Top picks for Republican Presidential candidate: Romney, Palin, McCain, Brown

Hillary will take Obama out. If Obama continues his plummet in the polls (and likely he will as he just doesn't get it - we are not a country that wants stateism), Hillary will take the nomination from him. Or, she will switch back to the GOP and take him out.

Or course, she is not my preference, but she is 1000 fold better than Obama.

If dreams will do come true, this would happen. Hillary needs to bail on the Democrats and work towards building a real moderate party. If anyone has the clout to build a third party, it's Hillary.
Hillary will take Obama out. If Obama continues his plummet in the polls (and likely he will as he just doesn't get it - we are not a country that wants stateism), Hillary will take the nomination from him. Or, she will switch back to the GOP and take him out.

Or course, she is not my preference, but she is 1000 fold better than Obama.

If dreams will do come true, this would happen. Hillary needs to bail on the Democrats and work towards building a real moderate party. If anyone has the clout to build a third party, it's Hillary.

The rabid right has already tried to destroy her, twice. I'm not sure she's up to having it all dragged out a third time. If, however, she did decide to run, it would be as a Democrat.
Hillary will take Obama out. If Obama continues his plummet in the polls (and likely he will as he just doesn't get it - we are not a country that wants stateism), Hillary will take the nomination from him. Or, she will switch back to the GOP and take him out.

Or course, she is not my preference, but she is 1000 fold better than Obama.

If dreams will do come true, this would happen. Hillary needs to bail on the Democrats and work towards building a real moderate party. If anyone has the clout to build a third party, it's Hillary.

I totally agree. What I'd like to see is a mix of Hillary and Romney. Sounds weird I know, but if we could get someone to create a moderate party...with business sense as well as an advocate for social reform...I'd be willing to work at that place every day and twice on Sunday.
We do not need moderates, we need a Washington DC full of fiscal conservatives.

Exactly. Hillary is not GOP material. Obama isn't presidential timber. I don't know who would want that job after Obama digs the debt-hole too deep to climb out of.

Now that I think about it, there are no "quick fixes". It would be a long tough grind to get back to even. Too many jobs/factories were outsourced. Too little oil and cheap energy are available. The congress & senate are bought and paid-for by special interests, so no matter what you want to do, someone will stop you. Its quite a mess, Hillary is not the answer.
We do not need moderates, we need a Washington DC full of fiscal conservatives.

Exactly. Hillary is not GOP material. Obama isn't presidential timber. I don't know who would want that job after Obama digs the debt-hole too deep to climb out of.

Now that I think about it, there are no "quick fixes". It would be a long tough grind to get back to even. Too many jobs/factories were outsourced. Too little oil and cheap energy are available. The congress & senate are bought and paid-for by special interests, so no matter what you want to do, someone will stop you. Its quite a mess, Hillary is not the answer.

If she fractures the Democrat Party in 2012 - she could play her part...:eusa_angel:
We do not need moderates, we need a Washington DC full of fiscal conservatives.

Exactly. Hillary is not GOP material. Obama isn't presidential timber. I don't know who would want that job after Obama digs the debt-hole too deep to climb out of.

Now that I think about it, there are no "quick fixes". It would be a long tough grind to get back to even. Too many jobs/factories were outsourced. Too little oil and cheap energy are available. The congress & senate are bought and paid-for by special interests, so no matter what you want to do, someone will stop you. Its quite a mess, Hillary is not the answer.

If she fractures the Democrat Party in 2012 - she could play her part...

Are you aware of the body count that follows the Clintons around? No president in is right mind would put Hillary next-in-line as VP. The dems are toast in 2012 anyway.
We do not need moderates, we need a Washington DC full of fiscal conservatives.

Exactly. Hillary is not GOP material. Obama isn't presidential timber. I don't know who would want that job after Obama digs the debt-hole too deep to climb out of.

Now that I think about it, there are no "quick fixes". It would be a long tough grind to get back to even. Too many jobs/factories were outsourced. Too little oil and cheap energy are available. The congress & senate are bought and paid-for by special interests, so no matter what you want to do, someone will stop you. Its quite a mess, Hillary is not the answer.

If she fractures the Democrat Party in 2012 - she could play her part...:eusa_angel:

Good point.
Media boost Brown into GOP presidential mix | D.C. Now | Los Angeles Times

I like how the article says Huckabee has "years" of national political experience.

Out of the people on the poll, I'd love to see a Romney/Brown ticket. Both are left enough from the right to draw in independents, but obviously close enough to the right to garner votes from the "base." Romney brings fiscal responsibility, and Brown brings social understanding. It would be a tough ticket for Obama to beat those two, I think.

We can not run Hukabee- the GOP knows it- remember Dukakis and Willie Horton, it you don't you need to look it up-google it- the DNC would destroy Hukabee with his early commute of the person who shot 4 cops dead- do not kid yourself, he is a no go.

Brown is too inexperienced- just got elected to the senate-he needs to be there awhile- we don't need another situation like Obama- where Obama spent all of 150 days in the senate before becoming POTUS. No way.

It's gonna be Mitt Romney, Tim Pawlenty, Newt Gingrich. I don't even think Palin will run- she is just having way too much fun and making big bucks doing it.
I don't even think Palin will run- she is just having way too much fun and making big bucks doing it.

As long as it's on someone else's dollar, she will. She would never contribute to her campaign the way Hillary did.
Idon't know who would want that job after Obama digs the debt-hole too deep to climb out of.

Which is why Romney is ideal. He's got real business experience. He knows that you can't sustain by operating in the red year after year. He knows you have to cut costs and raise revenues to get out of the hole.
The only thing Palin will do is help divide the republican party. The far right nuts like her, the real, honest to god republicans hate her and are embarrassed.

Go sarah go.
The only thing Palin will do is help divide the republican party. The far right nuts like her, the real, honest to god republicans hate her and are embarrassed.

Go sarah go.

Look at it this way, most thinking repubs will not vote for Palin in 2012. However, if she wins the nomination, I would vote for her before Obama, so would many of the independents who voted for Obama in 2008.

I wouldn't conclude that Palin is "unelectable", even if the MSM says so. I don't think she'd get the nod, but stranger things have happened. If anyone is "unelectable" in 2012 its Obama.
I love the emergence of Brown worship. The same people who bitch about Obama, saying he had no experience, are more than willing to back someone with even less experience.
I love the emergence of Brown worship. The same people who bitch about Obama, saying he had no experience, are more than willing to back someone with even less experience.

but Obama was never a centerfold.

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