb. I should be clear it is a problem. What do you think is the problem and what would you do?

The first thing I would do is stick with a party that promises to cut down these social programs so people will go back to work. The next thing I would do is create a law that anybody caught here illegally is subject to a minimum of five years in prison. The next thing I would do is put a halt to all Visas in this country and stop immigration legal or illegal until wages increased.

That's what I would do.

People will go to work at jobs that don't exist? Unemployment is already quite low. Who are these people? The retired?

You would want to pay to imprison them here? Our prisons are already full.

The rest I'm fine with. But I think there is more needing doing.
huh? How does that change that if you don't have enough customers you go out of business?

What does that have to do with it? If I only have one rich customer that makes ten million a year, I go out of business because everybody else doesn't have the money. If I only have one rich customer that makes a half-million a year, I still go out of business because everybody else doesn't have the money.

How does my rich customer making 9.5 million less a year help me? The other people will still be too poor to patronize my restaurant.

Yes you need lots of customers with good paying jobs. That is my point. All the money is going to the rich while wages are stagnant for the rest. That isn't what happens in good capitalism. We have crony capitalism that needs fixing.

Again, what rich people make has nothing to do with what you make. You want to make more money, work more hours. You want to make more money, learn a skill or get into a trade. You want to make more money, get rid of any item or service that you don't need and use that money for investments instead.

It's cute that you say that, but the reality is the rich are getting richer and wages are stagnant for everyone else. Obviously that is a problem. Our economy is slow because of it.

Our economy may be slow because of stagnant wages, but that has nothing to do with the rich. If the rich made half of what they make today, the economy would still suck. It wouldn't change a thing.

It is because they are colluding to pay less, sending jobs to other countries, importing workers, getting rid of unions....
Stagnant wages are the problem of the individual just like making millions is the concern of the individual. One has nothing to do with the other.

So I make millions of dollars a year and you haven't had a raise in three years. How did that become my problem?

When they slow our whole economy it is a problem for all of us.

They're not slowing down anything. You need to get away from those liberal rags like the NYT and understand that it's all a bunch of bull from other people who are also jealous of the wealthy.

I have posted studies from many different sources. I have also laid it out for the very dumb. I should be clear it is a problem. What do you think is the problem and what would you do?

The first thing I would do is stick with a party that promises to cut down these social programs so people will go back to work. The next thing I would do is create a law that anybody caught here illegally is subject to a minimum of five years in prison. The next thing I would do is put a halt to all Visas in this country and stop immigration legal or illegal until wages increased.

That's what I would do.

People will go to work at jobs that don't exist? Unemployment is already quite low. Who are these people? The retired?

You would want to pay to imprison them here? Our prisons are already full.

The rest I'm fine with. But I think there is more needing doing.

If I could have such a law, you wouldn't need much prison space. You may need more people at the border because everybody would be trying to get home and get the hell out of the United States.

You wouldn't need more border security, you wouldn't need a huge fence. All you would need is that law, and people would head for the hills. And once home, they would never come back illegally.
The answer is not that people need to work more:
From 1973 to 2014, net productivity rose 72.2 percent, while the hourly pay of typical workers essentially stagnated—increasing only 9.2 percent over 41 years (after adjusting for inflation). This means that although Americans are working more productively than ever, the fruits of their labors have primarily accrued to those at the top and to corporate profits, especially in recent years.
When they slow our whole economy it is a problem for all of us.

They're not slowing down anything. You need to get away from those liberal rags like the NYT and understand that it's all a bunch of bull from other people who are also jealous of the wealthy.

I have posted studies from many different sources. I have also laid it out for the very dumb. I should be clear it is a problem. What do you think is the problem and what would you do?

The first thing I would do is stick with a party that promises to cut down these social programs so people will go back to work. The next thing I would do is create a law that anybody caught here illegally is subject to a minimum of five years in prison. The next thing I would do is put a halt to all Visas in this country and stop immigration legal or illegal until wages increased.

That's what I would do.

People will go to work at jobs that don't exist? Unemployment is already quite low. Who are these people? The retired?

You would want to pay to imprison them here? Our prisons are already full.

The rest I'm fine with. But I think there is more needing doing.

If I could have such a law, you wouldn't need much prison space. You may need more people at the border because everybody would be trying to get home and get the hell out of the United States.

You wouldn't need more border security, you wouldn't need a huge fence. All you would need is that law, and people would head for the hills. And once home, they would never come back illegally.

Possibly. I have my doubts however. Jail here is pretty comfortable.
What does that have to do with it? If I only have one rich customer that makes ten million a year, I go out of business because everybody else doesn't have the money. If I only have one rich customer that makes a half-million a year, I still go out of business because everybody else doesn't have the money.

How does my rich customer making 9.5 million less a year help me? The other people will still be too poor to patronize my restaurant.

Yes you need lots of customers with good paying jobs. That is my point. All the money is going to the rich while wages are stagnant for the rest. That isn't what happens in good capitalism. We have crony capitalism that needs fixing.

Again, what rich people make has nothing to do with what you make. You want to make more money, work more hours. You want to make more money, learn a skill or get into a trade. You want to make more money, get rid of any item or service that you don't need and use that money for investments instead.

It's cute that you say that, but the reality is the rich are getting richer and wages are stagnant for everyone else. Obviously that is a problem. Our economy is slow because of it.

Our economy may be slow because of stagnant wages, but that has nothing to do with the rich. If the rich made half of what they make today, the economy would still suck. It wouldn't change a thing.

It is because they are colluding to pay less, sending jobs to other countries, importing workers, getting rid of unions....

With the exception of government, unions are a thing of the past. They aren't coming back either.

A company has every right to operate where they desire. That's something you can't stop. It's the nature of the business and has been going on the last few decades.

If you have any undisputed evidence of businesses "colluding" they are so few and far between that it wouldn't put a dent in our economy.
The answer is not that people need to work more:
From 1973 to 2014, net productivity rose 72.2 percent, while the hourly pay of typical workers essentially stagnated—increasing only 9.2 percent over 41 years (after adjusting for inflation). This means that although Americans are working more productively than ever, the fruits of their labors have primarily accrued to those at the top and to corporate profits, especially in recent years.

So what is your point? That businesses should overpay labor and keep less for themselves?
Yes you need lots of customers with good paying jobs. That is my point. All the money is going to the rich while wages are stagnant for the rest. That isn't what happens in good capitalism. We have crony capitalism that needs fixing.

Again, what rich people make has nothing to do with what you make. You want to make more money, work more hours. You want to make more money, learn a skill or get into a trade. You want to make more money, get rid of any item or service that you don't need and use that money for investments instead.

It's cute that you say that, but the reality is the rich are getting richer and wages are stagnant for everyone else. Obviously that is a problem. Our economy is slow because of it.

Our economy may be slow because of stagnant wages, but that has nothing to do with the rich. If the rich made half of what they make today, the economy would still suck. It wouldn't change a thing.

It is because they are colluding to pay less, sending jobs to other countries, importing workers, getting rid of unions....

With the exception of government, unions are a thing of the past. They aren't coming back either.

A company has every right to operate where they desire. That's something you can't stop. It's the nature of the business and has been going on the last few decades.

If you have any undisputed evidence of businesses "colluding" they are so few and far between that it wouldn't put a dent in our economy.

If we want to be great again we need strong unions.

Every company needs to do business in the US. We need to take advantage of that fact and make sure they are created well paying jobs here if they want to be in the biggest economy in the world.

I have given several examples of big companies colluding. Most companies don't get caught, but it is happening.

We need to get rid of non competes. They are anti worker and anti capitalism.
The answer is not that people need to work more:
From 1973 to 2014, net productivity rose 72.2 percent, while the hourly pay of typical workers essentially stagnated—increasing only 9.2 percent over 41 years (after adjusting for inflation). This means that although Americans are working more productively than ever, the fruits of their labors have primarily accrued to those at the top and to corporate profits, especially in recent years.

So what is your point? That businesses should overpay labor and keep less for themselves?

The point is productivity is way up. Your silly claim it is easy to make more and people just need to try harder is false.
The answer is not that people need to work more:
From 1973 to 2014, net productivity rose 72.2 percent, while the hourly pay of typical workers essentially stagnated—increasing only 9.2 percent over 41 years (after adjusting for inflation). This means that although Americans are working more productively than ever, the fruits of their labors have primarily accrued to those at the top and to corporate profits, especially in recent years.

So what is your point? That businesses should overpay labor and keep less for themselves?

The point is productivity is way up. Your silly claim it is easy to make more and people just need to try harder is false.

That's not the question I asked. If productivity is up, what does that have to do with how much ones labor is worth? Unless an employee has Profit Sharing as a company benefit, it doesn't matter whether the company has a record sales year or made no profit at all.
Again, what rich people make has nothing to do with what you make. You want to make more money, work more hours. You want to make more money, learn a skill or get into a trade. You want to make more money, get rid of any item or service that you don't need and use that money for investments instead.

It's cute that you say that, but the reality is the rich are getting richer and wages are stagnant for everyone else. Obviously that is a problem. Our economy is slow because of it.

Our economy may be slow because of stagnant wages, but that has nothing to do with the rich. If the rich made half of what they make today, the economy would still suck. It wouldn't change a thing.

It is because they are colluding to pay less, sending jobs to other countries, importing workers, getting rid of unions....

With the exception of government, unions are a thing of the past. They aren't coming back either.

A company has every right to operate where they desire. That's something you can't stop. It's the nature of the business and has been going on the last few decades.

If you have any undisputed evidence of businesses "colluding" they are so few and far between that it wouldn't put a dent in our economy.

If we want to be great again we need strong unions.

Every company needs to do business in the US. We need to take advantage of that fact and make sure they are created well paying jobs here if they want to be in the biggest economy in the world.

I have given several examples of big companies colluding. Most companies don't get caught, but it is happening.

We need to get rid of non competes. They are anti worker and anti capitalism.

If the people don't want unions, and the workers don't want unions, and the companies don't want unions, why should we have unions?

So you force unions on companies. Then they move overseas or to a Right to Work state and all those employees are out of a job. It's better to have a job that pays less than you'd like than to have no job at all, don't you think?
The answer is not that people need to work more:
From 1973 to 2014, net productivity rose 72.2 percent, while the hourly pay of typical workers essentially stagnated—increasing only 9.2 percent over 41 years (after adjusting for inflation). This means that although Americans are working more productively than ever, the fruits of their labors have primarily accrued to those at the top and to corporate profits, especially in recent years.

So what is your point? That businesses should overpay labor and keep less for themselves?

The point is productivity is way up. Your silly claim it is easy to make more and people just need to try harder is false.

That's not the question I asked. If productivity is up, what does that have to do with how much ones labor is worth? Unless an employee has Profit Sharing as a company benefit, it doesn't matter whether the company has a record sales year or made no profit at all.

So you don't think more productive workers should be paid more? Interesting. If workers are more productive they are more valuable to employers and should be paid more.
It's cute that you say that, but the reality is the rich are getting richer and wages are stagnant for everyone else. Obviously that is a problem. Our economy is slow because of it.

Our economy may be slow because of stagnant wages, but that has nothing to do with the rich. If the rich made half of what they make today, the economy would still suck. It wouldn't change a thing.

It is because they are colluding to pay less, sending jobs to other countries, importing workers, getting rid of unions....

With the exception of government, unions are a thing of the past. They aren't coming back either.

A company has every right to operate where they desire. That's something you can't stop. It's the nature of the business and has been going on the last few decades.

If you have any undisputed evidence of businesses "colluding" they are so few and far between that it wouldn't put a dent in our economy.

If we want to be great again we need strong unions.

Every company needs to do business in the US. We need to take advantage of that fact and make sure they are created well paying jobs here if they want to be in the biggest economy in the world.

I have given several examples of big companies colluding. Most companies don't get caught, but it is happening.

We need to get rid of non competes. They are anti worker and anti capitalism.

If the people don't want unions, and the workers don't want unions, and the companies don't want unions, why should we have unions?

So you force unions on companies. Then they move overseas or to a Right to Work state and all those employees are out of a job. It's better to have a job that pays less than you'd like than to have no job at all, don't you think?

People have been lied to about unions. They were told the good workers would make more and blah blah blah. Well they all just make less. They will want to be union again.
Our economy may be slow because of stagnant wages, but that has nothing to do with the rich. If the rich made half of what they make today, the economy would still suck. It wouldn't change a thing.

It is because they are colluding to pay less, sending jobs to other countries, importing workers, getting rid of unions....

With the exception of government, unions are a thing of the past. They aren't coming back either.

A company has every right to operate where they desire. That's something you can't stop. It's the nature of the business and has been going on the last few decades.

If you have any undisputed evidence of businesses "colluding" they are so few and far between that it wouldn't put a dent in our economy.

If we want to be great again we need strong unions.

Every company needs to do business in the US. We need to take advantage of that fact and make sure they are created well paying jobs here if they want to be in the biggest economy in the world.

I have given several examples of big companies colluding. Most companies don't get caught, but it is happening.

We need to get rid of non competes. They are anti worker and anti capitalism.

If the people don't want unions, and the workers don't want unions, and the companies don't want unions, why should we have unions?

So you force unions on companies. Then they move overseas or to a Right to Work state and all those employees are out of a job. It's better to have a job that pays less than you'd like than to have no job at all, don't you think?

People have been lied to about unions. They were told the good workers would make more and blah blah blah. Well they all just make less. They will want to be union again.

Well if they want to be union again, don't you think that's their decision and not yours?

My employer told all of us that if we ever unionized, he would close down the business and reopen under a new business name.

You on the left have to understand the Action/Reaction process. If you take a negative action against somebody, you will likely receive a negative reaction.

The reason people don't want unions any longer is because they are the main culprit of job loss in America. We've learned from our mistakes. Yes, it was a gravy train ride for quite a while, but that ride is over. It's time to face reality.

The American consumer will not support good paying monkey jobs. Even McDonald's ordered thousands of kiosks to replace order takers. It won't be long before they automate their food preparation as well.

More and more grocery stores are adding self-serve checkouts. It won't be long until they are all self-serve. Grocery stores at one time had a very strong union and people did monkey jobs and made great money.
Again, what rich people make has nothing to do with what you make. You want to make more money, work more hours. You want to make more money, learn a skill or get into a trade. You want to make more money, get rid of any item or service that you don't need and use that money for investments instead.

It's cute that you say that, but the reality is the rich are getting richer and wages are stagnant for everyone else. Obviously that is a problem. Our economy is slow because of it.

Our economy may be slow because of stagnant wages, but that has nothing to do with the rich. If the rich made half of what they make today, the economy would still suck. It wouldn't change a thing.

It is because they are colluding to pay less, sending jobs to other countries, importing workers, getting rid of unions....

With the exception of government, unions are a thing of the past. They aren't coming back either.

A company has every right to operate where they desire. That's something you can't stop. It's the nature of the business and has been going on the last few decades.

If you have any undisputed evidence of businesses "colluding" they are so few and far between that it wouldn't put a dent in our economy.

If we want to be great again we need strong unions.

Every company needs to do business in the US. We need to take advantage of that fact and make sure they are created well paying jobs here if they want to be in the biggest economy in the world.

I have given several examples of big companies colluding. Most companies don't get caught, but it is happening.

We need to get rid of non competes. They are anti worker and anti capitalism.

Strong Unions? Are you crazy? ..... Did you learn nothing from 2008?

Which auto companies failed, and went into bankruptcy? Non-Union Toyota and Honda? Or Unionized GM and Chrysler?

Which snack food companies went bankrupt? Non-Union Flowers Foods? Or Unionized Hostess? (By the way, Flower Foods bought up the Hostess plant, which is now non-union).

Unions have ruined every single business they have been involved in. Have you not noticed that the majority of jobs sent over seas, are Union jobs? Non-Union jobs are not leaving the US, they are COMING to the US.

Just punch in "manufacturing plant opened" and you'll get a dozen hits. Airbus recently opened a plant in Alabama. Non-union. Yogurt factory in Idaho. Non-union. Yokohama Tire factory. Non-Union.

Hundreds of hits, very few are union. In fact, without doing detailed research, none of the ones I looked at were union.

It's the UNION JOBS that are being shipped over seas.

You want to ruin this entire country? Just Unionized all the jobs. Great Depression here we come.

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