Zone1 Top Myths About Jesus Christ DEBUNKED


Gold Member
Mar 28, 2014
I found the following video to be of interest to those who have been duped by the myths mentioned in within it.

Has anyone read the book, "The Historical Jesus" by Gary R. Habermas? Sounds like a good book to read.
I found the following video to be of interest to those who have been duped by the myths mentioned in within it.

Has anyone read the book, "The Historical Jesus" by Gary R. Habermas? Sounds like a good book to read.

You're saying he was just a dude? I don't even believe he existed. He was a story made up by 11 guys. Judas didn't get to go spread the word. He was part of the story. Probably he didn't exist.

Consider this. A lot of non jews loved what they saw at Jewish temples. It's a business. But Jews aren't looking for new members and it's a lot of work to become a jew. But it's real easy to join christianity. Hell you can go to church for months and not put anything in the pot. Eventually they're going to want you to join. Maybe even be baptized. But it's real easy really. Just believe, and maybe dunk. Depends on the church. Brilliant really.
The supposed time frame of Jesus’s life, starting at year zero, was not a period big on communication. Without the ability to print books, not to mention having no phones or the Internet, it took a while for information to be dispersed. Despite limitations, a few decades following Jesus’s supposed lifetime, mentions of him started to crop up in the writings of Jewish and Roman historians, as well as in dozens of texts by Christians, writes Dr. Simon Gathercole, a New Testament scholar from the University of Cambridge, in the Guardian.

The letters of the apostle Paul from about AD 50-60 are the earliest texts mentioning Jesus and the doctrines of Christianity. They also contained practical instructions for the growing number of Christians on how to live according to their faith.

The first non-Christian writer to talk about Jesus was the Jewish historian Flavius Josephus (born Yosef ben Matityahu),who lived around AD 47-100. He referred to Christ in his history of Judaism “Jewish Antiquities” from AD 93. In the book, Jesus comes up twice – once in a curious passage about Jesus’s supposed brother James and in another paragraph that has since been questioned in its authenticity. Historians think it has been altered by Christians several centuries later who wanted to portray Jesus in a better light. Here is that passage coming from Antiquities 18:3:3:

“There was about this time Jesus, a wise man, if it be lawful to call him a man, for he was a doer of wonderful works—a teacher of such men as receive the truth with pleasure. He drew over to him both many of the Jews, and many of the Gentiles. He was Christ; and when Pilate, at the suggestion of the principal men amongst us, had condemned him to the cross, those that loved him at the first did not forsake him, for he appeared to them alive again the third day, as the divine prophets had foretold these and ten thousand other wonderful things concerning him; and the tribe of Christians, so named from him, are not extinct at this day.”
The Romans had no record of Jesus

The Romans were the ones who crucified Almighty God back in the day, but they expunged the record after His tomb was found quite empty on Easter due to a case of resurrection.

There is an old Latin phrase , "Habeas corpus" which means "produce the body".

Since they could not do that, the Romans really had no alternative but to get rid of this information on Jesus' permanent record.
You're saying he was just a dude?
If you think that is what I am saying, then you obviously didn't watch the video.
I don't even believe he existed. He was a story made up by 11 guys. Judas didn't get to go spread the word. He was part of the story. Probably he didn't exist.
The video also refutes this belief since it shows that he was historically mention outside of the bible. Try watching the video.
Consider this. A lot of non jews loved what they saw at Jewish temples. It's a business. But Jews aren't looking for new members and it's a lot of work to become a jew. But it's real easy to join christianity. Hell you can go to church for months and not put anything in the pot. Eventually they're going to want you to join. Maybe even be baptized. But it's real easy really. Just believe, and maybe dunk. Depends on the church. Brilliant really.
So you believe that people only join Christian churches because it's easier that Judaism? I think you should do a survey of Christians. I would wager to bet that the majority never say that I joined because its easier than Judaism.
It's you who have been duped.
The apostles ber beaten, jailed and murdered. All of them, except one. Nobody does that from a "myth" they created
You evidently never watched the video either. Granted, the title to the video seems to indicate the opposite but it all a pro Christian view.
The supposed time frame of Jesus’s life, starting at year zero, was not a period big on communication. Without the ability to print books, not to mention having no phones or the Internet, it took a while for information to be dispersed. Despite limitations, a few decades following Jesus’s supposed lifetime, mentions of him started to crop up in the writings of Jewish and Roman historians, as well as in dozens of texts by Christians, writes Dr. Simon Gathercole, a New Testament scholar from the University of Cambridge, in the Guardian.

The letters of the apostle Paul from about AD 50-60 are the earliest texts mentioning Jesus and the doctrines of Christianity. They also contained practical instructions for the growing number of Christians on how to live according to their faith.

The first non-Christian writer to talk about Jesus was the Jewish historian Flavius Josephus (born Yosef ben Matityahu),who lived around AD 47-100. He referred to Christ in his history of Judaism “Jewish Antiquities” from AD 93. In the book, Jesus comes up twice – once in a curious passage about Jesus’s supposed brother James and in another paragraph that has since been questioned in its authenticity. Historians think it has been altered by Christians several centuries later who wanted to portray Jesus in a better light. Here is that passage coming from Antiquities 18:3:3:

“There was about this time Jesus, a wise man, if it be lawful to call him a man, for he was a doer of wonderful works—a teacher of such men as receive the truth with pleasure. He drew over to him both many of the Jews, and many of the Gentiles. He was Christ; and when Pilate, at the suggestion of the principal men amongst us, had condemned him to the cross, those that loved him at the first did not forsake him, for he appeared to them alive again the third day, as the divine prophets had foretold these and ten thousand other wonderful things concerning him; and the tribe of Christians, so named from him, are not extinct at this day.”
Again, you have the wrong idea about what I am presenting. Try watching the video and see if you don't agree with it.
You're saying he was just a dude? I don't even believe he existed. He was a story made up by 11 guys. Judas didn't get to go spread the word. He was part of the story. Probably he didn't exist.

Consider this. A lot of non jews loved what they saw at Jewish temples. It's a business. But Jews aren't looking for new members and it's a lot of work to become a jew. But it's real easy to join christianity. Hell you can go to church for months and not put anything in the pot. Eventually they're going to want you to join. Maybe even be baptized. But it's real easy really. Just believe, and maybe dunk. Depends on the church. Brilliant really.
There is evidence of Jesus, and even his.cricifixion. Even some great Islamic imans (who generally believe Jesus exsted but wasn't crucified) agree there is evidence of him and even his fate. There is more.evidence and sources of Jesuses existence than even some emperors of his time! That is amazing for a simple carpenter.
You're saying he was just a dude? I don't even believe he existed. He was a story made up by 11 guys. Judas didn't get to go spread the word. He was part of the story. Probably he didn't exist.

Consider this. A lot of non jews loved what they saw at Jewish temples. It's a business. But Jews aren't looking for new members and it's a lot of work to become a jew. But it's real easy to join christianity. Hell you can go to church for months and not put anything in the pot. Eventually they're going to want you to join. Maybe even be baptized. But it's real easy really. Just believe, and maybe dunk. Depends on the church. Brilliant really.
Nope., fake news, Jews don't really exist, and you certainly don't exist so stop pretending you do by posting things.

According to Scripture, Jesus was seen by over 500 people after his ressurrection.
I believe there was a man named Jesus. I think his skills were just exaggerated a bit
There is evidence of Jesus, and even his.cricifixion. Even some great Islamic imans (who generally believe Jesus exsted but wasn't crucified) agree there is evidence of him and even his fate. There is more.evidence and sources of Jesuses existence than even some emperors of his time! That is amazing for a simple carpenter.
You can't "believe" there is evidence of Jesus. There either is or their isn't. Let's see your evidence.

Muslims don't call out Jesus and Christians don't call BS on Islam. It's an unholy truce.
How come all the Jews didn't convert to Christianity? The people who saw these miracles weren't moved. But the idiots in Greece swallowed those stories whole.
The disciples were Jews and the first Christians were Jews. Maybe you should sit this one out.
The disciples were Jews and the first Christians were Jews. Maybe you should sit this one out.
You mean the 11 were jews? Peter and Paul were Jews? The first pope was a former Jew? That makes sense. They wanted to start a new religion.

But the first followers of the 11 liars were not jews. The 11 went around the world spreading their story that the each memorized and so when they each told it, it was similar to what the other 10 were telling people.

If you mean that the Christian church was started by one of the 11 and the first followers were the jews who saw Jesus rise from the grave, you would be wrong. The Christian church did not start with the people who witnessed Jesus' miracles. That's a lie.

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